Think-tank: Adding new races, TFs and locations to CoC


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Well kitteh still did most of the original groundwork but xianxia is slowly turning into something even bigger. Unlike Kitteh who somewhat work alone doing everything Ormael and I have been working togueter since his early release.. Me as his main tester and him as the coder however ive started taking on the role of writer adding tons of new content to the game since my first release Scylla tf.

Kitteh never had a writer in the first place he picks up whatever old text he can find or write it himself from scrap. Sometime with placeholder like content. 

Ive recently not only taken to writing tf but also design encounters allowing Ormael more free time to code his stuff (althrough sometime i get carried and he end up with way more content then he predicted. 0.7c was just suposed to be fixing ascension and add some new location with minimal content. Instead i added two new tf and several extra encounters including winter wolves and scylla battle plus several remix such as underwater shark girls and the shark girl frenzy)

Yeah, but the more coders to help with CoC Revamp, the merrier, right?

For now I'm the most active coder (after @Kitteh6660 or course) and @MissBlackthorne did some great work writing texts for it, but I won't have that much time forever for nightly sessions to write on complex implementations. And on the hand hand every coder and every writer needs a break from time to time. Kitteh6660 even took a break from working on CoC Revamp.

Right now I'm working on Basilisk Eyes Phase 3, but I guess, I'll hop over to the Trello Page and suggest @Kitteh6660 to add a card to ask for more coders.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I see. I'll change the language to assign it to face slot then. :)  Thanks

All you gota say is its connect to the face slot it can perfectly be texted however you want in game. The slot determine where the tf is located in apparance screen

Well actualy Ormael is extremely active of late so i wouldnt class him as inactive just because all happens behind the scene.

Ormael might be more active then Kitteh at this time. Just because you dont see it doesnt mean theres not huge work in background. Ive chosen to write for Ormael over kitteh for a reason.

Kitteh beens given the green light to add our stuff several time (just as we were to use his features) but he shown interest only in the salamander/phoenix tf because it was on his to do board. I dont feel like writing if my idea gets ignored half of the time wich is why I work for Ormael.

In a way i wonder if kitteh lack vision or if he lack time.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm just happy he decided my ideas were worth using. And all are welcome to use them if they want

Since your tf is a female one maybe adding a vagina tf to make player into a girl or at least a herm would be wise. Of course if you think this is unecesary go ahead.

I wonder about the yuki onna versus yuki onna scene what will you do"
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Liadri Eyes slot was already in vanilla CoC since there PC had 3 possible eyes versions: human, spider 4 eyes or snad trap full black ones. IN Xianxia I added cat ones, gorgon ones and now with fenrir TF will be fenrir eyes.

@NamelessandAccursed As you meantioned snow womans been more oriented toward int/lust build...I would say that at least here in xianxia I have also some races getting bonuses to max libido (well so far none of races I punched with mean move called penalty to max libido score).

So if you feel it may fit them you could add some small bonus to max lib for them too. Or make note about them getting bonus to max lust value (that also possible racial bonus I using in xianxia - I mean not only max stat can be modified by race scores also max hp/fatigue/ lust/ soulforce are open for modification, heck even PC armor def value is modificable by having some specific body parts (mostly those are by having skin type like fur/sclaes or having specific body parts covered with this skin types - he almost all arms/legs versions for chitin/scale covered races giving bonus armor) or by just been specific type of morph (here for now only been plant-morph/trant/dryad giving increasing armor bonus).

Truly speaking there is still few more places where it can be used to boost races making it even more variety not just every race been modifying max value of one of the 4 main stats ;)

All it's to make sure races seems mostly balanced without one been too much OP without some noticable flaw (well usualy it's done but still coder personal fav races stil I bet getting tiny hidden bump toward been closest to master race status :laugh: )
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Was planning maybe to write a cancer (crabtaur) shopkeeper that sells beach stuff such as a plant for a daily waterbreathing use nice swimwear and bikini tops and botom (because who doesnt want a bikini for his shark/scylla)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well...that plant could be item giving status effect that wear off at next sunrise (so if PC take it at the morning that whole day of been able explore and after sleeping at night it would wear off ^^). I wonder how you wanna make bikini for scylla...I mean how would look like her bottom for bikini or she would forever forced to only use bikini top?
Aug 28, 2016
@NamelessandAccursed As you meantioned snow womans been more oriented toward int/lust build...I would say that at least here in xianxia I have also some races getting bonuses to max libido (well so far none of races I punched with mean move called penalty to max libido score).

