Righto, lets get it on!
Sorry to start out with one that isnt so blatant, but perhaps change manage to manages here?
Also, and again apologies cuz im not entirely sure this is a glitch and ive already written up reports for this but they got buried, Im pretty sure Cherrys interactions are glitched, because once i did the initial introduction to her tap hall, the game acted like i had already done everything for it. I could bang Cherry, and Molli acted as though i already had been feeding her cum and such, even though i hadnt done that used any of the holes yet.
If im being too anal about this just let me know and ill try not to do so anymore moving forward. the last thing i want to do is waste your time cuz of my ocd, lol
Sorry to start out with one that isnt so blatant, but perhaps change manage to manages here?
Cherry still somehow manage to affect an attitude of detached interest.
Also, and again apologies cuz im not entirely sure this is a glitch and ive already written up reports for this but they got buried, Im pretty sure Cherrys interactions are glitched, because once i did the initial introduction to her tap hall, the game acted like i had already done everything for it. I could bang Cherry, and Molli acted as though i already had been feeding her cum and such, even though i hadnt done that used any of the holes yet.
If im being too anal about this just let me know and ill try not to do so anymore moving forward. the last thing i want to do is waste your time cuz of my ocd, lol