Think-tank: Adding new races, TFs and locations to CoC


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Girtabiliu scorp monster girl maybe as an alternative to drider? I guess desert needs a new high level encounter. No worry I can totaly do that.

speaking of wich heres some nice preview of a incoming smut scene..
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Your defeated foe on the ground you make a sadistic grin… this came just as you got hungry or rather just as your tail did.

Kicking him on his back you proceed to sit on his leg to prevent him from moving. You push anything out of the way as your eyes zero in on their targets his cock. You sting your foe a few time injecting him with a pint worth of aphrodisiac and soon his cock is standing throbbingly erect almost painfully so. Licking your lip you take it upon yourself to relieve your victim of his pent up lust opening your tail and swallowing its entire length inside.

Smirking with malicious cruelty you whisper  softly in your terrified victim ears “Does me eating you whole makes it feel like you're dying?… Don't worry prey, I will make you die over and over until you're dry as a empty husk”

Soon your cumpump face turns to a tormented expression as your tail forcefully milk him of all of his cum regularly injecting more aphrodisiac to make him orgasm and leak constantly like a hose. Only once his ball have shrunk to the point they look like a pair of raisins do you let go of what's left of him.

You lick your lip feeling like you just had a five course meal fit for a queen as you leave the body of your opponent on the ground at the mercy of other potential sexual predators. (Fill hunger, clear lust, heal hp and add slight corruption. Sorry but raping people is an evil act especially that way!)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Desert got atm enough enemies. I mean some other areas aren't so much populated now but...if there somoeone make enc for desert well let it be ^^

We soon would have beach/ocean/deep sea to populate with encounters. Then possible Deep Desert as Blue August doing this one so two more locations with sand at least this way.
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Blue August

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
I've almost finished setting up the Scorpion Sire and Scorpion Witch encounters. In my mind they were completely human from the waist up and giant scorpions from the waist down. Wasn't thinking of their human bits having any insect features or carapace - just sexy dudes & ladies. Last thing I have to set up - the Scorpion Witches can implant eggs in the champion, but they will initially be unfertilized and will eventually just dissolve - the champion will need to trigger the correct scene with a scorpion sire (either willingly or unwillingly) in order to get them fertilized, which eventually results in the birth of scorpion-bebbies. I've got the unfertile eggs part done, just need the fertilized part - should be finished that tonight.

Incidentally, I've been setting Deep Desert enemies up to be level 8-10, figured there's a bit of a level gap between Mountain/Deep Woods and Plains/High Mountain that could be filled.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Guess Deep desert is for revamp. Xianxia base level in desert is about 9-10. Likely well need to boost your monsters slightly to about lvl 15+
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For versions 0.7c and up lvl range for desert enemies wil be 5-10.

Sec checking all curent desert enemy enc new lvl's planned to be implement for current worked on version of mod: Sand Trap lvl 5, Sand Witch lvl 7, Naga lvl 9, Cum WItch lvl 10 and Demon Pack aka Oasis demons aka demons from Phylla intro fight lvl 9.

Nope they not all so high still. And knowing Naga was alaways kinda pushover that after lvl 3 or 4 wasn't any challange for enemy she deserved to get lvl 9. Same as two new gorgons will be either lvl 24 or 20 on the Beach ;) Only Sand Witch seems more tough to fight now since her lust increasing attack isn't much lowered but her base HP went much up so PC need even faster then before dishing tons of dmg to beat her up before lust beat him xD
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Blue August

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
I've been making stuff using the original files, I hadn't intended it for any specific version or mod. I was planning on doing a pass for final stats, I'd be fine with bumping them up to around 15+ by default, I was originally going to make it higher than any other area before I looked at filling lower level gaps.

I actually haven't thought about what the best way to make content available to others is.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Leave that to modders theyl adapt the content even if it means changing your stats slightly

Blue August

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
Works for me.

Finished up the last enemy encounter, the Lamp Djinn.

To do list:

  • Put in full text for encounters
  • Tweak stats and item drops to be level appropriate
  • Polish


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For code you could make fork of any CoC related repository and put changes there. I mean for coded even if you not used code base that will amke added changes still complie isn't much trouble to adjsut it to code their work on for their mod.

As for all texts if their weren't put in code already using gdoc will be enough after you link this gdoc. Well for safetly better leave at least option to comment them (but not let edit everyone that got link as some people may for fun or other reasons jsut try mess up your writings).


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Currently writing Krystal/Onyx the Gargoyle in Gargoyle doc. This means PC will soon be able to hang out with Sapphire

As for why the first npc got two name.... its of course because you get to chose its sex between female (Krystal)/male (Onyx) and hermaprodite (name determined by if the npc is closer to male or female)

I will be writing smut scenes for Krystal but Onyx will likely have to wait a small moment as i plan to concentrate on her female mode first. Of course if someone can submit me a fitting scene for Onyx i might take it.

Status: First scene with Crystal is writen got 2 more to do
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Blue August

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
mmh, crag is in need of enemies

Still making progress on Deep Desert, but a few thoughts occur in light of this:

  • Hell Cat (feline version of Hell Hound, corrupted lion/panther morph)
  • Hostile Salamander
  • Ophidian (naga + salamander)
  • Fire Giant (counterpart to Glacial Rift's Frost Giant)

Giants in general might be a fun concept to explore more of... probably not feasible for a player transformation though.


