The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune's ass was warm and soft, and Akalfa's hand impacted with a fait poof on the soft fur that covered it, rather than anything resembling a smack. "Gonna have to do better than that, sweetie," she said, with a raised brow.


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Was just about all the strength she had. It should have been expected, dainty and small as her hands were, but dampened her pride more than she could have imagined. She did not want to admit defeat but gods did it look like that's what was unfolding. Sheepishly Akalfa looked away, nearly wishing she could shrink away and hide at her pathetic display. What could possibly work against a demon?

Akalfa clapped her hands together as she remembered their earlier battle and a tactic that seemingly functioned before. It was difficult to focus, but searing heat returned to her palm once more, her mind steadied. Not aflame, though hot enough to give off an eerie white-hot glow. Pulling her arm back once more, she struck Sune again. Hoping a bit of magic would prove more effective. There was always ice if the heat was too mild.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Her hand impacted and left a blackened print in Sune's fur. "Ouch! Fire, really!?" the demon demanded, as her tail came back down to cover her ass.


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Oh, that seemed effective. Akalfa smirked as she gently lifted Sune's tail aside. Wiggling her finger back and forth and shaking her head. For a moment she withdrew her hand to speak.

"You said this wasn't punishment, so I'm sure the Great and powerful Sunelarra can take a little heat."

Without skipping a beat she slammed her palm back onto the demoness's ass with a heavy thwack. Admittedly taking a bit more pleasure than she wanted to in seeing her backside jiggle.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"ACK!" Sune yelped again, scowling so deeply the rest of the party thought the demon might turn around and try to jump the dark elf. But, she stayed were she was as another print was added to her ass.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk could only stare in bewilderment.

Sune's yelp snapped him out of it, resetting his train of thought. Looking between his comrades, it was clear that the three of them had the situation well under control. They didn't really need him here for... whatever this was.

He quietly slipped away and headed in the direction of the cave entrance. The least he could do was make sure there were no more surprises.

All in all, Dirk was feeling pretty good; like he wasn't such a screw-up after all. He'd made an actual positive difference for once! Even if, ultimately, all he'd really done was find something he didn't even know would be useful. Damn it all...


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr watched this for a moment, then looked at the others. "If you guys excuse me... I have... interrupted business to attend to~." He said pulling Ishtar close, then looking to Dirk. "....Wanna join us? I'm sure Ishtar won't mind two strapping lads giving her some 'punishment' for being a 'bad girl'~" He said asking Dirk... but also 'sorta' asking Ishtar's opinion. "You can speak your mind by the way babe, feels only right to give you 'some' control over yourself. but I bet you're loving being controlled just as much as you liked controlling~" He said to Ishtar, giving her the freedom to speak her own thoughts... but not control her own actions.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira nodded her head at Dirk and Zwarr as smirked at the sight before her, gratified that Akalfa had taken some of the wind out of Sune's sails and enjoying the show as it were. She was doing her best not to stare at the demons jiggling and increasingly reddened backside, with mixed results. To be fair, it was hard not to do so given how prominently it was on display and how loud the sounds of it being smacked were. Still, she would not allow herself to be carried away by such thoughts, they would punish her by this method and nothing more. Putting that aside, Valira was proud of Akalfa, she was actually managing to make this punishment stick despite her own nervousness and inexperience. Valira decided she could help by putting on the pressure, continuing to tease Sune herself.

''I thought you were made of sterner stuff than this Sune! Surely a demon of your calibre can handle a little fire? It should heighten the experience for someone like you!''

Valira said this with mock seriousness, amusement underpinning her every word.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
It was a good thing Dirk was facing away from them, or they might have seen the flush of embarrassment cross his face.

He knows you're a virgin! You fucking told him earlier, you idiot! Why would he ask that? Why would he ever want to invite that sort of awkwardness?

He coughed, though his voice still cracked a little. "What, so I can interrupt you a third time? I, er, think I'll just keep out of the way. Thanks, though! You guys have fun!"

