TiTs confessions...

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
I'm into the game more for the transformation content than anything else. The idea of eating something and seeing your body slowly change is, honestly, really hot.
I wrote the Ghost Sex Dream entirely because size-changing (boob/butt/dick expansion, not full-body shrink/grow) while in the middle of sex somehow became a kink of mine. :D I knew stuff like that would be a pain in the ass to actually put into the game, and changing people against their will would piss lots of them off, so I made it a dream.

But yeah, I spend a shitload of time in TiTS playing with character customization and trying to get characters the exact way I want them. I don't do it all at once, but go for slow changes over time, and I really like having my Steeles work their way toward their perfect form as they do the adventure thing. Though that's probably why I keep getting bored and starting new characters - once I TF them how I want, I'm not as interested.




Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
In regards to the discussion of bimbos a few pages back, my opinion is rather similar to irioth, who I've seen post a bit, in that I find literally everything except for the intelligence loss/subservience appealing. I really enjoy the idea of an intelligent, confident, sex positive character having passionate relationships and being proud of her sexual lifestyle and personality. I like it when writing is "slut" or "whore" positive, and emphasizes empowering sexual fun and agency.

It's a rather big dilemma for me, as some of my favourite content in the game is often directly correlated to content I strongly dislike, emphasized with the "ditz speech" perk.

On one hand, it unlocks lots of flavour text that emphasizes your PC as being sexually talented, often impressing characters with their skill and passion (for a long time it was the only way to be skilled at deep throating). It unlocks expanded sex scenes and more exciting scenarios which emphasize skill, extremely high stamina, and consensual rough loving, such as the really good scenes with Sylvie. It alters certain flavour text to emphasize feminine attributes in subtle ways, you giggle instead of chuckle, sway seductively when you walk, bend at the waist instead of the knees, read about stylish makeup in a magazine, speak in a sultry fashion, get a fun tattoo, and dress up sexily. It makes you more sexually confident in certain scenes and less nervous, and act less shameful about sex, acting rather sex positive, and you often treat other npc's very kindly, caring about how they feel and enjoy themselves during sex scenes.

On the other hand, there is inconsistent, unappealing flavour text which occasionally has npc's mock your characters intelligence, makes you act "stupid", and generally just emphasizes things I find strongly distasteful. I am often able to headcanon or interpret the flavour text of ditz speech in a positive fashion, and that my character is intelligent and sexually confident. Some writing overly pushes the boundaries and makes that very hard to do. I don't at all mind valley girl speech or "ditziness" to an extent (it can be interpreted as Steele seducing the npc or acting coy, and I find the feminine sultry form of speech appealing), and I can also think of it as the player being sexually focused, and while perfectly capable, not desiring to focus on certain activities at the current time. But then that gets conflated with scenes where you aren't able to stand up for yourself or are forced into situations.

An example is Lund, although I don't personally have interest in male characters, in how this goes. You get fun, sexually engaging writing, sexy times during the talk scenes, and an exciting rough scene. You also get actively insulted by Lund outside of a sexual roleplay context, you don't get to stand up for yourself or prove your intelligence, and get forced into a sex scene, which while being a good scene, means you miss out on a lot of his other content, including not being allowed to be dominant if you want to roleplay a sex positive smart bimbo.

This extends to npc's too, I headcanon Ellie, Celise and Amma as being intelligent and sexually confident (maybe they have degrees like Stella?), because I really like them as characters and love all their scenes, except for the idea that their intelligence was forcefully hampered or that they are depressingly limited by things outside of their control. I also love Slab's treated girls and Stella because of this, because you get all the sexy fun, while the content is tied together by a positive message about consent and intelligence.

It seems like Fenoxo is somewhat aware of this too, with the way the codex entries allow all the different forms of bimbofication to be ambiguous, allowing you to roleplay the characters as still being intelligent, (as well as him coining the term Nymphobrainiac on twitter), but then Mitzi comes along with a heavily emphasis on her supposedly being unintelligent (or, as I hope, sexually focused but still intelligent beneath the surface), which makes it a lot harder to headcanon, especially since there is an entire hypnosis scene revolving around Steele becoming "stupid".

So yeah basically due to there being numerous different writers and my interest being very specific and niche (including only liking female/herm npcs or sexual content), I'm pretty much screwed. I hope CoC 2 and future Trials writing allows a bit more flexibility in smart bimbos.


Aug 27, 2015
Gene is probably the only character I would like to put a paper bag over his stupid fat face so I don't have to remember it exists.