So if you feel it may fit them you could add some small bonus to max lib for them too. Or make note about them getting bonus to max lust value (that also possible racial bonus I using in xianxia - I mean not only max stat can be modified by race scores also max hp/fatigue/ lust/ soulforce are open for modification, heck even PC armor def value is modificable by having some specific body parts (mostly those are by having skin type like fur/sclaes or having specific body parts covered with this skin types - he almost all arms/legs versions for chitin/scale covered races giving bonus armor) or by just been specific type of morph (here for now only been plant-morph/trant/dryad giving increasing armor bonus).

I added the lust maximum bonus. And I think they are now even more ready to be coded into the game. I very much look forward to getting to play with them. ;)  


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well...that plant could be item giving status effect that wear off at next sunrise (so if PC take it at the morning that whole day of been able explore and after sleeping at night it would wear off ^^). I wonder how you wanna make bikini for scylla...I mean how would look like her bottom for bikini or she would forever forced to only use bikini top?

I wanna have mainly bikini top for no bottom character. Poor taurs/naga/scylla cant have botoms


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Ormael might be more active then Kitteh at this time. Just because you dont see it doesnt mean theres not huge work in background. Ive chosen to write for Ormael over kitteh for a reason.

While I understand his reasoning I'm not very fond of reinventing the wheel, when it comes to implement races and so on into my Mod and/or CoC Revamp.

Actually implementing suggestions in secret and closed source was never my intention for this thread and TBH I'm considering to ask @Savin to close and/or delete this thread so I can restart it to state, that all suggestions are publicized under a CC BY SA-style license.

Again: I do understand Ormael's reasoning and I don't want to push him to release Xianxia in public (actually, this isn't even required at all), but I still ask you to be so nice to share your implementations inspired by this thread and the linked gdoc's to the public. Branching off Kitteh6660/master is a good start.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I didnt implement anything in secret but a lot of xianxia tf was made with xianxia in mind and may be ill adapted to kitteh vers witheout modifications.

I can garentee none of what i writed but scylla was ever closed source.

By background stuff i mostly mean testing and idea generating. Xiangxia projects have became way more public since ive started writing.

Kitteh never shown much interest in my work but i still want him to have access to my new stuff. If he dont implement them its his loss.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Knowing how Savin wish to keep mod related stuff to be talked only in mods threads if you make him close and delete this thread it may ends up with him been looking unkindly for restarting this thread anew. Since he's not coming here so far to say his catch phase: please talk about mod related stuff in mod threads; I would personaly not change it. Well not like he already been attracted here by your tag :p

Also making border what is inspiration or what was just meantioned here for sake of noone else trying to write this is hard to thread. Well it's for me at least since some stuff here meantioned was already in Xianxia but I pointed at them to not make others reinventing it again cuz their not bothered check if other than Revamp mod got this particular stuff. But stuff like this Beach, Ocean, Deep Sea will not hold back from rest. Nor the Fenrir or Yuki Onna things. Others...well mostly their were done before idea for this thread was made in Revamp thread. And sadly when I looking at first post of this thread I feel somehow depressed how it all started with us all full of energy writing down ideas and now...most of them jsut sit there with little work done on them...unless people for now working in secret to later on reveal fully written and edited gdoc with code ready stuff ^^ That would be surely truly glorious and amazing surprise, right?

Oh wel I hope I not sounded in the end lika a monster here that keep it treasures hidden in the cave :eek:hdear:


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Well, generally especially CoC Revamp (since its public) needs a few more devs. I definitely can't do this all alone, nor can Kitteh6660 and I guess even you can't, right?

But publicizing implementations makes life easier for potential new coders (and writers of course) to implement them in other mods. Oh and if you intend to publicise it, please be so kind to do it in public, not just by PMing it to me or other devs. Branching it off from Kitteh6660/master is the easiest way to do so. (I assume, that you have that branch in your local Git repo). In case you didn't know: cherry-picking commits is an easy way to 'copy' your commits to other branches. However, I suggest you to switch to a different Git GUI cause GitHub Desktop still has its limitations. Personally I mainly use GitKraken and only rarely use GitHub Desktop for a few things, that still need to be honed in GitKraken (e. g. redownloading aka clone again a borked Git Repo) or when I want to create a PR. This too is a feature, thats better implemented in GitHub Desktop.

