TiTs confessions...


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I never really interacted with Semith other than playing chess with him.

If that's a sin as well, I'm equally as guilty. Mostly because my fem Steele was doing a Sera 'one and only' run.


May 31, 2019
I always avoid New Texas because while I'm aware of porn anatomy, I can never get it out of my head that a cow's "Moo" Is actually burping. I feel like because of how many people like cows, it's a sin to not like them.


Nov 6, 2018
I always avoid New Texas because while I'm aware of porn anatomy, I can never get it out of my head that a cow's "Moo" Is actually burping. I feel like because of how many people like cows, it's a sin to not like them.
What do you have against milk-dogs?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
But on the other hand, the people on New Texas aren't cows. They're human playing up to a fantasy, like when a bull slams hard into a cowgirl, that moo is actually a coo.

Its a porn game, leave logic at the door.


Active Member
Dec 8, 2017
I spent 150,000 creds on Fertite+ to try and hit the max income from cum donation at Breedwell.

Gods know what Lerris thinks lol

Mad Dog

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
I've been pronouncing Steele as Steel-E instead of Steel for over a year.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017

I want Steele to have some rich friends with the family names of Bagg and Barrow.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
Roo and Lorelei finally got me out of the Freezer on Uveto. I am so very sorry to Hana, Shade, and Beatrice (gone but not forgotten) my unfaithful dick has lead me astray from your milfy curves. Now I find myself playing blackjack and getting lp dances instead of getting smashed on mead.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Beatrice (gone but not forgotten) my unfaithful dick has lead me astray from your milfy curves.
[Deadpan] Oh no. However will the lady who enjoys having sex with someone who isn't her husband cope. Wherever will she find a dick that can fulfil her knotting fetish. Truly, this is the worst fate. Woe has fallen upon the world. There is a darkness that shall never lift.[/Deadpan]
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
[Deadpan] Oh no. However will the lady who enjoys having sex with someone who isn't her husband cope. Wherever will she find a dick that can fulfil her knotting fetish. Truly, this is the worst fate. Woe has fallen upon the world. There is a darkness that shall never lift.[/Deadpan]
I know It will be hard for her to accept. I just needed some space you know? It was me, not her. I just really, really needed to publicly bang some sweet cat bunny ass on a blackjack table. To spice things up. Maybe things could have been different in another life you know?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Roo and Lorelei finally got me out of the Freezer on Uveto. I am so very sorry to Hana, Shade, and Beatrice (gone but not forgotten) my unfaithful dick has lead me astray from your milfy curves. Now I find myself playing blackjack and getting lp dances instead of getting smashed on mead.
New patch has me right back to Uveto.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2017
New patch has me right back to Uveto.

You get out of here with your backer build nonsense ain't nobody got time for that.
Speaking of Roo though, I usually don't have the lactating fetish but hers was nice. Which reminds me, I do have a clothed sex, as in, skirt + panty pull sex fetish. I thought of this for no real particular reason during her strip session. I thought the order is all wrong. Leave the skirt on last girl. Jacket, top, panties, and then the skirt. Just the thought of her sitting there with no panties but I cannot witness it, that is torture.
Hmmmmm. Is it possible for me to make my bright pink dickless sex slave Sera do this for me publicly in her schoolgirl outfit. Make it so. Cause, you know, I already run around the galaxy with a slutty schoolgirl outfit, a leash, and some grav cuffs in my inventory, because you just never know right?
Yes officer Riya, I swear I have no idea how those got there! What is the climb kit for? I am innocent okay?
I want a lawyer.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
I feel like joining the thread, even if it is kinda late. ^^'

My confession: I don't care about the sex scenes at all.
I like many characters, some even look nice and do not mind the sex happening, but I nearly never read the actual describtion.

I also don't like huge breasts (or dicks for that matter) and usually play either human or kitsune-morph..

