The Foxx Den


DA prequel exploring Flemeth's past would be epic, especially considering what Solas did at the end of DAI and all the things we found out about her. She's such an awesome witch and I'd really like to explore what really happens during the rituals she did with her daughters. Could also explore the world in the past, that'd be fun.

I could also get into a game set in Par Vollen. You pick your class and they give you special Qunari skills and abilities like instead of rogue archers using a bow they'd use those throwing spears. Could be very fun and very unique when compared to the other games plus seeing and living in Qunari society would be epic. Could have an entirely different storyline if you pick mage.

As long as it is character driven i'm good DA has never had a terrible game imo. ik ppl HATE DA2 but I don't, especially considering they made a compelling story and a full game in less than a year.

As for Mass Effect the first contact war was like three months long (had to look it up). Basically humanity was trying to reactivate the Rachni Relay, Turians killed them, We killed those Turians, Turians came through the relay took Shanxi, Alliance kicked the Turians out and finally the Council stepped in like bitch I know ya'll not tryna start a war in Council Space.

The book I'm reading now explains it, it's about David Anderson and his first encounter with Saren but Anderson fought in the first contact war (or was going to ig they haven't said if he's seen any action yet). I'm pretty sure it was written after the first game (cause in the first game I swear I remember Anderson saying he didn't know Saren he knew his politics or something like that).

If it were up to me... I really want Andromeda to be redone like cmon guys take the game, finish it and rerelease it. The concept was good just take the time to execute better and release it for free cause ya'll fucked that up not us. Wait I think I just had a brain blast...

The Zha'til (had to look this up) wars that Javik talked about would be great. Playing a prothean commander as he fought against the machines of his time would be fun. Actually... anything during the prothean cycle would be awesome.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
Playing during the Prothean era would be a great excuse to not focus the story on being driven forward by humans. Maybe there's an equivalent in the role they take in galactic society, but it still should be alien (at least enough to give people a sense of "whoa, alien" and still feel human enough to allow for immersion).

I know Mass Effect thrived as this big space opera with big, dramatic danger on the event horizon, but I also feel it can work really well on a smaller scale or with the involuntary hero archetype. Considering Shepard was N7 before being made Spectre, that's just piling predestination for badassery on top of more of the same.

As for mages on Par Vollen, I had an idea. Since Sarebaas are under very strict control, unless it's a mage knowingly turning Vashoth and living a bit like Mage! Hawke while still in the country, a mage class pick would instead be a handler and play a bit like a pet class - you direct the mage in your care instead of playing as the mage directly, with the handler having skills on their own. Would be a bit like fighting alongside a Pokémon, in fact!
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The Sarebaas idea takes the slavery and makes it a game mechanic which sounds terrible to some people but omg that is a brilliant way to do it. The mage is, afterall, giving up his/her will to the Qun. Then if the mage decides to escape suddenly you control the mage, it would be a good way to use the interactivity of the video game genre to actively demonstrate and individual going from being "property" to being your own person. But if you stay you're following the tenants of your religion... so that'd have to have its own boons and drawbacks as well...

I really like that


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
The Sarebaas idea takes the slavery and makes it a game mechanic which sounds terrible to some people but omg that is a brilliant way to do it. The mage is, afterall, giving up his/her will to the Qun. Then if the mage decides to escape suddenly you control the mage, it would be a good way to use the interactivity of the video game genre to actively demonstrate and individual going from being "property" to being your own person. But if you stay you're following the tenants of your religion... so that'd have to have its own boons and drawbacks as well...

I really like that
That's the idea! I'm a big fan of tying game mechanics and narrative together -because- you can convey things to the player in a way that's either very difficult to do (or hard to spot in a casual viewing) or borderline impossible (in a strictly text narrative that isn't digital literature). Plus, we've already seen Sarebaas and their handlers in DA2 so it doesn't even come remotely out of left field.

I realize the irony in letting the player choose their class since the Qun doesn't allow for that, but I feel that can easily be handled with a cutscene of a Tamassran telling the PC what their role will be and them accepting it stoically, as the Qun demands. Rogues and warriors could venture into the active military or the Ben-Hassrath, mages get handlers (or can turn Vashoth for a unique flavor of Qunari gameplay). You even have more room to include adult themes since the Bull himself says that getting your rocks off with a Tamassran is as normal as going to see a healer; a wholly different attitude to sex and relationships would be so fun to explore if you can actually get the whole package. Especially since there's no real-life connection to shame like people might experience if they enter the Pearl in Denerim.

....and it's a great excuse for BioWare to expand on their visual options for male and female Qunari both. And also more Qunari-styled clothes please, I love how they dress.
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I just picture myself as God when I'm selecting a character's class because in reality mages aren't chosen they're born so Char creation is like... pre-conception? ig. I picture warriors and rogues being combined efforts of nature and nurture in the DA universe.

