TiTs confessions...


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I'm 4'10" and weigh 87 lbs. No thanks. :colbert:

I'm like 6'3 but I've only been in like one fight ever, plus I'd rather not fight other people and rather talk out problems instead.

So I wouldn't hurt ya champ.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
But you can't just put a combat system in the game, introduce some ground-quaking bad ass and expect the player not to want to fight them. That's like putting in an attractive NPC and not allowing us the chance to seduce them.

Thems like, da rules.

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
But you can't just put a combat system in the game, introduce some ground-quaking bad ass and expect the player not to want to fight them. That's like putting in an attractive NPC and not allowing us the chance to seduce them.

Thems like, da rules.
The thing I'm working on now does have a big badass thraggen bouncer in it who you can't fight, but that's because she's doing her job. She's got people to keep safe, so while she might like to kick your ass, she's got to use the place's security system to stun you shitless instead. :p You can seduce her, though, if by 'seduce' you mean 'armwrestle'.

Confession: I am already dreading the sheer amount of work this project is going to be. :eek:


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Ooh, I can fight! I'm only 5'6" and 125lbs, but I'm really good at it. My little brother is coming back from the Marines for a few weeks for Christmas, and I'm gonna help him practice grappling since he isn't very good at it, and the sparring rules forbid striking. He's frickin' 6' and 180lbs, and he's trying to bulk up. I also spar with my best friend, who's 6' 150lbs, and a 2nd degree black belt in Shotokan Karate. It really gets me going just thinking about it, it's so much fun! It's part of the reason I was so happy to find the Custom Shock Gear actually.

Sorry, unrelated, I just love talking about it, and I'm excited to see my brother.

I'm 4'10" and 87 lbs. No thanks. :colbert:
Hey, my sister is 4'9" and 95lbs!


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017


Active Member
Dec 10, 2018
I literally despise the word "shemale". Just make them trans women! Call them trans women! There's no reason for writers to not just make them trans women. Also, really not a fan of the word "trap". Either you're taking about a trans man or a twink. It's literally not that hard to just be respectful of people.
They're different things. Very, very different things.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
To add another:
I've never done Frostwyrm content outside fighting it, and tbh I don't have any interest whatsoever in sexing it and that ain't changing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I think that's just preference.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
no, it's pure Evil

Big, cuddley, and just wants to be loved...how can you NOT want to bang that?
Pure what? I mean, you didn't say anything before saying my name.

Also, personal preference is not having a partner where I can give them oral by sticking my head into their vagina.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
no, it's pure Evil

Big, cuddley, and just wants to be loved...how can you NOT want to bang that?
Maybe because my huge distaste for femherms? :/
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
I really don't see how the Frostwyrm going from enemy to lover changes anything about its character. It's not like it becomes submissive to you or anything. It's still a giant freaking dragon no matter how many babies you put in each other and her relationship even leads to probably the most badass ending in the game where you take over Uveto with the army of dragons that you spent time raising together. In what way is that not awesome?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It's not about changing from enemy to lover, but changing from neutral legend to yet another waifu. This has nothing to do with submisiveness or pregnacy.
As for the ending, time for another personal confession: I couldn't care less about conquering a frozen moon and I truly dislike the "breeding an army" concept. Especially in erotica.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
That's actually another reason why I don't play Frosty's content.
Why conquer an icy moon when I can have the corporate universe?
More power to those who go for it, but I have my eyes on something greater.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
I mean, fair point, but if you really want to keep a legend intact than you can't let the players fight it ever, which means we'd never even get the Frostwyrm as content in the first place (aside from maybe a brief scene where it flies by and one shots us no matter what our defenses are or something, which could hardly be considered content). If you let the players fight something, they will find a way to win unless they're specifically designed to kill the player no matter what. That's just how games work.
Also, we were never breeding an army with the Frostwyrm, just giving it more children. It starts out as just one to help keep its species alive if you accept its offer, but if you continue to form a relationship with it, then it turns into a genuine relationship that exists independently of your original deal. If you decide that you enjoy this development, you can chose to settle down with your new family and actually forge one of the most wholesome and supportive relationships in the game, but if you don't, you can just see it as saving a species before getting back to work. The fact that we have the option to take over Uveto at the end is just an extra thing that you can do because you have an army of freaking dragons and I only mentioned it to show that the Frostwyrm can still kick ass after you form a relationship with it, which was the main complaint that you brought up initially.
Also also, I never said the Uveto ending was the best one, just that is was the more stereotypically "awesome" one because you literally conquer a planet with dragons.

Mister Gregar

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2016
I mean, fair point, but if you really want to keep a legend intact than you can't let the players fight it ever

That's not even close to being true. All you have to do is make the fight memorable, difficult, or memorably difficult. There's plenty of fights in games against legendary characters that let's you win and still feel like you faced down a legend. Usually, these are saved as post game super bosses, but there's games that sprinkle a few optional fights in the middle, too.

