The Syncharion Ascendance RP (Floozer, Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The elder pulls out a small locket before opening it. In it, Colahr can see a smiling elf girl, with strawberry blonde hair and bright green eyes. The picture is large enough to show her D-cup breasts as well. "This is my daughter, Namia. Your task is to find her and return her to me. You shall not harm her, nor shall you touch her in a lewd manner. I am returning your ring to you as a sign of good faith." The elder says, placing the ring in his hand before stepping aside. "You may go."

"Mm. Yeah. I suppose you're right..." Felicia murmurs, settling down with Phorsaal's head still below her breasts as she too closes her eyes to get some sleep.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
With a grin of his own, Klaus bears down ever so slightly, penetrating himself deeper on the finger as the inner muscles of his ass ripple and tighten, before relaxing and repeating. He moves to set himself on all fours, and while tugging at the firm grasp of the sailors who've grappled his arms, he crawls forwards for what he can, pulling at the pant leg of the leader, and eager to get the seaman's throbbing dick into his mouth.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal wakes up a while later, her eyes slowly fluttering open as she looks about the room.


Jun 24, 2016
"Tch. A sign of good will would be giving me a virgin... or, perhaps, a slave to trade. I was expected to capture a strong elf for another demon... without them to offer, I can't even get money to get your daughter out. If she even has a mortal body for this world..."

Sliding the ring into place, he figured releasing it while aimed at the man could unintentionally kill him. But where was the fun in that? Once he got back, he'd likely get helped by a fellow Demon to break free of this magic. Then he'd track the man's daughter down and fuck her full of demon sperm,

"I guess you're fucking smart enough to realize that if she has died there I can't help you. If that's the case, do you want me to come back and give you a new child? Maybe by knocking up your wife?"

He could be snippy, even if he was being forced to a mortal's will.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Well well! Looks like we've found ourselves the perfect screw member!" A sailor says, chuckling. The others groan at his pun, before one of them pulls Klaus' pants off. "Whoa! He's got a pussy too!" The man who pulled his pants down exclaims. "A dick too. Wait. Is he one of those things... What do you call those guys? Yanno, those things with dicks and pussies?" Another asks. "A hermaphrodite." The leader says, grinning as Klaus so eagerly tries to suck his cock. He pulls his zipper down, and lets his prick flop free. A rather large one, this one. Almost ten inches. Pretty big for a human! "I'm claiming his ass first. You boys can use his pussy if you want, but his ass is mine. So suck it nice and wet, boy. It's all the lube you're getting!" The leader says, grinning.

Phorsaal sees that Ash is still cuddled up with her, her face between her tits. Felicia is missing, but Phorsaal can hear something banging around inside the kitchen. She was probably in there.

"You can sneak her out if she is there. And if you find out she is dead... Then you will find that you are also no longer under my control." The elf says, stepping to the side to let him pass.


Jun 24, 2016
"For your sake, hope she's alive."

Walking past, he'd study the village for any secret entrances or unguarded points on the way to the portal. Once he found the elf, body or not, he'd have someone kill her or free him. Namia wasn't going to come home, nor was the elf getting what he wanted. Colahr was willing to be friendly, but getting captured had removed the willingness to work with them. It was war with these stupid elves.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a soft groan she lifts Ash up and places her down on the couch so she can get up and check the kitchen.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He feels a dull, slightly painful throbbing in his head every time he thinks of killing or hurting Namia in any way. This was a really powerful spell. He doubted anyone he knew would be able to break it. While walking around, he doesn't see any weak or unguarded points around the village. The elves really were meticulous about everything...

She sees Felicia slicing up some Ravener meat while peering into a saucepan with a frown on her face. Then, she tosses the meat into the pan and watches it sizzle, not even noticing Felicia there.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She slowly walks up behind her and genlty wraps her arms around her belly in a soft hug "Hello there lovely. What are you cooking up in here?" she asks before planting a kiss on her cheek.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Felicia jerks upwards before she realises it's Phorsaal, and she relaxes a little. "Oh, just a traditional dish from my country... Kinda wanted to see how it tasted with this... Ravener meat, you called it?" She says.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yup, made from Raveners out in the waste lands. Real nasty pieces of work that come in all sorts of horrible shapes and sizes. Not a nice bone in their bodies I swear..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Without a word, Klaus gets right to work, running the flat of his tongue briskly across the shaft as he then pops the head of the leader's hard prick into mouth. With one hand reaching up to fondle the seaman's balls, he sucks hard, and slurps away at the sure mess of precum beading on the tip. Klaus brings his head further forwards, fit to gag himself on the delightfully large cock, as his tongue curls and flicks against the solid, fleshy girth that fills his throat. After he's spit-shined the whole of the length, he slips off, looking up at the leader with his eyebrow quirked. "Satisfied?"


