The Foxx Den


So why didn't you just do that? I had no idea you even existed until Zevos brought you up in that remembrance thread! You're flying under the radar, man. You gotta get back into the spotlight! It'll really help your projects in the long run.

whoa dere

I like flying under the radar but once each project is nearing completion I'll make (or revive) them in the events submission subforum. RN I don't want to create too much hype for these walking corpse projects, I like to keep my zombies chained up and in one area if you know what I mean.

Your enthusiasm is very much appreciated though so, thank you.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I like flying under the radar but once each project is nearing completion I'll make (or revive) them in the events submission subforum. RN I don't want to create too much hype for these walking corpse projects, I like to keep my zombies chained up and in one area if you know what I mean.
Eh. Fair enough, I guess.


I will make a separate post in the event submission subforum for him but here it is, base Kashawn.

*Note: This is a scaled-down version of Kashawn. Everybody thank Lashcharge because when I was talking to him about continuing his commission he insisted I get Kashawn ready first. This included revision/editing and cutting the fat from the commission so that I would have less work to do. Also the "get fucked" scene is new I literally just finished it it needs to be revised and expanded.

KIT and Kashawn
*lol forgot to actually post the link
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Progress Report:

Personal: Comp is fixed for now, had to google and bandaid it and be patient with it so writing is back on
  • Project Angus: Annabelle's edits runs going good so far, gonna do at least two more
  • Went through old Blaze document and made a todo list for the comm to approve of

I've kept in contact with most of my comms but with the exception of a few. If anyone needs to contact me they can do so using the forum's pm system, thanks.


Jul 19, 2017
dude, i just found out about your content like- yesterday?

and i just gotta say, you're doing gods work. i always get a little bit miffed at the fact there are aren't alot of like, masculine men in this game, (but dick-girls and fem-boys galore), and most of the male npcs who are sex-able are mostly female orientated, and as a person who likes to keep their Steeles fully masculine, i hate having to modify them in order to access most scenes.

my favorite GDOCs are the Hellhound Companion and Kashawn.

keep up the good work buddy!
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dude, i just found out about your content like- yesterday?

and i just gotta say, you're doing gods work. i always get a little bit miffed at the fact there are aren't alot of like, masculine men in this game, (but dick-girls and fem-boys galore), and most of the male npcs who are sex-able are mostly female orientated, and as a person who likes to keep their Steeles fully masculine, i hate having to modify them in order to access most scenes.

my favorite GDOCs are the Hellhound Companion and Kashawn.

keep up the good work buddy!

Awww you're gonna make me blush

btw ty I have to update the op


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
dude, i just found out about your content like- yesterday?

and i just gotta say, you're doing gods work. i always get a little bit miffed at the fact there are aren't alot of like, masculine men in this game, (but dick-girls and fem-boys galore), and most of the male npcs who are sex-able are mostly female orientated, and as a person who likes to keep their Steeles fully masculine, i hate having to modify them in order to access most scenes.

my favorite GDOCs are the Hellhound Companion and Kashawn.

keep up the good work buddy!
Foxxlings stuff is awesome. He's honestly my favorite writer of the community.
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Ok i'm working on Havir the bruchandus who is the guard on Zheng Shi and I've upon an issue: Bruchandian Psionics.

Now initially bruchandi had an electrokinetic psionic ability. I know this not only because i remember it but its everywhere in my notes and my pvt planning gdoc. The bruchandi live in a planet under constant rainfall and have frequent thunderstorms... it made sense that they'd evolve a way to deal with that.

yet I'm rereading the codex and culture gdocs for the bruchandi and I'm seeing no mention of it. Now maybe upon reflection WOD decided to nix psionics for the bruchandi and change some things around I was gone for a long time when i made my unscheduled decent into chaos. But then again it could have been something we all talked about in the group messages and never got around to adding to the public stuff. idk... it's been a while.

The codex as it is currently doesn't follow the TiTs standard so it needs to be rewritten and updated. I don't want to take over and rewrite the codex without talking to WOD but... I can't contact WOD without sending out this hailmary of a batsignal and praying that it'll be seen.


