The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk had never been the target of mind control before, and - unfortunately - this meant he hadn’t known what to expect. He’d had no safeguards or mental blocks up to prevent it: Ishtar’s command stopped him in his tracks.

Then, Dirk heard the music. He hadn’t really given it much thought before, but Zwarr’s music was… actually pretty good. At first, he’d thought it was kind of weird, and a little bit scary, but suddenly he wasn’t sure why that was the case. Metal was hardcore.

Though it wasn't immediately obvious, Dirk was now under the suggestion of both spells. He put up his daggers and relaxed against the door, earnestly watching Zwarr and Ishtar’s fight like it was the most interesting thing this week.

Yeah, it’d be rude to interrupt again. Besides, Zwarr Metal doesn’t need any help! He’s like the coolest guy ever!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Valira struggled mightily, but it wasn't until Akalfa came in from the side and pressed white hot hands into the demon's side that Sune's grip loosened enough for her to free her sword, and get clear of the demoness. While Akalfa thought her plan had worked like a charm, she suddenly felt a sharp pinch in her lower leg. Glancing down, she saw that the snake that was Sune's tail had sunk its fangs into her calf.

Ishtar was now fighting a war on two fronts, trying to force her will on both men at the same time, and failing badly. With Dirk standing by to take half the load, Zwarr was finally able to make headway into the contest of wills, his magic washing over Ishtar like a raging river, drowning her will with his own. She fell to her knees, head low, and stayed their for several long seconds before looking up to Zwarr longingly. "By the Gods, where have you been all my life, Master?" she asked, as she began slowly crawling towards him on her hands and knees.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
"Good girl, now... you want to be a good gruppie?~ Help 'Master' teach your friends to be good Gruppies too." He said grinning as he decided to turn Ishtar turned her former allies.

Then he noticed Dirk was 'snagged' by his song too in the contest, he rolled his eyes and chuckled a bit as he strumed a quick de-spell on Dirk. Freeing him from any mind control.... though if any of those opinions on Zwarr's music was Dirk's own opinions with or without the spell, they'd remain. "Sorry Dirk... was focused on snagging the bitch, she'll remain my 'gruppie' for awhile until we figure out what to do with her... Honestly.... I might just keep her if she's good... better then having her enslaving others.... now let's go help the others."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira grinned in triumph, a grin which quickly turned into a grimace of horror as she saw what the demon had done to Akalfa. She had risked her life to save her and it had pulled off, but at a potentially deadly price. Valira used her sword to cut Sune's tail clean through, shouting in rage as she did so.

''Akalfa no! Stay with me! We will get you help! Just stay focused on the sound of my voice and the task at hand!''

Valira said all of this, even as she didn't know what sort of venom her friend had been infected with, nor how fast it would take to act. She was ready at a moments notice to prevent Akalfa from falling, even as she was ready to defend against Sune should the foul monster make any sudden moves. She was so focused on all of this she didn't notice the other drama unfolding a few feet away. If she had, she would have been bemused to say the least.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Ishtar looked up and frowned. "Sorry, but I can't control Sune like that; believe me I tried. I bet I can get Virra though," she said, likely referring to the third dark elf that had been taken to the sick room.

The poison in Akalfa was, indeed having an effect, though perhaps not the sort she had expected. The demon's venom seemed to set her blood on fire as a tremendous heat flowed through her body, driving her crazy with passion unlike anything she'd ever felt before. Her breasts ached with a deep need to be touched, caressed, and fondled, while her pussy was suddenly so wet it was literally dripping.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“Hey! You did it, Zwarr!” said Dirk, excitedly punching his fist in the air. “That was awesome! You’re awesome! So, what are we gonna do next?”

He stopped, blinking in confusion as Zwarr dispelled the enchantment on him. Coughing from embarrassment, Dirk waved off the apology as Zwarr laid out the plan from here. He had quite a few thoughts about the idea of keeping Ishtar around, but perhaps now wasn't the time to voice them. Their comrades needed their help, after all!

As he spun around to open the door, Dirk glanced over his shoulder to make sure Zwarr was ready, when he remembered Ishtar's... indecency.

“…Shouldn’t you let her get dressed first?”


