The Runefang Chronicles (For Archangel99)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Dawn broke over the city Aloveth on a crisp spring morning in the land of Lothlyde. The loose confederation of city-states, and private land owners was nestled in the forested highlands of the north, and rarely got to enjoy early spring thaws. So, it was no surprise that most people rose with the sun to try and make the best of the extra time they had been given before winter began creeping in again. One resident, however, was in no hurry to greet the day. Lazarus Runefang, wanted nothing more that to be left alone to sleep; after the week he'd had, he felt he deserved it. Lazarus was a mercenary by trade, and one of the best at that. Brought up in the Runefang brotherhood, one of the most professional, some would say ruthless, fighters guilds in the land, he rarely had trouble finding lucrative work. So, when a merchant had offered Lazarus a hundred gold coins to escort him through a forest, he figured it was just an old man with more money than brains seeking peace of mind. It wasn't until halfway through the trip that they ended up having to make a detour through a section of forest known as the troll woods. By the time they got out of the forest, Lazarus had vowed never to enter a place with the word troll in the name ever again. He had collected his pay without a word and proceeded to rent out a room at the first decent inn he came across for a solid month.

Now, as he was finally on the verge of a full recovery, he was roused from sleep by a gentle rapping on his door.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Lazarus sighs and opens his eyes, getting up to open the door, wearing only his pants. A hard life had accustomed him to irritation, and now he barely cared who needed what, as long as he was getting paid. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Upon opening the door, Lazarus let out an agitated sigh when he found no one there. He was about to call out a curse to whoever the funny man was, when he noticed an envelope pined to the door. Taking one more look down the hall, he grabbed the paper and returned to his room. Sitting on the bed, he turned the paper over in his hands. It was sealed with wax bearing the coat of arms of one of the local noble houses; house Feldane, if he remembered correctly. Inside was a formal letter of invitation.

Dear Sir. Lazarus

I hope this letter finds you well, for I believe I have need of your services. It has been brought to my attention that you are a man of uncommon skill at arms, even in the face of unexpected danger. I am in desperate need of an individual with those qualities, and will pay quite handsomely for your time. If you are interested, please join me at my estate today at noon. I look forward to meeting you.

Sincerely, Rose Feldane.  


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Lazarus smirks slightly at the part where it says he was a man of uncommon skill. Of course he was. He finishes reading the letter then holds the edge over the fire, letting it burn. Then he throws the letter into the fireplace, watching it smoulder away into ashes. He gets up and gets his gear, putting on the studded tough leather armor, and picking up his staff, Reaper, and strapping it to his back. The look of the staff alone was enough to ward most people off. The sinister black metal, etched with strange red runes and the curving, screw-like ends [Picture a Flamberge or Morgan's staff from The Walking Dead.] gave off a rather unsettling aura. More so the mask around his lower face, the metal twisted into the shape of a snarling wolf, created to hide a scar even he considered to gruesome. A long jagged slash on his left cheek running from one end of his cheek to the other, leaving the teeth on that side of his mouth exposed. He quickly leaves the room, jogging down to pay the innkeep and leave. Everything about him was quick and efficient. Not a movement was wasted. He starts walking to the manor of Rose Feldane, sticking to the shadows. He gets there right on time and knocks on the door. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The Maid that answered the door was little more than a teenager. Upon seeing Lazarus in the doorway, she let out a shrill scream before falling backward onto her rump.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He looks down at her with annoyed eyes then walks in without a word, heading to Feldane's room, rapping on the door. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As he waited, Lazarus heard the sound of heavy boots come running down the hall. A group of three men, all brandishing swords, came barreling down the hall. Stopping just outside of striking distance, the leader of the three guards yelled, "Stop! Identify yourself!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Lazarus simply stares at them like he would at an insect. Their swords didn't worry him. What bled could be killed. Unlike a few other things he had fought. "Lazarus Runefang. Where's your master? He called me here for a job." Lazarus replies, leaning against the door. "Tell him to hurry up. I don't like to be kept waiting." His voice is distorted by the mask he wears, sounding more like a growl than a human voice. 
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As the guards made ready to spring, a voice suddenly called out, "Gentleman! Don't make mister Runefang any later than he already is." The squad of guards parted to reveal an older gentleman in fine clothing holding a cane. Judging by the air of authority he wielded, he was probably the chamberlain. As for you, Sir Runefang, unless you have some business in the lavatory, please follow me. Lady Feldane is waiting for you in the garden.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"About time. You were about to come upon a few dead bodies." He says. Standing straight and following the man to the garden to meet Lady Feldane. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The Feldane gardens were awash with the colors of spring. Flowers of every variety imaginable were in bloom, along with several fruit trees. Sitting at a small wooden table, sheltered under a cedar gazebo, was a matronly woman. Lady Feldane carried her years well, being both fit of body and fair of feature, you would hardly guess she was probably old enough to be Lazarus's mother. From under a thick mane of raven locks, her piercing blue eyes caught Lazarus off guard. The sheer lack of emotoion behind them was something he had only seen among his fellow Runefangs, and people who had experienced great loss.