I have no opinion on the other stuff, since I haven't done (or can't remember doing) any of the frostwyrm's content. Just disagreed with that bit about not being able to let players fight legends. A well designed fight that comes down to more than you vs the AI in a DPS race, a little lead up or lore that signals that they a threat, and maybe some kickass music is all you need.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
That's not even close to being true. All you have to do is make the fight memorable, difficult, or memorably difficult. There's plenty of fights in games against legendary characters that let's you win and still feel like you faced down a legend. Usually, these are saved as post game super bosses, but there's games that sprinkle a few optional fights in the middle, too.

I have no opinion on the other stuff, since I haven't done (or can't remember doing) any of the frostwyrm's content. Just disagreed with that bit about not being able to let players fight legends. A well designed fight that comes down to more than you vs the AI in a DPS race, a little lead up or lore that signals that they a threat, and maybe some kickass music is all you need.
The Frostwyrm fight is already awesome, though. It's easily one of the hardest in the game by the time you reach it. Obviously this is a smut game, not Dark Souls, so you'll probably win more than you'll lose, but it's still a challenge and the fact that it spares your life if you lose and gives you the option to flee before even trying to fight it already makes it one of the most stand out combat encounters in the game. The issue is that we fight the Frostwyrm multiple times before the relationship option even becomes available, so when I saw Kesil say they wanted it to be "legendary", I assumed they wanted to take it another step further from what we already had, which really isn't possible in these kinda of games unless you want to devote an entire story arc to it in which it's the main boss and gets different attacks and forms and crazy stuff, which doesn't really fit with TiTS' design.
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Active Member
Dec 10, 2018
I don't mean to brag, but i have alot of trouble with the pirate overseer for some reason, right
And I uh, I beat the frostwyrm first try without going below 160/200 HP.

I DO however agree that it is a very standout fight. It shows up every once and a while, and you have an option of 'do i think i'm ready to try and kill a FUCKING DRAGON'. It just could have used a bit more of a challenge, as I only felt threatened by it when it stunned me once. And that went away after one turn.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
I don't mean to brag, but i have alot of trouble with the pirate overseer for some reason, right
And I uh, I beat the frostwyrm first try without going below 160/200 HP.

I DO however agree that it is a very standout fight. It shows up every once and a while, and you have an option of 'do i think i'm ready to try and kill a FUCKING DRAGON'. It just could have used a bit more of a challenge, as I only felt threatened by it when it stunned me once. And that went away after one turn.

Frosty is a full on physical fight and by now level 10 characters can steam roll Frosty. It's like bragging about being able to beat Dr. Lash now. It's not really a challenge anymore. Maike is tough for a lot of people because she mostly deals lust damage and the majority of players can't handle that.


Active Member
Dec 10, 2018
Frosty is a full on physical fight and by now level 10 characters can steam roll Frosty. It's like bragging about being able to beat Dr. Lash now. It's not really a challenge anymore. Maike is tough for a lot of people because she mostly deals lust damage and the majority of players can't handle that.
That's my issue exactly. I was able to E Z the ice ice baby in 3 turns with a few combos and well-timed flash bangs, but I can't find a nice way to get that last 100 health off of Maike without her capping off lust.
Without the treatment, and i'm as perceptive as I am lust-resitant, so I have no idea other ways to increase max lust or get decent resists against non-drug ones.
While we're on the topic, I guess - any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
That's my issue exactly. I was able to E Z the ice ice baby in 3 turns with a few combos and well-timed flash bangs, but I can't find a nice way to get that last 100 health off of Maike without her capping off lust.
Without the treatment, and i'm as perceptive as I am lust-resitant, so I have no idea other ways to increase max lust or get decent resists against non-drug ones.
While we're on the topic, I guess - any suggestions?
Maike is a hard fight. Deal with it.

If my Treated, dumb-fucked, Omega fevered, Slut tramp-stamped, Ultra-exhibitionist Steele can beat her via physical damage you can too.

Another huge common mistake that people make: focusing on defense when damage is the only thing that matters. You can get as far a finishing Myrellion while remaining at level 1.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Yeah, my go-to method in any game when I hit a wall is increasing my damage.

I'm having an issue in Nioh right now where I have the strongest weapon available to me, and my co-op partner in the Abyss is doing twice my damage. It's cool though, co-op makes the Abyss more difficult.


Active Member
Dec 10, 2018
Same here, I usually try to go for dealing as much damage as possible. Why bother getting tough when you can end the fight before it even starts?
Alot of the time I'm not the best at actually finding a way to increase damage, but again, that's just me being as perceptive as a bunch of rocks.

Hell, I'm pretty close to beating her as is - shouldn't take long. No need to be rude, my guy


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
You know, weapon damage isn't the only way to win a fight.
Try lust damage.