The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr said nothing as he let her pat him, just acting all happy for it. Once they walked past him, he 'followed' her in like he was a 'puppy'. He put on the same droning voice, "Their names are Valira and Akalfa, Mistress... they were my friends. But Good Boys only need Mistress." He said as he silently gave a quick wink to the girls while neither Ishtar or the robed one weren't looking.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
The wait had been almost unbearable.

Simply watching the goblins and trying to listen in on their conversations had lost its appeal when Dirk realized he didn't understand a word of what they were saying. He’d sat down, lied down, walked around, and almost fallen asleep waiting for them to leave. He’d even had time to sneak off and eat something from his pack, and they were still there when he returned!

More than once he’d considered running back to the village again, but the thought of missing his opportunity kept him close. He’d imagined simply running up and gutting them all in a whirlwind of steel, but he damn well knew that he couldn’t pull that off.

And then, finally, as the day turned to dusk it happened. The goblin throng headed inside and only a pair were left to guard the entrance.

Even Dirk, for all his inexperience, could dispatch two unsuspecting goblins.

Once it was done, he carried the bodies into the woods and tossed them out of sight - but not before frisking them both for keys, maps, ropes… anything that might give him an edge inside the caves. At best, he had until the next guard change before they recognized something was up - and that was assuming no one stepped outside for any reason before then.

Dirk didn’t like going in blind like this, but the others could be counting on him. And he would not fail them this time. Not again.

How big can this place be, anyway? he thought, stepping into the darkness.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira glared at both of the Dark Elves with all the fury she could muster. She could not deny that they were attractive (and the angle at which she was tied up gave her a very nice view up Ishtar's cleavage) but that did little to give this situation a silver lining. She saw Zwarr wink at her, and was delighted to see that he was now free from their control. He was clearly waiting to make his move, and Valira was ready to provide as much of a distraction as possible for him to do so. Suddenly an idea came to her, a way to bait them into aiding their flight.

''You won't get away with this! We will escape and we will make you pay! Besides, anything that you could do to us would pale in comparison to being subjected to that Tieflings sorry excuse for music!''

Valira said this with both venom and condescension, trying to use reverse psychology to make them give Zwarr his guitar back to play for them.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Big, Dirk would find out. The inconspicuous entrance hid a large outpost underneath it; one with plenty of room for not just the dark elves, but a multitude of guards. Luckily, the place was kept quite dark, and while that meant he had to creep along slowly, it also made hiding easy. Hiding he would have to do, as he soon realized that this place was mostly garrisoned by goblins, with bugbear overseers. As luck would have it, though, one of the guards he had killed outside did have a map of the place on him; he must have been new. Several locations were marked, including a laboratory, barracks, mess hall, officer's quarters, and break room.

The taller dark elf, Ishtar was her name apparently, smirked down at Valira while reaching down and giving her right breast a firm squeeze. "We'll see about that," she promised, giving the nipple a flick, and then turning to regard Akalfa with a scowl. "Now, who are you, and why did you and your pet attack us?" she demanded.


Well-Known Member
"My pet?" Akalfa couldn't help but stare incredulously before that stare settled into a glare. She scoffed in disdain. Trying not to show her discomfort at Ishtar's behavior towards Valira. Putting on a guise of cold dispassion as she stared blankly at her captors. To her, it was best to act unaffected instead of unsteady at that moment, lest show her dread in the face of the domineering since it seemed they would not buy that act. Ishtar was quite a sight, beautiful, yet radiating an ego that made her shift uncomfortably in her seat. Nonetheless, it was the unnamed woman next to the leather-clad domme that frankly made her uneasy, avoiding her crimson gaze. Even looking in the direction of those blood-red eyes made a pool of sweat build on Akalfa's temple.

"Not every Dark Elf keeps captives. She is my friend. As was that man at the door before he was seized away. I and my comrade simply came to rescue him. And take him back where he belongs, free and with us. Ill will was not our intent, but your people took our companion." She spoke matter of factly.

