The Last Sovereign


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I've been playing this game for a good two weeks and I can honestly say that it's one one the best RPG Maker games I've ever played. The story and gameplay coupled with the character interactions really made this game shine in m eyes. I've gone through two playthroughs and I don't really regret any of the choices I made during them. I will say that the only things that really annoyed me were the spiders in Stineford and the Hidden Port Quest in Ardohiem.

Agreed. They were created as side challenges though, so I can accept them.

For me it was those two and the optional dungeon in the mountain pass, because at the time I didn't realize you could use your teams healing abilities outside of combat and I didn't want to use any items. Now that I know the game better that part is a hell of a lot easier, but still respectably challenging. 

Oh and the undead Chosen you fight during Yarra's Path, frack that guy, was so satisfying to finally beat him.

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For me it was those two and the optional dungeon in the mountain pass, because at the time I didn't realize you could use your teams healing abilities outside of combat and I didn't want to use any items. Now that I know the game better that part is a hell of a lot easier, but still respectably challenging. 

Oh and the undead Chosen you fight during Yarra's Path, frack that guy, was so satisfying to finally beat him.

That optional dungeon in Devil's Pass wasn't really hard for me. As long as I had my characters properly equipped, I could tackle it with minimal difficulty. That undead Chosen can go screw itself. I was thankful that Orcent's debuffs came through for me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016

I sold my wine and am trying to find a business partner. 

Went to every person / room on the map, but cannot advance story. 

Female business person (likely target) just wants to conclude her business. 

Have slept, tried everything again, but cannot find where to advance story. 

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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

I sold my wine and am trying to find a business partner. 

Went to every person / room on the map, but cannot advance story. 

Female business person (likely target) just wants to conclude her business. 

Have slept, tried everything again, but cannot find where to advance story. 


Go to the big building to the south to progress. The one with the huge wooden roof.

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Thanks for the update, Sierra Lee. I have no idea what I want to do in this section. It's exciting and a little scary. Nonetheless, I'm still having fun with this.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Tried that, Guard says building is closed, and if i go to the door, it also says it's currently closed. 

You check the game wiki? there are guides and walkthroughs. I can't remember exactly what you do to progress the story. I'll have to jump into the game again to see about it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Tried that, Guard says building is closed, and if i go to the door, it also says it's currently closed. 

If you've talked to everyone you should be given the option to wait either when you approach the door of the building or when you approach the wagon.  I can't remember which.  There should be a fat man next to the building who brings up the meeting, try talking to him a couple times.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Crap, how do you apply spoilers?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Crap, how do you apply spoilers?

You can't.

Also, does anything get done when you enter the left most room for the Order of Yhini test? It confused me.

Are you able to enter the shop in the Rose district that's locked?

And how many candidates are there for the Forging ties quest? I found 6.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You can't.

Also, does anything get done when you enter the left most room for the Order of Yhini test? It confused me.

Are you able to enter the shop in the Rose district that's locked?

And how many candidates are there for the Forging ties quest? I found 6.

Nothing visible, you just finish the quest  Magical Affairs (if you had done the exam on the right room). I suppose that we will advance that quest later the next time that the party is in town. I strongly suspect that it's going to be some updates later as I feel that we will visit Darghelon, Zirantia and Aram at least.

No. The most that you can do is (if you have talked with Dari in the Palace) to be warned by her of something afoul is going there. Further chats with Dari don't really give any light if she found something or not.

Do you remember everyone when you found them all? I only had found five and I need the info for the wiki ;-) .


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
The uncle is a backup option if you are unable to find his parents.

Thank goodness, was worried I messed up when I told Rick to move on since I'd found both his parents and didn't realize the quest guide said to look for his uncle too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
In any case, he can be found in the Square... if the mother and/or father has died (it depends of how your battle has gone).
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Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I will say, that was certainly one boss I wasn't expecting to fight during this update. Scared the crap out of me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
If you've talked to everyone you should be given the option to wait either when you approach the door of the building or when you approach the wagon.  I can't remember which.  There should be a fat man next to the building who brings up the meeting, try talking to him a couple times.

Ah, that helped. 

Not sure what happened, i had sold all my alcohol, and bought weapons / armor with the money. 

Thought i had saved, but i guess not.. When i went back to the alcohol purchaser, he was ready to buy again.... SO i guess i either didn't save or loaded an earlier save. 



Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Ok, if no spoiler tags are possible, how are people beating the Hero Lady? I've tried four or five different party combinations, and none of them have even been able to get her to half-health! She re-heals faster than I can damage her. Is there something I'm missing? Should I be using some sort of ability on her that I've neglected to try?

I think I also missed one of the guards. How many special orcs have people been able to find? I've got six so far (one of them I found during the attack on House Jade).

Edit: The locked building in Rose District has something to do with Dari's quest. I haven't been able to talk to her since she remarked that she'd want to keep an eye on it (Hero Lady showed up, clearing out that room) so I don't know if that's a quest that's currently in the game.
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Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok, if no spoiler tags are possible, how are people beating the Hero Lady? I've tried four or five different party combinations, and none of them have even been able to get her to half-health! She re-heals faster than I can damage her. Is there something I'm missing? Should I be using some sort of ability on her that I've neglected to try?

I think I also missed one of the guards. How many special orcs have people been able to find? I've got six so far (one of them I found during the attack on House Jade).

Edit: The locked building in Rose District has something to do with Dari's quest. I haven't been able to talk to her since she remarked that she'd want to keep an eye on it (Hero Lady showed up, clearing out that room) so I don't know if that's a quest that's currently in the game.

For the Hero Lady, my party consisted of Simon, Varia, Carina, and Aka.


