The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira chuckled at Dirk's quip, delighted to see him in such high spirits. She noticed a pained look on his face and became concerned, only to realize that it was probably due to the fact that he hadn't eaten all day. In fact none of them had, their planned meal of lizard meat having gone up in smoke due to all of the drama with Zira, and not in the way they had intended. Suddenly, Valira felt gnawing hunger deep in her stomach and her mouth watered at the prospect of food. Valira agreed with Dirk wholeheartedly, the sooner they got moving the better.

Valira realized that the ogres camp would serve as the perfect spot for their little break. Not only was there plenty of kindling for a cooking fire, it was also close to the lake where they could catch plenty of fish to eat. Not to mention Valira could take that bath she both desperately wanted and needed. It was probably the best shot she had at bathing for the foreseeable future, after all its not like they were drowning in options, no pun intended. They needed to search the camp to pick up Zira's corpse and any other useful loot, they might as well kill two birds with one stone.

''I feel the same way Dirk, let us get what we need to do here done as quickly as possible and then make our way back to the ogres former camp. I think we could all do with a good meal over a roaring fire, a victory feast to nourish us in both body and soul. Speaking of bodies, while we're there we can also take care of Zira's and I can finally cleanse my own.''

Valira smiled warmly at that, already imagining how much better she would feel when she had some food in her belly and that awful stench was finally washed off of her. It really was the simple pleasures that made life worth living, few things were sweeter after a long hard day. The fact that it would be shared in the company of her friends made it even better. The afternoon sun shining down upon them matched the bright and cheery mood that Valira was feeling, the High Elf choosing to view it as a shining omen for the future. After all the darkness the day had brought, they could use a little light.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy continued staring at the ogre, smirking as it ran off. Far smarter than its peers, though that wasn't a massive hurdle. Turning back to the rest of the group, she sighed as she saw everyone safe and sound. With the frenzy (somewhat) leaving her body, her keen sense of smell was return, and she had to resist throwing up from the scent. It was truly awful. She turned to the closest source of the odor, and pursed her lips as she looked at Valira. She nodded with the elf as she mentioned a break and a bath, wanting both of those for herself as well. It wouldn't do to do anything naughty while dirty. That's how diseases happen, after all.

"Well, giant's toes can be used to create potions of strength, though I'm not certain about ogres. Also, I don't want to touch them. Especially not their feat."

Daisy replied while grimacing at the bodies and the foul smell of the creatures. Her nose was glad that Valira stepped away, though she did still want to embrace her for her troubles. That could come after, or during, the bath though. Daisy perked up and moved towards Dirk with very clear intentions, but backed away when she realized the smell emanated from him as well. Well, if that's how things were going to be, that's how things were going to be. She dared not approach Akalfa, for fear of her also being contaminated. She reached into her bag and produced a lavender colored bar of soap, holding it out for them all to look at.

"All of us smell awful. I'm not fucking anyone in this condition. First we bathe or eat, and then we go about with getting rewards and bonding. I'll look over Zira after we've drained Dirk's balls, though I'll see if I can't scrounge around for some wild vegetables. Somehow I doubt these things have ever eaten anything other than meat and manure."

Saying this, Daisy tossed the soap over to Valira. It had a light floral scent to it, similar to Daisy's own hair. Once everyone was ready to take that break and bathe, she'd walk over to the camp to see if they did indeed have anything to eat. The scent of something roasting over a fire met her even before she entered the camp, and she was the fire that they intended to cook Dirk over. The creature they were cooking before him was unrecognizable in its current state, half eaten by the ogres with the other half being burnt due to nobody watching it. But they had rudimentary cooking equipment, which could easily be worked with. And if they had a large pot, then perhaps she could help in preparing a hearty soup of some variety.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa sighed watching the cowardly ogre sprint off, hopefully never to be seen again. Perhaps it'd learn its lesson and find something other than things that walk on two legs to eat, but somehow she doubted that optimistic outcome. Speaking of less-than-ideal outcomes, Akalfa was relieved to see her companions all in one piece yet the acrid scent wafting through the air made her gag, especially when she realized the scent clung to her own person like the world's least desirable perfume. A deep frown overtook her face as it instinctively scrunched up. Food was the last thing on her mind with the smell of foulness hanging all around them in awful waves, most certainly feeling pity for her lover getting the bunt of it.