Ok, you've already stated, that you plan to publicize parts of your work done to implement suggestions in this thread here, so the following is not directed to you or to Xianxia:

Well, I guess that goes without saying but I repeat this for everyone working on the suggestions here:

  • Every suggestion made here is made in public and by different authors, so always give them credit at least.
  • Don't keep work on their ideas here locked shut till the hell freezes over.
  • Please correct me, if I'm wrong: Neither CoC Vanilla, nor any fork of it is for sale or rent. Even for TITS everything is released for free sooner or later. Backers just get access to it earlier.

If you disagree with any points stated here, please tell me and I'll reword it.

Oh and before I forget: This is for ideas made public here and/or in a publicly accessible gdoc.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Stadler Do you know if MissBlackthorne looked while working on sheep TF on some other incomplete gdoc for sheep TF that had few usable pieces?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Well, I assume, that every writer and coder looks at other TFs and scenes and I'm quite sure, that she does so, too.

But you could send her a PM and/or keep the linked gdocs open and try to contact her through google docs.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Just asked since I not seems to see that other gdoc pieces used in her sheep Tf but well...maybe she decided to wrok from scratch than reuse few parts from other gdoc. Yes I would definetly somehow contact her but it's not much important anyway. It was morre of a curious question that something I wanted to force her to now redone TF item or smth like that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Curently finished gargoyle doc but im thinking on improving on the content by indeed adding the full cathedral revamp. The way this shit is going garg will soon be an addon as large or larger then EVE if it wasnt before
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sadly Jiggly still silent on what is progress toward been code ready EVE :/

Well since wolfy fight had some new stuff there put I suppose gargoyle related den will be much easier to make now :D

Just one thing I wondering...will this dungeon could be explored by PC that not plan to go gargoyle TF path too?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sadly Jiggly still silent on what is progress toward been code ready EVE :/

Well since wolfy fight had some new stuff there put I suppose gargoyle related den will be much easier to make now :D

Just one thing I wondering...will this dungeon could be explored by PC that not plan to go gargoyle TF path too?

Player can do this dungeon witheout fully doing the path. It is part of the quest but doesnt provide any benefits but the final requirement such as gold/exp (of course if we wanted to add stuff in the dungeon we could). While technicaly you do can explore it witheout becoming a gargoyle this place wont appear until Rathazul mention it wich in itself requires you to be currently doing the quest.

Speaking of gargoyle heres my skeleton for Cath revamp

Cathedral rebuilt (under construction)

1: Blessed Altar of Marae: The blessed Altar of Marae which had formerly been damaged is a tool for religion focused PC that allow player to pray. After praying player will be given a +10% bonus to its magical power (white magic only) for a week. The player can come and pray again to regain the bonus once the blessing is gone. Cost 50 stones work time of 8 hour
2. Statue of Marae: The sacred statue at the bottom of the cathedral had been debased and damaged beyond recognition. Having met Marae it is in your power to repair the statue. the statue of ,Marae increase the sacred power in the church increasing the altar blessing to 20%. Repairing the statue will.

Cost 400 stones and a work time of 3 day, has to be done over several steps (require the Blessed altar of Marae to be repaired first)
3. Prayer bench: Repairing this will allow monks and priest in pilgrimage to regularly visit the cathedral again. Monks and clerics chanting their prayer will increase the potency of the Sacred blessing adding an extra +5% (25%) to magical power when praying.

Cost 200 woods 200 nails (require the Statue of Marae and the  to be repaired first)
4. Repairing the gargoyle on the walls: While there will never be any more gargoyles but you and your friend it is possible to add new gargoyle-like statue as decoration. Those statue are purely aesthetic but improves on the church outlook. As part of this maneuver you can build yourself a temporary piedestal to rest in the cathedral instead of the camp. Sleeping in the Cathedral grant the Sacred blessing effect as well as an additional +5% boost for a total of 30%. (Yep gargoyle can feed on the ambient magic of the cathedral. While it's been clearly stated player needs a piedestal to rest player as part of the way he/she worded his ritual isn't linked to a particular piedestal but to any piedestal suitable for him/her to sit upon (at least unless someone rewrite his binding enchantment such as in the sand witch, lethice lair, tower of the phoenix bad ends. Of course you can sleep there only at the normal sleeping hour I ain't gonna enforce a sleep at night system especially since player can customise his enchantment prior to the tf.)