Sep 12, 2016
Anyone plan on writing a manticore? Otherwise ill do it. Im very far in the project already.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Still making progress on Deep Desert, but a few thoughts occur in light of this:

  • Hell Cat (feline version of Hell Hound, corrupted lion/panther morph)
  • Hostile Salamander
  • Ophidian (naga + salamander)
  • Fire Giant (counterpart to Glacial Rift's Frost Giant)

Giants in general might be a fun concept to explore more of... probably not feasible for a player transformation though.

For all ideas concerning Salmanders I would advice you contact Savin to be sure he not later send thunders at you for touching without him knowing his content. As on Fire Gigant I think they may feel better at home in Vulcanic Crag than Deep desert. And for Hell Cat...that sound interesting. On this lion-taurs you making for deep desert - did you so far changed their race name for something not giving impresion their are naga like monsters?

Blue August

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
For all ideas concerning Salmanders I would advice you contact Savin to be sure he not later send thunders at you for touching without him knowing his content. As on Fire Gigant I think they may feel better at home in Vulcanic Crag than Deep desert. And for Hell Cat...that sound interesting. On this lion-taurs you making for deep desert - did you so far changed their race name for something not giving impresion their are naga like monsters?

No no, I was thinking all of those enemies would be Volcanic Crag, because Stadler mentioned the crag needed enemies. I was just suggesting them as possible enemy concepts, I hadn't planned on actually making them myself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well given how much people are eager to make work on any new stuff I would probably half mockling myself and half joking say it may ends up you been the one starting work on them after few months.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
Perhaps a Quetzacoatl for the deep desert? Either that or maybe have the snake oil be "improved" by Lumi (think that's her name, bit tired atm) for a Snake-like head  so if you get a feathered wings and hair from harpies to become a morph such as that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Your idea Kharn sounds more like possible mix of harpy and naga TF itmes to make the one for Quetzacoatl. Also siilary like for deep desert woul this one morph fit for canyon area that I think Hades will be writing?

Blue August

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
Perhaps a Quetzacoatl for the deep desert? Either that or maybe have the snake oil be "improved" by Lumi (think that's her name, bit tired atm) for a Snake-like head  so if you get a feathered wings and hair from harpies to become a morph such as that.

I had the same creature idea! Naga + Harpy = Coatl (shorter than Quetzacoalt). I think it'd be better as a creature for a jungle area than the desert though.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well jungle...that would surely help Stadler to possible make jungle location he have idea come closer to realization with some more possible enemy enc. Also Quetzacoalt sounds quite similar like maya temple that Stadler meantioned for jungle.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Well jungle...that would surely help Stadler to possible make jungle location he have idea come closer to realization with some more possible enemy enc. Also Quetzacoalt sounds quite similar like maya temple that Stadler meantioned for jungle.

First off: Its Quetzalcoatl (You're both missing an l there)

And yeah, a coatl sounds, like a nice suggestion. But I'd go a bit further introcude a new faceType: FACE_SNAKE_FACE_SNAKE_FANGS and not just FACE_SNAKE_FANGS. Haircolor including wingcolor should be rainbow colored and skin should be (raptile) scales with the skinTone being blue, green or whatever other color fits to the skin color of a coatl or Quetzalcoatl of course. Probably with an elongated and repositioned neck. (See the dragon neck implementation of my dragon mod)

I guess it goes without saying, that Quetzalcoatl itself has no arms, nor winged arms and is huge and the player can't TF into that since this would for one be a game over and since Quetzalcoatl is a deity, making him/her/it somewhat unique to the world.

Please note, that all that are just suggestions by me, so feel free to implement this, how you think, this should go, even if its completely different from my considerations and additionally I assume, that @Coalsack could tell us more about that deity, right?

PS: @Savin or whoever is the technical admin of this forum: When I visit the forum index I get a 500 error unless I'm logged out. I recognized, that I'm not the only one having this problem in the forums here, but probably not all users have this problem. Would be nice if you or whoever is responsible for that could look into it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I not much been interested in this part of myth so I'm indeed ignorant how to write it porperly. Gomenasai -_-'

Well making it as Coatl with more tonned stuff not trying fully replicate orginal plus using neck option that could be then used also for dragon...that was I think reason Stadler come with proposition for this new bodypart been used would be good. About deities....winter wolf and then putting on fenrir collar is also kinda messing with some mythical godlike figure.

So here it would req. some careful adjusting so PC will not ends up without some nessesary body parts and not turn into literal god. Not like been at endgmae PC isn;t kind of god anyway compared to all enemies aside few endgame bosses. :laugh:

Blue August

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
Still here, still working on Deep Desert region! Poking away at what's left when I can. Two more enemies and the enemy encounters will be done. I think when I reach that point I'll look into posting up a build so people can look at it, run through it, etc. Maybe I'll set up a thread or a trello for feedback and bugs too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Blue August So does this 'lamia' you got in store for addin got some new name to not be confused with snake people or still their under work name of 'lamia'?

Blue August

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
Yeah, the bandits will have a different name in the end to avoid confusion, if snake-people lamia are going in. Leaning towards just cougar-morph, or maybe lion-morph, though in my head they're closer to mountain-lions than your typical big-maned african lions.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well atm we got naga as snake woman enemy. There is somoeone that meantioned in this thread earlier about making Lama race too. But so far none of mods have actual lamia race added yet. Even mine thou I added 2nd type of snake woman enemy ^^

Blue August

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
Well I'd prefer my original name but if someone proposed using it first I'm not going to take it even if the content I'm making is finished earlier. Unless someone wants to trade it for medusa or gorgon or something, I'll change the feline lamias to something else.