The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


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Akalfa took a deep breath, preparing herself for the inevitable sight of the wretched squirming parasites. What she was wearing could hardly be deemed proper clothing in the first place, the excursion had only made the poor scraps of cloth worse for the wear. Said 'attire' was near unsalvagable, however, it was the relentless wriggling that distracted her most. Pulling aside her mantle her eyes couldn't help but dart away in disgust. Growing up in dark caverns meant all manner of critters weren't a rarity; she had seen leeches many times before in the swamp. Just never of this size. Poking a single one of the persistent bloodsuckers made her skin crawl. Properly removing them would take ages, extraordinarily unpleasant ages.

Hearing Valira's offer made Akalfa stop in her tracks. Nary a soul had seen her person undressed. While she wouldn't call herself a prude, the lack of boldness said all it needed to. Under ordinary circumstances, the very notion of stripping down to nothing before a beautiful stranger would be far too much, but these circumstances were far from. A shy moment of silence passed as Akalfa mulled the idea over. Valira was only trying to be helpful, there was no need to act so awkwardly given the situation. Upon deciding Akalfa turned her back to Valira and began to do away with her trifle of clothing. Every fiber of her being was screaming to cover up like a hermit, but her feet stood firmly in place.

"Aid would be much appreciated."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira's eyes roamed Akalfa's body as she undressed, immediately seeing the awful leeches that were attached to most of her flesh, getting their fill of blood. Despite their presence, they did little to mar what Valira saw as a very beautiful body. Curvaceous with just a hint of muscle, her rather small breasts contrasted with her wide hips and very large ass. Images came unbidden to Valira's mind of what she would do to said body if given half the chance and she felt herself grow flushed. She made it a point not to stare, however it was obvious to anyone with eyes that she had been appreciating the sight in front of her. Clearing her throat slightly, she tried to shake such thoughts to focus on the task at hand. Akalfa needed her help and she was going to give it to her.

''Very well, I shall have these off of you in but a few moments...''

Valira said this with a focused look as she began removing and killing the leeches with Dirk's knife.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As the group got cleaned off, Akalfa realized that, even though she didn't know exactly where she was, as long as they continued heading west they should make their way out of the marsh just as the sun was setting; if they could get a move on. Otherwise, they would be sleeping in this place, with gods knew what lurking just out of sight.


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"T-thank you." Akalfa's voice ending off with a pleased hitch. Despite the concern, having Valira's hands roam her form was more enjoyable than she was willing to admit. There was something oddly comforting about shedding away her usual shyness. The unbidden thrill of having eyes on her body for the first time, velvet soft hands alleviating discomfort and aches. As always there was a pinch of nervousness clouding her thoughts yet a telltale warmth started to bloom; desperately trying to stifle the little noises that tried to escape her lips. As much as she wanted to luxuriate in the experience the fact of the matter was she was simply helping. Leeches, dirt, and grime weren't precisely the most enticing accessories and Akalfa very well knew that even if she did notice the other woman's gaze lingering. This was not the time to entertain any manner of fantasy, no matter how captivating. It was getting dark, they wouldn't have too much time to tarry.

"We should get moving soon. If we continue to follow West we should find civilized ground in short order. I'd give anything for a bath. Or a proper bed." She sighed.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''You are most welcome....''

Valira heard the hitch to Akalfa's voice, as well as the little sounds that she was clearly trying to prevent from becoming audible. She thought that made Akalfa sound as cute as she was sexy, and she was sure that they were indications of relief and enjoyment. It made her happy to know that she was helping the Dark Elf to feel better and she went about her task of removing the pesky leeches with gusto. As she just about finished her task, she heard Akalfa speak, breaking her out of her focus. She smiled as she took in her words.

''Indeed we should and I am delighted to hear that we will soon be out of this wretched swamp! Believe me I know exactly how you feel, I have longed for both for quite some time! Our experiences here only make reaching those comforts more imperative....''

Valira sighed, imagining soaking in a warm bath followed by sleeping in a comfortable bed. She then gave a smile at Akalfa as she finished, managing to tear her eyes away from the other woman's form.

''There you are, the leeches have all been eliminated. I will allow you to get dressed and then we will see if the others are ready to leave. I imagine they must be done by now.''

Valira said all of this and then thought inwardly.

As long as they didn't get into any trouble that is


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“Sorry, did I hear you say there’s civilized ground all the way out here?” said Dirk, as he came back to the clearing. “Like a village, or just another abandoned ruin?”

