What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
This is a gripe about my self, but hey, it's related to the game, so I guess it counts.

I've really had a bit of a falling out with the game. It's not that I dont enjoy it. It's just that for some reason, in the past couple years, my libido has tanked like Tianmen Square. I dont like to progress in the game without having the intention of getting some action going on, cuz, well, it's a porn game, for crying out loud. And a few years ago that wasnt a problem cuz I was still a teenager that could crank out six rounds in just a few hours. But now that I'm a bit older, and with college and a job and responsibilities and life in general weighing on me, I just... dont want to get my motor running anymore. And for some reason, I have developed a habit of brushing it off for later whenever I do get the engine started. It's like for some reason, I just... cant be bothered. And so I've been in a deadlock progress wise and I'm several months worth of public updates behind, and the to-do list just keeps getting longer. The whole ordeal is really disheartening. Cuz when I do go at it, I really enjoy it! But those moments are so few and far between now it seems. *sigh*

I know this may already a bit weird, and I hate to make it ever weirder, but I'd seriously appreciate it if any of you could give me some help in this matter. I just want to be able to consistently enjoy myself with this game again.
Idk man, I am also dealing with college and shit and what I do is to delay playing as much as I can so it gets lots of content and like once every two weeks or so book a night off. I spend that night playing either Tits, Coc or any other porn game and enjoying myself. Not cranking out six fking rounds but like trying to hold on as much as I can (every time I get a secene I masturbate trying not to cum) and then chose a good scene to finally make the deal.

That's how I do it, I can't give you any more advice than that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Idk man, I am also dealing with college and shit and what I do is to delay playing as much as I can so it gets lots of content and like once every two weeks or so book a night off. I spend that night playing either Tits, Coc or any other porn game and enjoying myself. Not cranking out six fking rounds but like trying to hold on as much as I can (every time I get a secene I masturbate trying not to cum) and then chose a good scene to finally make the deal.

That's how I do it, I can't give you any more advice than that.
The problem is I have trouble getting the ball rolling at a good speed, ya know? Once I do get to that point, however, it's pretty easy to go till I finish.

Dammit, I wish there was a way for me to talk to a doctor or psychiatrist about this without it being immeasurably awkward. *sigh*

Anyway, thanks for the advice.


May 31, 2019
I think what happened was the Great Stun Nerf (2-4 rounds became 1-2 rounds), so your setup round doesn't have as much payoff. Of course, this doesn't prevent NPCs from Stunlocking you if they feel like it.

Some things are locked behind being a Tech Specialist or a high Intelligence (Grey Goo sample collection, hacking the door to the Labs in Kara's 2nd Quest).
Tam-Wolf 2.0 requires not just being a Tech Specialist, but that you also took Attack Drone at level 2 (not as bad an option as you'd think, but if you took Shield Booster you'll never get Tam-Wolf 2.0). If you're not an Attack Drone Tech Specialist, Siegwulfe (Combat) is the better drone because of the +10% Intelligence to Evasion and slightly higher base damage.
If you somehow managed to not open that door during Anno's mission, I'm pretty sure the only way in is as a Smuggler. They can also Flashbang (blind for the first round) a Pirate during Saendra's second quest (Tech Specialists can bypass the 2nd fight).

Don't forget the 2 extra Inventory slots and improved sell/buy prices. You can actually make a small profit when buying from Gene and selling to Anno. Smugglers also have an undocumented class feature: the ability to fully restore HP when resting, instead of a portion.

I did not know about the smuggler functions, Thank you for the info though! I rescind the comments I made over smuggler.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
I didn't know getting full HP after resting was a smuggler thing, Good to know.

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
You never know, They could surprise the fuck outta me next month and be like."WE FINNALLY FINISHED IT" And put egg on my face but we don't know It could come next month the month after the next or next year. Part of me has a bit of faith that tits will have something great thrown into it, but another part of me is just saying don't throw all your money at something with probably little return value or none at all. With looking at the games that kinda are surrounding tits it's easy to feel like you'd get nothing outta throwing money at it, a number of dead games surrounds tits some unfinished and some just being made with a pateron thrown at them and it feels more like they just want your money right there and then and you don't really get much entertainment from it. Plus with most of the new updates I've just drifted away from tits without checking in on it besides to see what's the latest person or item is in the backers builds now, the excitement that I once felt for this game just diminished till what it is now really.

