The mare gives the little wyrmling a last boop before she goes right in front of the great wyrm's face to set the little one down next to her.
"I shall give you some privacy, then. I wish you a good rest." she says before she bows and heads for the exit.
Chroma leaves easily enough but she feels a small blessing from the dragon shower around her as she leaves. It seems the dragoness wishes to offer a last boon to Chroma for being such a saving grace. The blessing is clearly of divine origin rather then born of some internal magics, and settles easily over Chroma.
"Just a simple apple, carrot and celery juice please." Sol orders, giving the minotaur a smile. He wondered if the payment was upfront or after the customer was finished.
"And how would sir prefer his order? Raw, cooked, baked, fried, boiles...?" the minotaur inquires kindly. "Our cook recently ordered new knives and recommends the apple in slices served on a bed of cooked carrots as we use local produce to ensure highest quality in the Empire."
Benevolence pets the pineapple some more, believing this pineapple likes to be petted.
The pineapple orb shivers and then wiggles a little further.