Think-tank: Adding new races, TFs and locations to CoC


Jun 19, 2016
Obviously new here as I just made an account. But I had a question that I am not sure was ever really answered. If I write up a new transformation item+race descriptions ect using others as a template to ensure I provide all the necessary information would people be willing to do the coding portion to add it in? I have approximately no experience with coding so I doubt I could write the code to add something myself. Thanks in advance for the answer. :)

Yeah, you don't need to be a coder to provide content, if you have a TF or race you want to write, please do so.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Obviously new here as I just made an account. But I had a question that I am not sure was ever really answered. If I write up a new transformation item+race descriptions ect using others as a template to ensure I provide all the necessary information would people be willing to do the coding portion to add it in? I have approximately no experience with coding so I doubt I could write the code to add something myself. Thanks in advance for the answer. :)

Unfortunatly no one can guarantee, that a newly suggested race would be coded into the game or any mod. However: Starting a gdoc with the basics, enable commenting and pointing to it here, in the CoC Revamp thread and/or on the CoC Revamp Trello board is never a bad idea and always better, than not doing anything until a dev jumps in to help you.

[Edit:] And of course its not the job of writers to provide working code and you don't need any coding experience to suggest new content. And about mechanics: You can always write pseudo-code to describe the mechanics.
[if corr 65+, hair is not goo, female or herm]
    You feel the hair-pin ...

    hair becomes basilisk spines
    haircolor changes to skincolor
    hairlength changes to 2 inches

And don't forget: pseudo-code doesn't follow any syntax and just has to be human readable ^^
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Aug 28, 2016
Thanks :)

I was thinking about working on both an angelic type transformation and an ice spirit based one. There might be some desire for both I would imagine?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I was thinking about working on both an angelic type transformation and an ice spirit based one. There might be some desire for both I would imagine?

As for angelic one it was I think touched this thing in this trrad even I think slight earlier. So end result was that pure angelic as PC becoming as typical angel can't be done in CoC due to lore reasons. That is that MAreth IS demon realm so any angel npc will be soon turned intos something else be it fallen angel or well even some type of demon/devil. So as long you not wish to make it look like typical angel it may be still fitting.

As for ice related race tf+npc....mhm that picked my interest since I in kind of need to even fire races in xianxia with some ice one races ^^ So as long you make that gdoc I would for sure look at it.
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Aug 28, 2016
As for ice related race tf+npc....mhm that picked my interest since I in kind of need to even fire races in xianxia with some ice one races ^^ So as long you make that gdoc I would for sure look at it.

I'll put up a link when I have enough progress to make it worth sharing. Since there is desire for this one in particular I'll prioritize it though. Quite a bit to write, with multiple scene ideas and interactions. Possibly even an actual npc related to it. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'll put up a link when I have enough progress to make it worth sharing. Since there is desire for this one in particular I'll prioritize it though. Quite a bit to write, with multiple scene ideas and interactions. Possibly even an actual npc related to it. 

If you want get some reference you can look at Liadri gdoc for Fenrir. Link to it should be on top of this page post or on first post in thread on first page. That stuff there was written in like half day and now I already coded around half of it content into my mod.

So about your project take it slow not try push yourself too hard. Get done first tf item and then if you will not feel still burnout work on npc. Worst is to burnout in middle of work or almost at the end.

@Stadler That beach (plus two oceanic location) discovery text I finally wrote down and thus pasted in beach+ocean gdoc so in spare moment look and leave some comment on it.
Aug 28, 2016
If you want get some reference you can look at Liadri gdoc for Fenrir. Link to it should be on top of this page post or on first post in thread on first page. That stuff there was written in like half day and now I already coded around half of it content into my mod.

So about your project take it slow not try push yourself too hard. Get done first tf item and then if you will not feel still burnout work on npc. Worst is to burnout in middle of work or almost at the end.

I'm making good progress. I hope to be able to put the doc up in the next day. I really need a better name than Ice Wraiths though. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yuki Ona? or whataver it was?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm making good progress. I hope to be able to put the doc up in the next day. I really need a better name than Ice Wraiths though. 

Yuki Ona as Liadri suggesting is well...mostly all female race so if your race you working on IS or could be all feamels then more reasons to name them this way. Well just a head up as it's still up to you to pick name or what this race will be.

@ThatOneJester Lake seems as a little bit..too small location to place such city underneath the water surface plus...if PC blow up factory whole lake is well more or less not water anymore but in huge part fluids stored previously in factory. So in locating this city in Lake it would be for sure needed to account change in city due to possibly PC blowing up factory. WIth ocean it will no matter so I dare to say (and you may not agree) that Ocean location sounds like easier to use location than lake.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
@Ormael Like I said in the gdoc (At least I believe, I said that): The buttons 'Ocean' and 'Deep Sea' will be added, if you discover the 'Beach' but disable, because obviously you can't travel there unless you've found the boat and/or can swim there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Stadler Dang well but still texts usualy meantioning what new location PC can explore now. So does it mean before PC got boat or got aquatic features it can't be said ocean and deep sea was found?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
@Stadler Dang well but still texts usualy meantioning what new location PC can explore now. So does it mean before PC got boat or got aquatic features it can't be said ocean and deep sea was found?

