Del's freedom


Active Member
Oct 4, 2015
I'm not sure if this has been touched on yet. But I reloaded my game to a point before I had sex with him. Like Reaha he doesn't WANT to be a whore. So I just wanted to check and see if there's plans to free him from that. Buy him out like Reaha in the future and send him on his way (likely to fix himself back to how he was). If not, if people actually want that, I could write it. But if no one cares if he stays a prostitute I'm not gonna bother. I heard the reason we can't dethrone Beth, his slave-owner, is because there's a faction system to be added later. Is it during that that Del will be expanded upon? I just feel bad about it. For that matter I wouldn't mind freeing any other slaves or whore. 


Aug 26, 2015
You can't dethrone Beth because you might notice if you pay attention that Beth Carver owns brothels on most of the planets that can be visited thus far.  She's a villain of much larger scope than just one bar.

Eventually the time may come when you can start taking steps to undermine her operation, but it's unclear what will happen to her brothels and slaves once you do.  It might be that at that point you can recruit or free Del, but that's so far into the future that it's difficult to make any kind of predictions.


Active Member
Oct 4, 2015
I know Beth owns a bunch of brothels. That's why I brought up Reaha. I want to stop her one day. But until then I want to buy Del's freedom and send him to get himself sorted out.

If this has come up and been discuss already, I apologize. But I looked around this idea section and didn't see it.

I try, as I play the game not to be an ass. That's why I couldn't continue after reading his profile with the sex scenes. Seemed wrong. If he doesn't want that life, fucking him over and over until he likes it is like brainwashing. To me this is just another RPG. So since my role is to be good in my view I want to do right by him and just buy drinks and maybe free him one day.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Freeing Del, were I to ever write such a thing, would probably be done as part of the Faction system (either with you taking over from Beth or dismantling her operation). 


Active Member
Oct 4, 2015
Dismantling it would be great! I appreciate. Just wanted to put the idea out there. It was a really downer. Reaha was too, but I already helped her and get the addiction to 1%. 


Aug 26, 2015
Freeing Del, were I to ever write such a thing, would probably be done as part of the Faction system (either with you taking over from Beth or dismantling her operation). 

I mean, we previously discussed two possible routes to go with the character, one where Del stays male and unwilling and the other where he becomes a shemale/herm/female and turns eager.  A natural extension would seem to be that if you refrain from slut-training Del and dismantle Beth's operation, you can let her slaves including Del go, while if you go sufficiently far that Del finds she likes it then she ends up reopening the final brothel she ends up in of her own volition, presumably with consenting employees rather than slaves.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Dismantling it would be great! I appreciate. Just wanted to put the idea out there. It was a really downer. Reaha was too, but I already helped her and get the addiction to 1%. 

Feel-good content is the best kinda content, imo.


Active Member
Oct 4, 2015
March in.

Spread your hands.


*Cue fight to free the slaves*

That's how I'd do it!

I agree with Woider. It's better if you happy about how things turn out. There's nothing cool about being a whore. Even in an erotic tale. It'd be even worst if Beth used to be a whore, took over a brothel after bing named head prostitute and then proceeded to treat all the whores worst than the previous owner due to years of bitterness. I'd understand but I'd still hate her. And I do.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Could dismantle her operation, set up yours and take them all without sluttifying Del, basically running a much better establishment. Idk if people'd find that entertaining but if time permits options should be considered.


Active Member
Oct 4, 2015
Could dismantle her operation, set up yours and take them all without sluttifying Del, basically running a much better establishment. Idk if people'd find that entertaining but if time permits options should be considered.

I don't want to run a brothel of any kind. But I bet there are other's who'd want to run one. 

Guess it could be done like a GigaPet. You hire whore, teach them dancing and sex moves, and then as they do jobs you'll get praise or complaints from costumers and have to train them more or improve their acts or keep on doing the "good" work. 

That said, if Del turn the brothel into a regular bar and gave the Raskvel jobs as regular workers cooking and cleaning and serving drinks and food, that'd be the best outcome IMO. Especially coupled with Shekka's rumors.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think the biggest problem is probably that Beth keeps people in pseudo-slave status. Real brothels where men and women opt to work there aren't so bad, and the folks who work there aren't always doing so out of necessity or desperation. That said, like any job, there's folks who do it just because they don't have any better options available.
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Active Member
Oct 4, 2015
Yeah Beth is the main problem. If there are people in this story who just like the idea of having sex for money, I wouldn't like it but I would forcefully try to save them.

