The Syncharion Ascendance RP (Floozer, Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She brings the woman over to the Djinn and sits her down in the chair next to him. "You ask, I deliver! One middle eastern woman, thick and curvy!" She says with a smile


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"U-uh... Empty?" He glances at the clock. "Maybe... Uh... Maybe another hour or so?" He says nervously, his dick starting to stiffen again.

"Right! Thank you so much! But um... There's kinda oooonnneee tiny detail I forgot to add..." He says, wincing. "Is she a virgin?" He asks, hopefully. The woman shakes her head, but he doesn't even look at her, focusing only on Phorsaal with a hopeful smile on his face.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor chuckles at the elf's words before chugging down the drink and smiling poking the body's temple before winking "I think she's starting to like me! Thanks Hark i'll see you soon." Melkor hops off the bar stool heading out of the bar as he see's two others walk in. He allows them to go by first giving a nod and wink before walking out of the bar whistling a nice tune, "Ready to meet your master Elf Lady i'm sure your gonna love her you guys are gonna have soo much fun you'll be thanking me in no time for taking you here!" Melkor says as he continues to tease the woman he controls.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She gives the Djin a deadpan stare. "You are telling me this now? After I have already gone and kidnapped a woman? No! She isn't. She had a husband and child. Very much not a virgin but she fills the rest of your liking I hope?" She asks, clearly frustrated and his suddenly, incredibly last minute detail


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"You goddamn piece of shit! I'm going to murder you when I get my body back! Wait and see, you rotten scum!" She yells.
It doesn't take long before he reaches the succubus' apartment, a rather plain looking one. From the outside, anyway.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Ehhh... Nope. I'm sorry. I can't take her. I'll pay you half and let you keep her, though!" He says, smiling sheepishly. "It was my mistake, so..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She face palms hard enough to probably get the attention of several other patrons "Oh you have to be kidding me... fine. I am keeping her, I happen to like her body as well, virgin or not." She lifts her head and looks at him "250 for my trouble. If you want me to go back out there, I want 800 to find a virgin... and I am telling you now that she won't be as curvy as this woman... that just ins't possible."


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
"Oh I just love that fire you much pride and anger...i'm almost tempted to have you for myself..almost lets go say hi to your master shall we?" Melkor says as he gives the door a nice and audible knock waiting patiently. "So tell me does the angry elf lady have a name...wait don't tell me it doesn't matter because soon enough that name will mean nothing and you'll have a new one! Haha!" Melkor laughs a bit obviously enjoying his position at the moment relishing every second of it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The Djinn nods. "Fair enough... Very well. I'll pay you... 600 to find a virgin." He says.

In a minute, the door opens, and the succubus pokes her head out. She does a visible double take at seeing the elf standing there, and looks left and right down the street before taking a closer look at Melkor. "Wait... You're that Djinn, right? Melkor or something? Wow. You actually did it. Interesting!" She says, opening the door properly to stand in front of Melkor, looking him/her up and down with her arms crossed under her breasts.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus is disheartened with this news, but believes the cashier nonetheless. The back room of the store would've been an ideal location to store his captures. Now he'd have to go waltzing out into nowhere with this lousy virgin of a human. "Come on then, do you know of a shed nearby, a vacant warehouse, a spot in the woods, any place, any place at all where I can do what I came here to do in secrecy?" He loosens the binds on the man's ankles, pulling him to his feet, and looking him up and down to determine if he's at least handsome.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"650, and I will work to find the curviest one I can!" She says with a grin on her face.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Uh- There's like... This old shack somewhere in the... the woods, I think? But... That place is haunted, man!" He says, shaking his arms and legs to get the blood flowing again. Taking a better look at him, Klaus realises he's not exactly handsome, but he's not that bad looking either. He has dirty blonde hair, currently terrified green eyes, and a bit of stubble along his hexagonally shaped face.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The Djinn sighs. "Fine. 650. Plus the 250. That gives you 900 total." He groans and facepalms. "Why do I keep forgetting important shit...?" He mutters.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor nods giving a bit of a twirl to show of the body of the elf, "In the flesh...literally...cause I don't have any flesh and i'm in hers....never mind! So what do you think huh? Pretty sexy if I do say so myself feisty too you should hear the mouth on this one!" Melkor says flaunting the Elf's "assets" before placing his hands on the Elf's hips and looking toward the Succubus. "So Ms...." Melkor pauses realizing that he never did learn the name of the woman who hired her, "Oh wow this may seem very unprofessional but I never did catch your name Madam please forgive me.." Melkor says giving a low bow enough to give the succubus a nice clear look at the bust of the elf.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Rikaria. The name's Rikaria. And I'm sure she's got a mouth on her. Elves tend to do that! In fact... What don't you come on in and let me examine my new slut properly?" She says, grinning evilly and stepping aside, letting him enter.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Deal... and you really should work out that forgetting thing, cause it has made this much harder." She grabs her new woman and stands up. "I am going to drop her off first, then go get your new, VIRGIN, girl." She rolls her eyes "Be back in a little while." She turns and heads back to her apartment. Once there, she steps inside and closes the door behind her. "Ok so... what is your name? Or do you want a new one?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I... Might as well take a new one. My religion won't matter anymore in a place like this..." She murmurs.