What does this mean for Havir you ask? Absolutely nothing i'm still gonna write him but I'll probably talk to the devs about the psionics issue cause it was going to be part of combat and I don't wanna get too deep into that only to have to rewrite it later so... for now... back to Angus for the rest of this second hour of writing ig.
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Current Projects
- Angus: Currently working on his amazonian Annabelle follower content. Been making personalized intros for her when the player enters the room.
- Havir: The realization that the bruchandi have no racial codex kind of irritated me for the weekend. I had planned to put my head down and get his silly ass done but I wasn't feeling it and its the weekend so i'm not forcing it. He'll be back on the regular line up starting monday.
- Vato: Vato is gonna be a vender for Zheng Shi so I figured I might as well put some more stuff together for him. I have to write up the addiction and overdose mechanic for the drugs he sells tho.
- Blaze: Idk i got a wild hair up my ass and just started fucking around with old gdocs and there was the ausar masseur. Gonna probably spend the rest of the day with him.
- Agrosh male rape scene: Haven't started on it but it's gonna be a thing after I'm finished with Havir.

I've abandoned no projects all this shit is old as adam and steve but its getting worked on. I write at least two hours a day during the week (with friday night/saturday morning reserved for catch up if i miss a day). Durring the weekend I write whatever, whenever I want Which could be anything between not touching my laptop at all or shutting myself in all weekend and doing nothing but.

This upcoming week I'll be focusing on Angus and Havir. If I can't get my shit together for Havir I'll do something else related to my comms.
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What kind of stuff would Vato sell?

Vato will sell the spunk raider outfits and combat consumables that are branded as illegal narcotics.

The "drugs" he sells will be items with a mechanisimilarar to mutagens in Pathfinder where they raise one stat while lowering another. I'm a little iffy on whether to give them an addition mechanic or make them give you painful overdoses that you need to see a doctor or nurse droid to get rid of.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Perhaps you could take a leaf out of B!'s book, add a one to two week detoxing period of increasing penalties to clear addiction.
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Alright thanks to the fabulous @Linarahn I am going to now take each of the followers I have to write and compare them to characters from Bioware's Dragon Age and Mass Effect franchises... why? Because it's fun ofc.

Angus - Angus is a lot like Iron Bull from DAI but not IB when he's with the inquisitor, IB when he's with Dorian. He's got a big heart and he's very respectful, cheerful and submissive. He's a lot more cuddly tho and also has a female form that pushes him into Cassandra territority. Actually that may be a bit more appropiate to say he's a combo of Cassandra and Iron Bull.

Luke Richards - Luke is a human pilot that I'd have to say is a cross between Joker from ME and Carver (the brother) from DA2. He is a hoot like Joker, his content is meant to be funny without dipping into silly mode territory, he's someone you both enjoy laughing with and sometimes laughing at. However when you meet him he is a bit bitter, his life is hard he's down on his luck and he tends to complain much like Carver who as a mage Hawk I wanted to set aflame in the heat of battle and just say oops. He doesn't get nearly as bad as carver though. He also has a drinking problem like the one dwarf but getting rid of his depression kicks that hussy in her mouth.

The Merc Bros - A pair of pure humans who act as guards for the player. Unfortunately, they're on hold until ship stuff is determined but they're supposed to be a defense against being boarded (how they do this depends on ship content). If I had to compare them to anyone I'd have to say the older brother is Wrex, a big strong tough guy who knows who he is and what he's capable of. The younger brother is more like Garrus, a sly best friend who is a little obsessed with equipment management.

KIT and Kashawn - Wow um well this one is hard. Kashawn I guess has more of a Zevran vibe. He's a bit of a sloot, free spirit and is a lot deeper than people would give him credit for. He also isn't your moral paragon of good or your lawful evil, a true neutral just like Zevran, I'd throw some Alistar in there too tbh but that's me being extra. KIT on the other hand is hardcore combo Morrinth/Samara. she is dyed in the wool, she is set in stone. Her real personality is that of a justicar mother, she has a rules, her code and she follows that without deviance. However outwardly she's cunning, friendly and seemingly on your side so that if she needs to slip a blade between your ribs, she can, just like morrinth. But unlike morrinth she would never kill, steal or do any of that shit for herself she does it for Kashawn.

