The Foxx Den


Yay so much progress!

Would there be a kind of halfway point where you don't get the bad end but maybe have a couple of his kids? :3

Or is that something that would have to be considered as another expansion for a later date?

Well part of his story is that he wants to raise his own kids on Al-Quitar so the premise of the ending is that you decided to build a life with your beau instead of continuing on your adventure. 


Progress Report 4 today (i'll just do these whenever i feel like it)

  • Angus

    Added 1k words into the fuck me scene making the gdoc total 12k+ words
  • Rounded out and edited some talk options


  • Added 1k words in episode 1
  • Am currently researching episodic writing since 


  • Set up Interrogation victory for when it'll be written.

Also got in contact with Blaze's commissioner he's doing better financially and once he gets his gov refund he's planning on commissioning the rest of blaze as well as parts of his second slave whom he has decided to call cocoa kitty as the female kaithrit does not have an official name yet... so yeah that is happening.

Sorry guys but these followers take forever especially with making time for my family, working on my house and having a full time job  so thank you guys for both your patience and support. 


I have a new schedule that i'm really excited about

monday-friday: Write 1hr min: Primary Project and/or Secondary Project

saturday: Write 2hr min: Primary Project

sunday: Free day: Write what I want or not at all. if i skipped a day or something got in the way i'll make it up here. If i was a good boy I can take the day off or write whatever I want.

This way I don't have to destroy myself and take all my free time to make up for the inadequacies I've created by depriving myself of sleep, working 40+ hours a week and working out at the gym. 

My therapist helped me figure out my problem. I grind and grind without making any real progress. I force myself to put down words for as long as possible and re-read and scrap 50% of what i write. This wouldn't be a bad thing if i had more free time but Instead what i'm doing now is giving writing its space. My therapist wants me to try this for a month, I'll include information about whether or not I'm keeping to this schedule in my progress reports.

Speaking of which

Progress Report

  • Angus 

    Another scene done, gonna truck through the last two this week with the new schedule hopefully. Then its on to the date.


  • Went through and did some light editing


  • Am actually trucking through his pc loss scene know, bruchandi just taste so damn good.

[*]Alexandria Hero Story

  • I think I have a firm grasp on episodic writing techniques so i'm starting over but not really. i'm editing what i have to fit something more episodic.

[*]Self Assessment

  • I could have written a lot more than i did this week. Spent a lot of time on correspondence but now that will have a time and a place and i'll shut down all that during designated writing times. The schedule, the routine... it is paramount and will aid in my success and sanity so wish me luck guys

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Progress Report

  • Angus

    gdoc is a little over 15k words long now. I'm actually proud af
  • Am currently going through hand editing the entire thing before I start on the last sex scene. 
  • Date will occur on separate gdoc because of the immense length of the interaction.

[*]Hero Story

  • I haven't gotten as much done with this as I'd like but I have


  • ok so sticking to my schedule is a bit harder than I would have thought and I did skip a day so I am writing at least one hour on my current projects (just finished my one make up hour) idk what i'm going to do now...
  • For those of you guys who know i'm working out and are wanting to be kept in the loop about that I'm committing this next month to nutrition.
  • Next week is going to focus at least three days on the super hero story because the reverse happened during last week and it needs some focused tlc to get done by the time i want it to be done.


Progress Report

  • Angus

    Week was less focused on Angus than I would have liked but inspiration hit for my secondary project.
  • Started on the last sex scene yesterday

[*]Hero Story

  • Episode one is well underway idk if i'm halfway through it i did a lot of inspired writing today.


  • This week I skipped one day but made it up on saturday.
  • Working out is going good, eating right still is the bane of my existence
  • This week i'll concentrate on getting that last bit of Angus content done.

oh and today, since its sunday, i'm going to do a little tidying up of the Angus gdoc and then write on kashawn but there's a superbowl party later so idk 


Progress Report

  • Angus

    Angus got a major overhaul and will be done after my time on Saturday
  • The last sex scene needs to be edited but rn i'm going to concentrate on grinding out the last of the talk and stuff

[*]hero Story

  • put on hold. I did a lot of work for it last week but commissioner asked it to be put on hold for a bit.


  • started a new generic enemy encounter for Uveto, will be messaging Fen about that soon


  • Did ok, wrote daily but I've started a second job so i'll be cutting saturday out the regular schedule meaning i'll be writing an hour every day for 5 days and 1 day (saturday) will be make up day  with free day if i don't need to make it up and sunday will be a guaranteed free day/ second make up day if I can't get to it saturday.


omg doing terrible this week on the schedule missed 3 days and idk if i'll have time today but i'm trying now

I'll have to make up 3hrs on saturday if I can't make up any today. Luckily those 3hrs should be all i need to finish up Angus who is a bit behind schedule but very close to being done.


So last week was very productive and focused mostly on Angus.

Am currently waiting on his commissioner to get in touch with me so he may review what I have done with the sex scenes and stuff. Once that is done finishing up the other two NT version of Angus will be quick.

So I'm going to tweak Angus and then finish up Anastasia and Abbas if i haven't been contacted by the commissioner in time.

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Alright Alright

Recent time has been dedicated to crushing my enemies and saving the innocent. 

Writing wise tho...

