Various Text Bugs


Jun 1, 2024
Posting various typos or grammar issues.

Uveto, Eastern Coast, lose to Frostwyrm by lust:
A pounding pain thunders through your mind, feeling like your head is about to be wrent apart.
"wrent" -> "rent"

Lose to Frostwyrm after defeating it thrice, select Accept:
Your straddle its body and lean forward;
"Your" -> "you"

Mated with Frostwyrm for the first time:
When you wake up, you’re a bit stiff in the joints and sore and every muscle,
"and every muscle" -> "in every muscle"

"The back to the ice fields" -> "The way back to the ice fields"

"the glacial" -> "the glacier"
Malai, Get Fuck
your pencil-thin lips You part your lips
Period missing before "You part"

Milk Thief, loss by Fantasize
your pink memberjuts towards Dhaal’s polluted heavens
Space missing in "memberjuts"

Dhaal after party, gyrvain party, mommy dom
Her voice takes a slightly her pitch as you start to tease her
"her" -> "higher"

Dhaal factory floor
Half-constructed plastic shells lie upon yet, not yet labelled
"lie upon yet" -> "lie upon"...something other than yet?

Jaqui Fassbin
“So,” you say, “you’re punishing Jack for trying to betraying you.”
"betraying" -> "betray"

and your feet acts of its own accord,
"acts of its" -> "acts of their"

Also Radglow
forces its way up your shaft before blasting out powerfullyto paint the alien stems ahead with white seed.
Space missing in "powerfullyto"

Tarratch Slavers, Victory Sex, Buttfuck male
you can’t help but reve in the way his passage clings
"reve" -> "revel"

And that's a wrap. Enjoying the games so far!


Jun 1, 2024
Thank you!
I have a few more.

Ten Ton Gym, Weight Room, Busky Spa Scene:
You decide to follow their example. You rest your head on Busky’s shoulder, his arm sneaks it’s way over yours, as you rest under the embrace of Busky’s pique physical condition.
pique -> peak

Next page:
You let out a groan as the pain of belly expansion is mixed with the still fading pleasure of your orgasm. If anything it feels amazing, being breed like a cow, your belly swelling with Busky’s seed. Load after load fills your ass, and your belly grows and grows, until you look 9 months pregnant.
being breed -> being bred

Next page:
Eventually you loosen your holes enough to clean yourself out, an unpleasant emptiness now filling your belly.
holes -> hole
(Fairly sure given the context of this story Busky is exclusively gay. Either way, this Steele only has one hole.)

There were some more in the other Busky gym scenes, but I would need to go back for them another time.


Jun 1, 2024
Thank you!
I come bearing more.
(These scenes were all really good!)

Glowing Hydra > Fuck
A half-step is all it takes for the zaika to close the slender distance between the two of you. Wrapping her hands around your shoulders, she draws your lofty frame downward until your head is level with her wobbling, cum-inflated bustline. With an delighted giggle, she smooshes your face into her warm, glowing bosom. The taut, tender surface of her ballooned chest yields like a neon waterbed, narrow cleavage molding itself against your every feature as it swallows you into the light of her overflowing lust.
an delighted -> a delighted

Milk Thief > Victory > Face Fuck
“Oh shit, Angel? Damn...” The familiar, swaggering tones of your favorite law-breaking tanuki caress your ears as she casually barrels through the crowd, nearly dragging her nuts behind. Kiro’s bright red eyes fixate on the sight of your spit-slicked cock pounding away at the captive, and she wastes way no time in whipping out her own dick to stroke in unrestrained, hedonistic glory. She leans into the closest, bustiest zaika she can find and whispers something to her, and a second set of hands joins in servicing the kui-tan’s bestial pole. “F-f-fuck her harder!”
wastes way no time -> wastes no time

Sydian herm, lust loss
You cum again when he does, thrusting deep inside you with a low groan, brush-like cilia working on absolute overdrive to push the all-too-copious amounts of thick, doubtlessly virile spunk deeper and deeper still into you in an attempt to flood you full With no minds of their own, of course, they can’t know the effort is a wasted one.
Period missing between "full" and "With".

Sydian male, lust loss
Your cheeks flush, growing warm, but you’re unsure if that’s the effect of his seed or his fuzzy shaft. The same warmth that builds flushes across your lips suddenly heats up under your tongue, as your mouth begins to water uncontrollably. It gets harder and harder to think clearly. All you know is that you’re suddenly drooling, saliva spilling down your lips, and all you can think about is getting more of that warm, alien goo.
Remove either "builds" or "flushes" from "The same warmth that builds flushes across your lips"

Sydian male, lust loss
The sensation of his fingers rubbing along your base feels just as exquisite as the act of sex itself, your tip bubbling pre-cum as you let out a whimpering moan. As the male sydian begins to stroke faster, you bite your lower lip, and suddenly you’re letting out an uninhibited cry of delight.Your cum bursts out in huge, thick ropes all over the ground, creating a gigantic alabaster pool. You convulse and throb wildly as he milks your cock for every last drop.
Space missing between "delight." and "Your cum".