Uhm, wnorg. You can see the Ocean. So for me its logical to add these buttons but leave them disabled for reasons. Would be confusing if they disappear if the player can't travel there anymore, right?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Stadler So let it be it will meantion all 3 been discovered at once. Just later on PC will see disabled button as long not have needed thing(s) to explore this two areas. Or you preffer if beach discovery text meantion only discovering beach?
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Aug 28, 2016
Yuki Ona as Liadri suggesting is well...mostly all female race so if your race you working on IS or could be all feamels then more reasons to name them this way. 

Well as they are pretty much all female and based around snow and ice and blizzards. It actually does seem to fit. Lol


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well as they are pretty much all female and based around snow and ice and blizzards. It actually does seem to fit. Lol

Mhmmm then more the reasons for me cheering at you from shadows that what you write will be of good quality so I can almsot without many changes add it to my mod ^^

Well then I taking my leave back to fenrir work and to await good news from you in (near) future. :smugdog:


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Das Pedodog face xD
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ahh right @NamelessandAccursed if you want to know how to after writing slight format text for easier work for me you can ask poster above aka a magnificent and amazing Liadri.

And speaking of fenrir if any of you looked on it gdoc all blue sections are already coded (and I think I can say mostly tested to be working ^^)

:smugdog: :smugdog: :smugdog:    Me gusta Liadri   :smugdog: :smugdog: :smugdog:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Finaly a use for my lovely shark/scylla features xD
Aug 28, 2016
I'm debating whether it should actually turn males female with enough uses of the TF, or just make them very feminine, ala trap oil. Suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
If you choose the former, then Rath should have a recipe to purify the tainted transformative. Although I'd prefer the latter, I guess both variants will do.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
@ThatOneJester Lake seems as a little bit..too small location to place such city underneath the water surface plus...if PC blow up factory whole lake is well more or less not water anymore but in huge part fluids stored previously in factory. So in locating this city in Lake it would be for sure needed to account change in city due to possibly PC blowing up factory. WIth ocean it will no matter so I dare to say (and you may not agree) that Ocean location sounds like easier to use location than lake.

Which is exactly why I assume the idea never went anywhere.

Is still a good idea in the long run, to have an underwater area to explore.

Another reason it never went anywhere I would think, is because we more or less can't breathe underwater.

And having something in game that hindered who could, or couldn't experience the content was a bit much.

I would recommend if somebody worked on this, to revision it to be around some sort of magic to enter the city or whatever.

That way It wouldn't force the player to gills just to see it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Finaly a use for my lovely shark/scylla features xD

If I had already place for manticores it will be also use of your love for them too :D Well you do love them a lil bit too, right?

I'm debating whether it should actually turn males female with enough uses of the TF, or just make them very feminine, ala trap oil. Suggestions?

Scylla TF was orginal wirtten as only for females. With Liadri blessing to play around with it I made that it's possible to make herm/male versions of scylla TF so you could go for this soultion if you feel you not wanna limit this TF to making PC more female. Or jsut stick to making it purely female and maybe on some later date write something for males. Either one way is up to you.

Which is exactly why I assume the idea never went anywhere.

Is still a good idea in the long run, to have an underwater area to explore.

Another reason it never went anywhere I would think, is because we more or less can't breathe underwater.

And having something in game that hindered who could, or couldn't experience the content was a bit much.

I would recommend if somebody worked on this, to revision it to be around some sort of magic to enter the city or whatever.

That way It wouldn't force the player to gills just to see it.

Yeah for now only way to visit this city would be having one of two types of grills from Stadler rework of them. Or...making that this underwater city is actualy partial or fully jsut a typical city but under huge dome so as long PC can get there by other means than swim to then no need for gills. ANd that other mean would be...using teleportation array like directly from PC camp to city... problem would be still gwtting first time to get somehow coords of this undercity teleport :/

As usual underwater city sound cool when we meantion it but when it come to actual trying make it work all the troubles comming down :(

No worry we propably will find a way after Oceana and Deep Sea locations will finaly be added to either Xianxia or Revamp.
Aug 28, 2016
Scylla TF was orginal wirtten as only for females. With Liadri blessing to play around with it I made that it's possible to make herm/male versions of scylla TF so you could go for this soultion if you feel you not wanna limit this TF to making PC more female. Or jsut stick to making it purely female and maybe on some later date write something for males. Either one way is up to you.

Alright, currently I have it so that it makes the males more feminine similar to how trap oil does. 

And I am much closer now, I got through the slog of writing out the mechanics stuff and now just have the encounter scenes to write out. :) Progress!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I looked over gdoc and left two comments. Hpefully their will be some help.

Also you earlier meantion about some possibility of maybe npc for this race...somehow now I think about it I keep recalling this chara form one of mange/anime ^^

Aug 28, 2016
I looked over gdoc and left two comments. Hpefully their will be some help.

Also you earlier meantion about some possibility of maybe npc for this race...somehow now I think about it I keep recalling this chara form one of mange/anime ^^

I replied to all the comments and questions. :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
To celebrate the addon of the sea content ill not only write a scylla fight but also a full (totaly oversized) kraken tf.

Ever dreamed of armwrestling with venus? Because a 10 feet tall kraken will easily have tentacles 2 time their heights! (In theory 30 feet lenght from head to tip)

bioluminescence/hood black gloves included
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