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
"...We'll worry about that later. just try to focus." He said sternly toward Dirk, before looking back to Ishtar. "Fine. Get her. We'll deal with Sune..." He commanded the Dark Elf with authority, right now his mission was to snare all these bitches if he could.. or take them down.

"Come on Dirk.. we'll let Ishy handle 'Virra'..." He said storming out to find Sune, yeah... the rockstar was clearly pissed. He was going to punish these dark elves for DARING to take his instrument away. DARING to enslave him! and DARING to hurt his friends. Generally Zwarr was a 'good guy'... but right now... he just wanted payback.


Well-Known Member
It all unfolded so quickly. A momentary feeling of ease followed by a sharp prick in her leg and Valira's quick defense at her side. Despite the swiftness of the moment, her actions felt slow. Akalfa's heartbeat delayed peering down at the unremarkable pinpricks on her calf. Eyes blinking ever so unhurried, senses dulled, every voice in the background blurred together into a horrible cacophony. For a moment it was agony. Everything was unbearably intense, blazing bright sparks going off behind her eyes. A fierce red-hot burn ran through her veins like hellfire. With a shriek Akalfa tightly shut her eyes sure this was a sign of her life's end. Her body felt so hot...

Too hot in fact.

In all the wrong places. This was the part where she expected to melt into a puddle of blood and gore yet the drastic sensations alighting her frame were remarkably pleasing. The fervent warmth settled deep within her belly as her eyes went wide. Never had she felt a need so all-consuming. An involuntary moan escaped her lips as she fell to her knees. Her hands trailed down to the wet heat between her legs, growing very apparent as she gazed up in reverence at the two women locked in combat. Rationality and reserve were void, blanketed in a warm fuzz of wanton lust in the face of Sune's poison.

Gods did they look stunning running about like that. Valira's beauty never ceased to astonish Akalfa. As they clashed against one another her eyes wandered. She had never taken notice of the Sune's form, at least not the way she was now. Under ordinary circumstances the sight of her would be abhorred. But as she looked further a deep tint took to the Dark Elf's cheeks as she stared between the demoness's legs. Her mind shrieked to fight against the unnatural sensations coursing through her veins, to screech at the woman for having the gall to attack her and her comrades and defend them! However, thinking of anything other than carnal exploits proved a mountainous task. All that came out of her lips was a soft whimper and a string of needy sounds somewhat resembling coherent words.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Damn. He’s scary when he’s mad... thought Dirk as he fell in behind Zwarr.

He couldn't help but feel a bit guilty for having stood by and watched instead of making any effort to help; but just like the others, Zwarr hadn’t even needed it in the end...

There wasn’t much time to reflect on the matter. As it turned out, they didn’t have to look very far for their comrades: the fighting had barely moved since he left.

"Right, that's the one: Sune, I think?" he said, pointing out the demoness. "A wizard of some sort - nearly put us to sleep earlier. So: how should we do this?"


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira gave a start as she heard Akalfa scream, horrified and worried in equal measure. This quickly turned to relieved confusion as she realized that the other woman was clearly not in pain, at least not in the conventional sense. Whatever venom had poisoned Akalfa was clearly something of a sexual nature, perhaps an aphrodisiac of sorts for one could not mistake the look in her eyes for anything else, not to mention her nipples which were poking out as hard as diamonds through her relatively thin clothes. Valira flushed at this sight, shaking her head to get rid of any lewd thoughts. Hopefully this was the only effect the poison would have, and it would wear off soon. If it required a more personal touch to do so, Valira would be more than happy to oblige. For now, it was clear that her friend was out of the fight. Just as she was cursing their bad luck, she saw Dirk and Zwarr approach. Smiling, she turned to them.

''My friends it is good to see-''

She stopped short as she saw a naked Ishtar by their side, staring at Zwarr with a look of pure adoration and looking as if she wanted to jump his bones. She had many, many questions about that but now was not the time to voice them. They weren't out of the woods yet.

''I take it Ishtar is out of the picture? If so then lets focus our efforts on this demon! The foul temptress poisoned poor Akalfa and I am afraid she is.... indisposed for the moment....''