This was fun.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
The dwarf you're looking for is Ohgren. I remember him so well because he's a prominent companion in the DA:O expansion. Which I only ever reached with my hooman queen, come to think of it. it bad that I bedded Alistair for his status first?


The dwarf you're looking for is Ohgren. I remember him so well because he's a prominent companion in the DA:O expansion. Which I only ever reached with my hooman queen, come to think of it. it bad that I bedded Alistair for his status first?

In all fairness who wouldn't want to be queen? Honestly I was mad I couldn't romance him as a dude. Same thing with Cullen, like I think I handled figuring out I couldn't romance Alistair pretty well but when I saw I could flirt with Cullen and he shot me down... omg I was heartbroken. I've been wanting to have a gay mage-templar romance since I met Alistair (talk about forbidden love) and I've been lusting after Cullen since the first dragon age cause his fucking face is fucking glorious and you know he's a warrior so he's got them bunz of steel.

I think we already talked about how I always want the straight guy and, in all fairness, Dorian is glorious so he was a good stand in for me not being able to hammer Cullen's pale cheeks.

I'm just being ridiculous now, so here goes: Take either Templar! Alistair, Carver or Cassandra, as well as Morinth and her Justicar of her mom and put them in the same barrel as Fenris, Jack and Morrigan. With a dose of Merril or Solas, perhaps?

It's an all-out war waiting to happen and I want to see it.

I think the templars would be ok, we have a good set of them that aren't anti-mage af. The issue, though, would be started by fucking Fenris, Jack, Morrigan and Morinth... Damn that's a lot of magic/space magic against one lyrium tattooed moodey elf... Fuck and if he's getting attacked I bet Cassandra and Cullen would come to his aid... damn... and Samara is going after Morinth no matter what... Oh fuck and I forgot Merril is a legit blood mage Cassandra coming for that ass. And if this is post-inquisition Cullen is coming for Solas.

Alistair is the only one I think would be like... ok guys ya'll have fun I gots to go be a fucking king bitches (or I need to find a tree and sleep if he's a poor man)

I'm also still disappointed a biotic Shepard wasn't allowed to do any of the cool biotic stuff canon biotics were allowed to do.

You know I was irritated that in cutscenes we always defaulted to doing what a soldier would do... none of my shepards were soldiers. I had a vanguard, an infiltrator and an adept... Two powerful biotics who wouldn't open a gun an fire they'd crush you with their space magic damnit.

But they did have one instance of class based stuff in the Citadel DLC when you're fighting your clone but I think that was it.

And I'm still salty about Liliana being dead in DA:O being handwaved away in Inquisition just because.

Omg speaking of handwaved BS I HATED how Udina is suddenly the counselor in ME3 cause I picked Anderson damnit. Likke cmon


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
In all fairness who wouldn't want to be queen? Honestly I was mad I couldn't romance him as a dude. Same thing with Cullen, like I think I handled figuring out I couldn't romance Alistair pretty well but when I saw I could flirt with Cullen and he shot me down... omg I was heartbroken. I've been wanting to have a gay mage-templar romance since I met Alistair (talk about forbidden love) and I've been lusting after Cullen since the first dragon age cause his fucking face is fucking glorious and you know he's a warrior so he's got them bunz of steel.

I think we already talked about how I always want the straight guy and, in all fairness, Dorian is glorious so he was a good stand in for me not being able to hammer Cullen's pale cheeks.

I least Inquisition lets you pretend to be a Templar and snuggle Dorian, it's a workable compromise. As far as unavailable romances go though....I wouldn't be opposed to sharing a bed with Varric. Damn you, Bianca!

