The Last Sovereign

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Been waiting a long time for this update, and it sure didn't disappoint!  :D

Thankfully there wasn't too many choices to make during the battle, hopefully I picked the best choices for me at the time. Now to wait till the next update!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It was fun, looking forward to seeing what consequences your choices have.

Hope to see the Mage Killers (and maybe Ivastan) again soon.

Noticed a bug. After the ambush by Yarra on the soldiers, when the scene went to Hilstara she had Yarra's sprite.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
It was fun, looking forward to seeing what consequences your choices have.

Hope to see the Mage Killers (and maybe Ivastan) again soon.

Noticed a bug. After the ambush by Yarra on the soldiers, when the scene went to Hilstara she had Yarra's sprite.

Can't wait to see how I fucked up!  :allears:

I wonder if we'll get the complete hat set?

Yeah I noticed that bug too, thought for a second that Yarra actually was back at HQ while Hilstara was elsewhere, then when someone said Hilstara and Yarra replied I knew something got mixed up.

By the by, anyone know exactly what that rp change mentioned at the start of the new content did?

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Glad you guys liked it! Yes, you'll definitely be seeing some more of the recurring characters.

As for the change, it the reward for Robin's potions quest has been lowered and multiple things have changed if you whored out Qum in Stineford.
Feb 2, 2016
I feel I must say this is quite the game you have here, and I do mean game, as it's something that's legitimately enjoyable to sit down and play, to interact with and experience it as it unfolds. No aspect was a real letdown, except for maybe some of the sex scenes earlier on in the game, but I feel like they experienced a significant increase in quality at some point, serving well as not only character interaction, but, well, smut. The combat may not be particularly groundbreaking (I imagine you only have so much to work with), though it is still well done, as it never felt like a chore nor did it feel too imbalanced, or at least never too difficult (including the recently rebalanced Hidden Port, which though grueling, was very possible).

The general writing, world building, and character development were all quite good, and consistently good no less. I don't have any memorable complaints, none that would amount to more than nitpicks, so you deserve quite the congratulations for that. In addition, though I don't know how many assets come with RPG Maker, and how many are custom (either completely new or modified default ones), their general quality was also greatly pleasing. These assets, whether they were portraits, sprites, backgrounds, or something else, all contributed greatly to the game. Whether it was my ability to appreciate the game, it's world, and it's characters, or the tone of it as something you really put work into, they left a favorable impression.

Overall it is not just quite a game, it's quite the good game, this incidentally being why I was saddened to have hit the content boundary. But thirty-nine hours is really an incredible amount of playtime for an unfinished project like this, so I look forward to what you do with it in the future.
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New Member
Nov 3, 2015
So, I lost internet for a few days last week, and I decided to play this because I thought, hey, why not.

Pleasantly surprised! I'm only 19 hours or so in, but I'm really enjoying it so far!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
So, I lost internet for a few days last week, and I decided to play this because I thought, hey, why not.

Pleasantly surprised! I'm only 19 hours or so in, but I'm really enjoying it so far!

Assuming you do absolutely everything, you'd be around 25-30 hours into the game by the time you hit the current end. So you got plenty ahead of you, plus the game is more than replayable thanks to all the alternate paths you can take.


New Member
Nov 3, 2015
Assuming you do absolutely everything, you'd be around 25-30 hours into the game by the time you hit the current end. So you got plenty ahead of you, plus the game is more than replayable thanks to all the alternate paths you can take.

Oh yeah, I'm totally going to replay it. I'm at the Summit right now, and I feel as if, er... I haven't been investing very smartly, but I'm having a really fun time with the story and the gameplay, the characters are really interesting too. I've been really nice this run, so it'd be interesting to choose some of the more risque, darker choices next time around.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Oh yeah, I'm totally going to replay it. I'm at the Summit right now, and I feel as if, er... I haven't been investing very smartly, but I'm having a really fun time with the story and the gameplay, the characters are really interesting too. I've been really nice this run, so it'd be interesting to choose some of the more risque, darker choices next time around.

Investing does have some important impacts with the story. Characters relationships, size and quality of armed forces and your standing with cities, organisations, groups of people, etc., can partially affect the consequences of some actions.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
FYI, I've posted the final version of the recent update:

There have been some mistakes corrected in the mechanics as well as some rebalancing, so if you want your save file to be completely "correct" you could use this version. Having said that, the differences are fairly minor. If you have a save from 0.18.2 or corrected from 0.18.1, it'll be just fine going forward. Just wanted to have the public-facing version be the finalized version.

