Trapped in Equestria 3.0 {The REAL Rp}


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The mare gives the little wyrmling a last boop before she goes right in front of the great wyrm's face to set the little one down next to her.

"I shall give you some privacy, then. I wish you a good rest." she says before she bows and heads for the exit.

Chroma leaves easily enough but she feels a small blessing from the dragon shower around her as she leaves. It seems the dragoness wishes to offer a last boon to Chroma for being such a saving grace. The blessing is clearly of divine origin rather then born of some internal magics, and settles easily over Chroma.

"Just a simple apple, carrot and celery juice please." Sol orders, giving the minotaur a smile. He wondered if the payment was upfront or after the customer was finished.

"And how would sir prefer his order? Raw, cooked, baked, fried, boiles...?" the minotaur inquires kindly. "Our cook recently ordered new knives and recommends the apple in slices served on a bed of cooked carrots as we use local produce to ensure highest quality in the Empire."

Benevolence pets the pineapple some more, believing this pineapple likes to be petted.

The pineapple orb shivers and then wiggles a little further.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"And how would sir prefer his order? Raw, cooked, baked, fried, boiles...?" the minotaur inquires kindly. "Our cook recently ordered new knives and recommends the apple in slices served on a bed of cooked carrots as we use local produce to ensure highest quality in the Empire."

"I believe you misheard me, I asked for an apple, carrot and celery JUICE." The stallion states, before opening up the menu and gesturing to the natural smoothie section, which allowed customers to create their desired drink from various fruits and vegetables.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"I believe you misheard me, I asked for an apple, carrot and celery JUICE." The stallion states, before opening up the menu and gesturing to the natural smoothie section, which allowed customers to create their desired drink from various fruits and vegetables.

"Sir, if you do not articulate clearly then we must use our experience as a base," the minotaur answers softly, but bores his eyes on Sol. "We understand the menu reflects the customer but we do not read the mind of our customer. Now, please articulate the order again." The minotaur scribbles over a few lines made and then looks at Sol again. "And if you wish you may speak with the manager if you find our services unpleasing."


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sol feels himself blush hard, bowing his head "Forgive me, I did not mean to sound rude." He states, biting his bottom lip. All of a sudden, he didn't really feel like a drink now "I'll uh, just be going." He flashes a forced smile before getting up, trotting out of the room with a sigh.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sol feels himself blush hard, bowing his head "Forgive me, I did not mean to sound rude." He states, biting his bottom lip. All of a sudden, he didn't really feel like a drink now "I'll uh, just be going." He flashes a forced smile before getting up, trotting out of the room with a sigh.

A hand, taut with muscle and forceful enough to give pause to even Sol, not only rests on Sol's withers but holds a clinched grip that hints that mayhaps Sol is not wise to be in a haste. "Sit down please, sir," the minotaur calmly states before nodding at the table. "We are adults and there is no need to cause a scene. That would not reflect well on anyone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"Well, I do not feel like consuming anything." Sol replies, not defensively and not raising his voice, but right now he really felt like some fresh air, looking at the minotaur with pleading eyes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Well, I do not feel like consuming anything." Sol replies, not defensively and not raising his voice, but right now he really felt like some fresh air, looking at the minotaur with pleading eyes.

The minotaur takes a moment to look at Sol before out loud he answers: "Very well sir. We hope to see you again." Yet, under his breath the minotaur continues: "Pull this shit again and you'll be carried out in a bucket, you privileged little shit. I've buried punks tougher than you behind my backyard." 

So spoken the minotaur leaves to continue with his work.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sol gulped and left in a hurry, power trotting out of the building before breathing in the fresh air and sighing. All he wanted was a drink, was that so bad? Deciding to NEVER visit this place again in case he accidentally offends the staff, he opens his map, now planning to figure out a way to a hotel. Right now, he just wanted to take a nap.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sol gulped and left in a hurry, power trotting out of the building before breathing in the fresh air and sighing. All he wanted was a drink, was that so bad? Deciding to NEVER visit this place again in case he accidentally offends the staff, he opens his map, now planning to figure out a way to a hotel. Right now, he just wanted to take a nap.

There are several locations  on Sol's map, with varying degrees in price and quality that seem to be connected. The more stars a location has been marked with the more price notes it also seems to carry.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Chroma leaves easily enough but she feels a small blessing from the dragon shower around her as she leaves. It seems the dragoness wishes to offer a last boon to Chroma for being such a saving grace. The blessing is clearly of divine origin rather then born of some internal magics, and settles easily over Chroma.

