Typos and Etc


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
missing period in an ellipses


Akane giggles deliriously as her fingers manipulate your flesh, her other hand pointing to that room
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Not sure if this random "T" is meant to be slang or if its just a typo.

“I’m saving that T to beat your ass with next time,” she growls at you. “Hope you enjoyed that, genuinely. It’s not happening again.”
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Missing space, though in this situation this may be intentional

“Tzacha! Drop it. Drop itYou look at mama! Drop it this instant.”
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
sorry that this is so nitpicky, but maybe uncapitalize the G. as it it really stick out imo.

You swim back through the zero G, smiling giddily as you prime your Codex’s transmitter to broadcast the signal.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Ripped this from the wiki so idk if this is totally accurate anymore, but several grammatical errors in the fake cooties entry in the codex entry for cooties. Sorry that i havent properly checked the in game status, but you guys really made it difficult to contract this stuff, lol.

Cooties is an infectious virulent disease carried by people with a female sex. The disease is most commonly appears within prepubescents who show the following symptoms: greatly increased bitchiness, itchy skin and queefing (when carrier has a vagina). Curiously enough arousal and spontaneous vaginal growth do not occur unless the carrier is legally of adult. The disease is air-born but has a greatly increased infection chance when coming in contact with members of a different sex and is known to mutate itself if the newly infected is vaccinated against the disease. Due to this it is known that children will attempt to avoid contact at all cost with members of a different sex.

In adult for currently unknown reasons the disease will become active during early April and then suddenly go dormant again. It is known however that until vagina growth has happened in a male or neuter carrier the virus cannot infect others. Symptoms in adults include: arousal, itchy genital region, bitchiness, spontaneous vaginal growth, and queefing. Cooties usually runs its course in approximately three days.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
this next one is a bit more of a nitpick, so apologies if im being rude by stating it here, but the interation menu for geoff is a bit confusing, since when you first go to the shop all you see is the buy/sell options, so you could pretty easily just assume theres nothing further to interact with. I actually thought my game was bugged and geoff has vanished from the game. apologies if i am explaining this poorly, im not the best with describing this stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Maybe change "much" to "many" or "numerous" or something similar, whatever works best. Also, the end of the sentence, imo, feels... idk it feels like there should be more there, like its been cut off. idk, do what you deem fit, sorry.

Much small advisories in black print advise you of danger, but they hardly seem important next to retina-scorching adverts for safe, natural Brightwater.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Perhaps change "chance" to "change, and a bit of a suggestion, but maybe also remove the highlighted comma, as imo that will help the sentence flow better.

Content to just let her do all the work, for now, you cross your arms and lay your head down on them. “Get to it,” you say while looking over your shoulder smugly. Contempt is written all across her face, but she starts moving her hips nonetheless. You snicker at how obedient she’s come in such a short time, but you’re here to get fucked, not just toy with her. You tell her to try thrusting for a chance. You’re bored of her pussyfooting.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
likely missing paragraph here

“Ohhh baby, just like that,” the gryvain murmurs, giving you her most sultry look while you’re busy spearing yourself to the hilt on her. “You’re a natural! Why, you could almost pass for a gryvain. Remind me of my wives...”“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” you laugh. Barely a day out on this quest and already beautiful women are trying to take advantage...
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
extra "for" here. maybe replace it with a "the"?

It’s a good look for for Pyden salvager: with his ass in the air, balls and dick soaked with your spoo, and his hand on his dick, senselessly stroking for who knows how long. His duties are clearly the last thing on his mind.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Not entirely sure about this one, sorry, but maybe change "shifts" to "shifting" and "onto" to "on" or "on top of".

He sits the both of you against a wall, below the main torrent of the massive crew-sized showers but able to unwind in the hot mist, leaning you back against him and awkwardly shifts his armored tail around as best he can, leaving it stiffly onto a thick thigh.
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Active Member
May 1, 2023
I have no fucking idea what this is, but it doesnt seem to be interfering with anything so im just slapping it in here

I just made a post about this. This happens when you use the Goo Balls from the Goo Village in silly mode. At least, that's the one instance I know of that causes this. Not a typo, but a buggy item.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I just made a post about this. This happens when you use the Goo Balls from the Goo Village in silly mode. At least, that's the one instance I know of that causes this. Not a typo, but a buggy item.
I don't think that's the case though. As far as I'm aware I've never used a goo ball on this save file, but then again it has been a while....
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
extra space

As you pant, coming down from your high, you frown. Did he just... ? You were just over that glorious peak, why would he-
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
maybe add some ellipses at the end of this? id if they would work with the question mark though. sorry just thought o bring it up.

“Damn, you’re one hell of a cocksucker,” he grunts as his dick flexes in your throat. “Do you mind if I?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
perhaps add "all" before "at once" or "both" before "your Cocks" or something, as imo this will make the sentence flow better.

When he clenches around your tightly packed shafts, you’re in exquisite, all consuming bliss, your cocks being wrung by this burly bull’s ass at once!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Missing period at the end of this, but on that note i think the end part of this paragraph may be a holdover from the frostwyrm incest content. maybe hit up B for confirmation, cuz imo it looks a bit sus.

Some grow impatient and share the hug with a sibling, with you crushed in between them; your vision is obscured by fleshy pink tongues caressing your cheeks; some of the more experienced and daring kips lick across your stuffed tits and all the way down to your cum-bloated belly

and also a bit in this part too....

Two of your kips guide you to her, holding your hands as you make your way there, and let you get cozy against Glacia before showing themselves in, cuddling up against you. They each errantly bathe you gently (not that you needed it, after that extensive greeting); there is no silence in the lair as each and every kip purrs loudly, settling themselves against the body heat of their Qim and their Qal.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Missing space

“Since you did such a good job of warming this slut up for the good, hard fucking I’m gonna give her...I will leave it up to you how you use your mouth to please me as I do.”
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Allows your Power Strike to apply Sunder (reducing armor by 50%) and your Rapid Fire to Stagger your opponents (reducing physique, reflexes, aim, and intelligence by 10%).

Stagger was changed to 20%, but the Rending Attacks description was never updated.
“We know what we're doing.

Italics bleed after this.
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