Posting this doesn't mean I've been spending all this time working on the previous version! There's plenty done on version 0.19.0, which is shaping up to be a pretty broad update. It won't be as big as the double Stineford or Ardford updates, but it'll have quite a few sidequests.

Duplicating bugfixes on the two versions has been a little tedious, though. If/when I create another update this complex, I will probably need to think of a better way to keep up as much momentum as possible. Anyway, see you next version!

@Hurtling Forever: 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hey Sierra, apart from Simon himself are there any members of the main party that are immortal to aging? Aka (part demon) Dari (an Unwoman) and Qum (she's Qum) should be ok, but will anyone else stop aging?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Hey Sierra, apart from Simon himself are there any members of the main party that are immortal to aging? Aka (part demon) Dari (an Unwoman) and Qum (she's Qum) should be ok, but will anyone else stop aging?

From what we know so far, the succubi will be the first to go due to them only getting up to 40 years old, so there goes Yarra/Nalili/Qum. Dari might be like Vhala and long lived, or her being a semi-defective unwoman might reduce her lifespan we don't really know. If elves live longer than humans, then Altina might be among the last to go, though they could also be the same as humans in ageing. Varia, Carina, Trin, Megail, and Hilstara are all fully human, even if Varia got some soul reprograming, which means they'll pass on probably 20-30 years after the Succubi do. Balia being a Zirantian and almost 30 years old means she might go before even the Succubi do, which is cause for concern. And finally Robin, as the youngest (not counting Succubi) in the group, she's the last to likely pass away assuming Dari or Aka aren't age proof due to their transformations.

Though things might very well change later on, I'm pretty sure Simon could do something to extend their lives, not like he'll have anything better to do once the the adventure is over.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
 If elves live longer than humans, then Altina might be among the last to go, though they could also be the same as humans in ageing.

I think Elves in this story actually live shorter than humans. Need to recheck this though.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@Number13: Aka will no longer age and could live longer with magic, but isn't immortal. Due to the twisted processes used on her, Dari actually has a reduced lifespan instead of the vastly extended lifespan of true Unwomen like Vhala. Everyone else in the party would have the normal lifespan for their race (and yes, elves live shorter than humans).

@Hurtling Forever: My bad, I was juggling too many threads and missed my reminder to myself. >.< What I meant to say was that even after working on this so long on this project, it still means a lot to me when new people find it and really appreciate what I'm trying to do. Hope to provide a lot more content you'll enjoy until the project reaches its conclusion!


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
I get the feeling (from Simon's words during his discussion about age with Yarra) that figuring out a way to extend the lifespans of his harem is going to be something of a priority for Simon if/when he's stabilized the political situation.

Incidentally, since I've never said it before, Sierra, I love your work. Really looking forward to Kingdom of Deception!


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
It is the best RPGMaker Hentai I have played. That title used to be held by Harem but TLS has taken pole position in my mind.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2015
Just chiming in that this is one of the best erotic games currently available.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I would like to say this game scratches my kinks perfectly. Dominate but not an asshole, caring without going into Disney territory, good plot both sexually and non-sexually..... also a harem. I mean you can't be better than that.
Feb 2, 2016
After playing the game once more and thinking about it, one of the things that makes The Last Sovereign (currently, and hopefully in the future) more than mere pornography, one of the things that makes it more than an average game, but a good game, is how it handles choices. Numerous times while I was playing, I was honestly impressed by how the players choices and the consequences manifested from those choices flowed, doing so in a mostly coherent, consistent, and logical way, the type one way. The players choices did not simply shift content to promote a second or third playthrough, but primarily simulated what would happen if those choices were made in a living world, not a fictional construct.

I say mostly and primarily because this isn't always true, or at least not always clear, as choices can't always be logically traced after observing their outcomes, though only one suspect really sticks out in my mind. That would be the "Gift to Megail" which, as an investment, is supposed to be uncertain, though the influence of it on (are there spoiler tags on here?) the Battle of Yhilin leaves something to be desired. When the player is at the point where they can directly invest in suppliers, they know they will eventually be important, but not only does the player not know this when Megail asks for money, Megail doesn't even tell the player that's what they're investing in. Sure, it's effect isn't particularly significant, yet it's not something that can be logically followed "I didn't give Megail 25k, now I don't have one of three suppliers that has an affect on the Battle of Yhilin, whoops."

