Top 3 Favourite Video Games/series

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Shadow of the Colossus, FE: Awakening, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Fatal Frame I and II, the early Silent Hill games, Final Fantasy X, Journey, Dynasty Warriors 4 and up (shut up it's a guilty pleasure), Demon's Souls, all of the Armored Core series except Verdict Day, Dragon's Dogma, Zone of the Enders, all of Metal Gear, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, a game no one's ever heard of called Dragon Seeds, all of Monster Hunter, all of Pokemon, Super Smash Brothers Melee (and I guess technically Brawl since I played PM), the PS2 Ratchet and Clank games, Sly Cooper 1-3...

I could go on, but I shouldn't. There's a lot of games I like. :p   But trust me when I say that this is a choosy list. I could go on a much longer rant about games I've played that were bad. Very, very bad.

I could never mock Dynasty Warrior. If I did, I'd be mocking Warriors Orochi, Ninety Nine Nights or even Hyrule Warriors. ( I love destroying large mobs of enemies. Don't judge me....)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Why, oh why must you turn out to be a cleverly disguised console peasant all along, princess? I'm torn apart and truly devastated.


Aug 26, 2015
Top three is probably something like:

Ratchet and Clank: I'm really not a fan of FPS games in the slightest, especially the post-Halo two-weapons regenerating-health multiplayer-is-the-only-thing-that-matters FPS genre.  That said, I absolutely adore this franchise.  Tons of interesting and varied weapons, you can actually use all of them at once, and the story's usually just the right mix of serious and funny for my tastes.  Consistently a favorite, and I'm hoping the movie in two weeks is the first good video game movie in a long time.

Minecraft: I blow hundreds of hours on this game, especially modded Minecraft.  I'm very fond of builder games, and Minecraft is far and away the leader in this regard.

Super Robot Wars: If my portrait isn't from Kamen Rider it's from this franchise.  Hands-down my favorite game series.  Take all the robot anime and cram them in a blender with beautifully crafted attack animations and SRPG gameplay that's just easy enough to let you use your favorite heroes, and you have a decades-long winner.  They put out at least one or two of these every year and I play every one I can get my hands on.

Honorable mention goes to Civilization and XCOM.  Firaxis makes fantastic games.  Kingdom Hearts is another favorite, though of course KH3 never.
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New Member
Apr 16, 2016
1. Homeworld

2. Earth Siege II - Wish they would reboot this one for current PCs

3. Warcraft(1, 2 and 3)

Bad axe

Apr 21, 2016
1. Pokemon (My first game was pokemon blue)

2. Skyrim (because of mods)

3. Monster Hunter (all game) 


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
Ratchet and Clank: I'm really not a fan of FPS games in the slightest, especially the post-Halo two-weapons regenerating-health multiplayer-is-the-only-thing-that-matters FPS genre.  That said, I absolutely adore this franchise.  Tons of interesting and varied weapons, you can actually use all of them at once, and the story's usually just the right mix of serious and funny for my tastes.  Consistently a favorite, and I'm hoping the movie in two weeks is the first good video game movie in a long time.

1. Ditto, Up your Arsenal, was my favorite in the franchise (*cough*Courtney Gears*cough*), I liked Deadlocked as well though, wish it was more than a coliseum/Arena-type game.

2. Mass Effect series: Just. awesome, is all I can say. Yeah, there have been some missteps (clunky vehicle sections, cut and/or shallow same-sex content, lesser focus on rpg elements in the sequels) But just like DA, the writing is good and the characters are solid and memorable, and in the end that's all that matters to me story-wise, gameplay is good too.

3. Pikmin/Overlord: talk about tonal shift, but I love the whole command and conquer/third-person combat hybrid games that these were. While not as engaging as the first two, Pikmin 3 was definitely the most challenging and colorful and a worthy successor in the series. Overlord 1 and 2 were just godsends, I loved playing the villain in an actual meaningful way, and building an army a dark lair to reside; I just wished that it had more in terms of... well everything, and had better replay value than arena DLC.

Runners-up: Monster Hunter, Pokemon, and Fallout post 3


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
1. Pokemon (My first game was pokemon blue)

Aww mine too. And yea I basically forgot to mention Pokemon, because it's so natural for me, I tend not to think about it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
1. Bethesda rpg's (Fallout/Elder scrolls)

2. Dragon Warrior

3. Final Fantasy

I could go on with a list of thousands of games but since they all pretty much fall into the same category I would say any type of rpg game including VN style rpgs would make my list no matter what.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
1. Pokemon (Played since the originals)

2. RuneScape (Played since 2002)

3. Final Fantasy X (was the first game that I would play all day, everyday)

(If I could include another, it would be Skyrim. I have lost so many hours to this game XD)


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
1. Fallout series (especially 3, played that game for hours just exploring)

2. Soulsborne games DS 1 has always been my favorite

3. XCOM 2 my favorite strategy game of all time

My other top picks include the Witcher series, Skyrim, Sekiro, and Bioshock.


Dec 15, 2018
Video Game Series:
1- Soulsborne... DKS 2 is the weakest entry IMO, but still I'm sitting with Demons Souls in my PS3, Bloodborne in the PS4 and DKS3 in the One S
2- Armored Core
3- Phantasy Star

Honorable mentions: Bloody Roar, Borderlands, Dino Crisis, Saints Row

Video Games:
1- Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
2- Castlevania SOTN
3- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... I put so many quarters in this machine back in the day...

Honorable mentions: Oni, Quake 2, World of Final Fantasy, Parasite Eve


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2017
In terms of game series:

1. Dragon Age
2. Fallout
3. The Witcher

I‘d put Mass Effect in there as a tie on the #3 spot, but I’m still salty about the bullshit BioWare pulled in the ending of 3. Oh, and I’d definitely rank Knights of the Old Republic quite highly.

In terms of individual games:

1. Dragon Age: Origins
2. Fallout 2 or Fallout: New Vegas
3. The Witcher 3

I’m also a big fan of Spiderweb Software’s Avernum & Geneforge games.


Active Member
Jun 7, 2018
Diablo 1, 2, & 3.

Borderlands 1 & 2.

Roadwar 2000 & Europa. Wizard Crown is an honorable mention.

Guillermo Marshall

New Member
Nov 24, 2022
I like Fallout (especially Fallout 2 because of the plot, Strategy and gameplay). Also, does anyone know on this forum how to download other game mods, as I want to experience more games. I consulted and saw that people mentioned the techloky site, it has a lot of game mods that I don't know if I should download. Anyone who knows about that site please give me some advice.
Thank you!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2020
I like Fallout (especially Fallout 2 because of the plot, Strategy and gameplay). Also, does anyone know on this forum how to download other game mods, as I want to experience more games. I consulted and saw that people mentioned the techloky site, it has a lot of game mods that I don't know if I should download. Anyone who knows about that site please give me some advice.
Thank you!
Have you considered the usual modding sites, ModDB and Nexus Mods?


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
I like Fallout (especially Fallout 2 because of the plot, Strategy and gameplay). Also, does anyone know on this forum how to download other game mods, as I want to experience more games. I consulted and saw that people mentioned the techloky site, it has a lot of game mods that I don't know if I should download. Anyone who knows about that site please give me some advice.
Thank you!
Steam has mods, but nexus is the most popular