He waved off the obvious question before they could ask it: Zwarr had chosen to handle the bugs himself, so Dirk had taken the moment to wander around and give the others some time to finish. He hadn’t found much - just some more dirt, trees, and water.


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"There should be a village if my memory serves me well. At the very least we'll be out of this dreary marsh." Akalfa said as she hurriedly redressed. She was not entirely sure of their location but knew very well there must've been some sort of civilization not far from them now that they were nearing the end of the swamp. Being in such a miserable place nearly made her homesick, or at least made her miss the feeling of solid ground. Undoubtedly her previous 'comrades' would not miss her absence so an extended "break" wouldn't hurt anyone; perhaps they'd delight in the menial tasks they so loved forcing on her. Regardless it just wasn't her problem anymore. She had new companions to roam with now, whether temporarily or permanently she had yet to decide or ask.

"We'll have to go before dark, sleeping under the stars tends to be tranquil, but not in this locale." She murmured casting an unsure glance towards the darkening sky.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''Well that is wonderful news, even such a humble location will seem like heaven after what we've had to endure. Let us hope that the people will be as welcoming as the surroundings are comfortable. We shall leave before the sun dips below the horizon, as you say sleeping rough has its charms but those don't really count in a place as wretched as this. As soon as Zwarr rejoins us let us be off!''

Valira smiled warmly, the thought of finally leaving that horrid swamp and getting some modicum of comfort filling her with renewed energy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The group gathered themselves, and got under way. It was a hard push, but sure enough, just as the sun was about to dip below the horizon, the ground grew firm, and the telltale glow of lanterns revealed a small village nestled in the foothills of the great mountains.
It was a small settlement, only half a dozen private homes, as well as a smith and a tavern, the kind of community that could easily be forgotten and left off a map; probably why no one had mentioned it before the group had started on their quest.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Though the village looked quaint and like any other one might find in their travels, to Valira it looked like a veritable Shangri-La after everything she had experienced in the last few days. The prospect of a warm bath and a warm bed, filled her with excitement and she smiled tiredly but brightly. She then turned to the others.

''I think I speak for all of us when I that we are happy to be out of that cursed swamp and good riddance to it! I suggest we search for bed and board at yonder tavern, surely they must have some rooms available. Let us make haste!''

Tired or no, never let it be said that Valira lacked enthusiasm.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk squinted at the village lights as they approached, trying to spot any inhabitants.

“You have to wonder what kind of folks decided to build a settlement right between a monster-infested bog and the Burning Mountains. It’s like: are they exceptionally resourceful, or merely insane?”

Knowing our luck, they’ll turn out to be either shapeshifting fiends or bloodthirsty pagans. Possibly both.

"How many do you reckon are living here? Couple of dozen, maybe?"


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Akalfa tiredly exhaled. A small backwater village never looked so good. It wasn't the lap of luxury but it would do.

"Not sure of their numbers, but resourceful or insane I'd rather question in the morning. At this point, I just hope they're cordial. Even here bed and board sound heavenly." She said taking a hesitant step inside the townlet. There was no real way to know the size of the population from looks alone but it didn't seem too densely populated. Most of the townspeople must have been resting or at least avoiding the strangers that just walked into their little community. Despite her reservations, she made her way toward the tavern. While reluctant to pull aside the double doors and make a grand entrance in her current state there didn't seem to be much of a choice. Anything in her mind was better than that hellish swamp. Swallowing her near nonexistent pride she motioned towards the trio as she pushed open the set of doors.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''Once more unto the breach my friends.....''

Making that statement a bit tongue in cheek, Valira of course followed Akalfa, feeling the exact same way about the situation. Dirk made some good (and disconcerting to consider) points, but at the end of the day they needed a comfortable place to sleep after their arduous journey and this was the best they had at hand. If the villagers were friendly, wonderful, if not then better to deal with it after a bath and full nights rest. Besides, unless there was something special about them Valira believed that the quartet could handle simple peasants, even a fair number of them, without too much trouble. Valira allowed Akalfa to enter first, happy that she was being so confident in taking the plunge. It seemed that stress and fatigue were great motivators.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As they walked through the village they could feel many a set of eyes on them, clearly visitors were rare here. Fortunately, the tavern was welcoming. A short, round man with a big bushy mustache stood behind the bar, polishing silverware. He looked up when they entered, and nearly dropped a knife on his foot.
"Oh my, visitors. Welcome, welcome, what can I get for you today?" he asked, with a smile.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''Greetings my good fellow, my companions and I were wondering if there were any rooms available for the night, preferably one for each of us. We won't be staying in your lovely village for long but I am sure we will enjoy what little time we spend in your fine establishment.''

