The Last Sovereign


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sierra has released information on her blog about a small side project she has been working on called Ouroboros. Should be fun to play when it's officially released.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Are we going to be able to add Robin to our harem properly eventually? It seems like a good project for Yarra to be working on.

I'm pretty sure Sierra has said Robin will eventually join the harem (but this was awhile ago so this might have changed), although I doubt Yarra will get involved, particularly after Simon told Yarra off for tricking Robin into walking in the tent while he and Qum were having sex.

It's more likely it will happen because of 1- Robin gets infected like Aka is, 2- Robin chooses to eventually join after falling for Simon and wishes to stay with him or 3- Robin gets jealous of all these girls that Simon looks in a fatherly way and becomes a Yandere xD  

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Clearly Robin will get in a tizzy after having a succubus make out with her for healing for months and finally snap, effectively being an alternate Simon for scenes.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Clearly Robin will get in a tizzy after having a succubus make out with her for healing for months and finally snap, effectively being an alternate Simon for scenes.

Beware the quiet/smart/shy ones!


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
Bug report: If you talk to the three succubi in the cafe in the Empire while standing next to the chair the game will hardlock (because Simon is supposed to cutscene-walk two spaces right, and can't because someone's in the way).

I figure Robin will decide she can't remain a virgin forever, but after having seen the others with Simon she realises that she will consider literally anyone else in the world as 'second best'. And she's not willing to have a relationship with someone she's settled for as second choice (partly because that's not fair to them).
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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
Finished the game now (as of 0.17). I think King Alonon might have achieved CHIM? Or partially attained it anyway, stumbling at the very last hurdle.

I agree now that Varra would not be the one working on Project Robin. It'll be Nalili trying to give her new best friend / stepsister the gift of a normal healthy family life (instead of these weird/wrong human arrangements)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Finished the game now (as of 0.17). I think King Alonon might have achieved CHIM? Or partially attained it anyway, stumbling at the very last hurdle.

If he had really achieved CHIM, then I expect some incredible funkiness to go on, like sinking the continent while simultaneously allowing your people to be able to breath underwater to drown out invaders, or turning a tropical jungle into a temperate forest cause your soldiers don't like the heat of the jungle. Instead he seems to have breached the veil of the void and achieved the "Jaded" trait.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
His comments about pointlessness suggest that he has realised that the world does not exist and reality is a dream, which is the first stage of CHIM. He has done this without losing his individuality or suffering total existence failure, which is the second stage. He does not appear to have realised that 'exists' and 'doesn't exist' is a false distinction (the third stage) and so I would call him a failed seeker, except that he does appear to be able to break the rules. He teleported Simon not by using any kind of magic but by simply doing it - he pretty much opened the dev console, clicked on Simon, and typed 'placeat.castle'. This is very suggestive of CHIM.

Perhaps he attained CHIM in a single moment of enlightenment but was unable to handle the implications and collapsed back into a lower state.

Simon by contrast is a Ruling King but is likely not consciously aware of it.
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New Member
May 16, 2016
Hi o/ Long time Lurker here...
I am in need of some help because I can't really believe that I skipped an event and botched my whole save.
My problem is in the Aka route and more specific Aka herself. When I started one of the first things I did was getting access to the Yhilin Cathedral Library for the cure. Got the book. Did some other things that were related to the political plot (Thaumatergy I believe, which required one of the houses done to be first). But when I spoke to Robin I triggered some dialogue that I honestly can't remember which used the Armour as a temporary solution to Akas problem, given the magical nature of the book I found in the Cathedral and the Armour solution I doubt that these are related. I'm finished with all the political plots, also the cult and the mine. The only thing that I didn't have any contact with is the Tower and private bar in the Lower City. The only dialogue that I get from the Queen is "take care of yourself" and Robin only tells me "Now hopefully we have enough time to manage a partial transformation.". 

Basically I've got no idea what I'm supposed to do now, if I'm missing something I've really got no idea what. ;_;
And yes I've been trying to be as vague as possible <.<
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Hi o/ Long time Lurker here...
I am in need of some help because I can't really believe that I skipped an event and botched my whole save.
My problem is in the Aka route and more specific Aka herself. When I started one of the first things I did was getting access to the Yhilin Cathedral Library for the cure. Got the book. Did some other things that were related to the political plot (Thaumatergy I believe, which required one of the houses done to be first). But when I spoke to Robin I triggered some dialogue that I honestly can't remember which used the Armour as a temporary solution to Akas problem, given the magical nature of the book I found in the Cathedral and the Armour solution I doubt that these are related. I'm finished with all the political plots, also the cult and the mine. The only thing that I didn't have any contact with is the Tower and private bar in the Lower City. The only dialogue that I get from the Queen is "take care of yourself" and Robin only tells me "Now hopefully we have enough time to manage a partial transformation.". 