Akalfa's eyes widened at Daisy's crass words, flushed and a tad embarrassed at the mention of what was likely going to occur after they had a good soak and meal. Well, the witch spoke her mind with honesty, not bothering to skip around with metaphors and coy glances and Akalfa couldn't pretend she didn't share the same thoughts. Sheepish as the Dark Elf was this was a prospect replaying in her mind since their little shared dream. After so many dire circumstances, almost losing one another time and time again...a little bonding was unquestionably in order. Plus they all needed to reward the party's new dragonslayer, he had earned it after all.

"Personally, I'd like to take a dip first. Hard to work up an appetite smelling like...this. After we help each other wash up I can procure a few fish to add to whatever hotpot we cook up. You wouldn't believe how useful throwing a bolt or two in the water is, no need for a net or hook."

Akalfa ended her words with a delicate smile, though a flush on her face at the mention of group bathing. But Daisy's honest speaking made the sorceress want to be just as open about her desires. It's not like they hadn't already seen each other undressed. Plus Valira might need a helping hand, it was only kind to offer...
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
In all the excitement, Dirk hadn’t quite processed their intentions for him afterward, but Daisy’s forthright statement – and the way she’d looked at him as she said it – made the meaning of some earlier words finally snap into place. The realization brought a flush to his cheeks as they made their way back to the camp, his body already warming in excitement. At least they were giving themselves a break, first…

“Well, if all of us need a wash, then perhaps all of us should seize the opportunity,” Dirk said as the lake shore came into view. He wasn't so hungry that he had to eat immediately, and it was an excuse to get more comfortable with them, besides. He started unbuttoning his coat in preparation, when his expression turned pensive.

The only matter that still gave him pause was the knowledge that Zira's corpse would be so close by. Perhaps they could look into moving her remains first, and possibly covering them over with something, just to show a modicum of respect...


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy watches intently as Dirk begins to strip, trying to soak in every detail of it. She'd seen it before, in that dream, but seeing it in the waking world and in her current for mas something else entirely. She couldn't help but lick her lips slightly, imagining what she wanted to do to him, and what she wanted him to do to her. The only thing preventing her from knocking him to the ground right that moment was the quiet growling of her own stomach and the horrid stench of ogre blood covering everyone. It needed to wait until they were cleaned and full. But she likely wouldn't wait much longer afterwards.

Though there was one other thing that would spoil the mood, and that could be immediately dealt with. Daisy looked over to the body of Zira, waterlogged and very much dead. It was a bit awkward to do such things while a corpse was visible, and even Daisy wouldn't in such a heightened state of arousal. So she walked over to Zira and bent her neck, limbs, and tail so she would take up as little space as possible, careful not to break anything. Then she went over to one of the tents, tore the sheet off of the poles, and draped it over the body. And with it out of sight, all she had to do was take it out of their minds.

"If you'd like, we can create a funeral pyre for her as well. I doubt we'd be able to dig a grave for her, but you can keep her ashes with you if you so wish. Or a tooth, claw, scale, bone, anything really. I think it's a respectable thing to do. That way she will be remembered, even after we end her bloodline."