Lady Feldane looked to her chamberlain. "Leave us." Her voice was like ice, and the head servant knew better than to question it. Once they were alone, she motioned for Lazarus to sit in the chair opposite her. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Upon entering, Lazarus sneers a little at all the finery. Just like rich people to surround themselves in finery and ignore the harsh world outside. Looking at Lady Feldane, he could see that her eyes were emotionless. Dead. He grins slightly, the mask hiding it. This visit might just be interesting after all... He sits in the chair opposite her. "Tell your maid that next time she greets the door with a scream, the guest would probably slap her across the face. And the response time of your guards leaves much to be desired." He takes off his staff and sets it down, leaning it against the table, and straightens. "What's the mission?" He asks. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Leveling a heavy gaze at Lazarus, Feldane spoke, "Two weeks ago, my daughter, Elizabeth, went to visit friends in the village of Mothbrook, she was only to be gone for a week and the servants I sent to fetch her have not returned. Mothbrook is a small mining town a couple of days ride south of here. I grow concerned for my daughter's safety." She stood and made her way to a small counter at the far side of the gazebo. "Your 'mission' is two fold; bring me news of my daughter, one way or the other-" she picked up a small sack and tossed it onto the table in front of Lazarus, "-and if it turns out something has happened to her-" she threw a second back onto the table, "-make sure the ones responsible are properly punished." A quick test of the bag's weight revealed both of them to be filled with gold. Lady Feldane stood, awaiting Lazarus's response.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Lazarus stands and bows to her. "Consider it done." Is all he says. He turns and stalks out of the room, heading back to the inn to book a horse to ride to Mothbrook. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The next two days were spent in relative piece on the road. The six hundred pieces of gold that Lady Feldane had paid him was enough to set Lazarus up for a month. She had also given him a locket with a tiny portrait of Elizabeth in it; far too small to be anything other than the work of magic. The young woman had just reached her nineteenth birthday, and for the most part looked like a younger version of her mother, with thick raven locks, and sharp feminine features. The only exception was her eyes. Where Lady Feldane's were a piercing blue, Elizabeth's were a deep emerald green.

Eventually, the town of Mothbrook came into view as Lazarus crested the final hill on his journey. Smoke rose from many of the buildings in thick clouds, and the ring of smith hammers could be heard in the air; as was expected from a mining town. All told, there were roughly three dozen buildings making up Mothbrook proper.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Lazarus stops at the top of the hill, scanning the town of its streets, alleyways, shops, etc. To get a feel for it. He would need to know a quick escape route if he was getting chased by more than he could handle. Or if he was chasing someone else. The latter was more likely, Lazarus thought with a slight smile. After a few minutes spent observing the town, he turned the reins of his horse and spurred it on, heading down to the village proper. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As he made his way down the main thoroughfare of the town, Lazarus was greeted by hustle and bustle of a town on market day. All down the main street, peddlers and would-be merchants had stalls set up to sell their wares, and despite the strange looks that his rather sinister attire was drawing, most of the people were all to happy to let him know that their wares were for sale. Most of the stalls were selling one of two things, food from local farmers, or metal in one form or another. Being build right next to an iron mine, Mothbrook had an unusually high number of smiths, and all seemed to specialize in a different business. Cast iron tools and eating utensils, iron stands and trinkets, one merchant was even selling finely crafted weapons; though who he was selling them to in a town this size was anyone's guess.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Knowing that he's making it rather obvious to her kidnappers that he's looking for Elizabeth but not really having much of a choice, he starts asking random passers by, shopkeepers, and even trying a few inns he passes if they have seen the girl he was looking for. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As Lazarus set about his search, he eventually found himself in the local bar. As he was questioning the locals, he caught something out of the corner of his eye. A hooded figure was looking through the window. As soon as it realized Lazarus was looking at it, it bolted out of sight.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Reaching the back of the tavern, Lazarus was disappointed to find his quarry already gone. However, a quick examination of the ground revealed that they had made no effort to conceal their trail, which lead off out of town.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Jackass. Is Lazarus' only thought before he set off on the trail, tracking down the person. 

Really. What kind of an idiot didn't cover their tracks?! Unless, of course, they were setting up an ambush... Well, their bad luck it was him coming. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The trail lead out of town and through the woods for some time. Following them as fast as he could without making too much noise, Lazarus soon found himself standing before the entrance of an old mine shaft. A steady stream of workers were moving in and out of the tunnel.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Lazarus looks around for a few minutes, looking for some way he can get in without being noticed. 

[Discern Realities Roll, scored a 5. :S ]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Realizing that the trail would be lost amidst the tracks of the miners, not to mention he would certainly be questioned by the workers about his intentions, Lazarus realized that the cover of night would likely be needed in order to explore the mine undetected. In the meantime he had several hours to kill.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Lazarus decides to go back to town and rent a room for the night. Not much more could be done here. He turns to walk back into town, deciding to come back at night when there was less chance of being spotted and questioned. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Lazarus returned the following evening, to find the mine mostly deserted. A single man stood leaning against the wall next to the entrance; apparently on guard duty. He was wearing a clearly hand-me-down set of leather armor, and had a stout club hanging from his belt.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Lazarus decides to sneak up on the man using the cover of the long shadows and knock him out. After all, he would be long gone by the time it took the man to wake up. He sneaks around him, making a wide circle to stay out of his line of sight. Once he's close, he silently creeps up behind the man and whacks him in the head with the staff hard enough to knock him out. 

[Rolled a 5.] 
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