Simply stating points...while conveniently auditing Dirk from her speech. She had noticed they had not mentioned him, so chances are they were unaware of his presence and he was not captured. While unsure whether or not he was around that was information they did not need to know. Considering Zwarr's wink the spell overtaking his mind had faded, all she needed to do now was bide time. Focusing her gaze on Ishtar instead of the woman accompanying her.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Ishtar actually smiled happily at her response. "Ah, you're one of those rebellious types then. Wonderful, I haven't had an opportunity to try breaking one of you yet. While I would love to dive right in, I'm afraid it is getting rather late, so for now, we'll just leave you and your 'friend' to enjoy a night of intimacy together."
Ishtar stepped back and the robed woman held out her hands, chanting in the arcane language of mages. Akalfa recognized it as a spell of summoning, but of what she could only guess. In the center of the room, a large glowing circle of runes appeared, and filled the chamber with an eerie purple light. Then, as if growing from the floor, dozens of long slimy tentacles began to spring forth. Some of the writhing things were tipped with large staring eyes, but most were tipped with bulbous, phallus-like, heads. "Have fun, you two," Ishtar said, as she turned to leave, beckoning Zwarr to follow her, as she and the robed woman left.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
No mention of a prison. Damn it! Where would they have taken them?

Dirk pressed himself into a shaded corner as another patrol went by, considering his next move.

Those dark elves were clearly calling the shots, just like Akalfa had said, so logically the barracks was where the greenskins slept. Avoid that at all costs.
For similar reasons, he'd want to avoid anywhere else the guards might congregate when off-duty, so the mess hall and break room were out.

It wasn't much of a process, but the laboratory seemed a good place to start. At the very least he could poke his head in to look for them before moving on to search the officers' quarters. Maybe they stored keys or notes in their rooms?

The important thing is not to walk into someone, so always listen before you open any doors!

Dirk set off, as quickly as he could while still remaining silent. Alas, in his haste, he'd made one critical error in judgment...

He hadn't realized that "Break Room" could have a different meaning than he was used to.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Dirk slipped, and skulked his way through the complex until finally coming to the room marked lab. Putting his ear to the door, he heard nothing. Trying the door, he found it to be unlocked, and peeking it, it look exactly like what one might expect. Tables lined the walls, and sat parallel in the center of the room, all piled high with glass jars, beakers, bowls, cups, candles, and pouches. There was also a small writing desk upon which a clear crystal ball sat on a small stand, next to a thick tome bound in black leather.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
No sign of them here... but what is this?

Dirk carefully walked to the writing desk, checking the floor for traps with every step, and inspected the tome. Could it be a ledger? Or a journal, perhaps?

He gently lifted the black leather cover, just enough to glance at the contents before he moved on...


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"What do you think you're doing!?" demanded a small squeaky voice. Looking around, frantically, Dirk found that a tiny creature was crouched upon one of the tables holding a candle; he had mistaken it for a candelabra. The little thing looked like a tine man, save for the red skin and bat-like wings. As it addressed him, he could see a long scorpion-like tail uncurl from behind it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Nothing!" said Dirk quickly, taking his hand away. He glanced at the door, as if worried that a horde of goblins would burst in at the slightest sound, before glaring back at the imp defensively. "What do you think you're doing!?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Protecting Lady Sune's spellbook from intruders," it cried, before throwing the candle at Dirk's face, and then springing into the air.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Ow! Okay, okay! I'm going! Criminy!" Dirk backed away from the wretched thing with his hands raised placatingly.

He'd never been that big on books, anyway.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira had let Akalfa do the talking for the moment, focusing on trying to find any other way to escape. The guitar ploy had clearly failed, and unless Zwarr was planning to jump the pair of them when their backs were turned, they would need another plan. Valira was proud of how Akalfa stood up to Ishtar and her lackey, even as she felt anger and offence at them calling her Valira's pet. She stifled a moan as Ishtar groped her breast and flicked her nipple, she wasn't about to give her the satisfaction. As she performed the summoning spell, Valira watched with mounting fear as the tentacles emerged from the ground. She then began to struggle anew, shouting at Ishtar and her companion as they left.