If only you'd do the same, friend!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Alas, that removes the perk entirely, meaning you miss out on all of the content, good or bad.
It depends, I can unlock all the 'sumbit2Lund' content, abstain from cum and go back for the other stuff. Though, the first two choices involve sucking him off so...yeah


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
It depends, I can unlock all the 'sumbit2Lund' content, abstain from cum and go back for the other stuff. Though, the first two choices involve sucking him off so...yeah
My problem is less that I want to see all the content, but that you can't choose this as an option without the segments of writing which question your intelligence, it's more of a me problem. The fact that perk is removed temporarily to indicate you are "intelligent" also sucks, as a substantial amount of writing completely separate to anything to do with intelligence is gated behind it (basically everything I mentioned), meaning you can't have that type of personality, skills, stamina, or content without the baggage associated.

It sucks because I enjoy almost all of it, including most of the altered dialogue, but it's just stuck with content I strongly dislike.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
By the way, was this race scrapped?

Reminds me of Doomsday from the Superman comics. I would hope that's a race that doesn't cuddle, because ouch.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
My thoughts exactly. They could be a cool addition, but as someone who likes skinship I can't say they'd be my first option for sharing closeness. Whenever I come across Pokémon R34, I wonder how Lucario and Gardevoir fans might feel about how their waifubandos could stab their chests :p


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Better get writing then.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Sin #9: As much as I want to play a Smuggler, of all classes they have the most immersion-breaking experiences in combat.




What? Okay, whatever...
Are you kidding me? What is this Mr. Miyagi shit...
Oh come on...

B-but...muh immersions!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
In an old, forgotten codex.
I had a dream about a TiTS prequel/CoC sequel called PUSI, focused around paranormal creatures and urban legends set in 2150. The clearest thing I can remember, aside from being able to be female, male, or nonbinary, is that there were Mothmen.
I dig it.

Surely, having such a vivid dream must have been exhausting. You should get some more rest and let us know if you get any more great ideas.


I had a dream about a TiTS prequel/CoC sequel called PUSI, focused around paranormal creatures and urban legends set in 2150. The clearest thing I can remember, aside from being able to be female, male, or nonbinary, is that there were Mothmen.

I had a dream i was a dev for a AAA level version of TiTs... except I vividly rememebr all of that.

I wonder what PUSI stands for... Player Uber Sexy Interface? I realize that doesn't make sense so... i'll just... go...


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I had a dream i was a dev for a AAA level version of TiTs...
Man, I wonder what that would look like? Would it still be completely text based, or would there be artwork and animation for certain scenes, and stuff? And how would CoC and CoC2 look if they were AAA?

It really gets ya thinking, man.


Well-Known Member
Man, I wonder what that would look like? Would it still be completely text based, or would there be artwork and animation for certain scenes, and stuff? And how would CoC and CoC2 look if they were AAA?

It really gets ya thinking, man.

I hope that Foxxling doesn’t mind me quoting this particular post of his but it outlines what his dream entailed.

I recognize that this is kind of a necro but posting here is much better than coming up with an entirely new thread especially since i'm sure thinking about this thread is what caused me to have the dream i'm gonna be talking about.

Ok so basically I had this weird dream where I was a part of a team developing TiTs in a 3d game environment similar to the one the op of this thread was talking about except with all the changes I mentioned in my first post. I'm going to try to organize this post as much as possible but I have a lot to say from a dream (and we all know how remembering those can be) and I hope I communicate it well.


In the dream, I was in charge of a system that would generate NPCs for the background and to populate inhabited spaces so that they would look lived in and feel more alive (and be interactable). It was basically a randomized, limited character generator. Something that has been done before but this time in an erotic setting. So basically each planet (and station) had its own conditions to generate specific sets of RGC (randomly generated characters) which had their own specific interactions based on their gender, species and location.

Using Tavros as an example (since its the hub world and was finished already in the dream). We (I say we but it was my dream so it is all me ig) decided to treat Tavros like the Citadel in Mass Effect but limited to rushers as it is in the game already. It is the last civilized deep space station nearest to the rush. It was a place where rushers could relax and civilians who romanticized the rush could rub elbows with rushers. A very active tourist trade, commercial goods, quests, recreation, general fun and all that jazz were what we focused on with Tavros while giving it a very neon almost cyberpunk vibe (without the dystopian elements obviously).