Active Member
May 21, 2016
hmmm there are some things questionable for example when you read the Quest Guide for the quest: Unpeople Investigations there is a hint for questioning the deteriorated unperson in the hole on the New Leads which either I can't find the way to return to the hole or is missing the way,also to speak for the Unpeople with High Priestess Hester which she doesn't speak for nothing else except the votes. Another question about the quest: Clear the hidden port which the battles are very hard except if you have a large storage of portions (i don't) and the weird is that when you start the battle and arrange the actions instead of all the previous battles you don't make the first moves instead the enemies do, which make the battles progressing from team to team without an option to refuel your statistics very hard and lead to failure. I don't know if this was meant to be...


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
For the Hero Lady, my party consisted of Simon, Varia, Carina, and Aka.

Simon, Varia, Carina, and Aka nearly works. However, as soon as Hero Lady is about 10% from death, Aka got evaded every time, and even fully buffed, Varia was only doing about 300 damage. Also, at that point HL started buffing herself until she was half-healed again, by which time Simon was out of mana. Simon, Hilstara, Robin and Aka was even worse, as Aka wasn't even able to touch HL at all. Am I just getting really bad RNG?

Edit: finally managed with Simon, Varia, Carina, and Aka. It was a much harder fight than any I've dealt with before, though. Buffs were way more essential than they've ever been before, and even then RNG could really screw you over.
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Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Simon, Varia, Carina, and Aka nearly works. However, as soon as Hero Lady is about 10% from death, Aka got evaded every time, and even fully buffed, Varia was only doing about 300 damage. Also, at that point HL started buffing herself until she was half-healed again, by which time Simon was out of mana. Simon, Hilstara, Robin and Aka was even worse, as Aka wasn't even able to touch HL at all. Am I just getting really bad RNG?

Edit: finally managed with Simon, Varia, Carina, and Aka. It was a much harder fight than any I've dealt with before, though. Buffs were way more essential than they've ever been before, and even then RNG could really screw you over.

What level was your party? My Simon and Aka were 35, while Varia and Carina was 32. The battle consisted of Simon hitting her with Precise Strike while Aka debuffed her with Disabling Assault. Carina buffed my party with Shield of Purity while using Heal or Mass Heal when the situation called for it. Varia started the battle with Servant's Frenzy and continued using Furious Strikes. When i had enough lust, I had Simon use King's Aura to buff everyone's stats.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
The way I beat Hero Lady was : Simon, Aka, Robin, Carina. 

Carina and Simon both use their group healing abilities, Aka her debuff attack to keep Hero Lady weak, and Robin doing the actual damage by hitting with Ice Bolt (or whatever that second ice attack is). Doing this will take awhile, but at least keeps most of your people alive long enough to whittle Hero Lady down since Robin does a minimum 1k damage everyturn and Aka provides 300 or so hp damage too.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
What level was your party? My Simon and Aka were 35, while Varia and Carina was 32. The battle consisted of Simon hitting her with Precise Strike while Aka debuffed her with Disabling Assault. Carina buffed my party with Shield of Purity while using Heal or Mass Heal when the situation called for it. Varia started the battle with Servant's Frenzy and continued using Furious Strikes. When i had enough lust, I had Simon use King's Aura to buff everyone's stats.

Simon and Aka at 36, Varia and Carina at 34. I discovered that Shield of Purity isn't actually too useful - HL's attack skill seems to remove a percentage of total health, regardless of armor or anything else. My main problem is that I kept trying to use Aka's Forceful Lunge, instead of just having her spam Disabling Assault. Also, for some reason Varia's Furious Strikes were all blocked, so I had to rely on Blood Strike.

I suspect my gear may have had something to do with it, too - I've still got mostly steel weapons, since durge has been unnecessary up to this point. On top of which, Sierra has stated that gear isn't really a major factor in how the fight goes, but that party composition is more important, which leads me to believe that there is some sort of "silver bullet" party makeup. It doesn't help that one person on the Patreon boards suggested that he was able to "one shot" HL with the right party.

At the same time, I rather appreciate the fact that HL is so powerful. She's been hyped for so long, it would have been pretty disappointing for her to be too much of a pushover.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hmmm. It seems to be that the boss fight in the public version is waaay much harder that the Patreon version was. Reading your comments I have a doubt: why aren't you using Qum? Her buff to both ATK and MAG should help you a lot.... Although, Carina's Mass Heal it's useful, three is no practical gain of buffing your defense.

I must be missing something...
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Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hmmm. It seems to be that the boss fight in the public version is waaay much harder that the Patreon version was. Reading your comments I have a doubt: why aren't you using Qum? Her buff to both ATK and MAG should help you a lot.... Although, Carina's Mass Heal it's useful, three is no practical gain of buffing your defense.

I must be missing something...

Never thought to use her since that team seemed to work out for me. Should I list the equipment I had for my party?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Hmmm. It seems to be that the boss fight in the public version is waaay much harder that the Patreon version was. Reading your comments I have a doubt: why aren't you using Qum? Her buff to both ATK and MAG should help you a lot.... Although, Carina's Mass Heal it's useful, three is no practical gain of buffing your defense.

I must be missing something...

I think I read that Sierra boosted the difficulty of the fight after feedback from Patrons. Qum would probably be a better choice than Carina thanks to that buff. I suspect people have been avoiding the succubi vs. HL because she seems like the sort of person who would be strong against succubi. I got tired of dying, so I was just using what others said had worked. In a replay, I'd probably recommend a Qum/Varia/Aka party versus HL. You'd also want to buttplug Qum to insure she starts with full lust, so you can use that first turn to use Arousing Aura.