''You're nothing but cowards! If you truly wanted to break me you would do so yourself, you wouldn't rely on these creatures to do your bidding for you! And you wouldn't have me tied up either! Unless you doubt your abilities towards that goal? What's the matter, the great and beautiful Ishtar doesn't think she can break one measly High Elf without a handicap?''

Valira made her voice as mocking as possible a plan shaping in her head. Assuming this ploy worked, she would be both free from her bindings and Ishtar would be distracted, increasing their chances of escape. While she was busy with the Dark Elf, Zwarr could search for his guitar and free Akalfa. Even if that failed an opportunity might arise for herself that would help them get the one up on these miscreants. All it would take is Valira holding out against what ever Ishtar would do to break her. That thought filled her with anxiety and fear yes, but Valira also knew that her will was as strong as iron. She would go through anything to help save the others.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The dark elves walked out with Zwarr in tow, and the door shut with a dull thud, leaving the two heroines at the mercy of the summoned abomination. Several eyes on stalks moved to hover over Valira, examining her body with intense interest, before a multitude of its other tentacles wound over to her and began caressing. They slithered over her stomach, wrapped around her arms and legs, and two even wound around her breasts, squeezing them like constrictors. As they moved over her, the tips began leaking a clear, pink fluid that smelled like nothing she had ever encountered, sweet, yet sour, it made her head spin, and it only got worse as one of the tentacles began rubbing her cheek and lips, trying to force its way into her mouth.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira struggled as the tentacles began to manhandle her, moaning despite herself and trying to shake her head clear of the effect the liquid was having on her mind. Despite the fact that he was free of their mental control, Zwarr could say or do nothing to help them as he was at a massive disadvantage. She didn't blame him for leaving, and doing so would be pointless anyway. It wouldn't change the situation she and Akalfa were in, a situation that was looking more dire by the moment. She wasn't about to give up, but she saw few options available to them. She pulled against the bindings with all of her might as one last desperate attempt to get free. Worst comes to worst, she could endure the tentacles, she would have to. But she worried for Akalfa. While she didn't doubt her friends strength, she was loathed to see her put through this.

Valira's eyes scanned the room, desperately searching for anything that could aid in their escape. She turned to Akalfa and put as much kindness and determination into her voice as possible.

''Akalfa! Whatever happens we will get through this together! They will not break us, we will endure! We must remain strong until we can make them pay for what they have done!''


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
No sooner did she finish her speech then her moth was filled with the probing tentacle. It forced its way past her lips and into her cheeks, thrusting in and out, covering her tongue with the strange pink fluid. It tasted as intoxicating as it smelled, and as more and more got into her mouth, she could feel the effect it was having on her. A heat began to build in her nethers, and her breasts began to tingle, her nipples growing hard despite herself.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira couldn't help the muffled moan that escaped her lips, both from the pleasure and the taste. Her mind was becoming hazy but she was still doing her absolute best to resist what was happening to her. She focused on thoughts that would keep her grounded, like that of home, the quest they were on and her friends. She wasn't going to make it easy for her captors, no matter how good the process might feel. She would not lose herself, she would get through this with her mind intact. She still made a concerted effort to break free from her bindings, pulling against them with what might she could muster. In act of desperation, she even tried to bite the tentacle that was filling her mouth.