TiTs Blog Today: 0.7.285 Ship Stuff Changelog

Already said this before, and looks like I gotta say it again. Tits ain't worth spending money on, it ain't worth taking a com on either, and if I did get a com on it or even wrote it I bet all of the money that fen's making on pateron that I'd probably be dead by the time it got into the game and even if it got in I still don't feel the setting of tits wouldn't be a place for a character I'd get com'd. I'll tell you this Franks, I'll pay a writer more than enough to make a badass character for tits, but I'll do it when Ship content comes out and if It does I'll keep my word.


Guess you have to pay up now....


Oh wow, and here I thought July was going to be the last Public patch before ships got in. Good on them.

I can understand why most of the comment section is currently filled with people who are giving it a hard pass, though - That crew limit was always going to hurt until the bigger ships got in. I had been planning for this since it was first announced, in the sense that I was always going to do a fresh character once ships were, where I already know which characters I'd pick up and which I'd skip until later. Kase is going to be the only hard choice - I like having him around, like a family pet, but he'd mostly be eye candy. I need Shekka's mechanical skills, Yammi's cooking skills, and Anno's assistance in several battles. And sex appeal. I can always go back for him later.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2018
Oh wow, and here I thought July was going to be the last Public patch before ships got in. Good on them.

I can understand why most of the comment section is currently filled with people who are giving it a hard pass, though - That crew limit was always going to hurt until the bigger ships got in. I had been planning for this since it was first announced, in the sense that I was always going to do a fresh character once ships were, where I already know which characters I'd pick up and which I'd skip until later. Kase is going to be the only hard choice - I like having him around, like a family pet, but he'd mostly be eye candy. I need Shekka's mechanical skills, Yammi's cooking skills, and Anno's assistance in several battles. And sex appeal. I can always go back for him later.
That mass culling hurt my soul and while I knew I'd have to pick between being deadly and carrying folks, that also hurt quite a bit.

It'd still take a whole lot more than that to really bug me (although I personally want a capital ship armed to the teeth to disintegrate anyone who stands between my Steele and the closest new crew-member option).

Speaking of which, anyone seen Glass Fleet? The main ship is a penis-shaped battleship whose entire shtick is impaling enemy ships, that seems like the most appropriate ship for this game ever!


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
HalfALifeLol, there is now a cheat for crew limits. clowncar
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2018
HalfALifeLol, there is now a cheat for crew limits. clowncar
I saw, very happy that Fen was able to slap on a fix so quickly!

Net positive experience though, finding them again drew my attention to some recruitments that I had previously missed.

Although I am also pretty excited for his mention of more ship types coming soon, love the idea of fleshing out the setting more (I know that its not the games primary thing, but I kinda love the setting that has grown up around it).

It'd be cool to eventually have the option of doing some pirate hunting with a small fleet (sort of how we can have allies or the warbots to help us out in normal combat). Maybe even have a quest at some point to help out some of the less defended planets for pay, really dig into the more frontier-style elements of the game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
TiTs Blog Today: 0.7.285 Ship Stuff Changelog

View attachment 9785

Guess you have to pay up now....

LoL yup, pay up for shit that was hyped up for 4 years and finally fen gets his ass in gear with taking it up and fucking doing it.

Time to nut up or shut up. By that i mean pay franks. I suggest a Velta preg expac. Some cuddling more sex scenes. It will be a good time. I'm glad you sound like a person to keep their promises violent.

Just because I said I'd get a com doesn't mean I'm paying for a com from Franks, or for that character, I could care less about whoever Velta is.

