The Syncharion Ascendance RP (Floozer, Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Ash's toes curl and she mewls with each spurt of cum into her bowels as her stomach bloats up. Felicia lets go of Ash's ass and her hands move to her face, pulling it up to kiss her. A real, proper kiss with tongues involved. Ash makes a weak gasp of surprise, but lets Felicia take the lead, her arms wrapping around her neck. Felicia pulls away after a while, and smiles at the little imp. "So, how did it feel to pleasure your mistress using your naughty virgin hole?" Felicia asks, grinning. "It felt... Amazing... I'm so fucking full..." Ash mutters, rubbing her belly.


Jun 24, 2016
Spotting the one guard moving, he'd wait. The guard would surely take it back whether he could read the message or not...


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He sees the guard hurrying back without the rock, an exasperated look on his face. He says something to one of the other guards, who rolls his eyes and shakes his head.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a fair bit of effort, she pulls out of Ash's ass and sits on the couch next to them, her cock flopping down between her legs, covering in cum and lubricant. "Phew... that was... amazing. Good job Ash, I do belive we will be doing this more often in the future. And good work to you Felicia... you made that all go much smoother than normal."


Jun 24, 2016
It was clear, at least to Colahr, the one panicking could see through his illusion spell. No other reason could have made him so spooked. Turning to face the wall, he knew only one way for sure to get in. Forming his chain, he threw the bladed end up and into the wood at the top. Climbing traditionally wasn't possible with a weapon like his... which meant he simply used some ingenuity and used the inner, blunted part of the links to hold onto as he scaled the wall. Holding the end with his tail, he'd drop down and over into bushes within the wall with a curse. The chain came down after, vanishing back to the ring.

"Damn elves... and their stupid bushes..."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Ash just groans something inaudible in reply and holds up a thumb. "Well... I just did what I could..." Felicia murmurs.

His victory is short lived. Within a minute of him stepping out of the bushes, he's surrounded by elves, their spears leveled at him as they surround him in a circle, their shields raised. "What? Thought we didn't believe him?" One of the elves says. "Demons. They're all stupid." Another says. Colahr feels a spear get jabbed into his back. "Move it." A voice behind him grunts.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes, you did do what you could, and I greatly appreciate that. Thank you dear." She plants a kiss on her cheek before laying down with her head against Felicia's breast.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Felicia is a little surprised, but smiles and strokes Phorsaal's hair as she wraps an arm around her. "Mm. Well, Ash clearly enjoyed it too..." She murmurs, reaching over and pulling the little demon into her lap. Ash immediately flops over onto Phorsaal's breasts, snuggling up with her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a smile on her face, she grabs Ash and lets her rests on her stomach and breasts while she in turn rests her head on Felicia's lap. her eyes remain closed for a while before opening up and smiling at her. "You really are very pretty, I really hope you know that." She says, reaching up to stroke her cheek.


Jun 24, 2016
Making sure to raise his hands, he felt a big of ping at how he'd fallen for such an obvious trick. He'd even feign fear, moving along as they'd direct for now. He'd hidden his weapon so fast that they likely assumed him unarmed... not to mention, of course, his tail was hidden even without the illusion. The elves were certainly clever, though, his face growing more 'fearful' as they walked no doubt to what would be their jail.

"L-Look, just don't kill me... I was forced to slip inside! I-I'll tell you anything you want if you spare my life!"

The fact he was outnumbered wasn't fun, of course, but he knew that should they let their guard down it would be fatal. He didn't carry an obvious weapon, with the sealed state of his weapon. It wasn't some sort of illusion spell that could be seen through. And, of course, he doubted any of these elves could even fathom the runes and engravings that made up the demon language to make use of his ring and expose its true purpose. If there was, however, he would have his inside source. A demon-studying elf would be the one who understood his kind and had to accept aspects of them to do so. It would be someone who could be molded and tempted as much as a horny kid trying to get laid.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Shut up and walk, demon." The elf behind him growls, poking his back hard enough to open up a in the skin, which starts to bleed. They lead him to a jail, the edges and bars of which are marked in Infernal, the language of the demons. Without a word, they throw him inside, and slam the door shut. "You try any magic, you're going to explode." One of the elves says.

Felicia blinks and smiles. "Thank you, Phorsaal." She murmurs, stroking the Amazon's hair.

[I'm going to sleep. It's late.]