Her eyes darted around the room, feeling frustration and rage build. This made the situation with the vines look like child's play in comparison.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Biting proved to have little effect, but there was something she noticed. The fluid these things leaked was very slippery, and her arms were becoming coated with the stuff.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr in following his 'mistress' would have shot one look back once they weren't the room, he'd apologize later... but He needed to find his guitar... sure that his 'mistress' had it. He'd continue to act like a 'good boy', but ugh it was starting to annoy him internally. Zwarr having an idea since Valira's didn't work, "Mistress... might a Good Boy entertain you? perhaps an erotic song and dance would show my love of being your Good Boy?" He said hoping he wasn't pushing his luck, but hopefully that not helping Valira and Akafla when he could would convince her he was firmly enthralled.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira's eyes widened with recognition and delight as she realized this fact. Using the slippery fluid to loosen her binds as much as possible, she finally managed to free a single hand, which she then used to violently yank the tentacle from her mouth, sputtering as she did so. As quick as a flash, she then freed the rest of her body from the accursed appendages, leaving out a small cry of triumph before running over to where Akalfa was sat. Freeing her friend from the creatures, she then gave her a happy grin with a determined set to her gaze.

''I told you we would get out of this. Now, let us find Zwarr and make those monsters pay''

Valira cracked both her knuckles and her neck. They weren't out of the woods yet, far from it, but they least had a fighting chance.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa was eternally grateful for Valira's quick thinking and endless bravery, not even hesitating for a moment to embrace the elf in a tight hug uncaring towards their current lack of attire. The High Elf could not be viewed more valiant in her eyes. A needed moment of relief. She was utterly terrified for her companion more than herself and heaved a deep sigh, greatly shaken up by the ordeal. The idea of losing one whom she felt so connected to those cruel slavers was a concept that she wanted to forget post haste. The intense moment of dread was finally over before it could become direr.

"I never doubted you for a second." Her words beaming with adoring respect. The happiness she felt was palpable, given her taut grip on the other woman. If that leather-clad wretch was thinking she could get away with tormenting her friends, stepping all over everyone like a goddess she had another thing coming. As Akalfa looked up at Valira a gaze of burning resolve scorched fiercely in her eyes. For once unafraid, more infuriated than she had ever felt. Never did she wish for someone to fall from grace with more zeal.

"Let's bring Zwarr home. And take that pretentious 'mistress' down a level."

She could feel the flow of magic in her veins already, and she had a bone to pick with that spell-slinging lowlife especially.

A part of her wished the group was all together to finish this, unknown to her that was the exact scenario right under her nose.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira smiled happily as she hugged Akalfa back, gratified by the other woman's words and tone of voice that bordered on worshipful awe. Given their state of undress, how close she felt to Akalfa and the fact that her body was still calming down from the lust she experienced, Valira desired nothing more than to pick up from where they left off in the room back at the inn. Still, she knew that this was hardly an appropriate time for such things and they would more than see that to fruition when this was all said and done. The determination in the other woman's eyes made it easier to focus on the task at hand, for it mirrored Valira's own feelings.

''Indeed, we will show her what true power is! If she thinks she can do whatever she pleases with no consequences she has got another thing coming!''

Valira kissed Akalfa on the lips at that, a brief yet loving one with the promise of more to come.

''Now, lets find Zwarr and bring those miscreants to justice!''

She then remembered they were still naked and unarmed.

''But first, lets find our equipment if we can...''

She said, smiling a tad sheepishly.


Well-Known Member
Valira's brisk show of affection meant the world to Akalfa at that instance of stress, returning a quick peck in kind. Her mind never strayed from that tender moment of intimacy they shared. When this was all over she looked forward to a continuation of their 'bonding' more than anything. And maybe a stiff drink with the crew in celebration, even if she wasn't one to usually partake; after this, they'd all likely need one. She almost didn't want to let go. Newfound resolution and a need for revenge that had been accumulating for ages untold ultimately found their peak.

She nodded in agreement at her words. Those fiends would be lucky to still have their lives after the stunt they pulled, luckily Akalfa wasn't the brutal sort despite roaming thoughts of setting the entire cavern alight.

A few seconds passed as she basked in their moment together blissfully before fully taking in their lack of decency. Untangling herself from her companion with an equally sheepish giggle lest further sensations unfitting for their mission could set in proper.

