The Syren Conspiracy (For Floozer)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Cinnara's eyes go wide with helpless horror as she tries to struggle, but can only manage a weak wiggle. 

"Alright! Whoo!" Alex whoops before flipping Cinnara over, his dicks already pointed at her rosebud. "Wait wait wait I'm an anal virgin dammit!" Cinnara yells. Alex gives her a hard spank to the ass that rings out around the room and makes her ass jiggle. "Yeah? So? You think I'm going to be gentle? Should have thought of all those people before you turned them into monsters. Wherever they are, I bet they're laughing and high fiving at your current predicament, you BITCH!" He growls, pressing both his dicks into her asshole as his hand wraps around her throat and squeezes. Cinnara screams in pain as her virgin butthole is cruelly stretched by Alex's dicks. Unfortunately, he only manages to get the heads and about an inch of dick before grunting and pulling back. "Bloody hell she's tight... But she doesn't deserve any lube! Go do what you have to, love. I'll take care of this bitch for now." Alex says, pressing his dicks down once again and earning another scream of pain from Cinnara. 

Miraculously, Brynn is somehow still sleeping through all this. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Alex... don't break my toy. Lube is under the bed." She waggles her finger at him and gets dressed before jogging down to Carver's lab and letting herself in "Hey Carver? You in here buddy? I have a favor to ask." 

(Could you give me a solid run down of Cinnara's apperance? Sizes too please)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Up here." A voice says from the ceiling. "What's up? Apart from me, that is." Carver says. 

[Didn't I post a picture of her?]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
(Yea, but she was in full gear.... hard to tell man.)

She looks up and smiles "Long story short, I have a living sex toy, I want to sterilize her  so I can cum whenever I want. Might also want to make a few changes to her body... not sure yet. Can you help me out?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Ahhh. Cinnara, right? Good. She's getting what was coming to her. Anyway, bring her over whenever you're free and I'll sterilise her. Unless you just want some drug that's going to sterilise her temporarily?" Carver says, raising an eyebrow. 

[Redhead, D cup breasts, nice round heart shaped ass, freckles, green eyes, tanned skin, about 5'5" tall, normal teeth, toned body, six pack, muscles in arms, not much in legs, virgin pussy, and a no-longer-virgin asshole right where they belong.]
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yea, hang on" She lifts her comm unit to her mouth and connect to Alex "Hey big guy... bring the bitch down to Carver's lab would you? Thanks!" She looks back to Carver. "Got anything that will do away with her muscle tone? My toy doesn't need them any more... she just needs to be soft, squishy and ready to fuck. Maybe a self lubricating ass? Is that possible?" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Gotcha!" Alex says, followed by a loud pop and a grunt of pain from Cinnara. 

"Yep. I can do that pretty easily. Getting rid of the muscle tone should be easy. Self lubricating ass is a little harder. Anything else?" Carver says, hopping off the ceiling and landing in front of her. 

The door opens, and Alex walks in with Cinnara thrown over his shoulder. "Brought the bitch! Now what are we doing to her?" He asks, glee evident on his face. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Carver here is going to sterilize her, remove those pesky muscles she doesn't need any more, make her ass self lubricating just for you big guy and... hmm... I don't know, you have any changes you would like Alex?" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Hmm... Nope. Fine by me!" He says, grinning and tossing Cinnara to Carver, who catches her and immediately tosses her onto a table. Clamps come up from grooves set into the table and snap closed around her ankles and wrists. 

"Alright. Now that we've got that out of the way... Let's see what else we can do..." Carver mutters. He goes around the lab collecting a bunch of different chemicals, muttering to himself all the while. He soon comes back with a syringe filled with a purple fluid, which he promptly injects into Cinnara's arms, legs, and stomach. Before their eyes, her muscles start to shrink, leaving nothing but soft flesh where they used to be. 

"Now for the sterilisation... Don't move, my dear. Not that you could, even if you wanted to." Carver says with an evil chuckle. He goes to a display that has a bunch of different readouts and buttons, and presses one of the buttons. Two surgical lasers drop from the ceiling and hover over Cinnara's chest. Using a joystick, Carver manoeuvres them to a position just below her navel, then presses another button. A bright red beam fires out of the lasers into Cinnara's skin, leaving behind small, circular holes that quickly close up as the smell of burning flesh fills the air. 

"Now for the self lubricating ass!" He says, grinning like a kid with a new toy as he runs around the lab again. He comes back with a large, knobby, bright pink dildo covered in some sticky looking green gunk. He presses a button on the side of the table, and it immediately flips over, leaving Cinnara's ass exposed. He reaches over and pulls one cheek to the side before cruelly ramming the ten inch long, four inch thick pink monster right into her asshole. Cinnara screams in pain and maybe a little pleasure as Carver starts furiously thrusting the dildo in and out of her ass for a minute before leaving it alone. "That's going to take a few minutes to work, so... Anything else you want done?" Carver says, a big grin on his face. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She snaps her fingers. "Make her produce milk like a cow and make those breasts just a bit bigger to hold more milk. I know I get thirsty after a good fuck and having a drink on demand would be nice. Other than that... nope, I think the rest is all on my plate to change. Though if I get any more ideas I will gladly bring her back in!" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Hmm... You want any particular flavour?" Carver asks, already rummaging through his collection of chemicals. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hmmm, I don't suppose she could dispense apple cider could she?" She gives him a humored grin at the sheer sillyness of the question. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"A... Rather odd choice of post-intense-sex drink, but yes she could. She could also dispense honey, chocolate, regular milk, strawberry milk, banana, whatever. You name it!" He says. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She stops and raises a brow "How about honey nectar? You know, that really sweet stuff that is actually good for you?" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Er... Yeah I can do that. Might taste a little too sweet though..." He mutters, spooning a clear liquid into the mixture before tossing it onto a blender. He presses a button, and waits for a minute while the contents of his jar mix in the blender. Then, he empties the stuff into a syringe and walks over to Cinnara before injection her breasts with the stuff. 