Jun 24, 2016
The pain was almost arousing, but Colahr made notes anyway. The spell was this strong, which meant he'd have to have someone kill her, unfortunately. As he walked through the portal, cock bulging at full size, he'd move to the gate's guardian with a frown.

"Any idea about some slave elf named Namia? If she's dead, I have to find her to... end this nagging feeling."

Best to not directly say anything, as it could be collapse-inducing if the spell triggered too hard from a direct exposure of it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Oh? Yikes. They sound scary..." Felicia murmurs, placing her hands on Phorsaal's hands as she watches the meat sizzle. Then, she reaches over and flips it with a spatula. "Yes! It's perfect!" She says, grinning as she observes the sizzled meat from the cooked side.

The leader moans as he feels Klaus'skilled mouth go to work. "Mm. Very. Now, I'm gonna fuck your ass. Can't wait any longer, plus you've given me enough lube." The leader says, walking around till he's behind Klaus, then spreads his ass wide, getting a good look at his ass and pussy. He spits on his asshole before pressing the tip of his dick to the right hole and starting to push in, his thick member spreading Klaus' ass nice and wide.
Klaus feels the other seamen grab his hands and place them on their dicks, while another moves to stand in front of him, lightly smacking his dick on his face. The other men wait their turn, slowly stroking their penises.

"Yes... I believe she is in the possession of one named Rikaria. Hmm? Theres something... Ahhh. I see. A Jalorak binding spell... You'd be wise not to try and mess with it. Try to break it, you die. Try to work your way around your objective, you die." The Gatewatcher says.


Jun 24, 2016
"Does that include asking someone to kill the bitch?"

The pain made him moan just about this time, cursing at his body trying to adjust pain to pleasure.

"Where is Rikaria, as well? I need to track her down anyway."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mmm, that smells wonderful already. What is this dish all about? Or is it a big special secret and I just have to wait to see?" She gives her a tender squeeze, pressing up nice and close behind her.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yes. Yes it does. That was implied when I said you can't worm your way out of it... And you should probably ask Hark for her address. He has it, or maybe that Djinn she's been sleeping with. Melkor, I believe his name is. Hard to miss. He's as tall as an Ultima and black and yellow all over." The Gatewatcher says.

"Oh, it's just a traditional dish from my country." She murmurs. She doesn't seem to mind Phorsaal hugging her so closely, and even smiles a little at the tender attention.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus tightens up only slightly, just to tease the seaman, before celebrating the snug fit of the cock in his ass by wiggling his hips, pumping the shafts of the men on his right and left with vigor, and opening wide for the man in front. However, as he rests the plump head of the man's dick so that it sits on his warm tongue, looking as if he's about to pounce and spear his own throat wide open, he makes a show of missing with his mouth, playing with the man so that his only initial pleasure is from faint contact with the side of his cheek.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The leader chuckles and slaps his wiggling ass. "Well now! Someone's a rather eager slut!" He says, his hips moving forwards as he slowly pushes the rest of his turgid dick into Klaus' ass, moaning loudly all the while as he rocks his hips back and forth to get it in deeper. He groans when he finally bottoms out, and delivers another spank to Klaus' ass. "Fuuuck he's tight, boys!" The leader groans.
The man whose dick is being teased grins and watches him go at it, his seven inch dick throbbing in the air.


Jun 24, 2016
(Not a fan of no way out stuff. But onward.)

"I think I'll go find Hark then. Once I'm done, I'm killing that elf elder."