Daisy's voice is strangely compassionate, despite the blunt words. She didn't really know who this dragon was, and never had the chance to really talk with her, but even she could sense that the others had some lingering sense of regret over her passing. A moment of strangely somber words from the otherwise excitable were rabbit.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira nodded at Daisy's reply, both expected and completely understandable. The thought of touching any part of the creatures was anathema to her, especially their disgusting feet. Not only did they not wear any shoes, it was obvious that their toes and soles were encrusted in a mix of mud, fungus and toe jam. What might come as a surprise to her comrades was that Valira had a foot fetish, but you couldn't pay her to touch those things with a ten foot pole. There were limits to any kink, and it was clear that this was one of them. Speaking of filth, it was clear that the others smelled almost as bad as she did, although Valira had still gotten the worst of it.

Valira blushed at Daisy's blunt statement, both turned on by and in full agreement with what she was saying. Though it was rather forward, Valira admired that about the were rabbit. There was no point in beating around the bush or using innuendo, as enjoyable as that could be they all knew what they wanted to do. It was the perfect way to both reward Dirk, get closer as a group and relieve stress. Valira swallowed heavily at the prospect, the thought of bathing with her comrades sounding like an amazing prelude to the main event. Valira cleared her throat before speaking.

''We are all in complete agreement with you Daisy, first we bathe, then we eat, then we fuck. Zira's body can wait until after all of that is done. Some vegetables to go with our fish sounds divine, let us endeavour to make a real meal of it.''

Normally Valira wouldn't have used curse words when she wasn't in the throes of passion, but considering the circumstances she thought it was appropriate to forgo convention. As Daisy pulled out a pair of soap Valira thought that she would burst into tears from sheer joy. She caught it as Daisy threw it to her, handling it with delicacy and near reverence. She hadn't dared hope that the witch would have some on hand, she didn't think that they were that fortunate. And yet here it was, so soft and pliable in her hands, just begging to be used. Valira had to stop herself from drooling.

''Soap.... honest to gods soap.... no tears Valira, no tears.... thank you so much for this Daisy...''

Valira smiled in utter gratitude at her friend, not embarrassed by her exaggerated reaction in the slightest. She could not wait to thank the were rabbit in a less verbal and much more pleasurable manner. In human form or no, Daisy was stunning and Valira wanted to see and feel all that her companion had to offer. The thought of fucking both forms was incredibly exciting, the normally reserved and polite witch contrasting with the blunt and aggressive beast within. Valira wondered if they would take similar roles in the bedroom and she shuddered in delight at the thought of finding out.

Valira smiled as she noticed the nervous and flushed look on Akalfa's face, clearly she had been as affected by Daisy's words as the High Elf had. Gods she looked so beautiful when she got like that, so shy and innocent most of the time yet when you got her going Valira knew that she became the exact opposite. It was such a delightful contrast, one that Valira never got tired of seeing in action. It was just one of the many things that turned her on about her paramour. Valira had already discovered so many and she was sure that she would find even more as time went by. As they walked towards the ogres camp, Valira nodded in approval at her lovers words.

''I couldn't agree more Akalfa, bathing has to come first. You're right, we can hardly eat smelling like this, indeed I wager a starving man would still have trouble mustering up an appetite if he had to deal with this rancid odour assaulting his nostrils. I should have known you were a skilled fisherwoman, given what you have told me of your past. I am impressed by you more and more each day, my beloved.''

Valira's words were reverent and loving, her eyes filled with admiration and respect. She longed to touch Akalfa, to embrace her, but she knew that she had to be patient. Soon they would be able to enjoy each others bodies to their hearts content, indeed they all would. Soon, they would all make that wonderous dream of Sune's a reality. Speaking of Sune, Valira wondered if the demon would care to join them to complete the tableau. After all, she was part of the group, as strange as that occasionally sounded to Valira's ears the demoness had more than proven herself trustworthy. Besides, it would make the experience even more pleasurable.

''Are you going to join us, Sune? After all I haven't properly thanked you for the experience you gave us in that dream of yours, or for saving Akalfa. Please let me show my gratitude.''

