The Syncharion Ascendance RP (Floozer, Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She feels his solid golden eyes tracking her the whole way, their judgmental gaze burning into her back. At this time, it's going to be rather hard to find a target, but... Perhaps she should wait for morning.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She sighs rubs her cheeks before finding a bench or something and taking a seat to pass time. Things were going so well.... then this...


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She sees a little park, where there are lots of benches, trees, soft sand, and grass to lie down on.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She heads into the park and takes a seat, her mind still mulling over that stupid angel. Divine protection was not something you just got for no reason...and it was really bothering her now.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus has a fireball at the ready, using the slight glow of the flame in his hands to scour the darkness for movement. Cautiously, he takes a stealthy step further into the basement and towards the feeding creature.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Tunnel_Monster_lead-1050x700.jpg It was probably something rather simple. Something that was the duty of every angel... She should probably find out a way to get more information on this that didn't involve talking to the angel.

The soft glow illuninates a small area around Klaus, and he can see some shapes moving in the back, where the sound of tearing flesh seems to be coming from. Going closer, he sees the creature. For a brief second, his light illuminates a small, stunted figure with somewhat slimy looking skin, right before it turns and shrieks at him, it's milky white eyes sensitive to the light. It retreats away from him, and Klaus can see that the creature had been making a meal out of... Yeah... That looked vaguely like a human. What was left of it, anyway. He hears a soft thump behind him as two more of the creatures drop from their hiding places, probably attracted by the shrieks of their counterpart.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Possibly outnumbered, and in no mood to fight, Klaus casts a lust bomb in the direction of the creatures. He feels a strange tingle of fear in his throat and chest. These things are weird, and he doesn't want to deal with them more than he has to. If it means they'll leave him be, however, he'll easily spare a few quick handjobs, but first, he speaks soothingly. "Hey little buddies, no need to hurt anyone."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She sighs heavily and stands back up. Curiosity killed the cat... or in this case, killed the demon, as she starts heading back to theat building yet again. She didn't bother with sneaky tactics and simply jumped up to the top of the building before sitting down. She knew he would sense her again, so it was only a matter of waiting.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The lust spell bounces off of them like water off a duck. Something in the back of his mind told him that lust spells wouldn't work. The creatures just growl at him and stay out of range of the light, their luminous white eyes being the only thing that gave away these creatures.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
A spear of light lands right between her legs as the angel reappears in a matter of seconds. "I do believe I told you it was your last warning, but I'm in a good mood, and it seems... You have questions on your mind." He says, standing in front of her, his wings folding up behind his back. "Ask away. I think you're the only demon within a giant radius stupid enough to come back knowing full well there's an angel here." He says, a smirk on his face.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor crys out toward the sharp pain but looks up toward her and smiling one eye still closed as if emulating his pain "As much as i'd love for you to continue to ravage this slut ease into her will you? If you continue to barrage your way in there she might not be so fun the next time you pound her!" Melkor says shaking a little as he slowly takes the woman's member slowly down her passage getting a feel of her entire length as it rubs against his many spots causing Melkor to moan in pleasure the pain eventually vanishing leaving nothing but the need for this woman to pound and fill this body with her lust. Melkor looks up to the woman taking her length a second time before looking up to the woman mouthing the words "Fuck me" giving a very determined look as if Melkor has set his sights on something that he attends to achieve, he will have this elf babbling for cock one way or the other.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Gah! Hell no! Fucking wood elves are always so uptight! This one needs a good dicking!" She says, grunting as she finally bottoms out inside the elf. She lets out a low moan, enjoying the feeling of the elf's virginally tight asshole squeezing down around her cock. The elf screams obscenities at both of them as her body is violated so cruelly, fighting to regain control of her mind. "God this bitch is annoying..." The succubus groans. Then, she taps her chin and looks at a nearby drawer. Without pulling out, she leans over and starts rummaging inside. She brings herself back with a red bottle in her hand. "So... This is gonna keep her exactly as tight as she is now, permanently, while also making her ass self-lubricating. Gonna burn like hell though. You ready for this?" The succubus asks, slowly drawing her turgid length back out as she drizzles the potion over her cock.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She stared at the spear and returns his smirk with her own. "Oooh, phallic! Nice choice of placement." She says while getting up. "Now why don't you wipe that smug grin off your face? Your fear trick worked wonders on me... I wanted to stay away from you... but then you made a slip up there holy man. 'Don't make me violate the treaty' which kind of clues me in that... despite your bluster and threats.... you can't hit me unless I strike first can you?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He sighs. "Yes. The Dominion Treaty. You must be rather ill informed if you didn't know about it. He sighs again and launches into another explanation.

