Hilda's Misadventures (For Floozer)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, from what little has been seen of the histarans, their view of off-worlders is pretty negative," Steph explained. "Given their low level of technological advancement, you'd think they would react with fear to flying machines and people from space. But the histarans seem to view us as encroachers or invaders. I can't imagine where they got that idea from," she said, eyeing the other cages. "Hopefully, once the greater galactic community is able to make peaceful contact with the histarans as a whole, their view will change. Until then, we need to keep out eyes open, and hope they don't plan to execute us."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"That...isn't very comforting Steph. But i suppose you are right. I just hope they don't try to eat us or something...I would rather be a sex slave to pirates than end up cooking over a fire or any other grisly fate you see in those holo videos online." She looks around, taking in the landscape and her captors for a few minutes. "I guess we should just not cause any trouble...maybe they will let us go?" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
They sat their, rolling along in the carts for what seemed like hours, before the jungle finally gave way and they saw their destination. A massive stone city of spiraling towers and huge ziggurats rising out of a sea of smaller dwellings. As they made their way into the city proper, it was like traveling back in time for Hilda. Robes and togas seemed to be the normal dress of the histarans, though unlike their captors, the ones worn by the citizens of the city wee a riot of color; light reds and sky blue seemed to be the most common.

To her shock, the histarans were not the only race she saw in the crowd. Every now and then, she would catch sight of a human, or kaithrit, or ausar, or some other species from the greater galactic community. Most of them seemed to be following along close behind a histaran, but all of them wore the same thing, a simple cloth shall or loincloth, and a thick leather collar.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh...Steph I think I know what they plan to do with us now." She nodded a passing ausar wearing the loin cloth and collar. "If I had to guess...slaves. Just like that ausar there...or tat kaithrit over there. i find it funny that these people with primitive tech have been able to capture so many star dwellers. Or at least I would if i wasn't one of them." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Never underestimate a people just because they have less tech than you," Steph warned. "I mean, it really doesn't help that the first thing most planet rushers do upon reaching a new planet is completely disregard protocol and jump out of their ships to start poking around, making easy targets of themselves. You gotta' wonder just how many starships are just sitting out in the jungle gathering moss."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"That is actually something to keep in mind. My ship got totaled by the space pirates. But if we could find another ship and start repairing in whenever we can...we might be able to get out of here unscathed! Of course...doing that without being discovered is going to take a long time...but it is nice to have hope for escape."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Eventually, the cart came to a stop behind a large stage in the middle of what could only be a market. Hilda and Steph watched as the cage in front of them was opened , and the people inside lead up onto the stage at arrow-point. Once there, a histaran who was clearly an auctioneer, began shouting out over the crowd drawing in a large number of spectators. He walked to each of the prisoners in turn, pointing to various parts of their bodies and speaking in a strange hissing language. One by one the pirates were lead of the stage, until none were left. The guards then came to Hilda's cage, and the watchful eyes of several bowmen, she and Steph were lead up onto the stage.  

With her hands bound behind her back, Hilda couldn't even try to cover herself as crowd of onlookers stared at her naked body. Steph was the first to be auctioned, the announcer walking around her and drawing attention to her many mutations, especially her scaled limbs and dick-like tail. Eventually, they seemed to finish with her, and she was lead off stage by several guards. Then it was Hilda's turn.

The auctioneer walked around her, speaking in an appraising tone and occasionally poking her with a small wooden wand. Eventually he drew attention to her oversized genitals, using his wand to lift her penis up before letting it flop back into place. he than turned to her directly and spoke in a commanding tone, while motioning for her to turn around.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Not wanting to be on the bad end of those arrows she quickly turns around, her tail swishing side to side in frustration. Her ass jiggles pleasantly as she comes to a stop, her heavy balls visible between her thighs.  