Valira said all of this with a bright smile and a friendly tone.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk relaxed somewhat. A welcome that mundane came as a great relief after everything else that had happened recently. This was more like the world he was familiar with.

“A couple bowls of whatever’s cooking would also be nice,” he said, pulling out a few coins.

I doubt this place even has four rooms, but we can make do with two at the least.

…And if I’ve read Zwarr correctly, then he’ll probably end up sleeping in someone else’s bed; meaning I might get a room to myself anyway. Hot diggity!


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"A recommendation on where we could acquire...or have our garbs cleaned would be most appreciated as well."

As fatigued as she sounded Akalfa still gave a wearied smile. She didn't mind sharing a room, essentially she was already doing such previously. A part of her was quite thankful for her new companion's charisma as she was truly sure a fumbled introduction was imminent from her own social proficiency. They didn't seem to have any bias against her Dark Elf nature, yet the opinions of the other residents had yet to be seen. For once she could call herself cautiously optimistic.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"I'm afraid we only have two rooms available, but we can see about feeding you lot, and we'll add your clothes to the laundry," the man offered, before giving a nod to a young serving girl who had appeared in the doorway, who got to work plating up some sort of bird that was roasting over the fire.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''That will be more than acceptable, we very much appreciate it thank you.''

Valira handed the man the necessary payment and inhaled the delicious smell of the roasted bird. It made her mouth water and she couldn't wait to get stuck in. A warm meal, clean clothes, and a soft bed? This would be a little slice of heaven after the tribulations she had experienced recently! True, it was a tad awkward that they would have to sleep two to a room, but they could more than manage.

''I suppose we should decide who bunks with who....''

Valira said as she turned to the others, clearing her throat slightly.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"What do you mean? I thought it was obvious."

Dirk sat down at a nearby table and stretched. He hadn't quite let go of his suspicions yet, but first impressions of the village were very good.

He pointed at Valira and Akalfa. "You two in one room, me and Zwarr in the other, right? Unless you have a different suggestion."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''Oh I thought as much, I just didn't want to be presumptuous. That arrangement is perfectly acceptable to me, as long as that is alright with you that is Akalfa.''

Valira turned to the Dark Elf as she finished the sentence. Images came to her mind unbidden of Akalfa's naked form, as if conjured by the fact that they would be sleeping in the same room together, perhaps even sharing the same bed. Other images of a decidedly more extreme nature then filled her head. Valira fought to prevent the heat rising to her cheeks, doing her best to be rid of such thoughts and only partially succeeding on both scores.


Well-Known Member
"O-of course!" Akalfa said turning to Valira with a sheepish nod. Sharing a room was never an issue in her mind, yet the thought of being alone with the curvaceous elven warrior made her cheeks grow hotter than anticipated. At that moment her jade green eyes felt piercing despite the air of friendliness. Illicit thoughts did not come to Akalfa's mind often but around such a charming woman it was difficult not to let her mind wander to prurient places. A lack of experience did not dissuade her imagination from visualizing all the things she could do to a body like that.

It took Akalfa many silent seconds to realize she had been staring deeply, in absolute reverie at the other elf's curves. Snapping out of her near-trance-like state she let out a light chuckle and turned her gaze away, a lavender hue overtaking her face as she scolded herself mentally for such an embarrassing display.

"Sorry, erm, I was lost in thought. Just thinking of home."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''I am glad to hear it, then its settled!''

For a moment, Valira thought she had caught Akalfa staring at her body, the colour of her cheeks seeming to give credence to that notion. Had she been imagining the same things she was? Was her mind filled with thoughts of a similarly lewd nature? The possibility both gratified and excited Valira.

''Oh that's quite alright, I often find myself musing on the home I left behind myself.''

Valira was reasonably sure Akalfa was merely making an excuse, but decided to play along. She was clearly rather nervous, which just made her even more adorable in the High Elf's eyes.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
After the meal, the group was lead to their rooms. They were small, but comfortable, with a dresser, night stand, and a bed just big enough for two. Unfortunately, night clothes were not provided, so they would be on their own for that.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira gave an appraising look around the room.

''A tad quaint, but not unexpected given the rest of the establishment. Yes, this will do quite nicely indeed!''