I have to admit I was a little irritated with Qunari character creation in DAI. I loved the way they looked in DA2, the Arishok in particular was badass af. Then we basically get horned humans who may or may not be gray... it wasn't bad bad they look good but they don't look as good as in DA2.

And I would love to be able to just go to the whore house and pound some Qunari guy senseless although I don't think they'd let the mages do that... I wonder exactly what rights we would have as a mage in Par vollun under the Qun... like they're kept separate kind of like an extreme version of the mage circles so would there be a place where they take their collars off and can go sha-boink other mages?

idk but it's a great idea
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
I hear the comic designs for Qunari are pretty good. I'm pretty disappointed they weren't allowed to look like the DA2 ones, or at the very least, be closer to their character creation tarot cards.
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Ok so I did the halloween thing and while reading one of the other submissions I thought, "My my my this is a lot more than 500 words o_O

So I re-read the rules and saw that the rules don't say "No more than 500 words" but instead say "No fewer than 500 words"

And I sat there thinking "Fen must want these dreams to be short so that judging them is easier... ok fine 500 words I'll accept that challenge" and I made sure I hit that target 500... I'm stupid
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
So. Cullen, Josie and Cassandra walked in on my Inquisitor and Bull.

It was great. Now I need to know what something like that would look like in TiTS, specifically with crewmembers that aren't willing to jump on the bed immediately. Assuming that universe has modesty beyond Fisianna.


So. Cullen, Josie and Cassandra walked in on my Inquisitor and Bull.

It was great. Now I need to know what something like that would look like in TiTS, specifically with crewmembers that aren't willing to jump on the bed immediately. Assuming that universe has modesty beyond Fisianna.

I specifically thought of all the crew members who would hop in the bed when I read this.

Do we even have any that wouldn't?


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
I specifically thought of all the crew members who would hop in the bed when I read this.

Do we even have any that wouldn't?

Uuuuh....Kase, maybe? I feel like the boy would need some form of command or coercion to get dirty. And that Siren (what's her name again?) Although I feel that's only due to some semblance of professionalism.

Also, Foxx, I've been thinking. We need some real Space Qunari. And then you get to romance one and the romance gets you a Space Tamassran for the nursery or some other funky stuff for people who don't have and/or want children.
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Also, Foxx, I've been thinking. We need some real Space Qunari. And then you get to romance one and the romance gets you a Space Tamassran for the nursery or some other funky stuff for people who don't have and/or want children.

I have no idea why i dont remember seeing this but...

Space Qunari... like space orcs but 10x better.

Actually hiring a teacher for the nursery should totally be a thing... I love it, it'd be spectacular and fun to choose

Also mpreg is out so i'd have to do the other thing *grumbles*


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
I have no idea why i dont remember seeing this but...

Space Qunari... like space orcs but 10x better.

Actually hiring a teacher for the nursery should totally be a thing... I love it, it'd be spectacular and fun to choose

Also mpreg is out so i'd have to do the other thing *grumbles*
I'm just gonna say this: If you wanna brainstorm or team up for a project like that, I'd be game! Just let me know~


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2016
It's Cold Here, Midwestern US
Recently starting actually reading the author attributions instead of just going straight to the body of text and was delighted to find out you are responsible for the pitch scene with Geoff. Do you ever think you will pad out his sex scenes more? I would be willing to throw money at your regular rate of 15/per k for a frot scene with 'too big for anal' variants and maybe a non-girly catch scene, if you could get the permission from NS. I know your post in the commission thread says you have no slots available but it was last updated in January of 2017.
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Recently starting actually reading the author attributions instead of just going straight to the body of text and was delighted to find out you are responsible for the pitch scene with Geoff. Do you ever think you will pad out his sex scenes more? I would be willing to throw money at your regular rate of 15/per k for a frot scene with 'too big for anal' variants and maybe a non-girly catch scene, if you could get the permission from NS. I know your post in the commission thread says you have no slots available but it was last updated in January of 2017.

I appreciate your interest but due to my being completely booked (and writing as slow as a legless whore in a foot race) I'm not taking commissions at this time.

And also, while I did write a scene for Geoff and I'm glad you like it, Nonesuch is actually the original writer and creator of the character.
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Had a descent Week. I know whenever I do a progress report I do one and go for months without doing another so take this update with a grain of salt. I'm looking into doing some more smaller projects as opposed to all these big, giant followers I have lined up just to break the monotony and give me a bit of a motivation boost, especially after the Halloween event and the ass slap patch (my projects getting in is my kink) so single scenes and stuff like that... yes.

