Treatement options


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
NT Is weird,and there is obvious issues with it; which is why we get characters like the cowgirl on Tarvos, who ran away from the treatment before she was old enough to have to take it. Because leaving before it's your time to take it is a known thing.

Anyways as for the male dominated society; how is it any different from the way earth was not 200 years ago? Is it ass-backwards from how it is now, yup. But I feel like it was kinda the point to be that way.

There is 1 male for every 10 females.

Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
There is 1 male for every 10 females.

Now that's odd, there should be a birthing ratio of 1:1. It seems odd that the majority of immigrants to NT are female, as there is strict population control set in place to avoid overpopulation. Or do the males ship the male babies to off planet orphanages, keeping the cows to themselves? Just a dumb thought, probably nothing.
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Aug 27, 2015
Snrk. Yeah, I imagine your average female is desparate to immigrate to NT. The Treatment shifts gender ratio in births to 10:1 in favour of females.

Why does it do that? Because patriarchal fantasy.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
The Treatment shifts gender ratio in births to 10:1 in favour of females.

Why does it do that? Because patriarchal fantasy.

Which is funny because it instantly shatters any sort of 'we did this to secure the future of our colony' argument Big T uses. Treated females aren't useful assets for a fledgling colony in a hostile environment.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
Which is funny because it instantly shatters any sort of 'we did this to secure the future of our colony' argument Big T uses. Treated females aren't useful assets for a fledgling colony in a hostile environment.

Yeah that is a big part of why I don't buy the whole thing that big T endorses x( Maybe it was necessary at the start but now it's just being abused. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Which is funny because it instantly shatters any sort of 'we did this to secure the future of our colony' argument Big T uses. Treated females aren't useful assets for a fledgling colony in a hostile environment.

Let's not forget that the Treatment of now is not the same thing as the treatment of yesteryear. The Treatment that existed way back when the colony started was very different in terms of its effects as the one you can get now. While I'm not certain what the exact differences are, I'm fairly certain the original Treatment didn't turn women into dumb breeding sluts, at least not to the degree it is true now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Let's not forget that the Treatment of now is not the same thing as the treatment of yesteryear. The Treatment that existed way back when the colony started was very different in terms of its effects as the one you can get now. While I'm not certain what the exact differences are, I'm fairly certain the original Treatment didn't turn women into dumb breeding sluts, at least not to the degree it is true now.

lore wise, it's original purpose was to help with colony expansion.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
Let's not forget that the Treatment of now is not the same thing as the treatment of yesteryear. The Treatment that existed way back when the colony started was very different in terms of its effects as the one you can get now. While I'm not certain what the exact differences are, I'm fairly certain the original Treatment didn't turn women into dumb breeding sluts, at least not to the degree it is true now.

I think it was only the bovine qualitys that were added wasn't it?


Aug 27, 2015
Let's not forget that the Treatment of now is not the same thing as the treatment of yesteryear. The Treatment that existed way back when the colony started was very different in terms of its effects as the one you can get now. While I'm not certain what the exact differences are, I'm fairly certain the original Treatment didn't turn women into dumb breeding sluts, at least not to the degree it is true now.

It was different, but there's no indication as to how different. The implication is that the fertility booster had the unintentional side-effect of making females submissive and stupid, and the largely male administration decided they quite liked that (or their own brain chemistry was also rewired so they saw nothing wrong with it), so hardwired it in.

There's other possibilities. Perhaps the original creators were specifically aiming to make NT's populace submissively content and driven by sex. Life on an early colony is bleak, boring, lonely and hostile, depression and suicide would be an ever-present threat. Remember that Treated males are supposedly highly motivated to engage in physical labour; a very useful asset if there's a lot of monotonous heavy lifting to be done. Again, as Nik points out, all women becoming mentally and physically handicapped would be deeply unhelpful to a fledgling human colony, so it does seem likely that that part was originally unintentional. Still, it's easy to imagine a group of scientists chasing after a utopian, pastoral dream based upon how human culture is "supposed" to function - particularly in an era when virgin planetary colonies first became a reality - and deliberately adding those particular gene markers.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
This topic will never get not-wierd, but it's a mostly harmless environment, the only danger being the varmints (Which apparently mutated to be less murderous thanks to the treatment and teraforming btw, so silver lining), and food concirns. However with all the horn dogs willing to come here and blow their money (As well as other things) it's not like it would lack. If anything I suspect less malicious female oppression and more T Family Get rich quick scheme, from NT being a 'sexual paradise.

While I have no doubt the place probably would have become a bit more female friendly, with the best cow scientists working on perhaps lessening the effects of the treatment on the mind, but Zephyr lost the arm wrestling match fair and square. Or did she? *Tinfoil hats*


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
While I have no doubt the place probably would have become a bit more female friendly, with the best cow scientists working on perhaps lessening the effects of the treatment on the mind, but Zephyr lost the arm wrestling match fair and square. Or did she? *Tinfoil hats*

The problem with Zephyr, though, is that she doesn't want to "lessen the effects of the treatment on the mind", but to make treatment reverse the gander roles, which would be just as bad as NT's current state.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
The only person (afaik in game) who wants to outright do away with the Treatment is Reaha. And, you know, good luck with that random lil' cow.