  • Angus New Texas content is in the final stages. Everything has to be edited and revised for his various forms but as soon as comm is happy with everything and gives the go ahead he'll be released for public consumption.
  • My hero story has taken a fair amount of time as well but not nearly as much as Angus
  • In my personal time I've been writing a new race and combat encounter for Uveto VII, more on that when its done.


So I've been a good boy with writing up until today, today and yesterday... I have zero fucks to give 

Progress Report

- Angus NT content is in the final throws of awesomeness and after that on ship stuff will cum, then the dates... or dates before i'm not sure. The very last thing will be pregnancy content 

- Wrentaw are on hold for a little bit because i've been reminded that Anastasia isn't done so I'm gonna go make her faptastic but they're done with the exception of ze rape'n  
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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
Glad to hear Angus is almost finished!

You should think about putting up a list of your WIPs on the front page. The ones you're allowed to share anyways.


Progress Report

Been a while since I did one of these

  • Primary Project

    Angus's bara and twink NT content are getting spit shined for release after two more edit runs
  • Annabelle is waiting patiently and we're finalizing her complete look
  • Follower Content has already been started but i'm not focused on it till NT stuff is finished

[*]Secodary Projects

  • Anastasia is about to be finished and edited and submitted soonish.
  • Abbas will be in limbo for a bit while the comm decides some things about the vengeful Bruchandus 


[*]Tuc will be started after Anastasia is done

*I just realized i have a lot of A-names... fucking assholes lol


So for this lovely weekend I'm focused on
  • Edit runs old, finished and non-implemented content.
  • Touching base with old commissioners of these projects.
  • Resubmitting them to Fen and co for review.
The week has been focused
  • Angus: Trying other avenues to contact the comm; Getting the cowmazonian content fleshed out as per my instructions and I did another edit run on the bara bull version.
  • Tuc: Just working on some vaginal sex stuff, this is my secondary project so it'll be a thing thing, This is also the commissioner I talk to the most.
  • Luke: Luke's content is still in baby stages but minimal writing has been done for when you find the unlicensed pilot at the bar.
Today is going to be one of those really good days where nothing bad or super good really happens except progress. You get things done and you feel good. I genuinely hope we all have a nice, quiet, peaceful but productive day. Everybody needs a little peace in their lives.



Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I'm curious. Who are Tuc and Luke?


I'm curious. Who are Tuc and Luke?


Tuc is a vulkrim pirate with hotrod red skin and a scorpion tail (there is one vulkrim in the game already)

Luke is an unlicensed human male pilot who is having trouble finding work and chases skirts to keep his mind off being poor.

They're commission projets that are pretty high up on the list.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Ah cool! They both sound interesting.


For those of you who remember me, hi. For those of you who don't, and I assume that there are a lot of you, I'm the gay guy who does male characters and disappears from the forums but never without reappearing some time later. Idk if I'll actually post reg progress reports and updates but... here one, enjoy.

Angus: Faux cow New Texan potential lover/crew member. (there should be a more in-depth description... -somewhere around here-) Just don't get too excited it'll be a while and TiTs could go tits up before I finish cause I'm slow.
- Finished all pre-follower content
- Finished all New Texas Versions
- Currently working on Follower content for all three forms, multi-form followers are awesome but they suck to write.

Anatasia: Ship interrupt for the low-level ppls, sexy kaithrit combat encounter.
- Done, has been done for some time actually I'll look into updating her gdoc ig. The extra content (the other space pirates: Lenn and Abbas) are actually going to be done too the comm stays in contact with me

Heroes: Prose having nothing to do with TiTs
- Start and go project but I stay in contact with the comm. He knows whats up.

Martian Expansion: Two femboy sub sons for the martian sales-herm already in game.
The only project I need to get in contact with the comm for actually. Not started at the moment.

Tuc: Vulkrim space thief with a wonderful quest attached
I talk to lash a lot he knows whats up.

- Currently reviewing changes to TiTs, something I've been doing piece by piece while still creating content. Gonna do a test play today probably.
- Focusing on that giant slab of beef cake (angus) and his forms. If we had condensed him to one form he'd probably be done but he'll be done... some day.

I know no one is following this and I've been in contact with most of the ppl waiting for stuff (if you're an exception drop me a line say hi) am NOT currently accepting comms obviously (I say that but invariably someone asks which is crazy to me these projects are old as solid titty milk), idk what i'm doing with life so you guys who want this stuff know i'm not giving up and stuff will get done but at this pace with life idk when it'll in fact be done.

Never giving up but still working at a snail's pace, that's me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I've still been following. I'm super glad to see you return Foxxling. Your content is some of my favorite!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
Can a mod actually move this thread to a more appropriate sub-forum or something?


Why did you post your thread here and not in Event Submissions?

Because this is not an event submission this is a list of my projects. Each of these individual projects would require their own separate event submission wouldn't they?

Whats the status of KIT/Kashawn?

KIT/Kashawn are my personal project, gonna finish all this commish work before I do anything for me. So ig they're in limbo but awaiting revival not cast to the void
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Each of these individual projects would require their own separate event submission wouldn't they?
So why didn't you just do that? I had no idea you even existed until Zevos brought you up in that remembrance thread! You're flying under the radar, man. You gotta get back into the spotlight! It'll really help your projects in the long run.