The Syncharion Ascendance RP (Floozer, Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The Gatewatcher chuckles. "Memory is a fickle thing, is it not? You remember the thing long after the moment you need it has passed!" He says, shaking his head. "You may pass. I'll be watching, of course, as always." He says, nodding to the door.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Thank you Watcher." She steps through the door and braces herself for the sand storm on the other side.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
This time when she steps through, it is night, and the worst of the sandstorm has passed, leaving only the hanging dust in the air. It seems time passed faster in Earth than Syncharion....


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She doesn't bother with disguises this time and just turns invisible right off the bat before heading back to the mall, hoping there are still people there for late night shopping or whatever humans do.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Unfortunately for her, the mall... Is closed. Then, she sees a clock nearby that reads 1:32 AM. Of course! Nobody would be out at this time in a place like this! However... There was still that woman whose clothes she had marked...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her smile had fallen off... but now it was in full swing once again! She focuses on the rune and summons up an invisible trail to lead her to her mark.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
A faint yellow line appears, leading off into the distance. She follows it for hours on foot, until she arrives at an area that seems a little run down for a girl who was able to visit hi-fi malls. Maybe there was just cheaper housing here. She follows the trail to an apartment building that looks to be in better shape and looks than the rest of the buildings. She takes it all the way to the third floor, to a door at the end of the hall, which of course, was locked.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She examines the door, checking it for any faults and to see if there is a gap at the bottom she could slip under if she got small enough.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
There is definitely a gap at the bottom that would be large enough to fit her, but the problem was that there was a threshold. She'd have to squeeze a bit. Or turn into something the size of an ant to fit through. The other option was a mysterious hole in the wall, but who knew where that led? Plus it was far too small for her to fit through.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor smiles catching the pouch taking the time to count it as the elf woman screams at him, he only take the time to look up at Rikaria when she questions it "Yup that's your girl I told you she was feisty!" Melkor says having the pouch vanish in a puff of smoke upon a snap of a finger before hopping on the bed and looking at Rikaria lustily. "Looks like were good to go now lets have you break in your new toy!" Melkor says laughing before taking the time to slowly undress the elf's body giving Rikaria a bit of a show to get her member nice and hard again, it had been a while since he had used a body to get himself off but was all the more ready for this hung succubus to scratch that itch that he had been having for some time. "Well what are you waiting for? Come and stuff this ass already!" Melkor barks getting completely nude as he began to play with the breasts of the elf getting the nipples nice and erect his breath getting a bit heavier.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Perfect!" Klaus states in delight, tugging the poor cashier along by the arm as he quickly appraises the shack from the outside. "You've done well finding this place. We've been walking for however long, but I still don't know your name. I'd be able to comprehend your contempt with me, but regardless, I might as well have something to call you." As he speaks, Klaus pries open the door to the creepy shack, searching for any sort of sturdy furniture on the inside that he could use to tie the cashier down in. Evidently, this talk of chainsaw murderers and cannibals was all through one ear and out the other with him.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Down and down and down she shrank until she was a slug the size of an ant. With size out of the way, she squeezed her way under the door, and looks around the room she enters.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Her cock stiffens again at the little display, and hardly a second after Melkor lies down, the succubus jumps him, quickly rolling him over and rubbing her dick between his toned ass cheeks. "Mm, she's got a nice ass! I'll give you that!" She says, spanking his ass ass hard her throbbing member grinding against the elf's pussy. "Hmm.... I don't think the uppity bitch deserves any lube. Do you?" She asks, already pressing the tip of her huge dick to the elf's tiny, virgin asshole.

"M-my name is Richard. People call me Richie." He says. Klaus finds a sturdy table she could use to tie him down to, but apart from that, nothing else looked strong enough not to break should the cashier decide to try and make a break for it.

Phorsaal seems to be in some sort of living room, with two ceiling lights, three sofas arranged in a rectangle, and a coffee table in the middle of the rectangle, set upon a rather well decorated carpet. To the left, she can see a dining room and a larger communal room, while to the right, she can see a kitchen with the lights off, and four more doors beyond.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She grows back up to normal size but remains invisible and slowly moves into the living space. She had to admit... this was a rather nice place considering the area it was built in. Regardless, she starts searching about for the woman she tagged. She steps up to the first door and slowly opens it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The first room she opens reveals a sleeping couple, who are lying in bed side by side. She doesn't see the mark she put on the girl, so she assumes it must be her parents. Behind the second door she opens, she sees a figure, presumably male, and a child at that; judging by the short spiky hair sticking out from under the bedcovers. The last room, however, is the girl she has been searching for, who has slept in just a short shirt and tight, short shorts. Her black hair is loose and spread over the pillow, her body curled up in the other direction.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a smile on her face she steps up to the sleeping girl and casts possession before stepping up and inside of her. Virgin or not... she would sell very well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Okay then, Richie, I'm afraid I must put the binds back on. Could I trust you not to try and escape while I'm away, or will I have to bind your legs as well?" Klaus pats the table unceremoniously, sniffing the air to make sure they are really and truly alone in the shack. Without really giving Richie a choice, he tugs at the coil of rope around his arm and moves it down to his wrists, tying them up tight, just as he had before."
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Phorsaal tries to possess the girl... And then it all goes horribly sideways. There is a violent rebound that throws her back against the wall, and the smell of ozone and flapping wings suddenly fills the air. Looking up, she sees a tall, lean, but powerful looking man dressed in an immaculate black suit and tie. The scariest part about him, however, are the giant pair of feathery wings that fold open, as if protecting the girl, and the solid golden eyes that seem to be glaring right at her. An angel. She was looking at an angel! His face was sharp and angular, with short, slightly spiky white hair, and some golden stubble along his jawline. He is standing with his arms crossed, and she can see the image of his suit rippling slightly, like as if it was an illusion. The rest of him was real enough, however. "What do you want, demon? This girl is protected. Begone!" He says, flicking his hand at her. Phorsaal suddenly feels a powerful urge to run as fast as she can away from the angel.

