Think-tank: Adding new races, TFs and locations to CoC


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

Ok so just use for making underbelly part of skin for PC or with some work it would allow PC get generaly skin divided in two parts that could be vary how much part it takes. So something like 'sexy natural armor' coud be done...I think succubus TF giving this could make things look slight more interesting. Well for some 'crude' example let take armored titan form attack on titan and then think what if it would be done ctualy to look sexy not... well like armor he had on his titan form.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
I'm working on writing up a Gnoll TF at the moment and will share the GDoc when i'm a little less messy. I will then do one for sheep and one for kobold since i suggested them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I will then do one for sheep and one for kobold since i suggested them.

Does it mean this one gdoc for sheep TF I seen link on mod trello is yours? If not you could check there to see what is already wrote by someone on this TF.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Does it mean this one gdoc for sheep TF I seen link on mod trello is yours? If not you could check there to see what is already wrote by someone on this TF.

nope, thats not mine. when i finish this gnoll tf, i'll have a look


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
nope, thats not mine. when i finish this gnoll tf, i'll have a look

Ak mkay. Well that sheep TF looks quite much wirtten. I think it may even be around 75 or more % complete writing aside editing/proofreading. WOuld be waste to not use this if you gonna get to sheep TF item eventualy ^^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Watch out for this dragon tf or i might turn it into the mge Ryu xD


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016


Active Member
May 24, 2016
Is there an existing TF that can develop Harpy-like wings without changing their arm type? Like feathery dragon wings


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Gargoyle tf will include both feathery and leathery wing. keep in mind however those wings like prety much the rest of your body are made out of stone.

Curently Ormael is taking a pause its very likely Gargoyle will be finished when he comes back
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Is there an existing TF that can develop Harpy-like wings without changing their arm type? Like feathery dragon wings

Lumi can enhance golden seed to be magical golden seed. With this, the only requirement to gain them is to have no wings at all.

Well, on the other hand I think we need more TFs, that TF your wings to be feathered. And maybe we should add WING_TYPE_FEATHERED_SMALL for new races with feathered wings.


Active Member
May 24, 2016
Lumi can enhance golden seed to be magical golden seed. With this, the only requirement to gain them is to have no wings at all.

Well, on the other hand I think we need more TFs, that TF your wings to be feathered. And maybe we should add WING_TYPE_FEATHERED_SMALL for new races with feathered wings.

Honestly, I was just asking because I wanted to do a Virgin Angel run


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Honestly, I was just asking because I wanted to do a Virgin Angel run

Something, like this for example:

You began your journey as a dragon-taur, but gave that up as you explored the dangers of this realm. You are a 8 foot 0 inch tall hermaphrodite human, with an average body and soft, unremarkable flesh. You are currently wearing your comfortable clothes and dragonscale bra and using your beautiful sword as a weapon. Girding one of your fingers is fertite ring. Your face is human in shape and structure, with light skin. It has a somewhat masculine, angular jawline. Your shoulder-length, white hair looks good on you, accentuating your features well.

You have a humanoid shape with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. A pair of large, feathery wings sprout from your back. Though you usually keep the white-colored wings folded close, they can unfurl to allow you to soar as gracefully as a harpy. You have ample hips that give you a graceful stride, and your nice ass has the barest amount of sexy jiggle. Two normal human legs grow down from your waist, ending in normal human feet.

You have two tits, each supporting a 1-inch nipple. You could easily fill a B-cup bra.

Your girthy prick is eight inches long and one inch thick.
A scrotum with two baseball-sized testicles swings heavily beneath your broad cock. You estimate each of them to be about two inches across

You have a virgin, moist cunt, with a 0.5 inches clit and an intact hymen.

You have one virgin asshole, placed between your butt-cheeks where it belongs.

Did that with debug mode on for a quick test and the first Mag. Seed after reverting to human with hummus did the job. :) Well, that + one white hair dye and one clear body lotion from Rathazul.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well I think that after getting harpy wings that was also along with harpy arms just use of TF to change arm type while avoiding changing wing will do the trick. Or using new and reworked Metamorph perk I should add still in this year in Xianxia ^^


Aug 30, 2015
if a cave location has not been declared it would be nice and a few optional creatures and tfs xenomorphs, and a few types of bugs (that live in caves), zerglings (they are good at ambushing so caves would make sense).


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
if a cave location has not been declared it would be nice and a few optional creatures and tfs xenomorphs, and a few types of bugs (that live in caves), zerglings (they are good at ambushing so caves would make sense).

CoC is fantasy. TITS is science fiction. You should suggest it there.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
To all: I'm planning to work on the underBody implementation in my mod, but it would be stupid to add yet another body part, that is solely for a single race. Would be nice, if anyone could tell me, which of the existing race(s) (in CoC Revamp Mod by Kitteh6660 of course) could probably have an underbody, thats different from the rest of its body.

I already have an idea for dragons, but I definitely need more, than one race for this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well dragons are kind of...lizards so all other lizardy races could use this so...lizans and salamanders too? In future since we would probably get some dino-races those that got tought all parts of skin beside underbell should work. T-rexes not sure if fitting but morph similar to anylonosaur much more fits. Also..turtles (if we reach point they will be as race possible to get).

On cave location...well more fantasy like race to been there for sure would be bat-morphs. There could be also some of few other types races meet there...maybe some quite brave lizard race members if such caves won't be too cold. Maybe goo race could also been found there.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Well dragons are kind of...lizards so all other lizardy races could use this so...lizans and salamanders too? In future since we would probably get some dino-races those that got tought all parts of skin beside underbell should work. T-rexes not sure if fitting but morph similar to anylonosaur much more fits. Also..turtles (if we reach point they will be as race possible to get).

Existing races, Ormael. Not races yet to be added. Well, I guess I'll start with dragons and dragonewts (not dracolisks) for starters. The picture here suggests, that they have smoother scales on their underbelly. Probably I give them dragon eyes and lizard scales on the underbelly and dragon scales for the rest or their skin. Manders have the same human skin with the same color as the rest of their human skin on their 'underBody'. Doesn't make much sense to give them a different 'underBody'.

PS: We have a 'lowerBody', my mod has a 'rearBody' (Examples are dragon hairy and spiky mane as well as behemoth spines) and I plan to add an 'underBody' as well for the few races, that need a different description for their underbody/underbelly.

Don't driders and other ovipositor races have underbodies?

I guess, you mean their lowerBody, right?