Repairing the gargoyles will cost so far the biggest amount of stone 1000
5. Tending the gardens: You can ask one of the pilgrim/cleric to attend the garden in front of the cathedral. doing so will improve the outlook of the cathedral entrance slightly.
6. Placing Marae Pearl and the blessed sword in the Cathedral: A holy relic such as Marae pearl or the Beautiful sword can massively empower the sacred power housed in the cathedral. The Beautiful sword once placed on the Altar will allow player to purge corruption at the rate of 10 point per day while having both the sword and Marae pearl will make it 20. Each artefact increase the magical bonus by 5% for a total of 40%. It is possible to retrieve the beautiful sword from its resting place and upon being charged with the holy power of the goddess of Mareth the blade will have improved into the Sacred sword, an empowered version of the Beautiful sword of which the base damage is equal to scar blade (yes this long quest allow to actually forge out Excalibur for pure characters. Beautiful sword main issue was in its terrible base damage. while it was intended as a low level weapon i find it sad that a weapon blessed by the goddess of mareth itself is weaker than the jeweled rapier let alone the scarblade which is its evil aligned counterparts)

Keep in mind you dont need to be a gargoyle to do this. You can very well be a human ninetailed kitsune who wants a magic buff.
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Blue August

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
Been playing around with making a mod mainly as a testbed for new regions and ideas. Hoping to eventually have completed areas and encounters that can be freely included by anyone. Here's the current region I'm working on:

Deep Desert

-Discovered by exploring the Desert.

-The encounters I have set up so far:

  • Lamia Bandit - anthro-mountain lion desert bandit.
  • Cactus Dryad - cactus-girl that produces psychotropic cactus juices. (comes in hostile and non-hostile versions)
  • Wandering Mummy - undead don't count as necrophilia, Shouldra's dead and she's cool, dang it!

Those are all finished with only placeholder strings needing full text left to do. There's a couple of short random events as well.

-Future planned encounters:

  • Scorpion Sire and Witch - dark-skinned humanoids from the waist up, giant scorpions from the waist down. Sires are male and witches are female.
  • Djinn - you can find a magical lamp in the deep desert, but the djinn inside only grants a particular brand of wishes.

Possible future encounters could be a greater lamia with a cat-taur lower body and stronger mummies. Also don't know if I want to keep the mummies as human, make them jackal-morphs, or have both as different types. I don't plan to have them be gory or rotten or anything that should tweak necrophobes... they're sexy, well-preserved 'differently alive' people.

I'm not really considering transformation items, but I do want to include a drop from the Cactus Dryad that lets you turn your hair into cactus flowers.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
On Lamia there is another poster that showed interes to make Lamia race (I think it's Stadler himself ^^) so you can look at first post to see who working on it and get in touch with this person.

For cactus girl flower thing you may check some of effects from Mara Fruit Tf that is in Xianxia as it sounds as your idea is similar one to the one used there for hair orchids.

Scorpion Sire/Witch...their would be type of scorpion-taur, right? Well I like it since we got scoprion race on list of races to be someday included and thus this enemies could be counted in it.

On Mummies...ohh well it's indeed as you said quite risky area so it's good you try to thread carefully. And them possible bejackal-morphs there is also another person that showed interest in using jackal-morphs soif you decide to go this patch once again look over first post to see who should be working on them to contact him/her.

I quite curious as what would those randomn events will be, well seems I need jsut to wait for later grand reveal, right? ;)

Well general thought is I fully wish you good luck while working on this new location and hopes to see in days/weeks to come you announce you succesfully managed to make new area.
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Blue August

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
On Lamia there is another poster that showed interes to make Lamia race (I think it's Stadler himself ^^) so you can look at first post to see who working on it and get in touch with this person.

I saw that, my lamia are based on the lion-taur creatures from D&D - hence them being anthro-lions. I don't know why they're named after long established snake-lady monsters. Might need to think of a different name.

For cactus girl flower thing you may check some of effects from Mara Fruit Tf that is in Xianxia as it sounds as your idea is similar one to the one used there for hair orchids.

Thanks, I'll check it out. Cactus Dryads have cactus flowers for hair, it seemed like it would be neat for the champion to have that option.