Valira smirked at that, voice husky and teasing. She knew that the demoness probably didn't need to bathe, but she doubted that Sune would pass up any opportunity for sex. It seemed that one of the few things she and Valira had in common was a high sex drive, as well as a fondness for Dirk of course. Her eyes were playful and filled with lust, indeed her entire manner screamed coquettish. Valira idly wondered if the demon would find that more of a turn on, the normally prim and proper High Elf flirting with her like a wanton tavern wench. Her face flushed at the thought, images of her dressed as a barmaid, her huge breasts barely contained by her tight uniform as she was ravaged by the lusty devil flitting through her mind. At that she picked up the pace, wanting to reach their destination as soon as possible. The quicker they got there the quicker the fun could begin.

As the arrived at the camp, Valira grinned as Dirk wasted no time in seizing the opportunity that the lake provided. She watched as he began to strip, hungrily taking in the sight before her as more and more of his naked flesh was revealed. She had seen it in the fantasy world, but to see the real thing was so much better. Valira wondered how he had ever been insecure in his looks. Dirk's face was handsome, his body was taut and muscular, his ass was firm and his cock was large and virile. The man was gorgeous and Valira hated the thought that he couldn't see it. She was going to show Dirk just how much she appreciated both it and the man it belonged to. Maybe that would have the added bonus of helping him become more confident, although admittedly her friend had made great strides in that alread.

Valira began to strip herself, removing her moderately damaged armour and placing it on the ground along with her sword. It would need to be repaired and washed, but that was a problem for another time. She would take the first opportunity she had to get it taken care of, after all it could mean the difference between life and death. It did bother Valira that she would be rushing into battle against Garm in such a compromised state, but there was nothing she could do about it. None of the group had any experience or proficiency with fixing armour and Valira highly doubted that they would find a blacksmith on the way to Garms stronghold. No, she would just have to power through as best as she could. As Valira began to take off her bra and undergarments, she noticed Daisy doing something out of the corner of her eye. Noticing Dirk's pensive expression, she realized exactly what he was thinking and what their were rabbit friend was up to.

It would be disrespectful to do this with Zira's body uncovered, even the evil half dragon deserved to be covered up while they did the deed. Not to mention having sex near the soaked, slowly rotting corpse of your enemy didn't exactly set the most erotic mood. As Daisy covered up Zira's body, she nodded solemnly at her friends words, surprised yet touched at the warmth in her voice. Daisy hadn't ever met Zira, yet she was showing the monster a level of compassion and empathy that sadly would have been lost on the half dragon if she were alive to see it. It was even more evidence that beneath all that fur and blunt talk, her noble and kind friend was still in there.

''I think that's a wonderful idea Daisy, after we finish cremating her, we can each keep a piece of her to remember her by. She was a horrible person who did awful things to us, but I also feel that fighting her brought us closer together as a group. So let us wear those mementos with pride, a symbol of our triumph over evil and our unity as a team!''

Valira said this in a voice loud and triumphant, even in this moment she couldn't resist making a stirring and heroic speech it seemed. Standing before them as naked as the day she was born, it was obvious that her nipples were rock hard and her pussy soaking wet. All the anticipation and build-up had clearly taken its toll on the knights voluptuous body. Valira made no attempt to cover up, indeed she decided to show off even more as she made her way into the lake. Shaking her huge, round ass, she slowly walked into the water with soap in hand, the liquid coming up to her waist as she turned to the others and gave them a seductive smile.

''Care to help this dirty girl get clean?''

