What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
I personally would like to move the plot faster. Like have more plot centered updates and then after that is kinda finish keep expanding the work with all the side things we are getting now. Even though this is a porn game and all of that, I do like the main quest and I usually lose track between all the updates until we see the plot actually move forward. Just my opinion tho.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2019
There's writing outside of your comfort zone and there's writing something you have absolutely no interest in.

The former works, the latter doesn't because you don't like what you're writing.

There has to be the component of interest, of passion, when you write. You're writing as much for yourself, if not more so, as you are writing for others. If there's no interest or passion, you just have words with nothing behind them.
Fucking exactly. If there's no passion behind a piece of writing it shows -- everyone will see it, and the quality would drop precipitously.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Do you know what words are anymore?

Yeah, but I just have shit posting timing Ted. Now please stay on topic to the thread, thank you.


No offense savin, but you should take a step out of your comfort zone, try something new with your writing, try another subjeact instead of the one you usually write about. You don't know you might find something you never thought you liked Savin.
Why don't you step outside your comfort zone and write what you want instead of whining about it on the forums? There's also a list of creators that take commissions. Or do you just want to make people write things they don't like for you for free? I mean you can try, but it's pretty fucking unlikely.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Why don't you step outside your comfort zone and write what you want instead of whining about it on the forums? There's also a list of creators that take commissions. Or do you just want to make people write things they don't like for you for free? I mean you can try, but it's pretty fucking unlikely.

Already said this before, and looks like I gotta say it again. Tits ain't worth spending money on, it ain't worth taking a com on either, and if I did get a com on it or even wrote it I bet all of the money that fen's making on pateron that I'd probably be dead by the time it got into the game and even if it got in I still don't feel the setting of tits wouldn't be a place for a character I'd get com'd. I'll tell you this Franks, I'll pay a writer more than enough to make a badass character for tits, but I'll do it when Ship content comes out and if It does I'll keep my word.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
So basically never then

Oh no, I'm serious, if they sometime nut up and make it, I'll dm pm or start a conversation with any creator that will speak with me and make it, but right now I feel as if they should focus on the story and probably trying to get it done, hell I'll even throw in 100 dollars into fen's pateron for a month, even though it probably won't do much, if they actually finish it. I'm not lying, I'm not trolling, and I'm joking around I'll do it but it's just gotta give me a bit of faith to do it.


New Member
May 21, 2019
Didn't doubt it, the greatest issue is people have been asking for ship content for not even god knows how long anymore, what makes you think that a person deciding to throw an extra hundred dollars onto their absurd Patreon paycheck would make them actually grow a pair and listen to their fans? That's just how it works nowadays.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
Then you're missing the point. I don't write dude characters because I don't want to write sex scenes with a dude. Full stop. It's got nothing to do with the audience and everything to do with me not wanting to write that shit.
I was speaking more from the audience's perspective on that one (where many playing this game would agree that they don't want dude characters in it because they don't want sex scenes with a dude); that content doesn't -need- to be structured in that "fuck to proceed" outline. Many players who aren't interested in screwing around with a guy character would still be interested in guy characters they could hang out with.

though for you, specifically, you write girl characters who both fuck guy characters and get fucked -by- guy characters all the time. Not to be too pedantic but guy characters are an emphatic part of your scenes and a number of characters you've written have very masculine personalities and mindsets, even. Honestly, experienced as you are, you could easily use some of these tricks of perspective to write scenes for a guy character. In many Syri scenes for instance if references to breasts were removed you'd have a perfectly serviceable guy character scene.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Didn't doubt it, the greatest issue is people have been asking for ship content for not even god knows how long anymore, what makes you think that a person deciding to throw an extra hundred dollars onto their absurd Patreon paycheck would make them actually grow a pair and listen to their fans? That's just how it works nowadays.

You never know, They could surprise the fuck outta me next month and be like."WE FINNALLY FINISHED IT" And put egg on my face but we don't know It could come next month the month after the next or next year. Part of me has a bit of faith that tits will have something great thrown into it, but another part of me is just saying don't throw all your money at something with probably little return value or none at all. With looking at the games that kinda are surrounding tits it's easy to feel like you'd get nothing outta throwing money at it, a number of dead games surrounds tits some unfinished and some just being made with a pateron thrown at them and it feels more like they just want your money right there and then and you don't really get much entertainment from it. Plus with most of the new updates I've just drifted away from tits without checking in on it besides to see what's the latest person or item is in the backers builds now, the excitement that I once felt for this game just diminished till what it is now really.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Already said this before, and looks like I gotta say it again. Tits ain't worth spending money on, it ain't worth taking a com on either, and if I did get a com on it or even wrote it I bet all of the money that fen's making on pateron that I'd probably be dead by the time it got into the game and even if it got in I still don't feel the setting of tits wouldn't be a place for a character I'd get com'd. I'll tell you this Franks, I'll pay a writer more than enough to make a badass character for tits, but I'll do it when Ship content comes out and if It does I'll keep my word.
Zavos will remember this


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
though for you, specifically, you write girl characters who both fuck guy characters and get fucked -by- guy characters all the time.

If you mean the PC, then no. They're getting fucked by my PC, who's a big curvy dickgirl. That's who I write basically every scene for.

Also I can force myself to write male characters -- obviously, I've done it. But it's always going to create a shittier product that takes a lot longer to make than if I was writing for a d-girl. You go try writing something that's an extreme turn-off to you and see how that stacks up to something you're really into. The difference is palpable every time.

Not to be too pedantic but guy characters are an emphatic part of your scenes and a number of characters you've written have very masculine personalities and mindsets, even. Honestly, experienced as you are, you could easily use some of these tricks of perspective to write scenes for a guy character. In many Syri scenes for instance if references to breasts were removed you'd have a perfectly serviceable guy character scene.