So for Tavros the RGC were as follows
  • There were tourists who would play the recreational mini-games in the entertainment deck (think bowling, bot fighting, racing and retro multiplayer games... non sexual fun times that could sometimes lead to sexual fun times), be inside the shops buying stuff and trying on clothes (voyeur opportunities for you stealthy ones) and depending on their location they had very limited talk options that we used to point players toward areas of interest and hint at secrets. These people are not rushers but are the kind of people that would want to get as close to the rush as they could without actually going into it, fans of rushers like Steele.

    Physically tourists were very varied. We limited tourists to core world races and gave the game's AI specific archetypes for each's physical appearance. Any of the "old world races" could be muscle daddies, MILFS, tom boys, bbw's, bears, twinks, and bara futas . The gender split was split evenly between males, females and others (others being split evenly between futas, shemales, cuntboys, traps). Their clothing was usually bright and eye catching but also limited to location... that way the tourists at the beach wouldn't end up wearing a coat.

  • There were residents who represented the people that lived on Tavros. They primarily populated the residential decks (because we had enough specific npc's to make three decks which we used RGC to create a total of 5 unique residential decks.) Residents could be seen working behind the scenes. Sometimes you'd look out a window and boom there's a guy shaking his ass in a space suit as he patches a hole in the external layer of the station. Their talk options would help you find quests, work minigames and other such areas of interest on the ship and their sex options were determined by what job they rolled. Wanna fuck the janitor? Well you can if you catch him/her/zey alone.

    Physically residents were more focused. Residents were all simple bodied races (humanoid w/tail) They lived on a station so we made them tend toward lower body weight, sleeker designs. There were some more muscular ones but they were relegated to heavy labor tasks. The resident's gender was a 50/50 split between male and female (because a lot of the specific npcs were herms, cuntboys and shemales) Their clothing was formatted for whatever job they had with less eye-catching, more practical clothing the residential deck.
So each planet had its own criteria for RGC. We made appearance variation for the myr a really good thing and they generated some beautiful bug ladies. We had several wetrexxal but while the men were persistent combat encounters their harem's were RGC designed for orgy scenes if you beat their brute. The mhenga's generator would ensure that every zill you fought was an RGC with various characteristics one of which was a cunt tail that opened up new scenes.

Like I was playing through and testing this shit in the dream. It was so much fun seeing different zill, myr and random aliens at tavros. And as fun as it was the thing I loved the most was the one for pc ships.

Basically we made a separate player controlled RGC system. After you, the player, got a ship that would require red shirts you could go to Tavros and buy ship personnel to populate your craft with said red shirts. The game would roll each rgc and what you get would be what you keep until you go back and request a new crew (or fire your current crew) so each "reroll" would cost money except in specific instances.
  • The cheapest option was a generic crew that would allow you to fly your giant ass ship, they gave no performance bonuses and had no sex scenes because they're literally just there to be there. They had basic generic talk options but couldn't fill specialized roles like science officer or anything super unique but could take on standard roles like pilot, mechanic and communications officer. You the player would get the minimum number of crew required to run your ship. However you would be able to pick which one acts in each of the standard roles by walking up to them and using their talk options to tell that specific RGC you want him/her in your cockpit. Race wise they were limited to roll ausar, human or kaithrit with even split male/female.

  • Buying a professional crew who would give the player's ship the best performance bonuses but had no sex scenes. The professional crew had flavored generic talk options and could fill all roles in your ship with the exception of sexual and unique roles only peristant npcs could take. You would not only have your minimum crew requirements but you'd also have standby crewmembers so your generic crew bunks (because persistant npc's required rooms) would be filled and, while you couldn't have sex with them, you could pop into the bunks and catch some nudity, voyeur scenes, working out, communal showers, training while scantily clad... the bigger your ship the more often these titillating events would happen. Same as with the cheap crew you can pick which ones act in each of the specific ship roles (science officer, mechanic, etc) by walking up to the one you like to look at and selecting the option. Race wise the pc couldn't choose their races but they were all "core worlders" I assume that includes all non-current rush species, that came from the various universities recognized by the UGC.

  • Buying an escort crew would give the player no performance bonuses for travel and ship combat (which were very important for game balancing unless you were playing on fappy/easy mode) but they had the most varied sex scenes and you could literally fuck anyone anywhere with special scenes for each room. They are basically a ship harem of your choosing. They fill only standard roles like the cheap crew but putting one in one of these roles would allow that specific RGC to gain sex scenes unique to that role. You the player picked everything about them from gender to species to body type. You could limit hair colors, bust sizes... almost anything. The escort crew also will fill roles in orgies and threesomes with persistant crew members as well which none of the other crew types do. No limit on species however more rare species would drive the price up. The cheapest sex focused crew by far.

