The Syncharion Ascendance RP (Floozer, Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Now that she was close Mekot gives her another once over obviously looking at her frame and especially her ass, "First day on the job huh? That can be scary especially for someone as delicate and small as you.." Melkor says grinning at her practically looking at her as if she were set up on a post.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He gets there in a few hours, and his nose is assailed by the smell of the sea. The salty, fresh, slightly fishy smell that is the lifeblood of sailors. There are a few ships in the harbour, mostly yachts and pleasure cruisers, but there are a few trade ships as well. He can see porters and sailors milling around, unloading and loading cargo onto ships, the sound of their yelling and the moving cranes carrying through the air.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yeah, I know! Everyone wants to fuck an imp!" She says, giggling and punching his arm.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
"Oh I sure you fact its rather surprising no one has tried to fill you already.." Melkor says reading at her apron and ordering "How about I order a kiss of the bartender.." He says giving a small chuckle his hand flicking past her thigh playfully.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She laughs and leans up to his head before planting a kiss on her cheek. "There you go! One order of kiss the bartender!" She says, giggling.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus searches for a party of pleasure cruisers. Again, drunken ones are ideal, as hopefully they're a bit more willing to just let a stranger mosy up onto their ship. Surely though, they're a bit more wily than their sober counterparts. The merchant ships catch his eye as well, though the potential for genuine structure and order aboard those boats intimidate him into sticking with the drunks.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor gives a laugh before looking at her up and down "Well its a good thing you don't charge for those or i'd go broke asking for kisses elsewhere.." Melkor says pinching her tush playfully laughing to himself completely intrigued with the imp, "So tell me imp do you have a name?" Melkor asks twirling his ass length braid outta habit.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He sees a lot of pleasure cruisers, but there aren't any people in the ones already at the dock. There seem to be more in the harbour, probably with parties going on. He'd probably have to target a trading ship.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She lets out a cute little 'Ooh!' When he punched her butt, but giggles and turns to him. "Meleena!" She says, grinning and extending her tiny hand for him to shake.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
And so Klaus does, seeking out the seemingly-most ramshackle trading ship he can find within the city ports. Hopefully, if he does find a small crew, they won't be all that missed once they're slaves to the red jacket Djinn in Sin City. In the hopes of lowering their guards ever-so-slightly, he casts a lust aura around himself.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He comes across a rather small ship with a crew of approximately fifty people currently spread out through the docks. As of now, there are currently seven people on board, who eye him curiously and maybe just a little lustily when they see him walking up to the ship.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
"Well Meleena its a pleasure to meet much as I'd love to get to know you better I sadly must run and do some dangerous work...maybe when I come back and your around i'll ask for another one of those bartender kisses.." He says giving the little thing a wink before standing to take a look at the notice board for some work. "Pardon me folks trying to read here!" He calls out as he barges through the group.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Likewise! Stay safe out there!" She calls out. Thanks to his sheer size, most people give him a look and get out of the way quickly.

[Same jobs as BubbleLord, minus the elf one.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus nods his head in greeting, half-bowing as he locks his hands together and calls up to the people on board. "Well met folks, this here is Richard, and my name is Kyle. I've heard around that you lot might be accepting new faces to join your crew? Okay, we're a bit more desperate than that. Rich and I are out of work in the city, and we're more than willing to devote ourselves to work at sea, eager even."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The men glance at each other, and Klaus catches some of them checking out his ass. "We'll... Uh... We'll have to take it up with the captain. But why don't you come up? You can wait right here!" One of them says, tilting his head to the gangplank of the ship.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus walks modestly up the gangplank, holding the rail more for the aesthetic of his stance than anything as he gestures to Richie to follow. He hides a smirk from the few who are checking him out, focusing on his gait, and trying to look like a standard, agreeable fellow in time to the clack of his shoes on the plank. "Oh, thanks so much for the consideration! Your ship is lovely as well. Does she have a name?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"We call her the Baked Potato. Don't ask me why the captain named it that way!" A sailor says, chuckling and leading Klaus to what appears to be a kitchen, before he sits. "So do you have any prior experience working with a boat?" He asks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Not with ships of this size, exactly." Klaus answers. "I'd learned quite a few quirks behind the mechanics of the sail, pertaining to sailboats, when I was just a bit younger, but I do have experience in navigation and mapping, and a will to work hard."