"Eons ago, when God first created the world as we know it, we angels were still new to the scene. And then, God created man, and... I'm assuming you already know the story of how the first demons were created. Anyway... A few millennia ago, there was a huge war between the angels and demons over the fact that you demons kept interfering in our work. Finally, an angel was killed, and then the war followed. There were... Heavy losses. On both sides. Finally, God had to intervene to save his creation, Mankind, from extinction thanks to our war. He forged the Treaty, forcing our Micheal, and your Lucifer, to sign the treaty. Afterwards, they disappeared, and nobody knows what has happened to either. The memories of mankind during the war were wiped, and the land restored. The treaty basically said that we could no longer interfere in others' business, and that there was to be no Gate between Heaven and Hell. Why one was ever there in the first place, I will never know. Perhaps God still had faith his creation would return to the light." He sneers disdainfully at Phorsaal before continuing. "We can no longer save those you have captured, nor can you try to take those we have been assigned to protect. Oh, and in case you were wondering why I have been protecting this girl, is because she prayed for it. In fact, there's an angel watching over almost all the families in this area. This place is particularly religious." He says, his condescending grin reappearing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well... that was a mouthful to be certain. So all those prayers actually get you something these days? Impressive. Also rather annoying. But it seems are are in conflict now as you said we can't get in the way of each others buisness and you are certainly getting in the way of mine. So what happens here? Who wins in such an equation since fighting is a big no no?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Basically whoever got here first. And I've been here since she fell asleep, which was... She went to sleep at eleven, so I was here two hours before you were." He says, shrugging.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her grin grows nice and wide "Ah... but that is where you are wrong. I was here long before she fell asleep, hours and horus ago in fact. If you would check her black dress thing... it has my mark on it. It is how I found her so specifically."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He rolls his eyes. "You marked her clothes, you fool. If it was a mark on her body, I wouldn't have been able to protect her." He says.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
"Oh look how lucky you are elfy! You get to have the tightest little asshole in all of SIn City...and to top it off you'll be well lubed for her 24/7! You may hate me know love but I assure you after this..and many more fucking's to come you'll never want to leave her...push it in already!" Melkor said his anticipation in his voice as he wraps his legs around her waste so she wouldn't go anyway until this body was well fucked..even though she wasn't really going any where in the first place. Melkor moved his hips taking the initiative ant managing to get just the tip in the bodies ass again yelping at the sensation "Ah! keep going!" Melkor pants gripping whatever was nearby.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh that is nit picking and you know it! Face it angel, i had her first not you! Bunch of bull shit!" She says, crossing her arms under her impressive breasts.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
With a grunt, the succubus slams herself home, hilting in his ass in one thrust. The burning pain is immediate, but... It's a good kind of burn, like after a workout, and left the elf's ass feeling nice and hot. "Oh fuck! Fuck! Ah!" The succubus moans as she starts slamming hard into the elf's ass, brutally fucking her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Bullshit! I marked her clothes, which you can't deny, which means I was tailing her, which means she is my business which means you are in my way! Don't try to loop hole your way through here! The girl is mine!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The angel facepalms. "Look. Unless you marked her body, she doesn't have your mark! Which means her prayer was valid and so is my vigil! You think my orders come from idiots!?" He growls, glaring at her. The illusion of his suit flickers, and for a moment, she can see full battle armour under it, gleaming a bright silver.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I know that question is rhetorical... but you know what my answer is" She says with an amused grin that quickly fades away "I am not leaving angel man. I am being ripped off here by a loop hole and I refuse to let that slide. She is exactly what I need and you are in the way with your placement nonsense!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He is quiet for a moment before he disappears and reappears, holding the girl's gown. He makes an exaggerated show of examining it. "Hmm. I don't see a physical body attached to this dress, do you?" He shakes his head and points to the mark. "So basically, the only thing of your business here, is this dress!" He says, throwing it to her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her eye twitches and she catches the dress, holding it in her hand. "This is getting stupid angel man. Just give me the girl and all this bullshit ends. Seriously... why do you even care?! Do you know how many humans they have on this crummy place?! More than I care to count! Go holy roll over one of them!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He narrows his eyes. "It is not a question of how many humans there are! This is our duty to preserve god's creation! And this is the only daughter of a family of four!" He growls, his suit illusion flickering again.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I fail to see how that is my problem.. and cool it on the rage face, it is earning you no points and I am not being hostile here. I have a job to do, she fits the bill perfectly, so I need her."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"You think I care about your job?" He snarls. "Your mark isn't even legal! You have no claim to this girl!" He growls. The spear of light between Phorsaal's legs suddenly starts flashing, like as if it's going to explode.