The Four Lands


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"I would much rather not fight a war of attrition with limited resources against an enemy that can poison land and water supplies simply by spilling their cum on it. especially when they can do so much damage with a group of imps. That being said though..." Diavolo looks around the ruins and sighs seeming to have calmed down. "We can't leave them defenseless either. I'd say that we should at least see that fortifications can be made to the town before heading out to assault their base. Besides, if we can build up and train a proper militia, then we could have some troops of our own to assist in that battle." Diavolo crouched down so he was eye level with the kobold. "Thanks, bard. I lost my cool there. In more ways than one it seems." He chuckled to himself.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
“Oh that..right. We just need to retaliate harder. I don’t think they will need help with the fortifications. The attacks are coming from the mountain, if we go that way we will intercept any attack force.”


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"I suppose it would be best to vote on it. All in favor of staying one or two more days to fortify the city and raise a militia, raise your right hand. All in favor of assaulting the imp stronghold as soon as possible, raise your left hand." Diavolo raises his right hand.

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Snorting as the paladin crouched down, Tarykrym tilted her head slightly.

“You’re pretty mobile in that, huh. And yeah, I vote for my idea, of course.”

She would then lazily raise her right hand.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
"Well, I'd be more than happy to try and reinforce the place, but I'm doubting I can be much of help there. And my kind of training isn't really good for raising a militia, takes a long time. However... Even if we handle the imps, there'll always be other threats." She raises her right hand.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
“Hmm well thats three out of five so i guess we are staying. But I will say this imps or not, the more you wait the more they will get ready for our attack. As for fortification, unless its magic I’m not much of use. So unless you all got any ideas I’ll be around, waiting.”

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
“Pfft, militia. Just train them how to throw spears and teach them how to make them. I just want to stick around on home turf a little longer, before get raped to death in the mountains.”


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Diavolo stood up. "Well armor would naturally offer full range of movement. I'd be pretty useless if knights were just an immobile hunks of iron that couldn't use a weapon."

Diavolo turned and faced the group as a whole. "As far as militia training goes, Ashar, your training may take a long time, but basic exercises like running and push-ups can always serve well. If any of them happen to show promise in hand to hand combat, then they could at least get a briefing on how to properly punch and kick. Sindiana, while I'm not sure if there are a lot of them, I wouldn't doubt that there are people that can use magic in this village. Giving them a crash course on how to not set themselves on fire while casting couldn't hurt. Tarykym, you mentioned teaching them how to make and throw spears, so you could definitely do that. Ansil, I believe you mentioned being able to turn invisible. You could go scout to see if there are any approaching forces or even the exact location of their stronghold. Ashar and I are the only two who were trained in martial combat, so I'll take charge of directing construction of fortifications and training the militia in melee combat, should it come to such blows."

Diavolo pauses to let everyone mull over his plan. "Does anyone have any objections?"

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
A faint smile would touch the kobold’s face as she nodded, before murmuring softly.

“First man to give me orders that didn’t deserve to have something cut off...”

She would then chuckle, and turn off and lazily wave back at him.

“Make sure you keep it that way.”


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
"No objections here, I'll go about seeing if any folk've got the talent for hand to hand as ya said. Kinda doubt it, but best to check I suppose. I'll see about coming up with a good workout routine to get'em in at least decent fighting shape."


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil shook his head and breathed in sharply "Sorry wha?... I blacked out there for a second..." He then looks off to the mountain "You know... we should probably strengthen up the defensives here..." Ansil looked at Diavolo "You know... I do have the sending spell... if we make a nice little hide out spot for my I could be like a scout."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You all find enough people to do as you wish. Though since they are simple folk they don't do the best when it come to straight up fighting. At the end of your time you manage to make a force able to at least deal with minor threats