That's not how sexuality works. :p
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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
Can and have! Those sorts of tricks are actually the best way to do it. It's more of a mental block than a physical one.

Like in your writing there's an obvious fascination with the feminine form, a longing and appreciation of the character's body, and this is a guy's fascination, it's very characteristically male. That presence is already there and so turning it into a character, for one of your scenes, would be a matter of simply attributing this lust -to- someone rather than letting it be disembodied. This guy character's presence, his lines, his actions can be a personification of your own feelings for a big curvy dickgirl imagined to be on the other side (no one has to know that you wrote the scene as guy-on-dickgirl in your head, in 99% of TiTS scenes there is very little if any reference to the PC's distinct maleness, a scene with a dickgirl or trap or hermaphrodite or guy will all play out much the same).

And alternatively creating a scene in editing by first writing something similar enough to what you are into (in this case you're okay writing a masculine-enough dickgirl) and then parsing it down can be surprisingly effective. That can even be a collaborative effort where you write the bulk and then someone who's into the specific thing can come in, add some flavor text that appeals specifically to this or that angle. Or in the case of some things I've been asked to write before simply asking the person what they like to hear and working that in. A bit of research and a few tricks can overcome quite a few hurdles of understanding or taste.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2017
Didn't doubt it, the greatest issue is people have been asking for ship content for not even god knows how long anymore, what makes you think that a person deciding to throw an extra hundred dollars onto their absurd Patreon paycheck would make them actually grow a pair and listen to their fans? That's just how it works nowadays.
your toxicity is profoundly unattractive

Gedan is the lead on what ship content is going to have. she has had the worlds worst year when attempting to work on it. she is still working on it. in the meantime, since you people don't understand what BUILDING AN ENTIRELY NEW FUCKING GAME is, fen is gonna jerry rig a system for which you can play with while mainline content is continuing. he IS listening, he IS trying, and don't think for a second that all he does is take his paycheck and walk away

inb4 "you're sucking his dick comments" no, i'm not doing this for just him. guy has faults, but none of them warrant this level of toxic idiocy. full stop.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2019
the difficulty curve, somewhat after Myrellion things jump too hard and the equipment doesnt seems to cut it. by the time you reach Zengshi each random encounter is basically a miniboss and the bosses are absurdly strong. i get it, they're pirates but come on.

also they're putting too much focus on adding extra content to that pirate base instead of moving the story forward to the next destination. Uveto comes second but at least is justified seeing that some of that stuff was unfinished or hadnt been implemented yet. i dunno, perhaps i just like the first planets too much but yeah.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
the difficulty curve, somewhat after Myrellion things jump too hard and the equipment doesnt seems to cut it. by the time you reach Zengshi each random encounter is basically a miniboss and the bosses are absurdly strong. i get it, they're pirates but come on.
here i was thinking the game was too easy


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
the difficulty curve, somewhat after Myrellion things jump too hard and the equipment doesnt seems to cut it. by the time you reach Zengshi each random encounter is basically a miniboss and the bosses are absurdly strong. i get it, they're pirates but come on.

Most of the time, the difficulty spike is because of a poorly geared and/or perked Steele or just understanding the tactics for a particular enemy. Pyro-pup on Zhang-shi is meant to be a fairly tough physical fight, but you can take her down in two or three tease attacks.

What perks and gear does your Steele use?


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
also they're putting too much focus on adding extra content to that pirate base instead of moving the story forward to the next destination. Uveto comes second but at least is justified seeing that some of that stuff was unfinished or hadnt been implemented yet. i dunno, perhaps i just like the first planets too much but yeah.

I agree with you on Uveto, as it's not a probe planet and nothing makes you have to go there. I'm quite sick of Uveto mostly, outside of the Buttslutinator, a few stores, and a handful of characters/encounters I have no interest in the planet at all.
On the other hand, Zheng Shi is a probe planet (the remains of one anyways) and I absolutely love that place as it is full characters and encounters that I enjoy, and am always excited to hear that something new was put in there.

With that being said, I agree that the story needs to move forward. I was very excited to hear that Fen is working on a temporary solution to that end, which will allow the story to move forward and take some of the heat and pressure off of Gedan so that they don't suffer a nervous breakdown and/or start shitting diamonds, and we can maybe get the promised ship expansion sooner rather than later.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
A project I finished last month or thereabouts is being coded as I type and will be in the next build or the one after that.

I'll take paypal, but I'm also happy to accept you shutting your mouth as payment.

Thanks for the offer, but I have someone else in mind for a com Franks, if I wanted a Riya I'll come to you, but I have something else in mind and last I checked.... Nope it still hasn't come out so I'll hold onto my money for now.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
Kinda is a boomerang weapon the shield
that weapon really sucks though (and isn't as cool as a space boomerang would be)
i was actually gonna make an additional comment about wanting an upgraded shield.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
that weapon really sucks though (and isn't as cool as a space boomerang would be)
i was actually gonna make an additional comment about wanting an upgraded shield.

You just wanna run around and let your inner space aussie out of you don't you?
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If TiTS ever had a weapon/armour upgrade, the Warden Shield would be one of weapons of choice.

I think the Warden Shield was meant to be defensive, probably a "ranged weapon for the melee mercenary". It could really use a stun chance, though.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Well, this one may seem a bit obvious, and possibly even dickish, and for that I apologize, but the fact that the submissions list got clogged up to the point where characters are being barred from it is kinda ridiculous. I think fen needs to industialize the process and get some people dedicated purely to leafing through those, and if he already does, then get some more on board. Cuz this is a serious issue.