  • The S-Rank crew would be everything, every option above and you could literally limit rolls however you wanted. Want a crew of femboys kaithrits? Here ya go. Want a crew of Galotians and Rahn limited to blue and green slimes? Have at it, you paid the ultimate price so you get it all. Also as long as you are docked at Tavros you would be able to go into your ship, go up to specific members and re-roll them until your heart is content and every member is someone you would fuck or get fucked by. I was thinking of having a little character creator thing but that only applies to specific exotic crews.

  • Exotic crews were crews that could be unlocked and were rewards for completing certain quest lines or siding with certain factions. The performance bonuses they gave were geared toward specific ship stats and weighted to give you the player a specific edge or access to ship mods that would require said crew. A pirate crew is good at pillaging, a slave crew is good at whatever those slaves can do who knows... sky's the limit. These were mostly outlaws, slaves, hive minds or specific organizations but aren't bought.

    One exotic crew we were working on was a clone crew where you could literally clone your steele and have a bunch of you's populate your ship. However this could also lead to a bad end cause you could end up pissing off your clones and one would rise up and take your place, imprisoning the real steel and taking over your life (before losing to your rival). It involved using the scenes from every generic rgc encounter and making each body type accessible... but it was a masterpiece when we got all the bugs out. Selfcest at its finest.

    Another exotic crew idea was the rahn crew where you could walk up to each member and have them morph to your liking in a limited character creator.

    Zill crew that turns your bunk area into a honey producing hive. You could get an S-rank crew of zill but the S-rank crew were civilians of the UGC and didn't act as native Zil do so in order to have a honey producing hive you had to get the exotic varient.

    Faction specific crews were all exotic and came with special faction bonuses alongside access to faction specific quests.

    Pirate crews that were cheap to acquire but hard to get rid of, and they required you do crimes to pay them.
I think that's everything from the dream. Aside from my play testing a bunch of human twinks and constantly rerolling to see what I could get to proc.


Man, I wonder what that would look like? Would it still be completely text based, or would there be artwork and animation for certain scenes, and stuff? And how would CoC and CoC2 look if they were AAA?

It really gets ya thinking, man.

yeah there was a hole thread dedicated to the idea.

I hope that Foxxling doesn’t mind me quoting this particular post of his but it outlines what his dream entailed.

I don't mind and tbh I still have occasional dreams about it

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
I don't mind and tbh I still have occasional dreams about it
Lucky you. 90% of my dreams are horrible anxiety dreams. Why can't I get more like that one where Fen & Co. were throwing a sexy party and I somehow got invited?

Confession: if I want to fuck someone I'm fighting, I only use tease attacks, because it feels wrong to shoot or hit someone and then fuck them. :( I really wish they hadn't changed it so you can't tease someone who's stealthed. I know it makes sense, but now I can't go play with the vanae anymore.


Lucky you. 90% of my dreams are horrible anxiety dreams. Why can't I get more like that one where Fen & Co. were throwing a sexy party and I somehow got invited?

Confession: if I want to fuck someone I'm fighting, I only use tease attacks, because it feels wrong to shoot or hit someone and then fuck them. :( I really wish they hadn't changed it so you can't tease someone who's stealthed. I know it makes sense, but now I can't go play with the vanae anymore.

I don't wanna be a downer but I usually have nightmares about people I love killing me horribly or about past shit I don't wanna get into.

Then there are the sex dreams that cause anxiety even in the dream because sometimes they have a very un-sexy horror element

Then, sometimes when I'm not the emotional wreck I usually am, I have fantastic dreams about creating stuff or living my best life. These are the only ones I really like to talk about frfr.

Price of having a very active imagination ig :\
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
Confession: if I want to fuck someone I'm fighting, I only use tease attacks, because it feels wrong to shoot or hit someone and then fuck them. :( I really wish they hadn't changed it so you can't tease someone who's stealthed. I know it makes sense, but now I can't go play with the vanae anymore.
Slab please, you need to follow through! You can't stop at "Fuck them" when you mean to "fuck them up"! Sheesh! In the end, one party is gonna get stabbed anyway.

Confession: I would play as MGE's Shoggoth if I could. Because I dig monsters. And then I'd fuck people up. And then maybe fuck them, too. Only the cute ones though, because those tend to be keepers. A hoard of mortals for my Eldritch monster.
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