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Diavolo smiled. He had a hard time receiving any level of praise from Tarykym, so he was pretty impressed with himself. "That's exactly what would help us Ansil. If you could be a scout, then we can train without threat of an ambush." Diavolo went off with Ashar to gather people that were able bodied and able to fight, and helped training them with her. He was happy with the end result. They probably can't come with them for the assault, but they won't be helpless without them in case something else attacks while they are out.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
While everyone was getting the defense force ready Sindiana went to visit Berwyn. "Hey Berwyn...I was wondering considering this town was close to the lake....Would this place happen to have a nice pearl. I need it for one of my spells and considering we saved a lot of it. Well I could use a favor in return. I need it to be about 50G worth." She then got closer to him and gave a slight smile. "I mean...I could also make it up to you."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The wold boy blushes "Uhh I think I have one" He sways over to his home and digs out a large shiny pearl. "Uh here you go" He hands you the gem

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Tarykrym took her time simply teaching the people of the village how to make makeshift weapons, everything from sharpened sticks to farm tools and how to make them more dangerous.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Sindiana took the pearl and looked at it. "Oh my this is perfect, I wonder what secrets it will tell me in the future." *She smirked and quickly turned to the boy.* "Its wonderful and if you ever want anything in return just feel free to ask." She then seductively traced her finger from his chest up to his chin and gave him a wink.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
She smiled finding his response adorable. Slowly she backed away and started to turn around. “Well then I will be on my way, you know where to find me” After saying that Sindiana took on a more seductive gait, swaying her hips as she walked off. She was trying to tease Berwyn for her own amusement by giving him a small show. Sindiana did kind of hope that he would go to her later. She played with the idea of eating him up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
At noon he does come and visit you in your room, looking nervous and blushing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil sighs as he sits in the outskirts of the ruins, looking out for imps and day dreaming about unimaginable shapes.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Sindiana smiled as she saw Berwyn at her door. “Berwyn its nice to see you again.” She then opened the door further and took a step back. “Come on in and tell me what brings you here.” Quickly she adopted a more flirtatious tone and way of movement. Sindiana then tried to tease him further by slowly going back to her bed.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Good work everyone! All of you should be able to defend yourselves now, even after we leave. I'm proud. Not many folks can say that, you know? I hope you won't need to use the skills that you've learned here today, but just in case, practice on your own. The world is dangerous, and you must always be ready." Diavolo pats the various townsfolk on the backs after congratulating them on getting through training.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"W-well I just wanted to see how you were doing" He gulps as he watches you, a bulge forming under his robe.

Ansil as you watch you see what appears to be fire...and its walking towards the town.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil blinks as he sees something coming this way. He uses the spell Sending, to send a message to Diavolo "Hey... I don't think it's really anything but... There is fire... and it's walking... and it's toward town... again, don't think it's anything important." He then got up, and slowly made his way back towards town.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
"Oh I'm doing great my dear, a lot of it is thanks to you. That pearl you gave me was a great way to cheer a girl up." Sindiana gave a small giggle and sat down on the bed. For a moment she looked at the bulge that was forming under Brewyn's robes before quickly turning to his face. "And I can see you are in high spirits as well my dear." She then used her mage hand to close the door behind him leaving only them inside her room. "Now come closer, and why don't you tell me why you really came here. "Sindiana beckoned him to come closer to her and spread her legs a bit revealing her black panties from under her short dress."


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Diavolo managed to receive the message loud and clear. "Alright. Come back as soon as possible. Wait, can you even hear me? Magic is complicated." Diavolo thought back, uncertain if Ansil could actually hear him and unaware he was already headed back. "Alright everyone! We just got words from out scouts via magic! Into formation, weapons at the ready! Fire is walking towards us!" Diavolo thought on the fact that the fire was walking this time, though. The imps could fly, so their either being idiots, or something too big to fly is coming. Or Ansil just thought it was walking.

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
“Walking fire? Bah, where’s a dragon when you need it? Come to think of it...”

Making her way to the front of the town, the bard would look for the fire, scowling at the sun and shielding her eyes, moving back into a half broken building.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
He blushes as she sits on your bed, at this angle you can see that he is wearing pink panties. "To um keep you company"

As the figure walks closer you see that it is and odd creature. Parts of her are all bone while some is still soft flesh, enough to be lewd enough to give off the lewdness of demons. Oh and she is on fire. Stopping a bit away she clears her throat and speaks in a dry voice. "I bear a message!"

(I know that description is odd soooo take this
and combine it with this
Skeleton_0.jpg malakbel.jpg