Scorpion Sire/Witch...their would be type of scorpion-taur, right? Well I like it since we got scoprion race on list of races to be someday included and thus this enemies could be counted in it.

Yea, they're scorpion-taurs. Could be a potential source of transformation items too, I suppose.

On Mummies...ohh well it's indeed as you said quite risky area so it's good you try to thread carefully. And them possible bejackal-morphs there is also another person that showed interest in using jackal-morphs soif you decide to go this patch once again look over first post to see who should be working on them to contact him/her.

Yeah, I like undead creatures in fantasy. I think they can be sexy too, with the right presentation. I saw @NamelessandAccursed made a Yuki Onna race, which is sort've a ghost, kind've. Other undead could be given a chance too - heck, maybe vampires could be in as vampire bat-morphs.

I quite curious as what would those randomn events will be, well seems I need jsut to wait for later grand reveal, right? ;)

Nothing too major actually, just some filler events of the champion exploring the Deep Desert and learning about it. You might get lucky and see a sphinx fly overhead.

Well general thought is I fully wish you good luck while working on this new location and hopes to see in days/weeks to come you announce you succesfully managed to make new area.

Thanks, it probably will be a couple weeks before I'm finished everything, but making encounters is going faster than I thought it would. I think the longest part will be filling in the text and making it enjoyable.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I saw that, my lamia are based on the lion-taur creatures from D&D - hence them being anthro-lions. I don't know why they're named after long established snake-lady monsters. Might need to think of a different name.

Yes in this case comming with some different name would be better. As otherwisepeople could think it's another type of naga enemy not something like this lion-taur you meantioned. Well we got Scylla named npc that is human nun with some demon TF effects and scylla race that is...actualy looking like scylla with that octopus lower body.

Thanks, I'll check it out. Cactus Dryads have cactus flowers for hair, it seemed like it would be neat for the champion to have that option.

Ah hair...well ok then also looking at Mara Fruit could be usefull as it allow changing hair into leafs and orchid flowrers aren't actualy replacing whole hair just grow out of PC hear on sides making it cute addition for female PC's.

You might get lucky and see a sphinx fly overhead.

I can sense here others looking with hopes at you for some kind of another sphinx encounter ^^


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
On Lamia there is another poster that showed interes to make Lamia race (I think it's Stadler himself ^^) so you can look at first post to see who working on it and get in touch with this person.

I saw that, my lamia are based on the lion-taur creatures from D&D - hence them being anthro-lions. I don't know why they're named after long established snake-lady monsters. Might need to think of a different name.

Yeah, lion-taurs should have a different name. Most ppl. think of lamias as being snake-womans rather than a lion-taur. On the other hand: a general (non-mge) lion-TF would be nice to have. As of now, we're quite stuck with dragonnes, sphinxes and manticores having cat-parts, while they should have lion parts instead.

@Ormael: These are just random and basic ideas. Feel free to improve them, if you intend to.

Well we got Scylla named npc that is human nun with some demon TF effects and scylla race that is...actualy looking like scylla with that octopus lower body.

True, but Scylla is just a name and its just a coincidence, that shes named like a race. Bauer is the german word for farmer and we all know, that Jack Bauer is no farmer, right?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
When we get to work on manticores more seriously (well we since you know who I mean aside me xD ) would probably be made some work on bringing to live lion-moprhs. Till then if Blue would be a speedster and make those morphs first I not mind. I can't work on 10 things at once or I stop progressing with any of them. Like now I stuck at this gills changes of yours. Keep giving me 3 nasty bugs that stopping code compilation :/

EDIT: Nvm I made something else and code compile now :D

Well some names of place names have some meaning like the one with Owca village name source...too bad you made joke about Jack Bauer already so I can't do one about Owca but I not sad just going back to wrestling with this gills stuff or I not finish today Deep Sea exploration part so I can then put on github code for all of those three areas -_-'
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Finished writing most of the cathedral rebuilding overhaul in the gargoyle doc.

edit: Cathedral revamp texts finished.

curently on my workbench

Kakuen (monkey tf)

Turtle / Kappa tf
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Wanted to mention I will personnaly take care of lion tf as its part of one of my most important tf.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Just asking: Sup with scorps? I'd like the see them as a monster-girl/-boy, so the face and torso for example shouldn't be carapaced.