Top 3 Favourite Video Games/series


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I was looking through the forum and realised that, since the new forum was started in August, there were actually no threads on discussing anybody's favourite Video game/Series. So I started this discussion asking my fellow forum members the question: What is your Top 3 favourite video games/Series?

I'm including series in the question as some people (myself included) might have multiple games in a series that they like a lot.

My top 3 are:

1. Kingdom Hearts (Can't wait for KH3 to come out. Having fun with Unchained at the moment as well)

2. Devil Survivor series (Excellent game with addicting storyline).

3. Persona (So happy P5 is coming out this year)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I can't really remember any video game series on the top of my head, but I would say that KoF is atleast one of them(or anything SNK related really).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
1. Warcraft (Pretty much grew up on this series)

2. Fallout (I like post-apocalypse scenarios and WRPGs)

3. Mass Effect (WPRG, aliens, space exploration and excellent writing)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
1. Fallout (especially love Fallout 2 for its story and Tactics for the gameplay)

2. Warcraft (spend hours and weeks with 3s World Editor and of course the game itself and 1 and 2 are just classics)

3. Star Wars Jedi Knight (well, it is Star Wars after all)

Sorry about copying Woiders list, but personal favourites are personal favourites.

Worth mentioning are Starcraft and "Sam and Max".
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Oct 29, 2015
Haggis Land
1. Okami (Good story, unique graphics and gameplay and the protagonist is a wolf. What more could you ask for?)

2. The Elder Scrolls (Pretty much opened up a whole new world for me.)

3. Fallout (Same as above, but in a post-apocalyptic setting. Fallout 3 moved me in particular.)

This probably goes without saying, but I love RPG's.

BioShock and Mass Effect are honourable mentions, but I haven't played enough of their series to put a good enough opinion on them. 
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Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
1. Megaman ( The platformer that I grew up with.)

2. Tales series ( These defined my RPG experience.)

3. KH ( Simple and Clean. That is all.)

Honorable mentions: Ratchet and Clank series, Star Ocean series, Rayman, Sly Copper, Jak and Daxter.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
1. Megaman ( The platformer that I grew up with.)

2. Tales series ( These defined my RPG experience.)

3. KH ( Simple and Clean. That is all.)

Honorable mentions: Ratchet and Clank series, Star Ocean series, Rayman, Sly Copper, Jak and Daxter.

I can tell you grew up with consoles, rather than on the pc :p
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Only three? And I have to rank them? This'll be a challenge…

1. Pokemon. Has to be, I've been playing it regularly the longest (since Sapphire) and still rush out to buy the latest incarnation.

2. Mass Effect. I joined the ranks late (well after 3 had come out, so I missed the whole "star kid" drama) and I love playing it. The story is engaging and the gameplay is really fun.

3. Skyrim. It's the only Elder Scrolls game I've played, and it was a lot of fun. At some point I'll have to try the older ones, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Shout out to Civilization, the first computer game I ever played. I've played every version, but the last two I haven't liked as much. It's not technically in the series, but Alpha Centuri is probably my favorite in that genra. So much fun.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Shout out to Civilization, the first computer game I ever played. I've played every version, but the last two I haven't liked as much. It's not technically in the series, but Alpha Centuri is probably my favorite in that genra. So much fun.

I was always more of a Total War and Age of Empires (2) fan.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I was always more of a Total War and Age of Empires (2) fan.

Never tried Total War, but I can't handle RTS games like AoE. I prefer having an entire turn to myself to work out my strategy, rather than having to race to do everything at once.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2015
1) Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War 2

2) Mass Effect 1, 2, 3

3) The Witcher 3

Honorable Mentions: Bioshock Infinite (Elizabeth waifu forever), Total War, Mount and Blade, APB, Terraria, Sins of a Solar Empire, Day Z, Natural Selection 2, XCOM, Huniepop, Armello, and recently; Battlefleet Gothic: Armada.
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Feb 25, 2016
1: Fire Emblem (GBA and gameboy ones).

2: Devil May Cry 3.

3: Dragons Dogma. Which btw is free online in the east (They made an online version that's bigger and better separate from the single player game). Probably move here too eventually. Think of it like a cross between Dark Souls and Vindictus.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
1) Okami (a pity the sequel was terabad)

2) Megaten whatever (Devil Survivors and Raidou games most I think)

3) Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time

Honourable 4th) Disgaea series


1) Legend of Zelda 

***Grew up with the NES and SNES and mah love of fantasy was cultivated by a cute elf boy swing around his big sword and saving his "girlfriend". Ocarina of Time and Majora's Masked clinched it in the N64 days and even though I haven't played the newer ones it stays near and dear to my heart.

2) Mass Effect

***ME1 changed my life, ME2 changed my idea of what makes a good videogame story and ME3 (aside from the ending and they way all those side missions i did in every game [5 shepards since me1, did every single side mission in both games] didn't matter) was epic. I still play ME3 multiplayer. I feel like story + gameplay are epic and can't wait for Andromeda.

3) Dragon's Age

***DA2 was my intro into DA and ppl told me to try DAO because I loved DA2 and DAO shits on DA2. Which i found to be quite true and DAI just blew my fucking soul out of my body although i don't like replaying it as much as DA2 and DAO because omg there's way too much to do. Also the fact that there is no M/M for Cullen or Solas (notice i didn't say and) makes my penis weep. The ppl that complained about all the companions being omni-sexual in DA2 fucking suck.