But since Del and Reaha talk about slave trade and not wanting that life, that's what broke my heart. To have your body retooled against your will so someone can make money off you is the height of just plain wrong.

I'm sure on each planet Beth has a whore house fronting as a bar and likely the key to taking her down will be finding out what politicians frequent her and twisting some arms.

Or just run in there and shoot up the place after telling the prosties to run. LOL


Aug 27, 2015
There's a disconnect involved with most of Savin's characters. He wants to invoke certain porno tropes which resonate with him and his central audience - feminization, forced TF, prostitution, slavery, polygamy, domination - that, once they enter a halfway realistic universe, become problematic. Most people were happy with Steph Irson whilst she was a cartoon on the TV. Whee she gets in over her head and gets fucked again, funny and horny too! Except when you get to actually meet her, it turns out she's a real person who doesn't like what's being done to her much. She's a zoologist who wants to travel and investigate interesting things about the galaxy, but her network prefers her getting repeatedly raped, because that gets better ratings. This would be an entirely reasonable extrapolation on her character in any other genre, but in porn it makes people clutching their dicks say "Woah hang on a minute - am I supposed to be fapping to this? Because mostly this is making my boner sad." Del! He's a boy, and he's been forced to feminize himself to pay off his debts, and he hates it but secretly likes it, and you keep forcing yourself upon him until he loves it, and he goes and gets big boobies as a result, and that's so hnnnngh. As long as you don't think about it with anything higher than your lizard brain. Then you wonder why there isn't any option to help him at all.

Writing entirely with your dick is fine as long as you're not doing it in a coherent, long-lasting setting. If you are, once your mind catches up, it is going to have to provide answers and justifications it dearly doesn't want to.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Writing entirely with your dick is fine as long as you're not doing it in a coherent, long-lasting setting. If you are, once your mind catches up, it is going to have to provide answers and justifications it dearly doesn't want to.

Why, sir, it almost makes it sound like this same statement could be applied to New Texas!


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
A natural extension would seem to be that if you refrain from slut-training Del and dismantle Beth's operation, you can let her slaves including Del go, while if you go sufficiently far that Del finds she likes it then she ends up reopening the final brothel she ends up in of her own volition, presumably with consenting employees rather than slaves.

That, or once dismantled, slutty!Del decides she actually likes your dick -- her very first -- better than all the other dick and hops on the USS Waifu. 

Or I could not feature creep myself into oblivion. Either/or. 


Active Member
Oct 4, 2015
...but in porn it makes people clutching their dicks say "Woah hang on a minute - am I supposed to be fapping to this? Because mostly this is making my boner sad." Del! He's a boy, and he's been forced to feminize himself to pay off his debts, and he hates it but secretly likes it, and you keep forcing yourself upon him until he loves it, and he goes and gets big boobies as a result, and that's so hnnnngh...

Uh.... Long story short, for at least, I want to play out sex scenes with characters who are willing. It's a RPG so I think about it as a role. What kind of person would I be if I just raped the characters? I'm still mad from when I didn't think it thru with the drugs and controlling way I was dealing with Penny. Once I saw I was thinking about what I wanted to get off on and not what was right, I stopped. I told Penny to "calm down" and only go back and sex her on her terms. I can't undo all of the drug stuff, but at least she's not a "parody of a police woman" anymore. I just felt like a monster. Like I was only chatting up characters to get to the sex option.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Role playing could also be used to assume the roles you wouldn't/can't IRL. While I tend to play as characters with moral lines and empathy levels close to, or even higher then my own, there's nothing inherently wrong with role-playing as Rapeman the Ruthless, Conqueror of Bitches. I have separate saves in both TiTS and CoC for exactly that. Even though not everything I find behind my normal 'feel good fapping' line is arousing, and there are options I would never want to try, for the most past those things are quite interesting.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Quote said:
Del! He's a boy, and he's been forced to feminize himself to pay off his debts, and he hates it but secretly likes it, and you keep forcing yourself upon him until he loves it, and he goes and gets big boobies as a result, and that's so hnnnngh. As long as you don't think about it with anything higher than your lizard brain. Then you wonder why there isn't any option to help him at all.
Also, you could potentially know about Carver's dealings at this stage (if you visited the brothel on Tavros), and there doesn't seem to be a high level of security on Tarkus. A Chaotic-Good Steele might just cap her right then and there, then waltz out the front door. Don't suspect anyone's gonna miss her terribly much.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
That, or once dismantled, slutty!Del decides she actually likes your dick -- her very first -- better than all the other dick and hops on the USS Waifu. 