Jun 24, 2016
These elves were prepared, but the fact that they'd restricted his magic meant that the instant he was pushed inside his form flickered back to that of a demon. They were certainly going to regret pissing off Colahr, but for now he only reached to his back to cover the broken-skin with his hand. A superficial wound, but one that made him look back and remember the guard's armor, posture, and voice. He'd kill that one later. However, trapped as he was, all he could do was fully turn to face the cell's doorway and bars with a small sigh. Summoning his chain here wasn't technically magic that was going to fuck him over, but the Infernal runes likely protected the cell enough that his chains couldn't cut through it anyhow. It was time to be patient and wait... of course, that meant that as he lowered to sit, he pulled free his cock from the pants and gently took the head in his right hand, gently stroking it.

"I really should have made Gila suck me off this morning... ugh... I guess I can always fuck Jarra and cum inside her enough to make up for being restrained. The hassles of this job..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiles and puts her hand down onto Ash's back. "Umm... I'm sorry if this is too forward but... might I have a taste of your breasts? So far Ash has had it all and I must admit I am getting jealous."


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor gives her a wink before commenting "Thanks for the new threads!" He says beginning to get himself well dressed before leaving the dressing room, cowboy hat and all. He twisted at his ass length braid and looked toward her, "Well it sure has been fun Arina but I shall be taking my leave now..expect to see me often now!" Melkor calls out tipping his new hat at her before exiting the store, he walks the streets feeling almost invincible at the moment I guess the hat had a way of building more confidence in ones self...though Melkor really didn't need that but he looked pretty bad ass.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus makes a move to enter the tourist center, leaving the coils of rope just outside, and ultimately hoping to find a map of the city or a spare pamphlet that could direct him to somewhere of interest. He has another whiff of a scheme brewing in his head, though like most of his plans, it's a bit of a stretch. As he steps inside, he keeps an eye out for people who appear to be religious, scanning the crowd for cross necklaces, habits, etc. in the hopes of getting into their heads.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
An hour passes. Then two. Then three. Then five. Eventually, he loses track of how long he's been in the cell. Finally, after god knows how long, he hears footsteps coming towards him. An old male elf rounds the corner, and walks up to the cell. Though he may seem old, with long white hair up to his shoulders and a few wrinkles around his eyes and mouth, his eyes are sharp and hard. Magic power practically radiates off of him. Colahr had best not mess with him if he wanted to walk out of here alive. "Where is my daughter?" The elf asks in a flat, deadpan voice.

"Wha-? Um..." She blinks at Phorsaal before a blush spreads across her cheeks. "Yeah... I guess..." She murmurs, pulling down the other end of her shirt to expose both of her breasts.

"Bye byyyeeee! Please do come agaaain!" Arina calls out from the dressing room as he walks out.
He gets stares and glances from pretty much every person on the street, and even a few wolf whistles from some of the ladies and even the men. [Rep +5]

When Klaus enters, he sees a reception desk with a pretty blonde woman sitting at the desk. There are people milling around the place, but the desk seems to be empty. He can see a picture at the desk, of some sort of a man with wings. Probably their god, he supposed. On a rack a fair distance away, he can see lots of maps of the city and the surrounding countryside arranged in neat rows.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal holds up one hand to Felicia "Only if you feel comfortable with the idea Felicia. I will not force you into something like that again. I am perfectly fine with waiting until you are ready for... such activities."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"No, no, it's quite alright. I let Ash drink, and you're not that different, so..." She hefts her breast up. "You can go ahead and take a drink if you want to!" She says, smiling a little.



Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well then, don't mind if I do." She gently latches her lips around the offered nipple and begins to suckle, trying to coax out the warm bounty she knows it stored within.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus saunters curiously towards the rack of maps, looking them a few times over to try and uncover what he's dealing with in this portion of the human realm.


Jun 24, 2016
Looking to the elder, it was only courteous that Colahr release his prick in the presence of someone who could actually threaten him. The soldiers out there, if he were to have fought, would have lost more than a few of them at the cost of his life. This man, however, in his current position, wasn't beatable in the slightest. Hell, he imagined that he'd probably lose to the geezer if it were to be a fair fight.

"That depends, elf. I, Colahr, can't recall every elf woman I've seen and slept with. It's quite possible I've not met her and she is the hostage of another demon. Surely you know about my kind if you're clever enough to trap me... so who do you suspect took her? Me? My "empire"? Or, perhaps, do you think all of us demons to be like pawns, all of the same cloth and the same being?"