Basically I've got no idea what I'm supposed to do now, if I'm missing something I've really got no idea what. ;_;
And yes I've been trying to be as vague as possible <.<

Robin can manipulate the armor into having sex with Aka as a temporary solution.  There are actually 2 other books you need to read to perform the partial transformation (if I'm remembering correctly because it's been a while) which you can find in the castle and in the House Rose (the halflings) library.  After reading those two books go back down to talk to Robin again and that should be everything.


New Member
May 16, 2016
...Oh dear. Thank you a lot. I must have unintentionally skipped a dialogue line in which Robin mentioned that she needs to do further research, all I read was that she hinted at the fact that she needs more time, thus I didn't completely check the Halfling library and only went for the thaumateurgy book. Also forgot to mention that I already had read the castle book. ;P
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sierra has released a post on her blog what she was working on in April, which includes 2 side projects, a prologue to TLS and a written piece of fiction for the game that is to be work on after Noxian Nights. You can check her blog for details.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Sierra has released a post on her blog what she was working on in April, which includes 2 side projects, a prologue to TLS and a written piece of fiction for the game that is to be work on after Noxian Nights. You can check her blog for details.

Thanks for the heads up

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hey, guys, two things!

1) I am tentatively scheduling the private release of TLS 0.18.0 in one week, meaning the public release should be linked here in two.

2) But meanwhile, you can check out version 1.1.4 of my side game Ouroboros here:

Feel free to post over there if you have thoughts about it!


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Welcome back to the forums Sierra.  Looks like you had a very productive break.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
So what are people hoping for from Balia's work?

I want Orcent's replacement body to be bishie as fuck. He's talked about wanting willing partners, let's make him so pretty that panties spontaneously moisten in a hundred-yard radius. If this goes well we can use the pattern for a new subtype of orcs spec'd for keeping succubi happy.

The military side of the program will diverge from the normal "make them really strong and really angry!" methodology for orcs. A berserker horde is scary, true. But a tightly disciplined pike phalanx is twice as scary.

'Legion' orcs are actually slightly smaller and weaker than their wild cousins due to strength not being a major priority. But with rape massively deprioritised in their brains and a general increase in intelligence they now have the ability to work together effectively and efficiently. Add some pack/herd mentality so they always prefer to work together on things and dislike individual accomplishment. (Use the Impaler as a pattern for increased intelligence and planning ability, leavened with Orcent so they're not just all murder all the time.)

Now we add what we've been able to derive from Stark. Legion orcs can be put on the ground same as humans, but they're extremely difficult to actually kill. Even if they are killed the bodies are usually recovered so the 'self' can be put into a new body. What this amounts to is that experience is not lost. After a while there will be entire legions comprised of what in other armies would be the rarest and most hardened veterans. Orcs who've literally fought side-by-side in a half-a-hundred battles are the common troops.

tl;dr : Make simon-orcs.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I want Orcent's replacement body to be bishie as fuck. He's talked about wanting willing partners, let's make him so pretty that panties spontaneously moisten in a hundred-yard radius. If this goes well we can use the pattern for a new subtype of orcs spec'd for keeping succubi happy.

The military side of the program will diverge from the normal "make them really strong and really angry!" methodology for orcs. A berserker horde is scary, true. But a tightly disciplined pike phalanx is twice as scary.

'Legion' orcs are actually slightly smaller and weaker than their wild cousins due to strength not being a major priority. But with rape massively deprioritised in their brains and a general increase in intelligence they now have the ability to work together effectively and efficiently. Add some pack/herd mentality so they always prefer to work together on things and dislike individual accomplishment. (Use the Impaler as a pattern for increased intelligence and planning ability, leavened with Orcent so they're not just all murder all the time.)

Now we add what we've been able to derive from Stark. Legion orcs can be put on the ground same as humans, but they're extremely difficult to actually kill. Even if they are killed the bodies are usually recovered so the 'self' can be put into a new body. What this amounts to is that experience is not lost. After a while there will be entire legions comprised of what in other armies would be the rarest and most hardened veterans. Orcs who've literally fought side-by-side in a half-a-hundred battles are the common troops.