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
A firm shove on her back forced Hilda to lean forward. To her shock, she then felt a hand grasp her left ass cheek and pull it to the side, revealing her anus and womanhood to the crowd. Another hand then cupped and lifted one of her massive testicles, as if testing the weight, before letting it fall back to its resting place. Through it all, the crowd murmured, and chattered excitedly, some even laughed as Hilda's most private parts were put on display for all to see.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
'grit your teeth and bear it...grit your teeth and bear it. Arrows in your ass and worse than hands on your ass.' She thought to herself as the crowd mocked and laughed at her body. She waiting for the auctioneer to be done with his presenting before standing back up as soon as she was able, a non pleased look on her face. "Thanks for that jerk..." she muttered under her breath.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
With his display of the goods taken care of, the auctioneer held up his hand with all five fingers spread, and then began to talk so fast that to Hilda it almost sounded like he was saying one long word. As the auctioneer babbled, hands started shooting up in the crowd, and words that could only be numbers were called out. It went on for a solid minute, until one bigger called out a number that caused the entire crowd to go silent. Looking to the one that had spoken, Hilda saw a very young histaran man, little more than a boy really,surrounded by six men carrying swords. All of them were wearing ornately cut and dyed clothing, and no small amount of jewelry. Upon seeing him, the entire crowd bowed, including the auctioneer who grabbed Hilda by the back of the neck and forced her head down to.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ow! Ok ass bag I am bowing...yeesh." So quickly copies evryone else, bowing just as they are. 'Ok, little kid, lots of guards, everyone is bowing...shit, did I just get bought by royalty?! Oh god, so much for escaping. This kid will keep me locked up tighter than a virgin a whore house!'


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As Hilda was mulling over her predicament, she didn't notice on of the auction guards come up behind her. In a flash a thick leather collar with a ring on the front was wrapped around her neck and pulled tight. The auctioneer then came over and attached a long leather leash to the ring and made his way off the stage, giving the leash a firm tug to get Hilda to follow him.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hey! what the hell- Gah!" Is all she has to say before the collar is pulled tight and the leash is given a yank. For fear of choking to death or being dragged across the floor she quickly follows teh auctioneer off the stage. "Ok ok! Don't yank me around!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Hilda was lead off the stage and her leash handed over to one of the guards accompanying the young noble. As one the group turned to leave the market place, with Hilda in tow. As they walked through the city, everyone they passed stopped what they were doing and bowed to the young noble. Any time Hilda tried to speak, the man holding her leash gave it a firm tug to quiet her. After walking for what felt like forever, they arrived at the gates of a walled off area of the city. As they walked through, Hilda had to marvel at what she saw. The buildings inside the wall were all made of brilliant white marble, and decorated with stunning statuary, tapestries, and paintings. Lush vegetation was allowed to grow throughout much of the area, including a bewildering array of flowers, and vines. Fountains and pools dotted the grounds, ensuring that the plants were easily watered.

All around her, histarans in what she assumed was noble dress, went about their business; often with a slave following them. All of them stopped and bowed to the young man as they made their way through the villa, and almost all of them stopped to stare at her as she brought up the rear. Now that she was away from the auction block, Hilda was suddenly acutely aware that she was the only one without ant clothes on. Even the other slaves had at least something to protect their modesty; even if it was just a loincloth.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She stumbled along behind the group of guards and the young noble. Doing her best to keep up and giving up on the notion of communication after the third tug on her leash. The staring was getting really annoying and now more than ever she missed her friend Beatrix. The memory tried to surface her emotions but she quickly swallowed them back down for fear of what would happen to her. Noticing that other slaves had clothes was...not that comforting as she was lead long. 'most likely means that I am below even other slaves....good gods above what are they going to do with me?' she thought while keeping up the pace.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The group came to the largest ziggurat in the complex, and promptly split. The young noble and most of his guards headed up a grand flight of stairs to the upper levels of the building, while the guard holding Hilda's leash broke off and lead her through one of the doors on the lowest level. The inside of the building was at least cooler than the sweltering heat of the jungle outside. As she was lead along, Hilda was passed by many slaves, and histarans in much simpler clothing than what she had seen so far; most likely servants. Eventually, they came to a long hallway lined with simple wooden doors. The guard took her to the very last one on the left and pulled her inside.

The room was steamy, and the floor wet with condensation. Most of the floor space was dominated by a large round pool of steaming water, that couldn't have been more than three feet deep. As she stood looking at the pool, Hilda heard the door shut behind them, and turned to see the guard approaching her. With slow smooth motions he reached out and unfastened the leash from her collar, before spinning her around and tying her hands. She stood their rubbing her poor wrists, when a sharp shove on her back caused her to loose her footing and fall face first into the warm water.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She gasped and struggled for a bit before finally getting her bearings and glaring at the guard as she stood up. "Geeze, you could just point at the water you know! Don't have to shove me in!" She grumbled and rubbed her wrists, happy to be free of the bindings at long last. "So...what, you want me to bathe? Fine, I can do that. Thanks I suppose." She goes about cleaning her body, wiping away the sweat and grim from being dragged around a jungle and running around so much.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The guard threw a bar of soap at Hilda from a cupboard in the corner and let her bathe. Once he was satisfied that she was clean, he called her back out of the water and tossed a towel at her, allowing her to dry her hair and most of her body before grabbing it back, and reattaching her leash; though he left her hands unbound. Leading her back into the hall of doors, he walked her a few dozen feet before stopping and opening one of them. He unclasped her collar again and shoved her inside. She was in a small room, about ten feet square, with a simple cot in one corner and a small hole in the stone floor in the other. Before she could enquire about the room, the door slammed shut behind her, and she heard it lock from the other side.   