I understand investments are supposed to be uncertain, as stated previously, nor am I upset about it, it's just that this one investment seems peculiar to me. It's obvious the Yhilin supplier will matter, and no surprise the Eustrin supplier matters, but that this choice gives you a supplier without telling you what you're even investing in, moreover that it has an affect, while the Aram and Ardoheim suppliers do not as of yet change anything, is just all slightly baffling. But this is one of the only real complaints I have about the game, so hopefully it manages to be constructive and something worth considering, as simply having Megail tell you what she's investing in would remove a lot of the ambiguity that's not present in any other investment.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Version 0.19.0 is out for backers! Meanwhile, here is a preview of some of this update's content:

This section continues the theme of consequences, letting you see how Ari-Yhilina has changed as a result of the invasion.

After the intense and straightforward update last time, this one lets you wander around completing various quests and seeing your characters interact.

Those quests will set off chains of events that will play out in Yhilin all through this chapter of the game. There will be a mix of good and bad; as the saying goes...

Also, this happens:

Expect the public release of this update in about a week - see you then!

As for all the posts lately, thank you for all the kind words! Always happy to find people who like what I'm trying to do.

@Hurtling Forever: Having consequences proceed organically is one of my goals, so I'm glad you feel I hit the target. I'm mostly on the same page as the video you posted, except that I'm doing an awful job limiting the scope and it will just get worse. =P Still, I hope the choices the player is given are satisfying in the end!

As for the Gift to Megail, I actually intended it to be more about roleplaying than a cost-benefit analysis. Megail gives you the option with almost no information about it as a test to see if you trust her. I wanted players to have to think about that and decide if they did. I intended the benefits to be a pleasant surprise, but I understand why people would prefer them to be less opaque.
Feb 2, 2016
As for the Gift to Megail, I actually intended it to be more about roleplaying than a cost-benefit analysis. Megail gives you the option with almost no information about it as a test to see if you trust her. I wanted players to have to think about that and decide if they did. I intended the benefits to be a pleasant surprise, but I understand why people would prefer them to be less opaque.

After thinking on it, I suppose that is fair enough, since it ultimately came down to "Do I think this explicitly less profitable option will be worth it, because Megail is our head financier, or do I just want to invest in something like Premium Steel?" I opted for the latter, at least the first time, since pure profit seemed to be the most important thing. I for some reason didn't really consider that the initial investments might have other trade-offs than the amount of profit gained, at least not until my second playthrough. On my second run I knew she wasn't looking to simply get money, like I had been, but was actually contracting a service, and that said service would be usable in some fashion down the line, which hadn't really been something I was considering before then.

On a semi-related note, suppliers in the game are simply services that you contract to move stuff, correct? I ask that because if you invest in the Eustrin supplier, but not any of the other services there, does it still provide the +1/+1/+1 benefits to army size, quality, and victory points? Since if suppliers do simply move objects and materials for you, but don't actually do anything with said items, the proposed scenario above doesn't actually make any sense. If you invest in nothing else in Eustrin, there's nothing for them to move without coming all the way to Yhilin, to move the things the Yhilini supplier is already moving. Naturally this could simply be gameplay and story segregation, though I know you try to avoid that, but I was curious.

EDIT: Of course, I just remembered that the "special supplier" Megail contracts is actually another Eustrin supplier, aren't they? Perhaps I'm simply overlooking something.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Yes! A new update!

Orc-orc-orc-orc indeed!  :D

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Suppliers are my way of acknowledging how important logistics are to battles while keeping it simplified within reason for the game. While they do move things for you, they also provide general support and maintain supply lines (though they did less in this battle due to the need for secrecy). 

As for investing in Eustrin, I'm sort of assuming the party invested at least some in products from Eustrin - it's the whole point of Megail's route, after all. If players ignore all the specific investments there, the characters might not be as connected, but it's not as if they're getting nothing via that connection. Megail's special supplier, on the other hand, is a unique self-sufficient service that offers benefits no matter what.
Feb 2, 2016
While they [suppliers] do move things for you, they also provide general support and maintain supply lines

When I said "move stuff" I was meaning it rather broadly, their service as part of supply line(s) being included in that, since that is their most apparent service, beyond whatever else you had interpreted from my statement. I'm also curious, however, what you mean by "general support," as that sounds like something beyond merely ferrying supplies to a given army.

but it's not as if they're getting nothing via that connection [to Eustrin]

Knowing now that they do get something from it, I suppose my question would be how they do, but given that my question originated from the hidden gameplay affects rather than something the player is currently intended to know, I don't think it really matters. Nevertheless, thank you for entertaining my potentially incoherent questions.
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Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I've been playing this game for a good two weeks and I can honestly say that it's one one the best RPG Maker games I've ever played. The story and gameplay coupled with the character interactions really made this game shine in m eyes. I've gone through two playthroughs and I don't really regret any of the choices I made during them. I will say that the only things that really annoyed me were the spiders in Stineford and the Hidden Port Quest in Ardohiem.