This sounds fun, although I don't know if Balia has the materials to do all of it, especially the rape de-prioritization. On the other hand, I don't know why they'd have to settle for "slightly smaller and weaker", especially considering that unmanaged orc populations are apparently pretty crappy on the whole, with rare variations.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The current party does not have the resources for unlimited orc projects, so Simon starts with his sights set relatively low. You'll get information on that in the upcoming update.

But you guys are going to enjoy some of the stuff the orc breeding subplot leads up to. ^-^


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
Please please add a sparkly vamp named Drawde that is running from a dog-morph or werewolf name Bocaj and you get to watch Bocaj catch Drawde in more ways then 1. LOL


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Next chapter: Orcent wants to be free of his nature, Dari wants to be cured of hers. Solution: combine the two and gain the first female orc slut for the harem.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Next chapter: Orcent wants to be free of his nature, Dari wants to be cured of hers. Solution: combine the two and gain the first female orc slut for the harem.

While an interesting idea, Dari already has relationship points and combining the two into one individual would likely remove those. Not sure if Dari would even want to do that.

Also, I don't want either character to lose their personality and quirks, which would happen if they combined.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Version 0.18.0 is out for backers! Meanwhile, here is a preview of some of this update's content:

This update focuses on the battle for Yhilin, but you won't be fighting on the front lines, you'll be commanding the battle and making decisions that have a broader impact.

The events can vary substantially depending on both strategic decisions and actions taken earlier in the game. You may face conflicts and characters at different times or not at all depending on your choices.

And after the battle, you're left to deal with all the broken pieces. How many problems you have to deal with and how much of the city gets destroyed will depend on your choices.

Of course, with a battle this big, everyone will get a bit of the spotlight.

Finally, I can reveal something patrons saw a while ago: the first official map for TLS. This covers the continent of Arclent:

Expect more maps in the future! But in the nearer future, expect the public release of this update in about a week - see you then!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I like the look of the map. The continent does look smaller than I originally thought it was, although that might just be me.

Should be good seeing the next release.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Yay a new update! Even if I have to wait till the public release, its still nice to know its out!

Also lovely map, though it does confuse me a bit, I thought Aram was west of Yhilin and not north of it. It also raises the question of why it's the Doomed Kings first target nation, since its smack dab in the middle of the continent and surrounded by enemies. Wouldn't it make more sense to start on the coast, some where with the fewest amount of bordering nations to bother you?

Either way, glad that we have a map of everything, would like to see what the other continents look like on a map.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Yay a new update! Even if I have to wait till the public release, its still nice to know its out!

Also lovely map, though it does confuse me a bit, I thought Aram was west of Yhilin and not north of it. It also raises the question of why it's the Doomed Kings first target nation, since its smack dab in the middle of the continent and surrounded by enemies. Wouldn't it make more sense to start on the coast, some where with the fewest amount of bordering nations to bother you?

Either way, glad that we have a map of everything, would like to see what the other continents look like on a map.

Aram has one of the largest armies, making it a pretty big threat.  Especially with the Doomed King first taking power in Yihilin through a false coup that only kills off Queen Janine's enemies.  Other than that, Ardoheim has been hit hard economically making it easy to take at any time.  Darghelon and Gheldaron are elven nations with relatively small populations, and one of them chooses to be isolated from the outside world.  Zirantia has plenty of natureal geographic defenses thanks to its narrow peninsular shape as well as a strong population of animal people.  It's distance from most other nations makes it a small threat to Aram or Yihilin, but it's going to be nearly impossible to conquer so throwing troops at it too early on would only weaken the rest of the invasion.  The best path to take is hitting Aram in a blitzkrieg after the coup, then taking Darghelon to protect your borders.  Gheldaron isn't likely to attack unless attacked, so taking advantage of Ardoheim's weakness for an easy morale boost followed by conquering Zirantia to cement your hold over the southern nations.  Save Gheldaron for last when your army is at its largest to unite the continent against the Incubus King.  At this point Simon's lust magic and army should be enough to overwhelm the far more impulsive and unorganized Incubus King.
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Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
No comment on the political situation for now - you'll learn more about those developments in the upcoming updates. You can expect more maps, though!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You know I never actually gave me review of this game.

First I would like to say that I have never actually played a porn game that didn't turn me on. This would be the first one, but that not the games fault, its mine. I personally think the game needs more Futanari, Trap, and M/M. Perhaps cure Aka buy giving her a dick (Aka my #1 wife), or give us Lexande in our harem.

That aside I have never played, so in-depth the characters are 3 dimensional and lovable. the politics are vary complex yet simple enough that they sound like politics. The economic system is immersive, and the story is enthralling yet funny.

all in all, I give it;

1.5/5 Diddles for smut, 5/5 for the game it self.