Valira's face was flushed, eyes lidded with pure arousal and desire. The water was surprisingly warm, perhaps the lake was heated by geothermal vents? Valira was no expert on the subject but she had read about such things in books from time to time. They were in the mountains so it wasn't impossible, although in that moment the last thing on Valira's mind was geology. Valira shivered in excitement as she waited for the others to join her, practically devouring their naked bodies with her eyes as they shed their clothes. It had been a long time since Valira had bathed with someone else, let alone multiple people. It wouldn't be her first time doing something like this, but that did nothing to devalue the experience. In fact it enhanced it, for Valira knew how intimate bathing ones partner could be, not to mention pleasurable. That only increased her already prodigious sense of anticipation for the coming festivities.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk smiled in silent gratitude as Daisy covered up the dragon's remains, and his last lingering regrets faded away. While he liked the idea of a memento rather than a trophy, he realized that he was really mourning Zira as he thought she could have been, and not who she had shown herself to be. Maybe she hadn't deserved to die, maybe she had, but either way it was over and done now. His thoughts were better spent on his real friends: those whom he had come to love and cherish more than any hypothetical image. He would - and had - challenged anything that tried to harm them, and oh heavens above he could feel their eyes all over his body as he undressed...

Dirk neatly folded each of his clothes and set them aside, watching out of the corner of his eye as Valira waded into the shallows, hypnotically swaying her hips. After a moment's hesitation, he slowly pulled his undergarments down his legs, leaving his modest cock exposed to the air and twitching under his companions' scrutiny. Even after all they had seen and done while dreaming, Dirk still wasn't fully comfortable standing naked in the open like this. He walked down to the waters' edge, shyly covering himself, when he suddenly froze.

A brief, vivid memory of darkness... Water all around him, unable to swim, unable to breathe... The certainty that he was going to die...

He stood there with his eyes shut, shivering, and reminded himself that the water wasn't that deep here. It only came up to Valira's waist, after all; and this time he wasn't weighed down by his heavy clothing. Better to get over it quickly. Dirk took a deep breath to steady his nerves and dove inexpertly into the water. There was only a brief moment of panic as the water closed over top of him, that soon subsided. The lake wasn't as cold as he remembered... Or perhaps it was the knowledge that his friends were nearby that comforted him?

He resurfaced not far from Valira, brushing his dark hair away from his eyes as he stood up, droplets of water cascading down his lithe body. He exhaled, and gave the elf an unintentionally smoldering look.

"You always have to be first to jump in, don't you?" He gave the others a wave, beckoning them to hurry up and join them.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira's eyes roamed over Dirk's rock hard cock, resisting the urge to lick her lips as she did so. Valira found the fact that Dirk was trying to cover up his naked body very cute, yet another sign of how shy the man could be at times. In that sense he was a lot like Akalfa, modest and quiet most of the time but when he was pushed out came a fiery and passionate side. And just like with Akalfa, Valira found that very attractive indeed. Valira's lewd expression turned to one of concern as she noticed Dirk stop moving, his face scrunched up in a way that spoke of great fear. Suddenly, she remembered the fact that he had almost drowned mere hours ago and she cursed herself for her foolishness.

Of course Dirk would have such a negative reaction to being in the water after an experience as harrowing as that, how could she have been so ignorant and careless? She was just about to get out of the water, comfort him and offer words of encouragement and support, when Dirk suddenly dove right into the lake. Valira was surprised by this turn of events, but also immensely proud as she realized what Dirk was doing. Rather than wallowing in fear or allowing it to control him, instead he was facing it head on. He was conquering his burgeoning aquaphobia by taking the plunge, quite literally in this case. As the human finally resurfaced, Valira was stunned by the transformation.

Gone was the shy man from moments ago, in his place stood a soaking wet Adonis, flowing hair framing eyes that burned with such intensity that the Valira thought that her legs would turn to pure jelly. If she wasn't made of sterner stuff she might very well have swooned. It took a moment for Dirk's words to register with her, distracted as she was by the sight before her and the arousal it generated. Indeed, Valira felt so hot it was a wonder the water she was standing in didn't start to boil. Luckily, she managed to collect herself to return Dirk's quip with one of her own.

''You know me, always at the front of the action. Besides, I know you enjoy the view....''