Tbh I hate sound like I'm gonna renege on the former offer, but I've pretty much moved on from tits honestly, like the only reason I was here on the site today was because I wanted to show a friend of mines some artwork from Toon nik. Right now I'm actually supporting another adult creator on pateron and I don't feel as if their game moves at the same pace as Fens and has more of a professional structure to their group and to their community despite it being an adult game.

With what little I've seen and how quickly I've seen things kinda come out around ship content in fen's tits I don't think I'll consider giving them money or ever giving them money again because this felt pretty lack luster and looks lack luster and for a text based game I know it's not like I'm expecting 1080p or something, it's just I feel I'll give money and the shit is gonna seem like it's moving forwards for a while then stop dead to make room for a different thing when Fen claims it's all done.

Call me a bullshit artist, call me someone who won't keep to their word, but honestly I'm just forgetting about tits it's not worth remembering to me.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
You know, if you hate the game so much, why do you stick around? Is there not a productive use of your time that you could be doing somewhere else?

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015

Not surprised you didn't keep your word, you never were a honest person to begin with.

But seeing you try to put on a mask of smugness after when they did indeed put an egg on your face and put ships out the very next month, but you were so sure of yourself that it couldn't happen that you made a bet that unfortunately half the people here knew was actually happening. You were just too ignorant to listen, and too filled with baseless dislike for Fen and the Game at large, when you actually don't understand the in's and outs of how the game works or how life for the Dev team works.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
canuck land.
LoL yup, pay up for shit that was hyped up for 4 years and finally fen gets his ass in gear with taking it up and fucking doing it.

Just because I said I'd get a com doesn't mean I'm paying for a com from Franks, or for that character, I could care less about whoever Velta is.

Tbh I hate sound like I'm gonna renege on the former offer, but I've pretty much moved on from tits honestly, like the only reason I was here on the site today was because I wanted to show a friend of mines some artwork from Toon nik. Right now I'm actually supporting another adult creator on pateron and I don't feel as if their game moves at the same pace as Fens and has more of a professional structure to their group and to their community despite it being an adult game.

With what little I've seen and how quickly I've seen things kinda come out around ship content in fen's tits I don't think I'll consider giving them money or ever giving them money again because this felt pretty lack luster and looks lack luster and for a text based game I know it's not like I'm expecting 1080p or something, it's just I feel I'll give money and the shit is gonna seem like it's moving forwards for a while then stop dead to make room for a different thing when Fen claims it's all done.

Call me a bullshit artist, call me someone who won't keep to their word, but honestly I'm just forgetting about tits it's not worth remembering to me.
Well, i guess you can't keep your word. Here i thought you weren't just complaining and shouting every minor inconvenience. Guess i was wrong.

Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Call me a bullshit artist, call me someone who won't keep to their word, but honestly I'm just forgetting about tits it's not worth remembering to me.

Sure you have.

Look, it's pretty obvious you're just trying to save face here, but I ain't gonna jump on the hate bandwagon.

You messed up, said some dumb/overconfident things, and made a bet that you ended up losing (badly). And now you have a learning opportunity. You can either reflect on their experience and try to avoid acting like you did in that manner, or you can deflect the blame onto someone/something else. If you deflect the blame, you won't learn from the experience, you'll find yourself in the exact same situation again, and you'll end up eating shit again. So do yourself a favor and reflect.