Or I could not feature creep myself into oblivion. Either/or. 

Could you not? I like most of your stuff without having it over complicated.... lol

As long as you don't think about it with anything higher than your lizard brain. Then you wonder why there isn't any option to help him at all.

Writing entirely with your dick is fine as long as you're not doing it in a coherent, long-lasting setting. If you are, once your mind catches up, it is going to have to provide answers and justifications it dearly doesn't want to.

yeah but (bear in mind Im just playing devils advocate here) then why do people (myself included) not feel bad or fap to captain Steele when i lose a fight and three raskvel spitroast the good captain, or to Savin's deep cave boss (that i had to tease to death to beat her) stuffs me full of jellyfish? I'll be honest, I'm playing for the smut and while yeah, on a deeper level, I might feel that pang of "dawww, poor little trap..." im still having fun simply because I know I'm not going to think too hard about it... now when i come here though, I can give a anwser with more substance other then "Oh well, bend over Del!" Just cause im not trying to find a kinky scene. Hell the first time i played and helped Penny deal with her zil problem i was LV 1 and ended up as a bug spitroast and if i remember, Steele gives Penny a sad look/ is unhappy about it in some shape or form, during round two, its still a hot scene though ...
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Aug 26, 2015
That, or once dismantled, slutty!Del decides she actually likes your dick -- her very first -- better than all the other dick and hops on the USS Waifu. 

Or I could not feature creep myself into oblivion. Either/or. 

I recommended the endgame I did with reducing feature creep in mind.  Having Del reopen the brothel under new management lets you keep the same sex scenes, and keeping shemale/herm/female Del's options and scenes mostly the same save for a few lines limits the scene count as much as possible.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
I think the biggest problem is probably that Beth keeps people in pseudo-slave status. Real brothels where men and women opt to work there aren't so bad, and the folks who work there aren't always doing so out of necessity or desperation. That said, like any job, there's folks who do it just because they don't have any better options available.

Jim's already yelling everything I'm thinking. 

(Thought: The Den of Scum and Villainy's brothel is independent, and will tell you at length about the problems they've had competing with Beth's little empire?)


Active Member
Oct 4, 2015
... there's nothing inherently wrong with role-playing as Rapeman the Ruthless, Conqueror of Bitches....

I'm just speaking for me and my playthru. I don't want to head down that road cross that line. I guess it's a left over thought process from my life and years of playing heroic JRPGs like FFs and Tales games. 

Sexy stuff is fine, but if I'm being honest, after the 10th time reading about a character winking at another, and the use of the word "dollop" I started to get bored with sex scene unless it was a character I really liked.

I don't really wanna bang all the characters in the game. I'd actually like to have a marriage option and just settle down with one character and travel the rest of the Planet Rush with them.

Personally the only characters I never get tired of are Flahne, Penny, Kelly, Aliss, Anno, Syri, Xanthe, Celise, Shekka, Gianna, Nehzara, and Reaha. If they were the only characters in the whole game to date and sex, I'd be fine. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sexy stuff is fine, but if I'm being honest, after the 10th time reading about a character winking at another, and the use of the word "dollop" I started to get bored with sex scene unless it was a character I really liked.

I don't really wanna bang all the characters in the game. I'd actually like to have a marriage option and just settle down with one character and travel the rest of the Planet Rush with them.

Personally the only characters I never get tired of are Flahne, Penny, Kelly, Aliss, Anno, Syri, Xanthe, Celise, Shekka, Gianna, Nehzara, and Reaha. If they were the only characters in the whole game to date and sex, I'd be fine. 

> Say you're not into characters that are all about the sex.
> Half the characters mentioned are all about the sex.

Lel. :3


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
> Say you're not into characters that are all about the sex.> Half the characters mentioned are all about the sex.

Lel. :3

At least our lost comrade Z is still alive in spirit.