He continued walking, rather more quickly than before...


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"I'm always ready for a good time," Ishtar replied, as Sune continued the yelp, her tail thrashing behind her.


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After a series of echoing spanks, Akalfa felt satisfied with the punishment dealt out. Positive the demoness would think twice about disrespecting her comrades. That and the act itself was beginning to become...


She could only watch so much before the tender aches returned to her body once again flush with uncomfortable arousal. Now it just started to feel perverse. Especially with the boy's swift exit. Ending off with one final smack to the demon's backside Akalfa shook her hand. Goodness, that smarts! Perhaps she did go overboard. A nervous chuckle left her throat as she started to rise.

"Alright, I believe you've learned your lesson. For now. Feel free to stand and behave yourself." Akalfa declared, smiling at Valira for having their retribution at long last. She would be beaming with confidence after successfully dealing with Sune's incredible ego if not for the tremble in her step. Ignoring it before was difficult but now it bordered on torturous. Sweat pooled at her brow as she fanned her body.

"One last thing Sunelarra, when does this hellish venom subside?" A slight agitation in her tone. The piece of fabric tied across her breasts felt unbearably constrictive, even a dull breeze felt like a gentle caress across her skin. Now that there was nothing left to distract her the venom's intensity returned with a vengeance.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira returned Akalfa's smile, equally happy that they had achieved some form of revenge against Sune for what she had put them through. It was good to see Akalfa this confident and self assured, even if it was in the midst of the aphrodisiacs effects. Spanking Sune like that had clearly made Akalfa even more hot and bothered, which Valira could very well understand as even without the effects of a poison she herself was feeling quite aroused from the sight. Valira swallowed as she noticed how hard her friends nipples were, and it went without saying that they mirrored the state of her own. The fact that Akalfa wouldn't return to normal for another day or two presented an issue, but at least she had Valira there to help her with this ''condition''. As much as she would have liked to pick up where they left off back in the inn, this location was probably inappropriate for such a thing. Besides, Sune was still here. Once they were alone however.... Shaking her head to clear it of such thoughts for the moment, Valira then spoke up.

''Well done Akalfa, you did a wonderful job I am proud of you! And as for you Sunelarra, I hoped you learned something from this experience, when you do bad things you will be punished!''

Valira said this with a warm smile to Akalfa followed by a harsh glare towards Sune.
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"A day or two?" The bite in her voice dissipated in an instant. Akalfa swallowed hard, the intense warmth blooming within her belly made her feel as though she wouldn't survive another hour!

With an anxious, half-forced chuckle she looked toward Valira for a shy moment, a mix of desperation and worry evident on her face. If she was going to be stuck in such a state she could only hope the valiant High Elf would be there to help alleviate some of that stress. It was unusual for her to feel such longing but she knew beyond the poison this was something she had thought about the entire morning. Unintentionally her stare lingered on her companion's perfect form, fixated on every curve with compulsive fascination. Tracing her lips for a moment as she could still remember the warmth of the High Elf's own. What she'd give to experience that respite again...

Before her vivid imagination could take flight the thought of being unable to assist in battle proved a worrisome one. Realizing her bout of dead silence and unblinking stare Akalfa let out a small cough. If her cheeks were tinted any further she'd look like a blackberry.

"Thank you! I'm glad I was able to do something right." She said returning Valira's same smile.

Taking a quick glance around the room to clear her mind she couldn't help but wonder. Zwarr was obviously going to be busy with...however he was dealing with Ishtar; the idea of how so only served to distract her more. Perhaps there was something of value to be found in the meantime. She couldn't be carried the entire way through so her only choice was to power through the envenomed passion and get to walking even if her legs wished to refuse. Looking up towards Valira Akalfa spoke, attempting not to stare into the great valley of her cleavage like numerous times before.

"Should we try and search the place for a moment? See if we can find something of use or value. Perhaps Dirk will accompany us!"