Jun 24, 2016
This time the spell went off, Colahr lost a lot more of his patience. The demon even put on a nice wince as he fell back and to the ground. But it was clear, this time, as he slowly got up that he'd lost his own patience. Rising to his feet, all he could do was stare at the elder with an uncharacteristic snarl.

"Yet you think treating us poorly, capturing us and demanding things of us without trade... you think that will win you your daughter? You would be wise to make allies with a demon... one who is willing to help you in exchange for his own personal gain. Why do you think those other realms are targeted? They are too stupid or unwilling. Humans, however, are smart and outright summon us. Look how they thrive... even with us taking slaves, they have no terror or problems. You imprison and kill us... exactly as the beasts in the orc and troll realm do. It speaks leagues to your character, elder. We might not care about the individual... but when you kill one of our own you become marked. Perhaps you killing one of my innumerable scum brethren is precisely why she was taken. Perhaps if you were to work with us, we could return her... before it's too late. Or you could keep torturing me, ensuring with each passing moment that she possibly dies and can never return to you. Do you think that so wise? To kill the one demon you have captured and could make a pact with? Probably the only one who will be willing to work to both of our benefits... even if mine is slightly greater. Because as you said, my kind either come here and foolishly get killed. But those who don't will come and lay waste here... so why not take the higher path and get some protection for not just you and the possible return of your daughter... but also the safety of your village?"


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor looks at the jobs and decides to do the one regarding two humans, he'd actually had been meaning to take a trip over to the human realm but he just hadn't gotten to it yet. He makes his way toward the black vest Djinn lady somewhere in the bar clearing his throat in preparation to introduce himself, "Greetings" he says pulling out a playing card from thin air and placing it on the table which shimmers into a business card "Melkor at your service.." He says giving a slight bow before seating himself setting his hat down on the table and looking at the woman.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I see. Well... I'm fine with it. Now we gotta wait on the cap'n. Anything you wanna do while you wait?" The sailor asks, leaning back on the chair. Out of the corner of his eyes, Klaus sees fhe other sailors edging in closer. One of them reaches out and squeezes his ass. "Should we just take him through the initiation already? Cap is gonna say yes anyway." The sailor currently grabbing his ass says.

The elder rolls his eyes. "Cease your lies, demon. Humans are foolish. They know not the consequences of their actions. Look at their own world as an example. Overuse of resources. Giant machines that spew smoke and fire into a once clean air. Crystal clear blue seas and rivers turned a sickly green because of their activities. No, demon. The humans are far more foolish than we would ever be. That very fact has been proved by the fact that they summon demons who steal their souls. As for what we do... Do you seriously expect to take, take, and take some more without there being any retribution? Do you know how many we have lost lately? We have lost fifteen elves, both males and females. And how many of your kind have we killed? None. You're the first. Too long have we let you carry on your activities!" He says. After a minute of silence, he continues. "We shall let you go. But only after I cast a spell that binds your will to mine for the duration of your task. After that, you are free to leave." He says, turning and leaving.

"Wow. You are one tall son of a bitch." The Djinn lady says, motioning for him to sit. "Kaelora." She leans forward, and Klaus suddenly notices that the only thing she's wearing is the vest. Her large D cups are clearly visible from the sides and the front, the nipples and a band of flesh obscured by the cloth. She has dark, chocolate coloured skin, and brown eyes to match. "Melkor, eh? You saw the job. I want the girliest femboy you can find, my friend. As for the female, I want her nice and curvy." She says, grinning.