..Sometimes I wonder why I even play the game in the first place.. ^^'


Active Member
Jul 4, 2016
There are a couple of characters that I never interact with aside from business or out of necessity after finding out they possess a very specific trait that if I revealed it as a filter for actual interaction or dating I would very likely be shunned by those outside my immediate inner circle, people who have already passed said filter.

It is also a societal sin. I'll let everyone guess as to what it is. If you're right you're right, but I won't confirm anything.


Aug 27, 2015
There are a couple of characters that I never interact with aside from business or out of necessity after finding out they possess a very specific trait that if I revealed it as a filter for actual interaction or dating I would very likely be shunned by those outside my immediate inner circle, people who have already passed said filter.

It is also a societal sin. I'll let everyone guess as to what it is. If you're right you're right, but I won't confirm anything.

I'd ordinarily let this pass without comment, but the fact you've called yourself 'Me' gives this post a rather sinister edge.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
My main PC has never been to Canadia station - at least never saved after visiting there. I seem to have misremembered a scene on Canadia where Kaede's link to the Black Void was at least implied when she was there to repair her ship's AI, but can't find it again. I have been assured by Savin that he never wrote anything like this, but yeah. Maybe it's time to go for a visit.

Also, when I now play other games, lewd or otherwise, that need a last name, I normally go with Steele.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
My main PC has never been to Canadia station - at least never saved after visiting there. I seem to have misremembered a scene on Canadia where Kaede's link to the Black Void was at least implied when she was there to repair her ship's AI, but can't find it again. I have been assured by Savin that he never wrote anything like this, but yeah. Maybe it's time to go for a visit.

Also, when I now play other games, lewd or otherwise, that need a last name, I normally go with Steele.

The link to the Black Void was that she narrowly avoided being robbed and slaved. It was were she got her AI Athena too.

also her mom is a big shot in the Black Void, but Kaede herself is unaware of that fact.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
The link to the Black Void was that she narrowly avoided being robbed and slaved.

... Yes. That is definitely what would have happened. Especially after the Void cruiser went weapons free with its atomics...

You know, it would be highly amusing if that's the story of how Lord Bragga got her eyepatch, after Amara found out one of her kids almost got nuked.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
... Yes. That is definitely what would have happened. Especially after the Void cruiser went weapons free with its atomics...

You know, it would be highly amusing if that's the story of how Lord Bragga got her eyepatch, after Amara found out one of her kids almost got nuked.

Man, The Black Void makes Blackbeard and Black Bart look like men with high standards. Not that I think they had many standards mind.


I want Lkynmbr24 and Tacit to write more. No, that's a gripe.

Here's a real confession. I've already knocked Zheniya up twice, had the kids age out of interactions and I'm thinking of knocking her up again.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I still maintain that the Black Void doesn't have that many guys working for them. It's the same half dozen and when they're beaten, they're either cloned or teleported to special nutrient tanks to heal.

In silly mode.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
This is getting off confessions but I always thought the Black Void was a like an umbrella group. In that there's a loose alliance of hard core criminals and slavers meeting minds with some shady coporate types. Thus, infighting and the right hand not knowing what the hell the left hand is doing.

Wouldn't suprise me if one Black Void ship robbed and slaved another Void ship once.
Probably why they got Watson mananging shit now.

But in silly mode, yes, the same eight guys that aren't Amara or Bragga.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
This is getting off confessions but I always thought the Black Void was a like an umbrella group. In that there's a loose alliance of hard core criminals and slavers meeting minds with some shady coporate types. Thus, infighting and the right hand not knowing what the hell the left hand is doing.

That is exactly why they have Watson now. They're trying to really step up their game for the new Rush. It's also why they're so assmad that Athena escaped the purge, because while not quite as bright at Watson, she did go through the same training as he did and could be used to counterforce their new strategies.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
I'm really curious about the direction the Black Void is heading, especially once the factions are in and Steele can work with (part) of them. ^^