Ash comes running out of the bedroom. "Welcome back Mis-!" She skids to a stop when she sees the new girl. "Er... Who's this?" She asks, looking her up and down. The woman does the same, staring in surprise at Ash's naked form.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"This is... Felicia. My second slave. I caught her for a job but the moron forgot to add that he wanted a virgin and I caught a mother. Felicia, this is Ash, my first slave so technically your senior. Now I don't have time to properly break you in, so for now just get comfy here." She stops and frowns "Also, get those clothes off, you don't need them while you are here and I certainly would pick out something better than that."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Wha-? But I can't-!" She stops and looks down at herself, before looking at Ash's expectant face and blatantly naked body. Then, slowly, hesitantly, she takes off her shirt and pants before throwing them to the side, revealing a lacy black bra and panties. "Don't... Don't ask me to take these off yet..." She murmurs, looking away from them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Okay then, you're going to take me to this shack." Klaus announces this decisively, throwing the cashier his pants as he slips on his own clothes. He realizes that he can't really walk out the door with a bound man at sword point, and though it's risky, he can at least make him carry some of the cargo. Carefully, he undoes the binds, coiling up the rope again, though he's quick to catch the man by the arm before he can even think about escaping. "See, the ropes are coming off. I'll be kind and let them stay off, but if and only if you help me carry the rope. Oh, and I'll be holding your hand the whole way there. Be good, because I assure you, I can draw this rapier faster than you can try to run away."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal raises her brow at her and taps her foot impatiently. "I'm sorry, but you don't get to make those choices any more Felicia. Off with the bra and panties... now, if you would. the sooner you get over this the sooner we can all move along."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The man blinks and gulps before nodding. "Okay. Okay. Just don't kill me, man!" He says, taking the rope and coiling it around his arms.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Felicia shudders and slowly reaches behind her back to undo the bra, letting it fall to the floor, and setting her heavy, milky breasts free. Then, slowly, she reaches down and tugs her panties off before throwing them to the side as well. "There. Happy now!?" She says irritatedly, not looking at Olivia.

"Oh man. She's hooot!" Ash says, immediately climbing up her leg to poke around at her body. Felicia squirms and catches Ash, holding her up away from her body. Ash pulls the puppy eyes again, and Felicia's fave softens just a bit. "Okay. Okay. Fine. Don't get too frisky though!" She says, glaring at Ash, who giggles and starts climbing over her tall body again.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor looks toward her and smiles "Well Rikaria, don't mind if I do!" Melkor says making his way into the home looking around, Melkor may of been putting on the facade of friendliness but he was actually on his toes a bit this land may be his home but it was still Sin City and betrayal could happen at any second even now so he kept that in mind and nodded to himself before looking around the home taking the place it. It looked much better than his place for sure but then again an alleyway looked much better that Melkor's place so that wasn't saying much, Melkor soon turned to Rikaria and smiled.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He turns to see her drinking down a bottle that contained something white. She shivers a little, then moans loudly before quickly pulling her panties down as a ten inch long, four inch thick monster cock expands from where her clit used to be. "O-Oookaaay. Now... Wanna take this bitch for a test drive?" She asks, grinning and tapping her throbbing, erect cock.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes, very happy indeed! Now then, I have more work to do, so I will be off on my job. Once again, Ash you are to hold down the fort... don't get too carried away with Felicia now!" she giggles and picks up Felicia's clothes before leaving the apartment and locking the door behind her. She then heads out to the wastelands and promptly burns Felicia's old clothes to ash with a fire ball as she makes her way to the gate again.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus sheathes the rapier back out of sight and clasp's the cashier's hand firmly in his. After leading him out of the storeroom, he takes the big pile of rope from the counter and leaves half of it to the burden of the man. Right as he's about to lead them both out the door, Klaus stops and pulls back, scrutinizing the colorful snack bags that line the store aisles. After a few long seconds of picking and choosing, he's thrown about half a dozen small bags on top of the heap in the young man's arms as they make their way out. "Delightful. Now we're ready to go."


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor grins his face filled with lust and excitement before pressing a finger on his chin thinking, "Oh that would be just splendid...and I would love to partake but first things other reward?" Melkor said giving a friendly smile that just seemed a bit too out of place for the current circumstance. "Once i'm paid i'd be happy to knock this elven slut down a couple of pegs she shot me with a couple of arrows and I intend to pay her back for that...and what better way than having her fucked senseless by you!" Melkor says grinning with excitement as he holds his hand out.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yippee!" Ash squeals, climbing all over Felicia's body while she squeals and tries to get her off. Ignoring that little scene, Phorsaal leaves, and in a few hours, is back at the gates. "Back so soon, Eidolon Phorsaal? I thought you already came in with a slave, yes?" The Gatewatcher asks.

"We're supposed to pay for it..." The cashier mutters, before leading the way. They walk for an hour and the better part of two before they come to a small, creepy looking shack in the woods. The windowpanes are broken, the paint is peeling off the wood, and the door is half off its hinges. "There... There it is. Jackson's Hack Shack. They say a murderer used to live in there. A guy who used to hack people up with an axe or a chainsaw or machete or some other crazy shit, and eat them." The cashier says.

"Uuughh! Hell, you're such a buzzkill! Wait!" Rikaria says, stomping off somewhere before coming back to the room with a small pouch and a half deflated dick. She throws the pouch to Melkor. It's all there! Now get on the bed and turn around! I'm going to fuck her ass raw!" The succubus says, rubbing her hands together while grinning eagerly.
"No... No! Not this! Fuck! Fuck you you rotten piece of hellspawn filth! I hope you get eaten by a Ravener! Or a fucking Griffin! Or a harpy! You deserve slow deaths! All of you!" The elf screams. The succubus' head tilts to the side. "Is that...?" She asks, looking at Melkor.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal bows before sighing "The contractor apparently forgot to tell me he wanted a virgin. So he only payed me half and then sent me back out to find a new woman that is a virgin. Second verse, same as the first I suppose. May I pass through?"