The mare feels quite happy when she notices the blessing cover her. She leaves for the planar shepherds home to tell him that she managed to resolve the issue. When she arrives, she looks around to find him.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The mare feels quite happy when she notices the blessing cover her. She leaves for the planar shepherds home to tell him that she managed to resolve the issue. When she arrives, she looks around to find him.

The stallion is passed out and drooling slightly. He seems to have standing by waiting for Chroma to arrive when he fell unconscious. There is no trace whatsoever of what might have rendered him to such state.

Benevolence is concerned now.

The pineapple once again quivers in Benevolence's hold, causing a few sisters as well as brothers nearby to titter at their sister's antics before one of them inquires what it is their silly sister is up to now?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The stallion is passed out and drooling slightly. He seems to have standing by waiting for Chroma to arrive when he fell unconscious. There is no trace whatsoever of what might have rendered him to such state.

The mare investigates what happened, prodding the shepherd to see if she can wake him up just like that. Considering the circumstances, everything from him simply passing out to one of the thieves' superiors knocking him out is a possibility.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The mare investigates what happened, prodding the shepherd to see if she can wake him up just like that. Considering the circumstances, everything from him simply passing out to one of the thieves' superiors knocking him out is a possibility.

Chroma easily confirms that the stallion has in fact fainted as there are some leftover signals - which a certain necromancer's link helpfully highlights - that tell Chroma that the stallion had some manner of an ephiphany of the things that Chroma was easily moving in, thus leading him to a fainting spell. He will recover on his own eventually.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The pineapple once again quivers in Benevolence's hold, causing a few sisters as well as brothers nearby to titter at their sister's antics before one of them inquires what it is their silly sister is up to now?

Benevolence explains the Pineapple seems scared and she is trying to console it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Benevolence explains the Pineapple seems scared and she is trying to console it.

A sister very close by finds this adorable and offers to verify if it is maybe self-aware or maybe just aware? Their sister may be mistaking its wobbly nature, which is caused by lack of gravity, to being sort-of aware like some silly slimes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Knife returns and smiles to herself. "Is there anything else I can do for you, Miss?" The hound slides both paws behind her back for now.

"Well... After all this excitement I could probably use a bath." Alice notes. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
A sister very close by finds this adorable and offers to verify if it is maybe self-aware or maybe just aware? Their sister may be mistaking its wobbly nature, which is caused by lack of gravity, to being sort-of aware like some silly slimes.

Benevolence would feel much better knowing the Pineapple isn't sentient. 

"Of course Madam." Knife nods, holding a paw out to help Alice up. "Lead the way, I'll follow wherever you go, Miss."

Alice puts her hoof in the paw and leads the maid to the bathroom, which is complete with Neighponese separate showerhead and soaking tub.
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Well-Known Member
Alice puts her hoof in the paw and leads the maid to the bathroom, which is complete with Neighponese separate showerhead and soaking tub.

Knife smiles, softly shutting the door. "What may I help with, Miss?" The hound takes her gloves off, tucking them in the waist tie of her apron, paws sliding up to tie her hair into a ponytail to keep it out of her face.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Chroma easily confirms that the stallion has in fact fainted as there are some leftover signals - which a certain necromancer's link helpfully highlights - that tell Chroma that the stallion had some manner of an ephiphany of the things that Chroma was easily moving in, thus leading him to a fainting spell. He will recover on his own eventually.

The mare sighs and then starts writing a short letter, detailing the outcome of the issue. After that, she leaves for the Elemental Spire and looks around if there are any nymphs who would want to play.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The mare sighs and then starts writing a short letter, detailing the outcome of the issue. After that, she leaves for the Elemental Spire and looks around if there are any nymphs who would want to play.

There are nymph aplenty but many of them have curled up, frequently with the help of the Spire to create a little cocoon of Art to let them sleep undisturbed. A few are nomming on a giant marshmallow that looks like a bright blue cloud and which wobbles every now and then while the nymph sedately nom on its juicy exterior.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There are nymph aplenty but many of them have curled up, frequently with the help of the Spire to create a little cocoon of Art to let them sleep undisturbed. A few are nomming on a giant marshmallow that looks like a bright blue cloud and which wobbles every now and then while the nymph sedately nom on its juicy exterior.