Valira stretched her weary muscles, sighing contently and feeling quite full after the meal. She wouldn't have trouble sleeping tonight, that was for certain. Noticing the lack of bed clothes however her face reddened slightly. She didn't have anything of the sort herself, although she did have undergarments beneath her armor (as skimpy as they might appear to others) that meant sleeping in her underwear in the same bed as Akalfa. She didn't know if the Dark Elf had anything to sleep in, and the thought that she might have to do so nude made Valira swallow slightly.

''It appears that there are no night clothes, an unfortunate oversight.''

Valira said this in as neutral a tone as she could muster, as if she was merely stating a fact with no deeper meaning.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
For his part, Dirk had brought a change of clothes – his old clothes, from before he started playing the part of “daring adventurer.” They were the sort of simple garments typically worn by those who couldn’t afford better, or who wanted to keep beneath notice. Most of the villagers he’d seen had dressed similarly.

A thought occurred to him as he pulled the ragged old tunic on. He was in a new neighborhood, dressed about the same as everyone else, it was dark out, and nobody here knew his face. He was tired, sure, but not so much that he couldn’t stay awake a bit longer. And he still had a few lingering suspicions about the village – better to quell those worries before they kept him up anyway.

Besides, taking a walk at night wasn’t a crime, was it?

Dirk waited until Zwarr was either out the door or out cold. Then he pulled on his boots, grabbed his belt and dagger, and quietly climbed out the window.

Just a quick look around to make sure, and then it's back to bed until sunup…


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As he make a slow circuit around town, Dirk noticed that every house had a symbol on the front door. A full moon ringed by roses seemed to have some meaning to the residents here, perhaps it was a religious symbol so some such.
"Can I help you?"
Dirk spun as the voice behind him caught him completely by surprise; he hadn't heard so much as a pin drop behind him. Standing there was a young woman, dressed much like him, though she wore a plain skirt instead of pants. She was about his height, with a thin frame, and long hair that tumbled down her back in thick golden curls. Her sparkling blue eyes regarded him warily.


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The style of the decor was a far cry from what Akalfa was used to, although a welcome one. Her hand laid softly upon the bed as she tested its firmness. She hadn't been around many rustic surroundings but it was something she could get accustomed to after such a delicious meal. The lack of shock regarding her species further increased her comfort. Hearing Valira's words caused her to turn a shade darker. Akalfa didn't wear much of anything underneath her attire except for her own skin. The fact there was only one bed further highlighted the predicament. It wasn't as though the other woman hadn't seen Akalfa's body once before, but a clear difference was felt from the quiet intimacy of the small room.

Refusal was the furthest thing on her mind. The attraction Akalfa felt was undeniable; her heart pounding in her chest. The thought of the nestled warmth they could be sharing together sounded beyond appealing. Though she did have to wonder if her mind was being too hasty to assume things of a carnal nature this early. Perhaps she had gotten ahead of herself. They were nearly strangers, after all, contemplating such a thing felt almost shameful. But the allure of the prospect was akin to a long sought-after need. There was just something enthralling about the woman before her. The pressing desire to be bold and speak her mind clearly was all-consuming, but the fear of making Valira uncomfortable was larger still. Maybe she was overthinking...

"That is quite displeasing. I'm afraid I dressed rather lightly for this excursion, and am lacking proper night attire. I can sleep elsewhere if desired, I understand if the concept brings you any discomfort." Her tone returned the same neutrality or at least attempted so.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''Oh it brings me no discomfort at all! I would hardly throw you out over a matter such as this, it would be the height of unfairness! Besides, I am similarly lacking in the appropriate attire for such an occasion, so I shall have to sleep in my undergarments. So if you have to do so as well, or even in the nude, feel free to do so. I-in fact if it makes you feel less embarrassed or self conscious, I could sleep fully naked as well....''

Valira said this with a slightly husky voice, not meaning to inject that into her tone but doing so anyway. She gazed at Akalfa, equally as concerned as the Dark Elf to not offend or discomfort her companion, but just as filled with a longing to be honest about her desires. So far the former was winning out, but soon she would allow the latter to come to the surface depending upon Akalfa's responses.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
…How did you move so quietly? And didn’t your parents teach you not to talk to strangers?

Dirk waved a hand dismissively.

“No, I’m fine; thanks for asking. Good evening to you.”

He turned and kept walking, hoping to cut off the girl’s inquiry before she could start. Of course, it wouldn’t be that simple, would it?
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