Klaus sniffs something a little odd, but it's probably just the old, musty smell of the shack. "H-hey man, I just- just- don't hurt me, okay? Please! I haven't done anything!" Richie says, wincing as he ties his wrists tight.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"So Richie, do you have many friends?" Klaus ignores his initial pleas, making sure his wrists are tied tight as he leads him to lie down on the table. Whether the smell is must or not, he wants to be sure that this shack is really his and his only for the night, and he heads along to investigate after tying Richie's legs spread-eagle to the legs of the table. "Sit tight to just a moment." He coos to his capture.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"No. N-not really. I've always been a loner. Parents died years ago." He mutters. Taking a round of the shack, Klaus sees a small indentation in the ground, where the smell seems to be coming from. Opening it, he finds the entrance to a basement, where the smell seems to be coming from, except now it's a lot stronger and more... Rotten. It's decidedly non supernatural, but he should probably check it out anyway.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor bites his lower lip as he feels the tip of her press against the sphincter that he had control over, He made an effort to playfully push against it as he did his best to relax the muscles of her ass. "I think this ass needs a little bit of discipline don't you think? and besides if I work hard enough..." Melkor says as he makes an effort to rock his hips in a way that her member would rub against his pussy and back toward the crack of her ass, teasing her dick until dollops of pre were to form "We can make plenty of lube for this ass" Melkor finishes as he winks at her before re-positioning himself where her cock originally was.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"A tragedy, wouldn't you like to change that?" This is Klaus's only response to Richie's story. The rotting smell in the basement had caught his interest, and he makes to enter the hidden room. Whether he expects dead bodies or not, he was too curious to just leave the sure source of the smell be.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Mm! She has a really soft ass... Now I'm going to break it." She says, grinning as she starts, slowly but relentlessly, driving her dick into the elf's asshole, Melkor's little stunt giving her just enough lube to get it in, but not enough that it isnt painful, as her dick starts to stretch and plunder the elf's virgin rectum.

It seems like there's something... Feeding. He can hear wet squelches, slurps, and crunches as something feasts on what is probably the source of the smell... He'd best be on his guard. Whatever was down here was not human. Not to mention, he had no light, and there didn't seem to be any way to get any, so the wells of the basement were shrouded in darkness that hid more than it should have.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal puts her hands up in mock defense "Woa... ok man... calm down! I'm leaving! See?" She gets up and scoots away from the girl and toward the door "Leaving now, no need for the violence yea? Bye now" She scoots out the door and walks quickly, leaving the house... then the building... and getting fairly far away before stopping. "Fucking fucker fuck... really? An angel?! What did she do to deserve divine intervention?!" She mutters to herself while turning invisible. "This just got way harder..." She moves along, wondering what her next step should be.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Her next step would be to find someone who didn't have divine protection like that girl. But wait. A sudden thought occurs to Phorsaal. If that girl really had divine protection, why hadn't that angel stopped her from marking the girl in the first place? Something was off... Perhaps she should wait and see what was going on...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She stops in her tracks and thinks on that. Did... did she just get played by an illusion or something? Why would an angel of that calibur even bother with mortal affairs? Her eyes narrow and she turns around, heading back to the building. This time, she turns into a spider and crawls up the outside of the building, reaching the window of the girls bedroom and looking inside.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The girl is still there, and the angel is perched above her bedpost, his head bowed as if praying, his wings folded up. His head tilts up as he glances at the spider on the windowsill. The next thing she knows, he's outside, a bright spear of light in his hand. "This is your last warning. Leave, demon, or I will smite you!" He growls. Yep. He was an angel alright. No way he would have been able to sense her otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She skitters up the wall and onto the roof of the building before returning to her normal form. "Now you just hold on a second there. I just have a few questions for you... if you don't mind me asking. We are not even close to the girl now are we?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The angel growls. "Please, Lord, give me the strength not to break the treaty..." The angel mutters. Now it really was confirmed that he was an angel. No demon could make himself or his illusions say the name of God. He sighs and looks at Phorsaal. "No. We are not close to the girl." He says, giving her a deadpan look that somehow tells her she's running out of time.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She looks at him for a moment before nodding. "Well then, that tells me everything I need to know. Bye bye now." She casually walks away from him, turning back into a spider and crawling down the building before turning invisible and walking away in her normal form, looking for a new target.