Various Text Bugs


New Member
Jun 1, 2024
Posting various typos or grammar issues.

Uveto, Eastern Coast, lose to Frostwyrm by lust:
A pounding pain thunders through your mind, feeling like your head is about to be wrent apart.
"wrent" -> "rent"

Lose to Frostwyrm after defeating it thrice, select Accept:
Your straddle its body and lean forward;
"Your" -> "you"

Mated with Frostwyrm for the first time:
When you wake up, you’re a bit stiff in the joints and sore and every muscle,
"and every muscle" -> "in every muscle"

"The back to the ice fields" -> "The way back to the ice fields"

"the glacial" -> "the glacier"
Malai, Get Fuck
your pencil-thin lips You part your lips
Period missing before "You part"

Milk Thief, loss by Fantasize
your pink memberjuts towards Dhaal’s polluted heavens
Space missing in "memberjuts"

Dhaal after party, gyrvain party, mommy dom
Her voice takes a slightly her pitch as you start to tease her
"her" -> "higher"

Dhaal factory floor
Half-constructed plastic shells lie upon yet, not yet labelled
"lie upon yet" -> "lie upon"...something other than yet?

Jaqui Fassbin
“So,” you say, “you’re punishing Jack for trying to betraying you.”
"betraying" -> "betray"

and your feet acts of its own accord,
"acts of its" -> "acts of their"

Also Radglow
forces its way up your shaft before blasting out powerfullyto paint the alien stems ahead with white seed.
Space missing in "powerfullyto"

Tarratch Slavers, Victory Sex, Buttfuck male
you can’t help but reve in the way his passage clings
"reve" -> "revel"

And that's a wrap. Enjoying the games so far!


New Member
Jun 1, 2024
Thank you!
I have a few more.

Ten Ton Gym, Weight Room, Busky Spa Scene:
You decide to follow their example. You rest your head on Busky’s shoulder, his arm sneaks it’s way over yours, as you rest under the embrace of Busky’s pique physical condition.
pique -> peak

Next page:
You let out a groan as the pain of belly expansion is mixed with the still fading pleasure of your orgasm. If anything it feels amazing, being breed like a cow, your belly swelling with Busky’s seed. Load after load fills your ass, and your belly grows and grows, until you look 9 months pregnant.
being breed -> being bred

Next page:
Eventually you loosen your holes enough to clean yourself out, an unpleasant emptiness now filling your belly.
holes -> hole
(Fairly sure given the context of this story Busky is exclusively gay. Either way, this Steele only has one hole.)

There were some more in the other Busky gym scenes, but I would need to go back for them another time.