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Again she stumbles and staggers behind the guard trying to keep up with his hasty pace. She almost falls over when she is shoved into the room and jumps when she hears the lock click behind her. With a resigned sigh she looks around the barren room and climbs into the cot. "Well Hilda....here you are. Naked, confused and enslaved by people who are still tribal and don't seem to speak a lick of English. At least they haven't actually hurt me yet...but I am sure that can change if i screw up on anything" She sighs again and just stares at the ceiling. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
With nothing else to do, Hilda eventually drifted off to sleep on the stiff cot. Sadly, even sleep granted her no respite from her ordeals, and her night was wracked by dreams of being forced to walk around Tavros station naked as the crowds laughed and jeered, only to eventually find herself on a pirate ship being ravished by one crewman after another. When she finally opened her eyes, the early morning sun had just began to peek through the small barred window in her cell. Sitting up, she found that the sun was not the only thing that had risen. After the dreams she'd had, she was almost ashamed of herself to be sporting morning wood, her penis stood fully erect and twitching, as if demanding attention.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Of course YOU would find such horrible night mares arousing you traitor!" She sighs and lays back down...before one hand slowly rises up to start stroking her cock up and down slowly, the other hand reaching past it to gently rolls her balls back and forth. "Then again...it has been rather stressful...maybe a good fap will do me some good." She pondered out loud as her hands slowly worked faster.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hilda works herself over for roughly five minutes, jerking her cock faster and faster as she leaks honey pre down the shaft of her member, making her strokes all the better. Her other hand gently squeezes her balls, rubs them and rolls them around. Once that loses touch she reaches under her heavy sack and slides two fingers into her pussy. With a loud and lusty moan she bucks her hips and gets ready to cum. Remembering how much she produced and not having anyone to catch it, she jumps out of her hammock and points her cock at the hole in the corner just as she hits orgasm. Lusty moans roll from her throat as large streams of gold cum spray into the hole for two minutes, her cock and balls throbbing the entire time. 

With a relaxed sigh she finally comes to a stop, having over flowed the hole in the corner. She gets back into her hammock and wipes the rest of her cum from the tip of her flared horse cock, licking it off with a happy hum.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Feel better?"

Hilda nearly fell off her cot at the sound of the voice. Looking to the door, she saw a somber looking kaithrit woman, with shoulder-length purple hair, standing in the doorway. She wore a plain white dress and sandals, that hung loosely from her slim frame. In her hands was a plate of bread and fruit, as well as a cup of water.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
At a complete lack of dignity here, she just sighs and nods her head. "Yea...yea I do. Stupid cock has a mind of it's own I swear." Then it hits her..someone she can talk to! She jumps from her bed and moves to the door. "Wait a minute! You can speak english! Oh thank goodness! What is going on here?! Why have I been taken as a slave?! Who was that young boy that apparently bought me?! What is he going to do with me?!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The kaithrit put a hand on Hilda's stomach and pushed her back softly. "You need to eat," she said, matter of factly. "You're not going to get another meal until this evening, and they'll be taking you away for orientation soon, so I suggest you don't waste time."  She gently pushed the plate of food into Hilda's hands.  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Orientation? What goes on during orientation?" More and more questions come to mind but the growling in her stomach takes priority. She slowly eats the food given to her, still looking to the kaithrit for answers.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The young woman let out a sigh. "Look, you've been taken as a slave because that's just what these people do. If you just do as you're told, and don't make them mad, they shouldn't treat you too bad. As for what kind of job you'll be doing, well... what part of you did the auctioneer show off the most?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"My penis and my testicles....is that a bad thing?" She gives the girl a horrified look as various horrors flash in her mind.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, that depends on how you look at it," the girl said, giving Hilda an apologetic look. "Listen, I have to get back to my chores, before they come looking for me. Good luck, for what it's worth." With that, the kaithrit girl stepped out of the room and closed the door, locking it behind her, and leaving Hilda to eat alone.