Valira stared into the lust filled gaze of Akalfa for a moment, wishing that she could provide some relief, then shaking her head to prevent distraction.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune beat her wings, blasting the group with intense winds, and thrown up debris, forcing them to take a step back, before letting loose a terrible keening wail that echoed down the hall both ways. The short order, the sound of stomping feet could be heard as the base's foot soldiers came rushing to their master's aid. Tp make things worse, Valira noticed that Sune's tail seemed to be growing back.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira braced her feet in the face of Sune's blast. This demon would not be an easy fight even outnumbered, especially with that regeneration of hers. The sounds of the approaching soldiers gave her even more reasons to rush and worry, although the fact that Ishtar was still under Zwarr's control tempered that a bit. She could command her men to stand down, or in theory even turn them against Sune. At that thought, Valira turned to Zwarr.

''Have your.... friend.... give her men orders when they arrive. If she can, get them to help us against this foul creature. Failing that, at least ensure their non interference. In the meantime, we need to focus on bringing that monster down!''

Valira held her sword towards Sune, determination and hatred burning in her eyes.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr threw up a blast of his own from his guitar to blast the debris coming at him, a scowl on his face before he heard Valira. Then he nodded and looked at Ishtar, "Did you hear her? order your troops to attack Sune or if you don't think that would work... not to interfer..." He said getting ready to join the battle proper.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk held his knives in front of him defensively as he circled closer to the others.

“I have an idea!” he said to Valira, hurriedly. “Keep distracting her! I think I know something that might help us!”

Sune’s Spellbook! Even if we can’t use it ourselves, it might still work as leverage! I should have taken it earlier, just in case…

He couldn't say it out loud, lest he give the game away... The others would just have to trust him.

He grabbed Akalfa by her forearm and half-led, half-dragged her out of the melee zone. Poisoned or no, in that state she shouldn’t be near any swinging blades…
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Well-Known Member
Akalfa's sights were so fixated on the two women before her that she had scarcely noticed Dirk and Zwarr's reentry. When her eyes met the two men with Ishtar in tow she both felt relieved at their success and embarrassed for her failings. At least Valira was free and safe, though Akalfa did wish she could aid her further rather than squirm on the ground. Mentally she cursed every god in creation for her weakened state, she couldn't even properly greet them! Let alone say anything of value with her mind clouded as it was.

The mighty beat of Sune's wings hastily occupied Akalfa's attention regardless of her current condition. The howling gale unleashed gave rise to a bit of clarity in the woozy Dark Elf, scrambling to the side and narrowly missing a large chunk of debris. Incredible arousal meant nothing if you weren't alive to enjoy it.

Try as she might to walk standing was just outside of her ability at the moment. Even if her mind realized the great danger her body surely did not. Thoughts racing and heart pounding in her chest nothing seemed like a viable option. Until she felt a strong tug on her arm. With a yelp of surprise, Akalfa stumbled her way along with Dirk. Ever grateful for his quick thinking though not being able to express much save for a shaky, certainly dopey grin.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Dirk would end up having to carry Akalfa, she was in no condition to walk, and hurried down the hall he remembered lead to the lab. The place was much as he remembered it, complete with an angry imp fluttering about. The little monster screeched, and threw tools, and vials at him as he set Akalfa down in front of the book. While he turned to deal with the little assailant, Akalfa could see the spellbook on the table. Turning it open, and beginning to read, her eyes were assailed with images of sexual rituals and spells that awakened, enhanced, and twisted the passion of the target, and well as some that could summon up other demons, from lowly imps to... other things. As she was bout to give up on getting anything really helpful out of the tome, she then happened upon something that made her eyes light up. Sune had signed the back cover of the book; and she had used her true name: Sunelarra. The true name of a demon could be used to bend them to ones control.

Meanwhile, back in the corridor, things were not going especialy well. Goblins had come down from either side of the hall, and Ishtar and Valira were forced to turn their attention to them; one charming and commanding them to stand down, and the other parrying and batting their blades aside. This left Zwarr in the unenviable position of having to square off with Sune alone. The demon was not going to make it easy for him, either, as she snapped her fingers, and a bolt of red lightning shot towards him, impacting on the shield he had used to block the flying rubble earlier, and shattering the protective ward.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
After a couple minutes of flailing, swearing, and a few minor cuts from broken glass, Dirk finally caught the flying imp in his hands and threw it hard against the stone wall – where it made a satisfying ‘thud’ on impact.

