The Syncharion Ascendance RP (Floozer, Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor seeing the fireball reacts almost immediately trying his damnedest to avoid the heat, The folks back there were not kidding! he thinks before seeing three arrows fly his way Shit! Melkor not seeing a tree to reach before getting pelted decides to dodge downward rocketing toward the ground finally revealing himself from the trees as his feet hits the ground Tremors rock the earth attempting to knock the Elf off balance so he can move in close as he rushes foward he uses illusions to add four more versions of himself shuffling with him as he pulls his dirk out to close the space between him and the elf.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Phorsaal suddenly remembers that possessing a person also gave the possessor access to their memories. Perhaps it would be prudent to possess this woman somewhere private, as possessions could get rather messy as the host body fought to regain control...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She nods her head, these thoughts being important to know, and keeps following the perfect woman, eager for her to get somewhere private.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Argh!" The elf curses as the tremors make her lose her balance, and also her focus, as she doesn't see him split into four copies of himself. She mutters something before looking at the ground, and within a few seconds, zeroes in on his real form before loosing an arrow at him, which strikes him right in the shoulder. His veins suddenly feel like liquid fire as the blessed metal works to cause as much damage to him as it can!
[Elf rolled a freaking 11. +20 RES gave her 31 total. Your power is 20, and you rolled a 9, giving you 29. She won the roll, with minimum success, and just hit your shoulder. That could have gone somewhere more dangerous.]

After a while, she hears the baby start squalling. The mother quickly rushes around to the front of the pram and picks up the baby, trying to shush it. Then, she leans in a little close, sniffs, then leans back with a slightly confused face. This child must be her firstborn... She keeps the child cradled in one arm as she rolls the empty pram away towards the bathroom. In a few minutes, she's alone, and she takes off her black gown, before pulling her shirt down and carefully pulling her breast out to feed the baby, humming softly to it all the while.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She of course follows her in there and waits. She has to put the child down first before she possess her. Dropping teh kid would make this far more difficult than it needs to be.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
After feeding for a while, the baby stops, both feeding and crying. With a soft smile, the mother rocks herself back and forth, trying to get the baby to sleep. It doesn't take long, and she slowly sets the sleeping baby in the pram before leaning back with a sigh and rubbing the back of her hand over her forehead.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
This is her moment. She casts her possession spell and jumps into the woman, fighting to take control.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
[Yeah, that's definitely less confusing. Good plan.]

Klaus takes the cashier by his arms one at a time, leading both of his hands, and positioning them so that one is resting atop her head while the other is buried in her brunette hair from behind. She tries to get him to tug at her hair, bobbing her head faster as she takes the whole of his dick into her throat. Stopping for just a moment, she savors his musk, probing at his balls with her tongue and licking them everywhere she can reach.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Ooohhh fuck you're good at this!" The cashier moans, humping her throat for a full minute before pulling out and pushing her over, making her lie on her back on the floor. Instantly, he's on her, his hands groping and squeezing at her breasts as he lines his dick up with her pussy and pushes in, letting out a sigh of relief as he hilts his rock hard cock in her hot, wet vagina.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor winces at the blessed arrow in his shoulder slowing him some as he pulls the arrow from himself cursing, he maintains his illusions and continues to close the distance surrounding her with the illusions. Melkor in complete sync with the illusions lunges forth striking at the woman to get payback for the arrows she keeps pelting him with. He makes an effort to as he attacks her midriff to also cut the straps to her quiver so her arrows can fall. "You'll regret aggravating me elf..." Melkor growls as he swings his dirk.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The woman was caught completely off guard, and her body starts jerking and shaking, her eyes rolling back into her head as she screams at Phorsaal in that foreign language, yelling at her to get out of her head. But of course, there is no contest, as the woman's willpower was no match for a demon. Her body stops spasming and jerking, and relaxes as Phorsaal takes control, easily suppressing the woman's consciousness. Now, she has access to all her memories, as well as full knowledge of the language that they spoke. She can still hear the woman in the back of her mind, screaming at her not to hurt her child, that she would hurt her horribly if she did. Going through her memories, she finds images of a wedding; hers, apparently, to a rather good looking human male. More recent memories show him with her in the mall, right outside the clothing store she was in. Suddenly, her phone starts ringing, and the woman's subconscious tells her that she hopes it's her husband.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She shakes her head and opens her eyes, getting a feel for her new body. The phone was certainly annoying... but maybe she should make this work. using her new knowledge of their language, she answers the phone and mimics the woman's voice. "Hello?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
[I did tell you that once they see through an illusion, it's pretty much useless, right?]

She completely ignores his illusions, and pulls out a wickedly curved dagger of her own. They go hand to hand, and...
[Elf: 15 + 8 = 23]
[Melkor: 15 + 6 = 21]
[Result: Partial failure.]
They seem to be evenly matched, the elf matching him blow for blow, landing small cuts on his body with her blessed dagger. However, he gets some cuts in too, landing grazing blows on her arms and chest.
[Btw, her quiver is around her waist. Not her chest.]