He'd start off to the bar, not one bit pleased at the fact his kind could actually be manipulated by mortals...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her hands wander up and down her belly, giving it a soft rubbing as she nuzzles up against the side of her face with a happy smile. "My goodness... you are so warm and soft! I could just hug you for hours!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Finally, Klaus shows the man mercy, gripping the shafts in his hands tighter, and stroking them faster as he swallows the throbbing cock to the hilt, licking rhythmically away at the base of his dick and balls to the pace of the leader's thrusting. Taking just a moment to savor the sting of the spankings, he pulls one hand away, palming at his own tender nipples to signify that the sailors should do the same, before returning his hand to its place at their cocks. Beads of sweat gather at his forehead from the heat of the bodies around him, and he groans, thoroughly satisfied with the continued attention.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
[I'm just slightly annoyed that everyone is taking elves for granted since Melkor got VERY lucky in fighting against one... So I'm being a bit more realistic with how they would act. Plus you walked into a freaking village, mate. What did you think would happen!? XD This is your own fault lol.]

He gets to Hark's soon enough, but he doesn't see the bartender. Rather, he sees a cute imp staring dreamily at someone. A very large, black, yellow patterned someone.

"Mmph! And you really like soft things, huh?" She says, chuckling before she flips the meat out onto a plate. "Aaaand brunch is served!" She says, grinning.

The leader picks up the pace, grinding back and forth inside his ass as he delivers another slap to his ass. The crewmen at his hands reach forwards to grope his breasts, and the man whose dick is in his mouth groans in relief as he finally takes it in.

[Going to sleep. Sorry to be a cockblock, Slem! Not apologising if I got anyone hungry though. ;) ]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh my! that looks amazing!" She lets go and goes over to Ash, resting a hand on her back and giving her a light shake. "Hey Ash, come on you silly little thing, wake up. Felicia has made us brunch!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Mmhh... Wha-?" The moment the smell hits her nose, she is instantly awake. "Food. I smell foooood!" She says, looking around hungrily.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal laughs and picks up the suddenly energetic imp, walking over to the table and sitting her down "Yup, Felicia made us brunch!"


Jun 24, 2016
(I expected him to be treated like a prisoner and put through degradation. Not brainwashed with un-breakable magic and then have my character forced to do everything else but what I wanted to do. If this was the result, it shouldn't have been RP'd but wrote by you. As for it being my fault: no. It's my fault the elves have hack senses and knew exactly where he was and rushed so fast that they outnumbered him instantly. Then had a cell that accounted for everything. AKA, just stupid stuff that doesn't fit any sort of rationality behind what their capabilities should be. I'm impressed they can bind demons so strongly yet they're not equally enslaving demons and able to fight them off entirely. Odd. :/]

Looking to the person, Colahr moved to them instead with a grumble.

"I'm looking for Rikaria. Know where I can find her?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
[Night! :p]

Klaus grinds back against the cock in his ass, tongue lolling across the one in his mouth as he bobs his head smoothly forwards and back on the solid length. The rough hands on his chest were appreciated, and he moans again, surely sending vibrations straight through the front man's dick, as he doubles down on the pleasure of the sailors on his right and left. It was almost perfect. Almost. Pulling brusquely away from the cock in his mouth, he states to the rest casually. "There's room for one more. Pussy's vacant." With the offer made, he goes right back to blowing the seaman before him, fervent as ever in his efforts.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Then where is it?" Ash asks, looking longingly towards the kitchen. As if on cue, Felicia walks out with the steaming plate of food. Phorsaal can practically see Ash's mouth watering as her eyes track the dish all the way from the kitchen door to the table. "Well? What are you waiting for? Dig in!" Felicia says, laughing.

[Elves normally move quite fast, and they were already lying in wait for you. As for the cell, like I said, they were prepared. As for not binding demons and stuff, well... Would you want to bind yourself to a cockroach? No? That's exactly how they feel. As for not killing them, that's because they're normally a peace loving race, and try to avoid unnecessary conflict when and where they can. Also, We'll have to wait for Keelat to handle this part. You're talking to him after all. :p ]

The man with his dick currently in his mouth moans as he feels the vibrations down his dick, and as soon as Klaus turns back after speaking, he grabs his head and starts fucking his face, his balls slapping into his chin! The leader picks up the pace, slamming into his ass with deep, hard thrusts that send his ass rippling. There's some murmuring, and then he feels one of them slide under him before sinking his cock into his pussy with a loud groan of pleasure, and immediately start thrusting away at the same pace as the cock in his ass.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal doesn't wait for a moment more and starts munching down on dinner, savoring the taste and smiling happily as she devours it.