”Goddamn tick!

He breathed a sigh of relief. Now that that was over, he could grab what he came for and get back to the others. Except Akalfa had already found the tome, and appeared to be studying it intently – even despite her dazed condition. Was she already shaking off the poison? That would be nice, especially since he had no idea how to use the damn thing.

“That’s it!" he exclaimed, "That’s what I came for: Sune’s spellbook! How did you know? Actually, don't answer that.”

He leaned in next to her for a better look. The writing on the pages was completely incomprehensible to his untrained eye, but Akalfa seemed to have no trouble deciphering it.

So glad I didn't just drop you in the hallway like I meant to. Totally worth the effort if you can actually read the damned thing!

Out loud he said: “Please tell me you’ve found something that can help! I can't have abandoned them for nothing again…”


Well-Known Member
An apology to her companion was most definitely in order once the demoness's venom wore off, goodness knows she wasn't the lightest carry.

The view of the little imp put forward a measure of curiosity in Akalfa. Clearly some sort of familiar and judging by the choice of decor, the room she was brought to must have belonged to some sort of mage or wizard. Having been unceremoniously plopped down her gaze was instantly transfixed to the tome on the table. Well, they had to have been there for a reason...might as well snoop around a little.

Making an effort to ignore the sensations plaguing her body she flipped through the grimoire with incredible interest. Only taking a few glances back towards Dirk and his scuffle with the small creature every now and then. For a seasoned adventurer, he sure did seem to be having a hard time. Curious as the sight was no sight was odder than those unfolded on each page.

At first, it all seemed to be depraved debauchery. Akalfa skimmed away from the explicit ritual diagrams trying her best not to be distracted despite the race of her pulse. The emergence of a familiar tentacled creature on one page gave her a firm idea of the owner of the tome. As Dirk moved beside her she couldn't help but flush, taking a deep breath as she flipped through the book until it had reached its end. An ear did perk up hearing his odd choice of words; 'abandoned again?' Before she could question it a certain name stuck out to her.

"Our resident demoness signed her name. Her real name...Sunelarra."

Speaking still came with some difficulty, Akalfa taking a few pauses between words. She turned to him with a mischievous smirk.

"Demons are bound and controlled by their names."
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira hoped that whatever idea Dirk had was going to work, and that he and Akalfa would remain safe in their attempt to see it through. She couldn't dwell on those thoughts however as she had to focus on the foul goblins that were currently proving to be such a nuisance. Valira's experiences so far hadn't exactly endeared her to their kind (an poison dart in the backside doesn't make the best first impression) and the High Elf was doing her best to vent that frustration and dislike as they came at her in droves.

Fighting alongside Ishtar was a strange feeling, even if she was only acting under the effects of Zwarr's magical brainwashing. Valira idly wondered whether the effects would be permanent or wear off. They could discuss the morality of what Zwarr did later, for now all Valira hoped was that it would stay intact. For the moment she appeared to be confusing them at the very least, even if many of them were wising up to what was going on. Even so, as long as she stayed out of the fight and could lend a helping hand that's what mattered. These thoughts were interrupted by the sights and sounds of Zwarr being attacked by Sune's spell.

''Zwarr! Are you alright!?''

Valira's voice held a touch of worry and fear. Zwarr could handle herself in a fight, she didn't doubt that, but that was a powerful blast of magic.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“Great!” said Dirk, scratching his head in puzzlement. It sounded absurd. “…How do we do that, exactly? Do we just, like, say her name and then she’s forced to do what we tell her?”


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr stumbled back from his shield breaking but then growled, as he started aggressively strumming his guitar. "Oh yeah?! WELL TWO CAN RIDE THE LIGHTNING!!" He said striking it hard and casting several smaller but powerful bolts of lightning from the tip of his guitar back at Sune. "You know.. if you weren't trying to kill us, I'd love a good time with you. Demon oh Demonic heritage. " He said keeping the pressure on, his fingers not missing a beat as they went lightning fast acrossed his strings.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Indeed, Demons could be forced to do just about anything if they were commanded by their true name.

Valira was dropping one goblin after another, but they just kept coming. At this rate they would be overwhelmed, if they couldn't focus their efforts.