Her breasts grow out to a nice hefty DD cup, and start to secrete some sort of yellowish, translucent liquid. Carver gathers up some on the tip of his finger before putting it in his mouth and sucking. "Mm! Perfect! Not too sweet either!" He says, before turning to them. "She'll be ready to leave in a few minutes after that stuff is done soaking into her ass." He says. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ok! Thank you so much for your help Carver!" she walks over and palyfully pokes Cinnara with her hair over and over again, extending her time of paralysis to well over a day now. "I can't wait to start working on her... treatment." She said with a cruel smile. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Mm! Do tell me when you're done! I wish to see the... Finished product!" Carver says, grinning as Cinnara groans and tries to move. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia rolls her eyes. "Look toots... you can try to move all you want, but you will not get anywhere. you have no defense against my venom and you are strapped to that table. so just give up and go with the flow... it will make this all so much easier." She says while patting her stomach and looking at Carver "Of course Carver. Seeing as how we have time.... give me three days, she should be ready by then." 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He claps and grins before reaching over and yanking the dildo out of her ass. He peers into her asshol for a few seconds before unlock the cuffs and letting her fall flat on her face into the floor. "All done!" He says, holding up a thumb. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia nods and throws the limp woman over her shoulder again "Come along Alex, let's start her treatment back at the ship!" she smiles and starts walking, Cinnara's limbs flopping about uselessly. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Alex grins and follows behind her, rubbing his palms together as he walks. 

[Gonna sleep.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Once back on the ship she tosses Cinnara on the bed, face up. "now then my little toy.... for the next three days I am going to spend as much possible time with my cocks hilted inside of your body or wrapped around your body. I will pump you so full of venom.... this will take no time at all!" All 8 tentacles slide out of her body and quickly lunge out at Cinnara, wrapping around her breasts, sliding into her throat and coating every inch with layer after layer of venom. Meanwhile... she presses her cocks up against her cunt and slowly pushes both in at the same time.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Cinnara's screams are quickly cut off by the tentacles that get shoved down her throat, wrap around her breasts, and rub all over her body, slathering venom all over her skin. She jerks when Olivia presses her dicks into her cunt, and lets out a pained grunt when her hymen is torn, a bit of blood flowing out around Olivia's dicks. She tries to scream out a muffled "Too much!", but the dicks in her pussy, stretching her wide, aren't giving her much of a choice. 

Olivia suddenly feels a pair of hands on her ass, and a kiss on her neck as Alex decides to join in on the fuck. "Now that's a rather arousing sight I simply can't ignore!" He says into her ear. He spreads and squeezes her asscheeks before positioning both his dicks at her asshole. Then, his hands go up to gently grope at her sensitive breasts as he slowly thrusts into her ass, letting out a pleased growl as he does so. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia shudders in bliss as she claims Cinnara's paralyzed form and moans as she feels Alex's cocks push into her ass. "Oh! I was... mmm... leaving her ass to you. But if you are using mine... then lets plug the last hole here!" Two of the four tentacles that were just rubbing her body slide down and plunge into her ass, sliding in till they almost reach her stomach. With every hole claimed she starts thrusting into her body, using her like a true toy! This leave 2 tentacle free to rub over every inch of her skin, leaving no area ignored. "Oh Alex! She is so tight and you are so big!"  


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Cinnara groans as the large tentacles stuff her so fully, ramming in and out of both her holes as her new owner uses her for nothing but her own sexual gratification. "That... Is music to the ear of like, every male in the galaxy." Alex murmurs, grinning before he picks up the pace, slamming his ridged dicks into her even faster, moaning in pleasure as her tight walls squeeze down on the sensitive flesh of the ridges. His hands continue to tease and caress her nipples, trying to be careful to avoid hurting her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia shudders as she gets senatiosn from almost every cock she has, her breasts and her ass at the same time. She leans back into Alex for support as she continues tor am into Cinnara. Pre cum already leaks from her cocks but from the look of it, she isn't close to orgasm yet. Her eyes have drifted closed as she trust Alex to watch out for her "Oh gods.... so good... Alex... it is all so good!" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He squeezes one of her breasts a little tighter as he nuzzles into her neck. "Mm. Same from this end, Liv. Same from this end!" He grunts out between pants as he goes even faster, his furious thrusting making her ass jiggle.

Cinnara on the other hand is determinedly trying not to let any sound of pleasure escape, but her slowly tightening walls betray her true feelings as the lust venom courses through her bloodstream. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia picks up the pace a bit, slamming her cocks into Cinnara fast enough to make lewd slapping sounds as she does so which also means her ass drags along Alex's cock even more, making her moan and groan like a wanton slut. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Cinnara lets out a few tiny moans at odd intervals, the pleasure starting to force her resistance out of the window as her walls squeeze down just a little tighter around Olivia's dicks and tentacles. 

Alex growls in pleasure as she starts ramming back onto his dicks even faster, and his tongue slips out, wiggling its way down her back before delving into her pussy and thrashing around. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She gives a loud cry of pleasure as her pussy now receives attention and smirks down at Cinnara. "Look Alex... my toy is finally starting to feel good. Mmm, you is squeezing my cocks so nicely! This won't take any time at all!" She grins and moves just a tad faster.