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Hello? Where are you, Ayah?" A man's voice asks from the other end of the line. "I could have sworn I saw you in the store. I didn't see you after that. Is Rayan with you?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus grinds her hips back against him, loosing an exaggerated moan as he gropes her breasts, and clenches up tight on his hard cock. The muscles of her warm, silken cunt ripple and spasm all across his length. She looks up at the cashier's blissful facial expression, coming to the realization that if she's too good at this, then she might just miss her window of opportunity. "Wait!" she calls out to him out of nowhere, suddenly turning bashful and innocent as she asks her question. "I don't think we could... maybe... use some of the rope? I've always wanted to tie a guy up, just a little bit."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ah, I am so sorry. Rayan is with me. I had to run to the bathroom, someone was a bit hungry." She chuckles "Where should I meet back up with you?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Wha-? Uh. Okay. Whatever." He says, his mind clearly fogged by lust at this point. He sits back on his butt on the cold floor, his eyes fixated on her, his wet dick throbbing in the cold air.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Ohhh okay. I see... Meet me in the food court. That waffle place. I'm getting hungry, and you've been shopping long enough!" He says, chuckling.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
[Good to know now :D]

Melkor jumps back matching her in sword play breathing heavily a bit, he wasn't gonna get anywhere swinging wildly at her he needed to expose an weakness of some kind..all he needs to do now is find said weakness. Within a second the illusions vanish and Melkor smirks "I guess my illusions won't work on you..I wonder though..." Melkor says before stamping his foot on the ground again to cause another tremor, once he saw his opening he would rush in and strike at her before bolting up toward a nearby tree for cover so he could plan his next attack.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Gah! Stop doing that!" The elf yells, lunging towards him. However, she was off balance, and...
[No roll required. She's off balance!]
And trips, her fall carrying her right into Melkor, and sending both of them to the ground!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus hastily gets to his feet, plucking a coil of rope from the counter, before returning to the unsuspecting cashier with the nylon in tow. She doesn't even bother hiding her smile, simply playing it off excitement to fulfill a kink rather than the growing sense of victory in her mind. Quickly, she gets to work, binding his wrists together up above his head, before knotting and then double-knotting his binds so that she knows he's secure. She scans the room for any sort of fixed point to attach him to, before speaking again, innocent as ever. "This might be a bit much, but do you know where I could find a gag?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Hey, you just wanted to- Oh fuck it. Er... Maybe try those handkerchiefs on sale over there. Two dollars for one, by the way. Great deal, if you ask me." He says.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"i know, thank you for letting me have so much time, I just got carried away today is all. I will meet you up there as soon as I can." She starts putting on the black dress again, hiding away her perfect body "See you soon!" She dredges up the memories of what the man looks like so she will be able to pick him out easily.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Okay! See you there!" He replies. She picks out memories of a rather good looking man with a French beard, a strong jaw, and dark brown eyes. An image of him with a smile showed a gap between one of his front teeth. Ali was his name, it seemed. Now, she would definitely be able to pick him out easily. In the back of her mind, the woman keeps screaming at her, begging her to stop, and tell her what she's planning to do.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor not exactly expecting her to lunge for him does his best to avoid her but she's coming too fast and she crashes into him This might be my chance! Melkor thinks as he fights for dominance on the ground before entirely forming into black smoke. Melkor wastes no time and attempts to fly directly into the elven woman in attempts to possess her and gain control of her. As Melkor struggle to gain control of the Elf he speaks within her "You blasted elf wasting my time with your stupid arrows and blades...I didn't even want to fight you leave me no choice I will take you back to my realm where you will forever be a toy!" Melkor's words echo within her as his influence tries to overtake the woman so he may control her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
'Oh shut up back there! I am doing you a favor woman! You are my target... but the softer side of me want's to make sure you child is safely with their father! Now Silence yourself, or I will take the easy way out and just leave little Rayan here!' She warns as she grabs the pram and starts walking to the food court.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
[Elf: RES 20 + 7 = 27]
[Melkor: PWR 20 + 5 + 2 (Djinn) = 27]
[Result: No failure, no success. Reroll.]
[Elf: RES 20 + 9 = 29]
[Melkor: PWR 20 + 10 + 2 = 32]
[Result: Success.]

At first, there is a battle of wills, the elf trying to force Melkor out, spitting and screaming curses at him as her body thrashes around, trying to get him out of her head. Neither gives ground, the elf's will just as strong as his. But not for long. The battle goes on and on, Melkor's will wearing the elf down, until finally, with one hard push, he suppresses her consciousness and takes control of her body! Her body goes slack, and then he feels his will take over the body, the muscles tensing up into their normal position. In the back of his mind, he can still hear the elf screaming curses at him and promising him a gruesome death.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The woman shuts up, and after a while, she can hear what sounds like sobbing as the woman resigns herself to her fate. She reaches the food court quickly enough, and is hit by a wall of sound as a hundred different conversations in mixed languages hit her ears, buzzing like a gigantic swarm of angry bees. She easily spies the waffle place, which has a sign of a waffle covered in chocolate, and has the words 'Waffle World' across a purple board in yellow letters.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus takes four of the handkerchiefs from the shelf, excessive though it may or may not be. Hardly acknowledging the cashier, the brunette balls up one of the four, pries open his jaw, and crams the crumpled handkerchief into his mouth before wrapping a second and third tight around his head to keep the gag tight in place. Disregarding any protests the cashier might try to express, Klaus ties the wrist binds so that the man is anchored to the floor, whistling the same tune from when he first walked in as he gets to work binding his ankles.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The cashier gags a bit when she suddenly stuffs the handkerchief into his mouth, and rolls his eyes when she ties another around his head, but frowns a little when she wraps his ankles and wrists. However, when she starts whistling the tune, his eyes go wide with shock, and he desperately tries to edge away, his dick going down faster than the stock markets on black Monday. He starts yelling, but whatever he's trying to say is muffled by the handkerchiefs tied to his face.