Sune shielded herself with her wing, but still screamed when the lightning hit her. "Insolent bard, I'll see you in a chastity belt!" she cried, and glowing shackles erupted from the ground at Zwarr's feet, clamping onto his ankles, and holding him in place, as she prepared to lob another spell at him; one he would be unable to dodge.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira was panting with both effort and frustration as she dealt with the goblin horde. They couldn't hold out much longer, whatever Dirk and Akalfa were planning they would need to do it fast if they had any chance of victory. Such gloomy thoughts were interrupted by Sune's words and her spell against Zwarr. Valira's eyes widened in fear at the sight of the demon readying her spell, if Zwarr was hit with that at point blank range he could be burned to a crisp! Valira couldn't dislodge herself from the fight before her however, as the goblins would overwhelm her and Ishtar. She would just have to hope he could free himself before the beast struck home. At the very least she could try to distract the demon to give him a fighting chance.

''I must say I was surprised to see a demon working for Dark Elves! You must be a particularly weak specimen if you found yourself shackled like that! Or perhaps you like that sort of thing, who am I to judge?''

Valira said this as she slashed through yet another goblin.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
The sounds of battle echoed down the hallways and into the lab, cutting off Dirk's line of questioning.

"It'll have to do, because I think we have run out of time."

Dirk looked to the door, and briefly wondered if - given Akalfa's condition - he should leave her here while he hurried to aid the others. He rejected the idea just as quickly; if things went badly, then nowhere in this place would be safe for long.

Besides, it was her solution, so she should be the one to see it done!

He stood back up, taking the book in one arm, and offered the other to Akalfa.

"Can you walk? It's no problem if you can't, but we need to get back before Valira and Zwarr are overrun."


Well-Known Member
Akalfa jumped at the violent noise reverberating down the halls. That sounded combative. And here she was useless as can be. A deep frown took to her face as she seized a moment to contemplate the mess she had gotten into.

If that poison didn't wear off she would be in no position to command anything. The thought of stumbling over her words amid combat seemed like a death sentence that left her sweating nervously. Valira and Zwarr were capable but if they truly wanted that demon defeated someone needed to bind her.

Hopefully, her companion would not be averse to the idea she was mulling over.

Taking his hand she rose to her feet, albeit with a quiver. A shaky hand gripped his shoulder for a moment as she peered at Dirk wistfully.

"If I cannot, will you bind her?"
She asked, a slight tremble in her voice. Akalfa was well aware the task was a far cry from what he must have been used to, but time was running out. The look that crossed his eyes earlier seemed to give hints to some sort of doubt. Gods she probably sounded ridiculous, but it was nothing if not the truth.

"Magic know-how is just have to command her."

It was always hard to tell what he was thinking beneath that mask but her self-doubt could conjure a few negative ideas. It probably sounded laughable to anyone without proficiency in the arcane arts, but she could only pray she had proven herself worthy of trust...even temporarily.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Just command her? That's it? Somehow Dirk had expected more, but something about Akalfa's expression halted his doubts before he could voice them.

"Alright!" he said, nodding with affected confidence. "Sounds easy enough, when you put it like that. Let's go!"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
"You know what.. I don't like your tone... how about we enjoy The Sound of Silence!!!" He said switching his song to another spell, an AoE spell that didn't distingish sadly. But as long as Zwarr could maintain a focus and keep playing the song, no other spells could be cast within earshot of the song. Drawback was he was still shackled and couldn't stop playing it or the effect would stop. Zwarr was pretty sure the Demon had more weapons then magic... so he hoped he could by time for one of the others to do something.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"I'll remember you said that while I'm ravaging you in front of your friends," Sune replied, silently, as she stalked towards Zwarr, and batted his guitar aside before grabbing him by the throat, and lining her other hand up to Burry her claws in his face.

Dirk and Akalfa rounded a corner, just in time to see this happening.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk’s eyes went wide as the scene came into view, and he skidded to a halt. They were not too late, and yet they were.

I can’t wait for Akalfa – the name; her name, what was it!? What was it!?

He reached out with his free hand, as though wishing it could grab the demon’s wrist through willpower alone, and suddenly found his voice.

"Sunelarra! STOP!!!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The demon staggered back as if struck in the face, dropping Zwarr, and hissing in rage. "Who dares!" she roared, causing all the goblins to shine back and cower.