In truth, the only real thing of value she might consider is all that loot stowed away in Sunelarra's laboratory, though conceivably more practical things could be found. They did deserve a reward for all their effort.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira noticed the look on Akalfa's face and immediately understood its meaning. The poor thing was clearly suffering, and the prospect of leaving her like this for another day or two seemed like pure cruelty. Her body was aflame, pulsing with desire. She needed relief desperately, and Valira was the only one who could provide it to her. It was true that she too was feeling pent up, seeing her beautiful friend in a state of pure heat, and being treated to the show that was Sune's spanking was bound to leave Valira aroused. Akalfa did her best to hide it, but her eyes were taking in her body with all of the intensity of a starving person towards food, and the rapacious of her gaze made her swallow heavily. Her question about searching the area gave Valira an idea, one that could solve this particular issue and satisfy them both, at least for a while.

''An excellent suggestion Akalfa, although I think you and I should search the area alone. If he is amenable to it, Dirk can remain here to watch Sunelarra while we do so. There are things I wish to discuss with you...''

Valira said all of this in as neutral a tone as possible, but she shot Akalfa a look that made no secret of her amorous intentions. It was an intense and smouldering gaze, with Valira even making it a point to mouth the words ''I want you'' as discretely as possible.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“…I don’t suppose there’s a cell or something we could leave her in?” Dirk asked flatly, as he returned to their location.

He’d only caught the last bit of the conversation, but he didn’t like the idea of being left alone with someone who could (and did) punch him straight into a wall. Even if he allegedly had control over her now, it felt like they were restraining a wild horse with only a single piece of thread that could snap with the slightest effort.

But, Valira wanted her time with Akalfa; and Zwarr wanted his time with Ishtar. Dirk was really the only one with nothing to do. He sighed, crossing his arms.

Fine, I’ll watch your new pet if I really have to. Just don’t be surprised when she breaks free and tries to kill us all, okay?”


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''As a matter of fact there are many, given that the various torture chambers were not in use when we arrived. Do not be concerned Dirk, if Sunelarra was going to escape she would have done so already. But if it makes you feel more secure, you can tie her up while we were gone.''

Valira couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Dirk constraining Sune in such a manner, equal parts captivity and recreation for someone like her no doubt. Still, one could never be too cautious and Dirk did have a point. The party did seem to have the worst luck when it came to this sort of thing.

''Don't let anything she says rile you up either, it goes without saying that demons are a manipulative and deceptive sort, so she will try to use you for her own benefit. Just keep an eye on her and if you need any assistance please shout out.''

All of this was rather obvious, but Valira felt the need to say it anyway just to be sure.

''Sunelarra, please be on your best behaviour for Dirk. Unless you want another taste of Akalfa's fire on your backside.''

Valira said this with a glare towards the demon, a hint of amusement in her voice.

''Now if you will excuse us, Akalfa and I will begin our search.''

Valira took Akalfa by the hand as they made their way to Sunelarra's laboratory.


Well-Known Member
Valira's fiercely passionate gaze coupled with her subtle phrasing nearly made the Dark Elf double over. There was no denying the warmth blooming within her. Gods did she need this.

Patiently she listened to Dirk and Valira's conversation, biting her lip as her thoughts strayed from chaste focus to the illicit desires she had been denying herself the whole day. Desperate for the slightest caress like a prisoner starved. Her breath was heavy and fast, only half focusing due to her excitement. Over-eager would be an understatement, though she attempted to retain some semblance of control for the sake of subtly.

Shooting a quick glare towards Sune as she grasped Valira's hand, Akalfa spoke.

"Mind your manners Sunelarra. If she gives you any trouble we're at your beck and call! Now, let's...look for something useful."

With a short wave to Dirk and a smile, she quickly followed Valira's stride. Squeezing onto her hand as she did so.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira smirked lewdly at Akalfa's reaction, gratified that her words and innuendo had initiated such a powerful response in her friend. She understood the feeling all too well, she needed and wanted this as much as Akalfa did, and the prospect of finally indulging made her nipples harden and pussy throb. She nodded at Akalfa's words towards Sunelarra, as they made their way towards the demons laboratory. As she unlocked the door and made their way inside, Valira locked the door so that they wouldn't be disturbed.