Honorable Mentions: Smash Bros Series; Def Jam Fight for NY; GTA series; Sleeping Dogs; FFX & FFX2; Portal; Scot Pilgrim vs. The World


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
1) Fire Emblem: Awakening

2) Oni (That one Bungie game nobody remembers and will never get a sequel ;_;)

3 The Witcher Saga. (Total cop-out for three games in one slot. I gueeeesss W3 probably gets it if I had to choose).

Honorable mentions go to Dragon Age: Inquisition, Pillars of Eternity, and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Only three? Ugh... Very dificult question. But if rephrased as "tree games/series which had most impact"...

1) Diablo 1/2. There are a lot of personal memories about D2 modding, which largely driven me to be me who I am now...

2) Might and Magic 7/8, Heroes of Might and Magic 2/3. Legendary RPG and TBS series on their prime.

3) Fallout 2. The very exemplar of "how you make a game which has many layers of roleplay".

There are ton of good more recent games, some of them are damn awesome, but...


Mar 17, 2016
The Mass Effect games are easily my favorites of all time. They changed my life and my views on a 'good' game so much that I honestly can't compare any other game to them in terms of impact on who I am. Massive fanboy: I have an N7 Hoodie, a bunch of Mass Effect Collectables, and even multiple Mass Effect inspired tattoos.
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Mar 29, 2016
1.) Dark souls

2.) Devil survivor

3.) Mass Effect

So hard to pick only 3. I'm pleasantly surprised to see someone else have devil survivor in their top 3 though.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
1) The Ace Combat series, with Ace Combat Zero being my favorite of the series. The only problem I have with Ace Combat is that it's owned by Bamco.

2) The Wild ARMs series, with the third game being my personal favorite. The series started drifting down the typical anime writing route later in its life, though. Might be dead, might not be.

3) Resident Evil 4. Design-wise, it might very well be close to a perfect game to me.

Honorable mentions to FreeSpace 2, Vanquish, Dragon's Dogma, Demon's Souls, Star Ocean 2, Tales of the Abyss, Ogre Battle 64, and Uncharter Waters: New Horizons. All prime contenders for a spot. Choosing only three series or games was a little difficult for me.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015


Who did you marry, Savin?

He probably married Panne, or Tiki because he has good taste.

1) From Software games in general, I like them all for different reasons.

2) Fire Emblem series (GBA and up) in general because I also like those for what they bring to the table.

3) Monster Girl Quest, might be a VN but I honestly count it as one of my favorite games of all times.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
  • Black Isle Studios games + BGs
  • This War of Mine
  • Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, mostly for lore reasons. 

Now that I think about it, all of those game are set in a dark, grim and gritty places. If WH 40k ever get a good RPG or TBS adaptation, it'll be an honorable mention for sure.


Favorite Series

1.Fallout (Fallout 2 for RP and Experience, Fallout NV for being like Fallout 2 except of course given the modern touch, Fallout 4 for gameplay and looks)

2.Half-Life (how none of you guys listed this I am shocked)

3.Warhammer (Tabletop,RTS,Third person shooter,Etc.)

Favorite Games

1.Team Fortress 2 (Fen if you see this can I please play with you :3)

2.CSGO (Because the cancer I spread has to come from somewhere)

3.Cortex Command (Please look this up just all of you look this up)


Hotline Miami Series,Hitman Series,GTA Series,Max Payne Series, Postal 2,Manhunt 2,Red Dead Redemption,Sims Series,Civilisation Series,Almost any game where you get to create and control stuff (love playing god),Dungeons and Dragons,FTL,Terraria (this use to be Minecraft but fuck it),This list will just go on forever so Im cutting myself off.

*drops mic*
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Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
No lie but I kinda expected undertale to be in your list for obvious reasons

Hehehehe.... Yeah its number 4. Its just that Im such a Souls Fanboy I cant help but put the two bests.(Besides I like having a bad time *wink)

If I was only to pick one fromsoftware game it'd be Dark Souls and Undertale would've been hugging that number 3 spot.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
If a female Robin could claim a waifu, I would 1,000% snatch up Lucina and never let her go. Ever. She is almost my perfect ideal, and fits my aesthetic to a T.  :x  


Lucina is the toppest tier FE character for sure. One and only Amiibo I ever wanted/bought. 

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I main her in Sm4sh exclusively, in fact she's the only reason I moved from Melee and PM, but I never managed to get her amiibo. Scalpers galore when she first hit shelves, I didn't want to import, and I didn't want to pay ebay prices. I could definitely get her now if I wanted, but I was given her figma as a bday present (best. present. ever.) and that's more than enough for me. :D  

I really thought about putting FE: Awakening in my top 3, it's definitely in my top 5, but I had to be honest with myself and list my most formative games. By the time Awakening came around it simply matched my preferences as opposed to shaped them, but it is a damn good game. One of the best. Another slight point against it is that it was my first (and so far only, but I plan on getting Fates) FE game, whereas the games I listed each have a minimum of 3 installments that captivated me.

Decisively picking three gaming experiences is so hard! There's like twelve others I want to list!  :eek:hdear:

Couldn't you have put them in as honorable mentions or have they really done that much to shape your gaming experience?