Jun 24, 2016
The elder leaving had finally left him smiling. It was clear they'd come for him... and the elder would give the now far from pleased demon a chance he needed. They'd not killed his kind, despite how they'd apparently killed others that were adventurous. Which meant that if he killed the elder when he least expected it, right before they could bond him to their will, it would be all it'd take to likely break their morale. Or, as he turned to the walls of his cell, he could simply use his demonic strength and weapon to cut through the wall. Letting the chain release and taking it firmly, the demon lashed outward at the rear wall. Worst case it blocked his blade and he could withdraw it before anyone showed up. Best case, he'd cut through the wood like butter and be free without a soul knowing. Then it'd be time to find the fool and kidnap any other children he might have. No matter what, he'd be fucking Jarra extra hard to make up for this hassle. Maybe even Gila.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The moment the chain makes contact with the wall, a huge shock travels through the chain and into his hand, sending him flying backwards into the bars. His head hits the bars quite hard, and he immediately passes out. When he comes to, he's unsure of how much time has passed, but one this is for certain. His ring is gone.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"I take no issue with that." Klaus snickers, having no other external reaction or change in tone despite the hand groping his ass. "I think I like what this crew's about. Though, should we really be doing this while so close to the shore? Let's just say there are a few extra reasons why I wanted to work on a ship. It's a little bit of a fantasy of mine to be doing it out at sea." Curious, he turns his head, checking to see wherever Richie may have run off to.


Jun 24, 2016
(Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Kay)

Colahr, to put it bluntly, had decided to kill the old man with his bare hands the instant he woke up. The fact his ring was gone made him only more determined as he got up and off the ground shakily. Good thing the demons were so damn smart to pick a village to keep dropping people at. It made Colahr's job fucking stupid. And as he stood up straight in the cell, it was finally time to turn toward the gate and wait. With his tail uncoiling and preparing. These elves had lost their chance... and stealing his shit on top of imprisoning him was the last straw.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal drinks and drinks, pulling as much milk out as she can, thoroughly enjoying the taste as her belly fills. She stops after a minute or two, licking her lips and pushing her face into Felicia's stomach. "That was wonderful dear, thank you. You have served your mistress perfectly."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Richie is backed up against the wall, staying well clear of the goings on.
"Hmm. Well, we should show him the ropes, right?" One of the seamen says. The leader grins and goes to the tiller, turning the ship out to sea before powering it up and sailing out. Once they're a fair distance out, Klaus feels the sailors grab his arms and start groping his ass harder. One of them is even so bold as to slip a finger down into his pants and press the finger up into his asshole. The leader turns and grins at him. "Very well then. Show us your other skills, boy." He says, crossing his arms, his dick already hard and ready.

After approximately an hour, he sees the elder walking back, accompanied by two elves. They stop at the gates, and both elves accompanying the elder prepare spells, glowing orbs forming around their hands as they ready themselves. "Demon, now is the time for the ritual to bind your will to mine temporarily will commence." He opens the cell doors, and the elves, moving inhumanly fast, have their hands aimed at Colahr before he can do anything. The elder steps inside, and suddenly, Colahr cannot move a single muscle, seemingly paralysed. Murmuring a long, compliance spell, the elder sits cross legged in front of him. Drawing a wickedly curved knife from his belt, he grabs Colahr's hand and slices across it, letting his blood flow. Then, he does the same to his hand, and presses both of their hands together, letting the blood mingle. Still murmuring, he draws strange spell words on the floor, before placing both their hands on the words. There is a bright flash of light, and Colahr suddenly passes out. When he comes to, the gate is open, and the elder is standing there, a bandage around his hand as well as Colahr's. "Come here." The elder says, and Colahr feels the strongest compulsion to obey every single thing he says.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Um... Thanks for the compliment?" Felicia says, chuckling nervously and petting Phorsaal's head before pulling her shirt back up over her breasts.


Jun 24, 2016
Just like that, Colahr walked forward. There was no reason for complaining, since the blood ritual was so strong. All he could do was obey, devoid of any sort of free will.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"You are most welcome. Now... I do believe a nap is in order... Ash is already there." She says with a chuckle, closing her eyes to get some rest.