Shadow of the Colossus, FE: Awakening, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Fatal Frame I and II, the early Silent Hill games, Final Fantasy X, Journey, Dynasty Warriors 4 and up (shut up it's a guilty pleasure), Demon's Souls, all of the Armored Core series except Verdict Day, Dragon's Dogma, Zone of the Enders, all of Metal Gear, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, a game no one's ever heard of called Dragon Seeds, all of Monster Hunter, all of Pokemon, Super Smash Brothers Melee (and I guess technically Brawl since I played PM), the PS2 Ratchet and Clank games, Sly Cooper 1-3...
I could go on, but I shouldn't. There's a lot of games I like.But trust me when I say that this is a choosy list. I could go on a much longer rant about games I've played that were bad. Very, very bad.
I could never mock Dynasty Warrior. If I did, I'd be mocking Warriors Orochi, Ninety Nine Nights or even Hyrule Warriors. ( I love destroying large mobs of enemies. Don't judge me....)
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