As soon as it was shut, she grabbed Akalfa and kissed her passionately, not giving her a moment to breathe as she began to French kiss the other woman. She brought her hands to the Dark Elf's large rear end and began to grope and cup her ass cheeks, moaning into the kiss with reckless abandon. She knew how much Akalfa was craving this, so she saw no need to go slow and steady. As she finally broke the kiss, she took a moment to nibble on Akalfa's lip as she pulled away, breathing heavily as she did so.

''Get on the table and spread those beautiful legs for me. I want to taste you.''

Valira said this in a low and husky voice, her eyes burning with desire, making it obvious that was not a request. As if to accentuate her point, she spanked Akalfa playfully yet firmly on the ass.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021

Dirk rubbed his forehead in exasperation as the two elves left them to do their thing. The knowledge that his paranoia was entirely justified this time wasn’t providing much comfort. He looked sidelong at Zwarr and his ‘groupie,’ and raised an eyebrow at them.

“I don’t suppose you two want to take her along with you? Oh, who am I kidding; of course you don't, forget I asked.”

He shut his eyes and took a deep breath before he turned to address Sune.

“Well, before I could put you in a cell, I’d first have to know where to find them. How about you give me a tour of the outpost while I figure out what to do with you?”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As his companions all walked off, Dirk was left alone Sune. The demon looked at him as she considered his question. "Fine, you want a tour? Follow me," she said, before heading off into the base. "Here we have the barracks. This is the Breaking room. Here's the larder." She rattled off the various locations as they passed them, until she came to a large door that lead into a spacious bedchamber with a soft, plush bed, and several dressers and wardrobes. "And, this is my room," she announced, sitting on the edge of the bed. "So, I assume you'll be having your way with me now," she stated, rather than asked, as she laid back on the bed, and crossed her legs.

The air in the lab had a acrid scent to it, but it wasn't enough to distract from the heat of the moment. As the two elves got down to business, beakers were pushed aside, and bottles were tipped over to make space for them.

By the time Zwarr made it back to Ishtar's room, the elf already had her arms around his neck, taking him in a deep kiss, as they kicked the door open, and made for the bed. Even through his clothing, he could feel her diamond hard nipples poking his chest.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa could only gasp as her tongue was entranced by the other woman's, desperately pressing her soft lips against Valira's uncaring of the lack of air. For all that mattered, this could be the final breath she ever took and it would be worth every second against Valira's silken ruby lips. Her hands clasped onto her back as the High Elf roughly kneaded the considerable weight of her juicy ass. Small moans escaped between their kiss; the press of their bodies against one another furthered the heat assailing her own. As their lips parted Akalfa could only whine, ready to beg for more at a moment's notice like a bitch in heat. The roughness of it was exhilarating.

Before she could plead a bashful gaze took to her face as she heard the beautiful High Elf warrior's command. For a moment she fidgeted on the spot, unsure of herself. The tone of her companion's voice and the look in her eyes said all it needed to. There was no room for disagreement. Not that she would ever want to disagree.

The dark elf sorceress let out a small yelp as Valira playfully swatted her ass. Taking the hint and climbing atop the table, a few mixtures falling as she did. Her chest heaved softly as she slowly lifted her skirt, turning her head to the side in embarrassment as she pulled down her undergarments. Her pussy was soaked, puffy and dripping from an hour of enduring the demoness's potent venom. Never had she been so deeply exposed. Despite any anxieties, the venerable sensation of Valira's eyes on her body was a tremendous source of arousal.

"Am I...doing this right?" She asked softly.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira's nipples were as hard as diamonds, her pussy just as wet and throbbing as her lovers, as she stared at Akalfa's bare nether regions. It was even more beautiful than she had imagined, practically begging to be worshipped by Valira's skilled tongue. Akalfa's bashful reaction only made her more adorable, and somehow made the situation even more arousing by its very contrast. She was so innocent at times, and yet Valira knew that beneath that facade was a woman of passion. Right now, that aspect of her was right at the forefront, and Valira was ready to indulge her as much as she needed. Grabbing Akalfa by the legs, she brought her face close to her pussy, the heat and wetness emanating off of it making it practically steaming.

