The Four Lands


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil just sighed "Yeah... I don't want to get into it... it's about not getting recognition... but I'm past that. I have other issues to deal with." He then looked to Berwyn and smiled lightly "A lot of it was taken care of when I was squeezing you. It was like a stress relief ball. What's your secret? Do you have an exercise routine or were you just born with it?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Diavolo finally comes back from wherever he managed to disappear to. "Hey guys, I'm-" He stops talking as he sees, and smells, the many charred corpses of rats. "Okay, I wasn't gone for that long, but please tell me what the hell happened. More importantly, was anybody bit? I can get rid of diseases if you need it, but things will need to get physical for that." Diavolo looks very tired, having clearly done whatever he had done.

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
“Heh, you really are just like Mama drip.”

Chuckling along with her, the kobold would grin, before slowly composing herself.

“You know what I meant though, yeah? I’m looking for anything from nerve damage to organ failure, lady. See anything, or am I going to have to find it myself?”


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Hearing Diavolo speak, Sindiana looked up from her books finally. "Oh yea 2 people got bit before i could char them, but they went to get healed. Also i heard screams coming across the mountain and we might wanna check that out."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
She nods "Yes I guess it makes sense. My name is Tali"
He blushes "Well a bit of being born with it some exercise and mayyybe some magic"
"Yeah I know what you mean deary. I did see some hemlock by the shore."


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil just grins widely and cocks an eye brow at him "Oh? So it is a magical ass then? Tell me..." He gets next to Berwyn, wraps an arm around his waist, and whispers in ear "Can it do anything else other than look good~?"

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Nodding slightly, and crossing her arms, she’d cock her head to the side ever so slightly.
“Perfect, thanks. You need any? And could I grind it up here?”


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
Ashar began to trail a hand along the lovely serpents scales as she sidled over, smirking. "Its lovely to formally make your acquaintance, Tali. Another question being what ended up bringing you around this way. Other than that, I've not much to ask other than if you'd like to depart to a more private place for that fun you mentioned."


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Oh. Well if they've been healed then it should be fine, I suppose. Those mountains are also definitely a point of interest now as well. We'll have to head there if we can't find anything about that rat demon here. Other than that, I suppose that everything should be okay, so long as those two don't over exert themselves. Thank you for catching me up to speed, Sindiana." Diavolo took off his helmet and let his hair down. "Are you at all hungry? I can probably make something for us to eat."


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
“That would be nice yes.” Sindiana had completely forgot to eat. Her work was more important to her, she did not bother taking care of her self much. Her eyes were still affixed to her book even as she talked.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
His blush deepens "Well no it's just when I have no time to work out, I use some magic for a touch up."
The old woman shakes her head "No I don't need any of that deary"
"Well quite simple really, I wanted to carve out my own little bit of the world."


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil just chuckles and boops his nose "My word you get flustered easily~... Have you never been hit on before? I mean... that would be very surprising to me considering all the work you put into your backside."

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Nodding, the Kobold would move down to the shoreline to look for the aforementioned hemlock, keeping low so as to not attract attention.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Right. Let me see what I can make then." Diavolo got up and went into the kitchen, or closest approximation of one, that the building had. He looked around and was shocked to see that it was somewhat barren. He sighed and just decided to make do with what was there. Scrounging around in the cupboards and cabinets, he managed to find spices, some bread, preserved meats, fresh fruit, fresh greens, and a thoroughly emptied cheese containers. Not wanting to spend hours on making a gourmet meal for himself and one other person, Diavolo decided to just make some sandwiches. Taking a rather long baguette that he estimated to be about a foot long, he cut it in half and layered on some meats, lettuce, and tomato before cutting it into two separate sandwiches. Plating the two sandwiches, he returned to the room Sindiana was intently reading in and set one down on the table in front of them. It was by no means gourmet, in fact it was a little dry, but it was still fairly tasty. "So, what are you reading?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
"A reasonable desire, one that I can most certainly agree with. Part of my reason for fighting in this place at all is to carve a place for a home. Perhaps I'll find such a place in one of the other lands. Still so much out there to explore as it is."


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
"Magic..." She gave a short reply and put down the book. "Magic gets tedious sometimes, but it does come with its privileges." *She then made a magic hand to grab the sandwich from the table and take it to her. "Hmm...comfort food I see." Sindiana then took a bite of it and started to slowly eat the sandwich.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Well yes I've been hit on before, just not as forward as you're being" He huffs.
She easily finds and collects the herbs.
She nods "True true, though its not as safe out there I think"


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil just grinned at him "Well of course I'm forward... I don't being in telling lies or skirting around the truth. I tell it like it is. People waste time with words of half truths and verbal gymnastics? Me... I'm just attracted to you. I'm neither ashamed of that nor wanting to hide it."


