typos and etc


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
missing space, though i have been doing some editing with the json file, and for some reason it doesnt show up in some other saves...... idk, figured id report it just to be safe.



Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Naleen Male: Blow Him said:
Then you lean forward and press your permanently puckered lips against his in an aggressive kiss.The poor kitty is surprised at first, but soon enough, he kisses you back with eagerness.
Your soccerball-sized breasts presses into the naleen’s toned front
Between your hind legs, you can feel your cunts are completely wet and drips continually
Should have a '.' and the end, too.

Paige follows you to the door of her unit. Before you leave, she spins you around and gives you a quick kiss on your lips. “See you later,” she teases whilst sauntering off and disappearing around the corridor of your ship.
This isn't updated for post-recruitment. Probably easiest to sub 'quarters' for 'unit'.

You land a hit on the sex bot with your electrified shock blade! Critical hit!
Critical hit!
There is a concussive boom and tingling aftershock of energy as the sex bot’s shield is breached. The attack continues on to connect with the sex bot!
Critical hit notice prints out twice.

If LIDAR is capitalized, RADAR probably should be, too. They're both acronyms.
(Light Detection and Ranging vs Radio Detection and Ranging)
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