Spaceship, probably
Tika, treat STD, suppository
You’ve barely had time to comply before Tika is pulling your suit of augment-weave armor and Ball Brassiere and Stocking down, planting a hand on your petite bottom.. She deftly spreads your cheeks,
Extra period after "bottom."

Male Korgonne, lust loss
As his girth gets thicker and thicker, his thrusts grow shallow. The korgonne’s knot is picking up inches; he whimpers and whines with pleasure at each one. Already the sound of it popping in and out of your pliant, slime-drooling anus is audible over the constant wind; he still pauses outside sometimes to rub his shaft against your labia, but his attention is moving downward. The next time he forces the knot in, it doesn’t come out again. The korgonne tugs gently at it, then a smile spreads gradually over his stubby face.
Labia mentioned when Steele has no vagina, just a massive dong and an omega-oiled ass.

Male Korgonne, victory, cowgirl
Your lovers cries become sharper and more urgent; whatever you’re doing to his dick, it’s about to make him cum. You slow down, trying to ride it as long as you can, but your own climax is drawing close as well....
lovers -> lover's

Hilinara random events
Without any warning, the bug up your arse has starts moving, having decided that it is going to rearrange itself inside you.
arse has starts -> arse starts

The liquid has already made a little puddle where you stand, strands of slime that connecting you and the ground.
that connecting -> that connect

In the heat of the moment, you’ve moved from up single digits
from up -> up from

Radglow, fight, struggle, lust loss, spitroast
The alien creature treats your pucker with little care, haphazardly slamming you feeling out the contorted layout of the intestinal tract,
Suggest adding a comma or "and" after "haphazardly slamming"

Meanwhile, the cock in your mouth finishes cumming and starts taking lengthy measured, thrusts in and out of your lips.
Suggest moving the comma from after measured to after lengthy

Soon enough, you find yourself coming to a climax, quaking and quivering under the duress of your own orgasm as the plant massages you from the inside. Your prick twitches madly, unloading huge, messy arcs of cum despite never being touched. With the radglow teasing your prostate, the orgasm lasts longer than usual, but all you can do is squirm against your restraints and let out muffled, desperate groans while your pink member shoots thick white jets all over your face and chest.
In a paragraph just above this, the radglow laid Steele face-down on the ground. However, this section is written as if Steele is on his back. Suggest revising either this section or the section above to clarify position.


Jun 1, 2024
Thank you!
I have some Vermillion bugs:

Talk > The Evermind
“It’s complicated. The Goddess doesn’t dwell with other settlements except if they try to invade the Radwood or if they find some form of ancient technology.
dwell -> deal

Flirt > Lap Ride
“What are you waiting for? I too need to be praised and worshiped,” you grumbles before giving her rod another wank.
grumbles -> grumble (I think this one was already reported in another thread, but including it for the sake of emptying out my own bug log)
Vermillion pants loudly as fresh air brush her stained features and inflate her lungs again
brush -> brushes
Blissful shivers rock your body as you stretch your glistening entrances over her sculpted spear,
entrances > entrance
Without further ado, you align her tip with your prepared passage, gasping and groaning as your inner walls parts the best they can in the hope to welcome her holy greatsword inside her most righteous sheathe.
inner walls parts > part
Without you even realize it, her medial ring slides up your stretched bum in a tornado of blissful sparks.
realize > realizing


Jun 1, 2024
Apologies for the double post, but I had another encounter with Vermillion.

All are in Flirt > Prone Bone.

I’ll have to show you how deep Goddess’s love can go,
deep Goddess's -> deep the Goddess's

savoring the vulnerable flesh surfacing from your skin and your curves’ pleasant definition as she closes in with your winking dark star.
in with -> in on
savoring the vulnerable flesh surfacing from your skin -> ??? vulnerable blush surfacing on your skin?

To add insult to injury, her psionic massages continue on, stronger than ever, rippling your average chest, arms,, and legs in fleshy tides matching the ones provoked by her intense, breeding pumps.
Extra comma after arms
Is "breeding" meant to be an adjective describing pumps? If not, suggest removing the comma after "intense"

You’re so close to climax, to let a tsunami of pleasure thrash through your core and annihilate your brain with an explosive, ecstatic firework of mind-breaking sensations.
let -> letting

leaving only an unstoppable, babbling imp in her stead — and a pretty well hung one, at that.
well hung -> well-hung

“The Evermind’s blessing suits you well,” she adds before dropping a wet smooch on your right cheek.”
Extra quotation mark at the end.

Slowly, you up your gear back on with the red priestess’s help, although she spends more time kissing and licking your skin than actually being useful.
up your gear -> put your gear

Thank you!