A smirk arrived near the end, but it did fade as his hands moved back to his cock and stroked it gently with a new arrival of annoyance.

"I could at least use an offering... a pretty girl, maybe. An incubus can't exactly think straight when he's worked up. And I didn't exactly get to fuck my slave before I came to your world, dagger-ear."


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor eventually made it towards Harks Bar making his way inside calmly sitting on a nearby stool looking to see if either Hark or Laranum were tending the bar at the moment before ordering the special for today and looking at the board bringing up small talk "So how goes the business.." He says not paying mind to who he was actually talking to but keeping an eye out for eyes that spelled work.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Felicia lets out a little moan as Phorsaal starts to suckle, and warm, sweet milk flows into her mouth. She presses her hand to the back of her head as if to keep her there, while the other wraps around her, hugging her as she drinks.

Klaus looks over the map, and sees a red star that marks the tourism office, as well as the names and locations of various places. PicsArt_11-19-01.56.02.jpg

The elder's mouth twitches in annoyance, and suddenly Colahr feels a stabbing pain run through his cock, followed by the feeling of his entire body burning to ashes. "You dare make demands!? You are OUR prisoner, scum!" The elder growls. The pain gets worse, then subsides. "My daughter was out gathering food in the woods, when she suddenly disappeared. The animals have told me she was battling with one of smoke before the smoke disappeared, and she acted funny before walking off. Tell me who it was, and I might let you go." He says coldly.

"Pretty good, actually. We've been getting a lot of customers!" A female voice answers. An imp flies up from under the bar, and grins at him. She's wearing an apron that reads "Kiss the Bartender", which is covering a magnificent pair of perky C cups, and has a round, curvy ass. Black hair cascades down her shoulders and halfway down her back, and she has bright yellow eyes, like his. Her skin is a dark red, and she has tiny wings and a spaded tail.


Jun 24, 2016
After the mind-blowing pain induced by the old man, Colahr was left panting loudly and on his back. The screaming and pained look had went on during all that. It was clear this elf would die as well, should the incubus get the chance.

"Haaaa~... hurting someone... who could be the sole person who could help you? Unwise, mortal... inducing pain in th-those who get off from it..."

Slowly rising, he'd stand and look to the elder with a serious gaze.

"I am your prisoner... but the only one who can help you. Killing me will alert the demons and likely not only ensure you never see your daughter again, but doom the others of your village. So I ask again, mortal... bring an offering. I can make a pact, born from exchanging one of yours, to find her. Surely knowing she still lives, her soul within her form rather than trapped forever, is worth it. Of course... you inducing the wrath of my kind further? Far more unwise."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The elder gives him an incredulous look. "Oh! So you think your kind cares enough about one useless, good for nothing incubus who thought he could sneak into an elf village, not get caught, steal one of the most powerful magic wielders of any realm, and escape unscathed? Hah! Please. Your kingdom has enough of you scum to not give a damn about the rest of you. Tens or twenties of overly adventurous demons die each and every day in our realm, the realm of the dark elves, the realm of the orcs and trolls, and even the realm of the mer people! I don't see your vaunted slave kingdom waging war on them!" He shouts. Colahr feels more pain from the elf's spell, this time as if he's being stabbed everywhere at once by rather blunt, serrated knives.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Pardon me," Klaus asks the blonde woman behind the desk. "I don't suppose you have a copy of this map, a pamphlet of sorts, that I could take with me?" His new plan is to head out to the docks. He'd always had the impression that sailors didn't get much company, and if he could somehow manage to pacify a lot of four or five on a boat, trap them out at sea, and somehow bring them all through the portal, then he could be back home with a slave to bond with and break in sooner than if not.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Oh yes. Yes I do!" She reaches over to the side of her table and hands him a copy of the map. "What kind of tourism department would we be if we didn't, right?" She says, chuckling.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor turns to the female voice before seeing the little imp and whistling "I can tell this place is pretty packed whenever I come by." He says looking at her apron and back at her smiling. "I'm Melkor by the way..." He says giving a nod before turning to look back out the crowd and board,he places a hand on his cheek in a bored manner before bringing up amll talk with the imp "So you've worked here long?" He asks curiously.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Nope! First day!" She says, smiling as she flutters up and sits on the counter next to his elbow.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Well you're doing a great job!" Klaus smiles and runs off, once again taking Richie by the arm to hastily lead him outside. He gathers up the rope in his arms, forcing what he can onto Richie without much more than a few words of instruction, and then starts pacing by the map's direction to the docks.