The mare smiles and snuggles the few ones that are awake and gives all of them a mental kiss on the nose.

'I wonder if the dragoness is also snuggling with her little ones.' she wonders, directing her inquiry loosely at the necromancer, 'They were adorable, just like these little nymphs... it's so difficult to imagine that Jasiv herself probably looked quite yimilar at some point.'


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
'I wonder if the dragoness is also snuggling with her little ones.' she wonders, directing her inquiry loosely at the necromancer, 'They were adorable, just like these little nymphs... it's so difficult to imagine that Jasiv herself probably looked quite yimilar at some point.'

The nymphs who are mentally kissed latch on to Chroma's mental presence out of instinct despite not even realizing what it is they are springing on to: physically each of the few nymphs awake lumbers up onto their tiny hoovesies before eyeing the form that is their Mommy. Once their minds draw the connection between the form they see and the metal presence they each squeak a quiet hello before they sit down but reach their hooves at Mommy. The mental presence Chroma has, together with her experiences in the hive along with outside it, tells her the little ones want to be hold close by her into close contact.

The necromancer offers a mental shrug but also an offer to manifest to make this a full-family cuddle-meeting. He also offers an assurance that the dragoness was likely an adorable little noodle of scales and happy chirps, somewhere in the beginning of the planet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The nymphs who are mentally kissed latch on to Chroma's mental presence out of instinct despite not even realizing what it is they are springing on to: physically each of the few nymphs awake lumbers up onto their tiny hoovesies before eyeing the form that is their Mommy. Once their minds draw the connection between the form they see and the metal presence they each squeak a quiet hello before they sit down but reach their hooves at Mommy. The mental presence Chroma has, together with her experiences in the hive along with outside it, tells her the little ones want to be hold close by her into close contact.

The necromancer offers a mental shrug but also an offer to manifest to make this a full-family cuddle-meeting. He also offers an assurance that the dragoness was likely an adorable little noodle of scales and happy chirps, somewhere in the beginning of the planet.

Chroma smiles happily and pulls all the little squeakers close to herself going into an empty room with them so that the sleeping little ones are not disturbed.

Once there she snuggles into lots of blankets and cushions on a very big bed, cuddling with as many of the nymphs as she can.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Once there she snuggles into lots of blankets and cushions on a very big bed, cuddling with as many of the nymphs as she can.

Chroma collects a total of four tiny nymphs who happily curl up in Mommy's hold. They swifty sramble up to be face to face with her before starting to nuzzle her with clear delight at this reunion as if their universe had just been refilled with light and joy. Each one rapidly squeaks, each in their tone of joy, yet none of them make any more of nonsense than the other sibling,

Benevolence would feel much better knowing the Pineapple isn't sentient. 

With a giggle a sister squeaks that it is not sentient: the wobbling is caused by the silly sister's poking of the delicious treat with her hoofsie in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Chroma collects a total of four tiny nymphs who happily curl up in Mommy's hold. They swifty sramble up to be face to face with her before starting to nuzzle her with clear delight at this reunion as if their universe had just been refilled with light and joy. Each one rapidly squeaks, each in their tone of joy, yet none of them make any more of nonsense than the other sibling,

The mare nuzzles all the little nymphs and gives all of them a lick. She shows them an image of the little wyrmling she met today. Then, she decides to create an artificial replica of it to show them directly. It curls up in Chroma's mane and purrs happily.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The mare nuzzles all the little nymphs and gives all of them a lick. She shows them an image of the little wyrmling she met today. Then, she decides to create an artificial replica of it to show them directly. It curls up in Chroma's mane and purrs happily.

Two nymphs happily try to nosenuzzle their new playmate after buzzing up to join the wyrmling in Mommy's mane while the other two are too happy to see Mommy and try to cover her much larger muzzle in mini-kisses from their very smol mouth, which frequently open to let a happy chirp or squeak slip out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Two nymphs happily try to nosenuzzle their new playmate after buzzing up to join the wyrmling in Mommy's mane while the other two are too happy to see Mommy and try to cover her much larger muzzle in mini-kisses from their very smol mouth, which frequently open to let a happy chirp or squeak slip out.

The mare pins the little ones at her muzzle down quite gently with her own muzzle and covers them in kisses. 

At the same time, the ones in her mane are snuggled by the mane while the little wyrmling chirps back happily and wraps around the nymphs for additional snuggles.