"I think that would be best. They must have stored our gear nearby."
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Suddenly, a pair of tentacles wrapped around Valira's ankles, and she was pulled into the air, and held upside down as two more wrapped around her arms, spreading her limbs wide. Several eyes regarded her as the beast pulled her taught; several phallic tentacles speeding towards her spread legs.

That sounds like a wonderful idea, Ishtar replied, as she lead Zwarr into a well appointed room, complete with fourposter bed. Once the door closed behind them, she reached behind her, and he could hear a zipper coming undone. Ishtar wriggled slightly, and her suit fell to the floor, leaving her naked before him. It was like looking at a work of art, a living onyx statue save for the tuft of white between her legs. Her curves were jaw dropping, and her smile wicked. "Get on the bed," she ordered.

As dirk made his way down a particularly long hall, he would duck to the side so quick he almost hit his head on a doorframe. Coming down from the other side was a dark elf, wearing a voluminous purple robe. She had a satisfied smile on her face and a spring in her step.


Well-Known Member
As Akalfa prepared to begin the search for their gear together her jaw nearly dropped to the floor seeing the horrible tendrils spring forth once more, apprehending Valira. She gritted her teeth as her blood boiled at the sight. Not this again. She wasn't a helpless little elf trapped in a chair anymore and would settle for this no longer. Regardless of fear. Not another appendage would be layed on her ally. Her eyes regarded the creature's beastly gaze with an emotion that could only be described as far above furious. The flow of mana warming her palms on instinct. Without skipping a beat her hands alit, ablaze as she hurled a fireball towards the creature. Commonly she'd opt for thunder, but not wanting to potentially stun her friend she settled for striving to burn that abomination to a crisp.

"Forgetting someone?" She growled readying another in the event that one missed. Now was the time to prove her worth as a sorceress and repay Valira's act of valiance.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira yelped in surprise at that, before struggling as much as possible against the creatures filthy embrace. Those eyes staring at her were filled with a bestial yet malevolent intelligence and she knew just what it was planning. She cursed the fact that she had forgotten that the creature was still loose, and now she was suffering for her carelessness. As she felt frustration and anxiety build, she racked her brain for a solution to this issue. Akalfa's attack and rage filled voice broke her out of her reverie, as did the pained cries of the creature and the smell of burnt flesh. She hoped that would be enough to kill the beast, although she feared that it wouldn't be that easy.

''If you can understand me beast, then you know what a dire situation you are in. We will give you one chance to make it out of this alive. Let me go and we will spare your life, continue to assault us however and we will show you no mercy.''

Valira's words were incongruous given her current status, the creature had her at its mercy just as much as Akalfa had it at hers. That being said, she was still going to try to bluff it, assuming it was smart enough to even comprehend what she was saying. Being smart enough to rape did not translate to intelligence in other areas after all.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
It took him a moment, but Dirk recognized the woman. She had been the one giving orders back at the entrance; the one commanding Zwarr. This must be the leader of the outpost – what had the wretched little red thing called her, again? Lady Sune?

Between the robes, the lab, and the minions, she has to be a wizard. A powerful one, to break Zwarr’s will so quickly.

Dirk had never met a wizard (as far as he knew), but he'd heard stories. You couldn't restrain them, because they'd just use magic and escape. You couldn't fight them, either, because they'd just use magic and win. And you couldn't persuade them, because they already had magic to do whatever they wanted!

This foe was beyond him alone. He tucked himself into the doorframe as best he could and gingerly tested the handle.

Please be unlocked... please be unlocked...


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The firey explosion tore the monster apart, and Valira was tossed aside. She landed right on top of Akalfa, the two women falling to the floor in a heap as they were splattered with slime, and bits of tentacle. When the smoke cleared, the creature, and the magic circle that had birthed it, were gone.

Dirk was relived to find that the door he was standing in front of was indeed unlocked, and he hurriedly stepped inside.... Only to find himself in a bedroom with Zwarr, and a very naked dark elf. "What the fuck?" the elf said.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk looked at the woman, then at Zwarr, then at the room, then back to Zwarr.


He walked out, closing the door behind him. So much for stealth.