I am also planning on expanding and revamping my scenes, I feel like every scene I write follows a specific format and I want to get away from that (Wsan senpai you inspire me). i also wanna try out writing for more of the niche kinks and different body types.

Anyway... Progress Report for the whole week, right here
  • Angus got his due... er follower Annabelle got her due. She's still a ways away but I'm putting the finishing touches on something I should have had done a while ago. Also I'm looking into some more futa fetishes and stuff to include so research wise she's been awesome and really fun. Also side tracking but I usually caught myself. She took all of my commissioned writing time.
  • Blaze, the Ausar Masseur, got a lot of of love today in particular but also on three other days this week. It was a commissioned project but I am now the sole owner of it and continuing it on my own, well on my own time I still talk to the comm and discuss the project to keep a part of the original vision. Blaze is really easy to write for even though these scenes have a lot of variation including taur/naga/biped. He took the lion's share of my personal writing time.
  • Havir got the shit end of the stick this week. I trimmed him down by getting rid of the Ceraph like mechanic, simply because it would double the length of the project. Other than that I really just kind of... looked at him. Idk he got fucked over I may use my weekend free time (if I write at all) to get him back on schedule (especially since FenCo will probably move on from Zheng Shi)
  • Vato the satyr vendor for Zheng shi's rec area is finished but those items are not so that will have to be a thing eventually.

A few things I'm considering to write for the smol project:
  1. Agrosh Repeatable male version rape scene
  2. Something (anything) for Geoff cause I love him dearly. However I'm super afraid that whatever I plan will become a huge project and expansion due to that love.
  3. A series of Bruchandian tech items (is most likely to be done cause its simple) which are truely alien because bruchandus tech doesn't follow the same general tech principals and evolution path we've seen on Earth and in the tech of every technologically advanced species.
  4. The drug combat consumables for Vato to sell on zheng shi
  5. am accepting suggestions beyond these. Ideas are good ppl just remember you're talking to the gay guy.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Haven't seen the name Blaze before. Asuar masseuse sounds like a great idea, looking forward to see what comes of it.

Don't really have much to say at this point. Everything your working on sounds juicy, waiting patiently for whats to come.
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Active Member
Nov 24, 2017
I highkey wanna make a thread to just talk about male followers again, similar to the one that we had in the old forums
Do it, do it do it!

I'd love for some more male followers and guys to get some love. I end up making my character have sex with Vahn whenever I pop over there, and I have a save file left right before the Dane encounter.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
While I have no problem with a good purposeful necro either, I'm with Zevos this time. I just wanted to say the "new forum" had a similar thread already.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2015
I don't remeber where we had a thread about gay games, but just wanted to share with you something I found a couple of days ago:
they have a demo and the game looks cool. Somewhat funny and cartoon'ish, but quite sexy and promices lots of kinks.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2015
Looks like most of them were not updated for many months. I wish we had just one, but pinned to some visible place, and listed all such games in a first post.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ideally, that should be the case. Sadly, the search tool won't work with short words, being "gay" one of them. If it wasn't because asking for a sticky could be seen as too much, I'd suggest one to The Powers That Be, if only as a QOL measure. I mean, I once was on a music forum that had the same problem and managed this by running a sticky with links to every main thread discussing bands and artists with a short name.


Progress Report: 11/26/2018
I'm gonna try to keep track of how many words I write this week to keep better track my progress. Got my smaller projects all lined up. Report before last I said I'd work on expanding my scenes to account for more variables and I did great at that. This past week was mostly holiday stuff but since I had two days off work I did commit as much of those to writing as I could.
  • Angus/Annabelle - She/He is on hold by order of her comm for a few little things he wants me to do. I probably needed a quick break for such a large project anyway tbh was starting to stall out. Even so, I used some personal writing time, a minimal amount but some, to expand and revise the stuff I've written for her like I said I'd do.
  • Havir - He got a lot of my personal time this week which wasn't much with the holiday. I expanded and revised the shit he already has to include more variables. Will probably be making him public soonish, like before the end of December if I have at least 3 of his sex scenes finished.
  • Blaze - With the male follower thread being so anit-ausar I've been hesitant to do more for the guy. This resulted in me not doing anything for him this week with the exception of the expansion and revision thing... I may switch him out for Kashawn but vanilla human w/cybernetics aren't all that popular either. I might finish him anyway just to spite you guys since his scenes are just flying out of me at the moment.

Plans for this week (in order of priority)
  1. BT/Oxy's small projects are going into the comm slot. These require a lot more research.
  2. Agrosh bipedal male scene for my personal smol project
  3. Havir/Kashawn/Blaze whichever I feel like doing
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