''You're doing perfectly baby.... You just relax and let me enjoy my meal...''

Valira said this with a voice that was both soothing and lust filled. She brought her tongue to Akalfa's pussy and began to lick, lapping at her folds and tasting her juices. She ate her pussy like a woman possessed, not wanting to miss a single drop of her wetness. God she tasted good! So sweet, like honey on her tongue. For minutes, she ran her tongue up and down her folds, licking it like one would do to a tasty dessert, and swirling it in circles. For the moment, she avoided Akalfa's clit. She didn't want this to be over too quickly after all and she had a feeling that the Dark Elf would cum very quickly from that. Finally, peppering sloppy kisses up towards her prize, she began to lick, suck and practically worship the throbbing bud in question. As she did so, she stared up at Akalfa with a look of pure desire and burning intensity. Her jaw was getting sore but she didn't care, all that mattered was her beautiful friends release.

Cum for me, cum like the beautiful goddess you are.

She did her best to make her expression convey that meaning, wanting Akalfa to know how amazing she thought she was. It wasn't right that the Dark Elf doubted herself so much. Valira hoped that all that her friend had accomplished with the group so far would help her gain confidence, and that her attentions would help towards that goal. She wanted Akalfa to see her as Valira saw her: A beautiful, intelligent, strong, capable and compassionate woman!


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"So, I assume you'll be having your way with me now," she stated, rather than asked, as she laid back on the bed, and crossed her legs.

"I- what? No! That's not- why would you even-?"

Dirk stammered through half a dozen unfinished denials before he managed to get a grip on himself. He crossed his arms and haughtily averted his gaze from her.

"No, I won't be doing that. What kind of absolute bastard do you take me for?"

A slight flush crept up from under his mask even as he said it. A lot of uncomfortable thoughts were creeping in, but he knew better than to welcome them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh?" Sune replied, a look of confusion coming over her. "Well, with all your friends scurrying off for a victory lay, I assumed you'd want the same," she replied, sitting back up. "Do you not find my form enticing?" she suddenly asked, and as Dirk watched, her fur fell away, her hooves melted into delicate feet, and her wings and tail evaporated in puffs of smoke, leaving a very stunning, and very naked dark elf laying before him. While Sune's curves were not as over the top as Ishtar's, or Valira's, in the dim light of the candles that illuminated them they were nothing less than tantalizing; and Sune was making no effort to cover them.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“N-no, it’s nothing like that!” he reassured her, as his heart started racing. He hadn’t really minded Sune’s more bestial features – they’d somehow made her seem less indecent - but she did seem more alluring without them. “It's just… I’m not that kind of guy.”

He paused, trying to maintain his composure. Once again, he was alone with a gorgeous woman of questionable intent and unmistakable power inside her own bedroom. Part of him wanted to just cut and run again, but instead he swallowed and tried to explain further.

“I don’t expect you to understand, but I'm just not comfortable with the idea of taking advantage of someone. I try to be better than that.”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune smirked. "Well, look at you, all honorable and innocent. But, let me ask you this: What if you weren't taking advantage of me, hmm?" She leaned forward, crossing her arms under her breasts, and lifting them until her cleavage was practically all he could focus on. That and her smoldering eyes that seemed to be burning through him.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Whatever vocalization Dirk made in response, it didn't have any vowels. He fidgeted in discomfort, acutely aware of his growing arousal.

"Demons are manipulative and deceptive," Valira had said. "Don't let anything she says rile you up."

"I... I still couldn't!" he said, when he finally found his voice. "My comrades tasked me with keeping an eye on you, and it would be irresponsible to lower my guard like that!" Despite his protestations, he made no effort to leave or go for his weapons.