Jan 8, 2016
Why are so many vag-centric scenes focused on imaginary dicks? If I wanted to think about dicks, I'd just go and fuck a zil twink.
I've seen this criticism before and honestly don't know where it stems from. Did I miss all of these scenes? The only time I ever reference the PC's "empty pussy" or whatever is if they're being fucked in the ass or the mouth by a dick, which seems pretty logical to me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2018
I've seen this criticism before and honestly don't know where it stems from. Did I miss all of these scenes? The only time I ever reference the PC's "empty pussy" or whatever is if they're being fucked in the ass or the mouth by a dick, which seems pretty logical to me.
It's seen in the vaginal masturbation scene, among others.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
You messed up, said some dumb/overconfident things, and made a bet that you ended up losing (badly). And now you have a learning opportunity. You can either reflect on their experience and try to avoid acting like you did in that manner, or you can deflect the blame onto someone/something else. If you deflect the blame, you won't learn from the experience, you'll find yourself in the exact same situation again, and you'll end up eating shit again. So do yourself a favor and reflect.
Correct me if I'm wrong here, I didn't follow it all that closely, but wasn't the nature of his issue that it took so long to to implement a promised feature that he was excited for when he initially backed the game? Fenoxo finally deciding to just up and try to finish the work himself doesn't invalidate years of development limbo for something that was initially presented as a core game feature. He might have played up his disappointment and lack of confidence with this bet but it's awfully childish to focus on trying to get that own and make him eat humble pie. His frustrations weren't unfounded, quite a few long time fans are frustrated with these aspects of the development.

The timing is amusing but it finally happening doesn't make him wrong for raising any complaints at all. If we were to be that petty those who were saying things like how it would take months just to get someone else up to speed on the ship code when apparently it was only about a month's worth of work away from being roughly impliemented would look just as silly. People will want to get their licks in but better to be above dogpiling on someone like this.


Correct me if I'm wrong here, I didn't follow it all that closely, but wasn't the nature of his issue that it took so long to to implement a promised feature that he was excited for when he initially backed the game? Fenoxo finally deciding to just up and try to finish the work himself doesn't invalidate years of development limbo for something that was initially presented as a core game feature. He might have played up his disappointment and lack of confidence with this bet but it's awfully childish to focus on trying to get that own and make him eat humble pie. His frustrations weren't unfounded, quite a few long time fans are frustrated with these aspects of the development.

The timing is amusing but it finally happening doesn't make him wrong for raising any complaints at all. If we were to be that petty those who were saying things like how it would take months just to get someone else up to speed on the ship code when apparently it was only about a month's worth of work away from being roughly impliemented would look just as silly. People will want to get their licks in but better to be above dogpiling on someone like this.

The issue is "They could surprise the fuck outta me next month and be like."WE FINNALLY FINISHED IT" And put egg on my face but we don't know It could come next month the month after the next or next year."

This is exactly what happened, and he is now desperately trying to dodge the issue.

Just to make sure I make this clear; no matter what anyone said, nobody is obligated to commission me or any other writer, and none of you should be seriously trying to make him do so. Period.

I'm totally onboard with laughing at his fuckup and making him eat his words, though:3

Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Correct me if I'm wrong here, I didn't follow it all that closely, but wasn't the nature of his issue that it took so long to to implement a promised feature that he was excited for when he initially backed the game? Fenoxo finally deciding to just up and try to finish the work himself doesn't invalidate years of development limbo for something that was initially presented as a core game feature. He might have played up his disappointment and lack of confidence with this bet but it's awfully childish to focus on trying to get that own and make him eat humble pie. His frustrations weren't unfounded, quite a few long time fans are frustrated with these aspects of the development.

The timing is amusing but it finally happening doesn't make him wrong for raising any complaints at all. If we were to be that petty those who were saying things like how it would take months just to get someone else up to speed on the ship code when apparently it was only about a month's worth of work away from being roughly impliemented would look just as silly. People will want to get their licks in but better to be above dogpiling on someone like this.
You're kinda missing the point of why I'm telling him to reflect.

He was frustrated with the lack of ship content (which is 100% valid), but he channeled that frustration in a dumbass way. The he went on a rant where the jist of what he said was "I don't know when ship content will come. Other games failed and just stay alive because of patreon supporters, that's the case with TiTS. Don't waste your money on TiTS. Don't commission things because they won't ever get in game. Don't support TiTS."

He was being overly negative, well past skepticism. Like there's a difference between questioning the game and its development progress, and being a doomcryer.

And as for the bet? It was just a great example of pessimistic overconfidence being proven wrong.

In the end all he has to do is learn to measure his pessimism. Don't let it get too far, and you won't get burned. (The same thing goes with optimism, mind you. If you have blind faith in something you're gonna get burned just as easily.)