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"I've come to notice the conveniences magic brings," Diavolo says, sitting down in his chair across from her. "Though, I still find a great deal of satisfaction in doing things in a mundane manner. Then again, I feel like I wouldn't have killed nearly as many demons without it. Nor helped heal as many people or as much of the land." Diavolo picks up his sandwich with his boring human hands and begins eating it. "And comfort food helps the soul. Plus it's tasty."


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
“Yes, but for you its a bit different. You don't need to study magic to improve. Your god grants you that magic, whereas I need to study it to improve.” She shrugged. “Oh well to each their own. Now have asked me a lot of questions, so what about you. Whats there to know about the paladin who took down Lethice.” She looked at him with a slight smirk as she took another bite of her food.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Fair enough, though I don't get quite as varied of spells as you might." Diavolo stopped and thought for a moment. "There really isn't much to know about me, really. I was born and lived on a farm near a small village for most of my life, along with the rest of my family. My dad was a retired adventurer that practiced druidic magic, though he disappeared when I was a kid. My mom had the faintest of fey blood that gave her a slight knack for magic, though not enough to become a powerful sorceress, and who also taught me to cook. I'm the oldest or my brothers and sisters, all of which were still on the farm when I left to go kill Lethice. I learned how to use weapons and effectively wear heavy armor from the captain of the village's militia, who was apparently a friend of my dad from their adventuring days." He paused for a moment before speaking again. "I got the nickname "The Crimson King" after the first time I killed another living creature, an imp, after saying what was an admittedly embarrassing line. None of my siblings let me live that down either." Diavolo lightly smiled, remembering his family and the good times they had together. "Anything else you want to know?" He took another bite of his sandwich, chewing slower this time.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
"Oh no that pretty much sums it up. The fabled story of Zero to Hero, its quite interesting. I guess destiny had it out for you this time, hmh.." She then laid back down on her back and called down her owl to feed it part of her food. "But I am curious, what was the line that gave you that name. I thought for a second and I could not guess." She gave a small giggle.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Well I can see that" He chuckles.
As the time passes from you talking or eating the sun sets into the night. Where ya sleeping and or standing watch?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil boomed the wolf mage's snoot and just said "Well... If you ever want to capitalize on this... We'll be in town for a while~" Ansil winked at him as he goes back to join his companions, snagging a bite of the dinner that prepared. With a mouth full of food he asked "So... Where are you guys sleeping tonight?... Don't worry, I'll make sure to watch you while your eyes are closed."


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"It was a while ago that I'd said it, so I don't remember it exactly. I do remember that it was something to the effect of me splitting the imp in two and shouting out 'I'm the Crimson King who will bathe in your corrupted blood!' or something to that extent." Diavolo laughed a bit to himself and some red came across his face. Then Ansil busted into the room and began eating one of the sandwiches. "I like to wake up early to start preparing breakfast, so I'll likely see you an hour to an hour and a half before everyone else is up. Other than that, I think everyone has a room."


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Hearing that she started to laugh a bit. “Well I will say its much funnier than what I imagined. Crimson king indeed, but if you were out for blood maybe all the virgins in the world should be afraid. I myself would be terrified if ‘The Crimson King’ was coming for my virginity.” *She laughed as Ansil came in.* “Well Ansil you really need to work on your speech dear. You make it sound so creepy. Now I think that I’m going to take first watch and after that I can leave Lemmy to help watch with the rest. My dear doesn't need any sleep.”

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
After collecting up a sizeable amount of the herbs, the kobold would eat one of the rats that was fireballed earlier, before making her way back to the town. Looking for a couple of empty glass bottles on her way in, she’d pick out one of the empty house ruins for herself.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"If only I were that charming, Sindiana." Diavolo continued chuckling before he seemed to realize something. "Hey, Ansil. I'm going to assume that you and Tarykym were the two that were bitten by the smoldering rat pile over there. Let me see where you got bit so I can remove the plague from it, before I go searching for Tarykim to do the same."


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil shrugged *I mean... I drank questionable fluid from the old medicine woman so I think I'm fine... but if you're that paranoid." He then lifted up his shirt to show off the rat bites that sneaked past his clothing and armor.