I think the templars would be ok, we have a good set of them that aren't anti-mage af. The issue, though, would be started by fucking Fenris, Jack, Morrigan and Morinth... Damn that's a lot of magic/space magic against one lyrium tattooed moodey elf... Fuck and if he's getting attacked I bet Cassandra and Cullen would come to his aid... damn... and Samara is going after Morinth no matter what... Oh fuck and I forgot Merril is a legit blood mage Cassandra coming for that ass. And if this is post-inquisition Cullen is coming for Solas.

Alistair is the only one I think would be like... ok guys ya'll have fun I gots to go be a fucking king bitches (or I need to find a tree and sleep if he's a poor man)

Hah, pretty much. To see so much (space)magic carnage unfold would be so worth it though, especially since Biotics have no problem with melee, unlike mages that aren't Arcane Warriors or Knight-Enchanters. On the flipside, Fenris can do that sweet phasing stuff.

You know I was irritated that in cutscenes we always defaulted to doing what a soldier would do... none of my shepards were soldiers. I had a vanguard, an infiltrator and an adept... Two powerful biotics who wouldn't open a gun an fire they'd crush you with their space magic damnit.

But they did have one instance of class based stuff in the Citadel DLC when you're fighting your clone but I think that was it.
I feel ya D=
My first Shepard ever was a Soldier so I didn't notice, but later playthroughs (Infiltrator and pure Biotic) made it annoying. On the other hand, since you can be weird and have an Adept wielding a sniper (that is, playing like I do) is hard to think around when all you can do is try and make a catch-all scene.

If only we'd have been able to get some proper melee biotics as a gameplay mechanic/subclass.

Omg speaking of handwaved BS I HATED how Udina is suddenly the counselor in ME3 cause I picked Anderson damnit. Likke cmon
Heck, I almost forgot about that! Udina is just the worst. What is it with the third in a series of BioWare games that puts characters in places or states of being they don't belong in? >:c


I least Inquisition lets you pretend to be a Templar and snuggle Dorian, it's a workable compromise. As far as unavailable romances go though....I wouldn't be opposed to sharing a bed with Varric. Damn you, Bianca!

My Hawk and Varric were besties if they had had the option to romance him i wouldn't have taken it. My inquisitor would have tho, well the elf rogue anyway he loved him some dwarf.

you know... i was also irritated i couldn't do Solas's stuff with an Elf male, i understood the race gating but he looks like a fucking skinny ass sub, i would have loved to hit that.

But Wrex omg wrex, I would have loved to have my shepard get down with Wrex but I think Khrogan breed really weirdly like bugs almost.

I feel ya D=
My first Shepard ever was a Soldier so I didn't notice, but later playthroughs (Infiltrator and pure Biotic) made it annoying. On the other hand, since you can be weird and have an Adept wielding a sniper (that is, playing like I do) is hard to think around when all you can do is try and make a catch-all scene.

If only we'd have been able to get some proper melee biotics as a gameplay mechanic/subclass.

Vanguards were kind of melee biotic in 2 when they gave them charge.
Much better for it in 3 whith charge and nova.

Actually Vanguards were Op af imo, so where infiltrators.

Heck, I almost forgot about that! Udina is just the worst. What is it with the third in a series of BioWare games that puts characters in places or states of being they don't belong in? >:c

That was when EA's dick was shoved so far down their throat they couldn't breathe. That was just after the DA2 debacle and they were promising they'd let people finish their games... but then they rush ME3 out with no real ending and Day 1 DLC. The ME3 team literally didn't even have enough time to finish the ending let alone write an entirely different human councilor subplot.

Cause we all know Anderson would NOT have sold out the council even if it meant certain death. Would have been a major rewrite and it would have been glorious.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
yeah I think most bioware games have that. My problem with those is that my very cis male shepard/hawk/inquisitor/warden starts moving like a girl.
They're so secure in their masculinity that they move however they damn well please!

Also, being Wrex' battle sister is pretty much like being married to the guy in my view of Krogans, so I'll take it. Still jealous of Bianca though, I'd kill to find out what a Hawke/Varric and Inquisitor/Varric romance would've looked like.