Aug 27, 2015
The only person (afaik in game) who wants to outright do away with the Treatment is Reaha. And, you know, good luck with that random lil' cow.

Because the only people who talk about the Treatment are her and people who are treated?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Because the only people who talk about the Treatment are her and people who are treated?

Pretty much. Which is appropriate, considering anyone not FROM New Texas... probably doesn't really give a shit. If they even know about it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The only person (afaik in game) who wants to outright do away with the Treatment is Reaha. And, you know, good luck with that random lil' cow.

Is there any idea for a dungeon on NT, Sav? Cause if I remember correctly, someone mentioned it, or the idea of it, either awhile ago or in the old forum.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sure, if someone ever gets around to making one. Would be neat.

Cause IIRC, their idea for the dungeon primarily centered on what to do with the treatment, like either flat out getting rid of it, modifying it so it doesn't have the negative qualities, or be the asshole Steele and enhance the treatment.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Cause IIRC, their idea for the dungeon primarily centered on what to do with the treatment, like either flat out getting rid of it, modifying it so it doesn't have the negative qualities, or be the asshole Steele and enhance the treatment.

so who is Cow-Mordin?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
This topic will never get not-wierd, but it's a mostly harmless environment, the only danger being the varmints (Which apparently mutated to be less murderous thanks to the treatment and teraforming btw, so silver lining), and food concirns. However with all the horn dogs willing to come here and blow their money (As well as other things) it's not like it would lack. If anything I suspect less malicious female oppression and more T Family Get rich quick scheme, from NT being a 'sexual paradise.

While I have no doubt the place probably would have become a bit more female friendly, with the best cow scientists working on perhaps lessening the effects of the treatment on the mind, but Zephyr lost the arm wrestling match fair and square. Or did she? *Tinfoil hats*

The early days of New Texas' colonization were set before the First Contact with the Ausars, before the Warp Gates. So whatever those colonists did, they did with only their new homeworld in mind. Heck, they couldn't even be sure that other humans hadn't nuked themselves out of existence while they were slowboating. (no FTL communication).

If it wasn't for Nova and for existence of pre-Warp 'grey goo nanobots' technology already being established, I'd have been very skeptical of first Texan colonists even being able to develop and produce that proto-Treatment.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
 (no FTL communication)

Not necessarily. Humans invented Quantum Communications tech well before First Contact. Timeline's unknown as to whether or not the NT slowboat was launched before or after QComms existed, though. Would have to ask Fen.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Not necessarily. Humans invented Quantum Communications tech well before First Contact. Timeline's unknown as to whether or not the NT slowboat was launched before or after QComms existed, though. Would have to ask Fen.

Thanks. I've played way too much SMAC and Beyond Earth recently, so I automatically project things from there on other sci-fi universes.

As a low priority non-smut thing, it would be nice to have moar lore like this inside the Codex someday.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Um, when you talk to big T, he says that his ancestor, the captain of the ship, who was a woman, encouraged the other colons to take the Treatment, so either a) the Treatment didn't make females submissive and stupid at the time NT was founded, since she was the leader and all, and the treatment was later and/or progressively modified to those effects, or b) she encouraged others to take the Treatment, but didn't take it herself (I don't think the other women aboard would have taken this very well though)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Um, when you talk to big T, he says that his ancestor, the captain of the ship, who was a woman, encouraged the other colons to take the Treatment, so either a) the Treatment didn't make females submissive and stupid at the time NT was founded, since she was the leader and all, and the treatment was later and/or progressively modified to those effects, or b) she encouraged others to take the Treatment, but didn't take it herself (I don't think the other women aboard would have taken this very well though)

As I recall, it started out as a fertility drug to boost the growthrate of the colony. I can only assume the cow-like transformations and IQ-nuke happened gradually over god-knows-how-many years. Though I personally choose to suspend alot of my disbelief surrounding New Texas, and just accept it as it is and move on.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
As I recall, it started out as a fertility drug to boost the growthrate of the colony. I can only assume the cow-like transformations and IQ-nuke happened gradually over god-knows-how-many years. Though I personally choose to suspend alot of my disbelief surrounding New Texas, and just accept it as it is and move on.

One can only hope the mystery that is NT's Treatment will be resolved in future updates.

Still, that's exactly the kind of conspiracy theory that makes me grab my tinfoil hat and read Colenso's talk scenes. <3

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
That feel when still no Cowmazon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Or special Ausar Treatment effects. 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Wouldn't do much good unless someone wrote an expansion for one our female Ausar NPC's.
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Active Member
Jan 25, 2016
Is it wrong I want to stock up on treatments and randomly inject people with it if i beat them in combat? Naturally I want to make them defective and make them always faux males and work normally on females :3c.

Originally I thought the treatment was a great benefit to the player, but after playing a no treatment run and using the gym + TF items to augment myself, I find it more of a early game trap. IF you get it you get great benefits, such has higher lust cap and better lust attack, but depending on how much they play on it, that brute speech could make diplomacy rather difficult against species that are not entirely sex driven (In a Fen game?). Dunno, feels like propaganda.

The only real downside to not taking the treatment is not being able to get blowjobs from best cow.

I'm more curious if there is a way to get inhumane desire without taking something that effectively makes my character slightly retarded. That lust cap is pretty great.