Ah, that reminds me: I'm really disappointed Kasumi Goto didn't get another appearance in ME3 as a full companion.
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Ah, that reminds me: I'm really disappointed Kasumi Goto didn't get another appearance in ME3 as a full companion.

Same thing with Zaheed.

Although my shep loved kasumi. Actually come to think about it neither of them were romanceable either... I never got the DLC companions for the DA games except for DAO so idk if any of those chars could bang hawk


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
Same thing with Zaheed.

Although my shep loved kasumi. Actually come to think about it neither of them were romanceable either... I never got the DLC companions for the DA games except for DAO so idk if any of those chars could bang hawk
Neither did I. I mean, I have all the Inquisition DLC but to my memory, none of the ones I got are DLC (was a sweet bundle deal I couldn't pass up). And the only ME game I had DLC for was ME2. Worth it though, Kasumi's mission was great.

I'd play a spinoff with her. Ooooor one with Shale. Considering I really want to explore Antiva to the fullest though, Shale might not be the best choice. Anything that doesn't involve having to put up with Orlesian nobility is welcome though, even the rubes of Kirkwall or the mage snobs of Tevinter.
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Neither did I. I mean, I have all the Inquisition DLC but to my memory, none of the ones I got are DLC (was a sweet bundle deal I couldn't pass up). And the only ME game I had DLC for was ME2. Worth it though, Kasumi's mission was great.

I'd play a spinoff with her. Ooooor one with Shale. Considering I really want to explore Antiva to the fullest though, Shale might not be the best choice. Anything that doesn't involve having to put up with Orlesian nobility is welcome though, even the rubes of Kirkwall or the mage snobs of Tevinter.

Imagine Kasumi just popping in out of nowhere and scaring the bejeezus out of Varric. omg those two would have some great banter. Actually bioware just does banter really well in general.

Omg... Javic and Solas. They're both ancient beings straight out of their universe's lore. Any banter with Javic is good.

I would love for DA4 to be in Tevinter. Imagine the political intrigue, the hardcore look at a society that has legit gone to far, knows it has gone to far and just doesn't care... wait that might be a little too close to home atm I literally just described America.

DA4 you could also be a slave, that'd be awesome. Imagine you're playing as a slave who is a mage, you now have to choose between rising up in the ranks and leaving your family behind or using blood magic against the masters adn saving your family. That could be a great game with a lot of good variation


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
I'd adore it. BioWare proved they can pull off that kind of plotline with the Sith Inquisitor class in SWTOR. If they focused a DA game on magic and have you be more flexible (while also letting it feel as destructive as people constantly tell you it is, and that includes blood magic) while retaining the race choices from Inquisition? That'd be so sweet! Heck, I could see new prestige classes with more unique gameplay styles by virtue of you being in Tevinter - if they have anything, it's an abundance of knowledge, arcane, mundane, historical.

A mage in Tevinter likely would be less of a slave and more of an indentured servant (because mage) but a non-mage character could get a sweet magic-flavored deal out of it. Might hurt like hell but imagine being made into a phasing rogue like Fenris or a Reaver-like life drain warrior because your magister sees your potential.

Then you could turn on your creator or support them, with plenty opportunity to play the "game" and backstab them at the right moment like you're Vivienne on a rage-fuelled powertrip.

Another neat take would be....hmmm...either a game set during the golden age of elf civilization or one that actually lets you experience Flemeth's past.
For a new ME, I'd adore getting to play the War of First Contact (I mean, WE know the outcome of the conflict in general, but no details) or a ME game that lets you play as aliens, for once. In singleplayer.
Edit: And I do mean complete with race-specific starting zones with their own little plots that tie into the begining of the hero's journey, like they did back in DA:O.

The more I read about the Qunari though, the more I want a game set on Par Vollen (at least for the tutorial sequence) with you being a (possibly convert) member of Qunari society. Seeing the societies of Thedas from a strictly Qun perspective should be very refreshing.
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