Valira smirked at that, her voice husky as she gave Dirk a look as smouldering as the one he had given her. She wanted to entice and excite him much as he had her, and judging by the throbbing piece of meat between his legs and the flush on his face she could tell she was succeeding. Not that the High Elf was any different, her sopping wet pussy was throbbing with need, her clit was as hard as a rock, and her cheeks were as red as tomatoes. Valira couldn't wait to get close to Dirk, to feel his body so near to hers. She ached to wash every inch of him. Starting with those brawny arms before moving down to his hard chest, then on to his strong legs and back up to his firm ass before finishing at his fat cock and swollen balls. Rinse and repeat, literally. Of course that was just the start, Valira was sure that it wouldn't stop there, indeed it would probably go a lot further. She certainly hoped that would be the case. Feeling her sense of patience lose to her desire, Valira joined Dirk in bidding the others to join them, wanting to get things underway as soon as possible.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Well, that certainly is true..."

Dirk's heart melted under Valira's sultry gaze. He'd always tried to keep his thoughts under control, sometimes he'd even succeeded, but in that moment her tone and expression drew him in like a siren's song. Last night's dream had felt like reality, but now reality felt like a dream. Before long, he was standing right next to her, feeling absolutely giddy with anticipation.

"As long as we're at the front of the action together, we may as well start warming up..." he said softly, sliding his hands across Valira's waist to gently grope her sizeable ass. "Your front or your back, first?"


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira smiled at Dirk's honesty before shivering at his touch, moaning softly as he began to squeeze her ass. She was delighted that he was taking the initiative, enjoying this more assertive and forward side to him. It wasn't often that he let the rest of them see this aspect of his personality, and that made the times it did come to the fore all the sweeter. Valira hoped that she would see it a lot more often going forward, indeed she could very much get used to it. Valira was a switch, so the usually forceful and proud knight loved being dominated just as much as she loved to do the dominating. The thought of Dirk doing something like this on a regular basis was a deeply arousing thought indeed.

Dirk's soft words cut into her reverie as sharp as one of his daggers, causing Valira to swallow heavily. It was a simple question, yet Valira found it momentarily difficult to answer. On the one hand, her rock hard nipples and aching pussy were begging to be touched, on the other she was enjoying Dirk's hand on her ass and longed for him to get rougher with it. Valira decided to go with her back first, after all Dirk was already in that general area, he might as well finish there before he moved on to her front. Besides, she wanted Dirk to get a good feel of the huge backside that had enticed him so much and it felt wrong to delay that. Swallowing heavily, she finally spoke up.

''Lets start with my back please Dirk, and please pay special attention to my rear end. It is very sweaty and needs a very thorough cleaning. I am sure you're strong and firm hands will be able to cleanse every inch of my huge, juicy, ass.''

Valira spoke in a voice filled with pure lust, the words coming out as a husky and breathy whisper right by Dirk's ear. Valira's emerald green eyes seemed like they belonged to a different woman in that moment, perhaps a bawdy seductress or harlot, rather than the noble knight that she really was. It was the great contrast to Valira's personality, a lady on the streets but a filthy fucking whore in the sheets. It seemed that everyone of them had a duality like that, whether that was a commentary on people in general or on the party specifically Valira did not know or care.

Right now, all that mattered was her, Dirk and the exploration of each others bodies. Getting clean was indeed important and Valira was both happy and relieved that she could finally wash the ogres disgusting stink off of her. But that paled in comparison to the joy of being with Dirk in that moment, and to the pleasure that they would soon be bringing to one another. Valira gave Dirk a look that was filled with both longing and permission, as if she was giving him the go ahead to wash her as firmly and as roughly as she wished. She let out a shaky breath, anticipation, excitement and desire suffusing every inch of her being.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy gave a small smile as her friends agreed with her decision to cover Zira's remains. She'd have to look them over once this was all done and grab a few scales herself. Waste not want not, as they say. And the more draconic parts she got, the more powerful potions she could brew once she got home. Thoughts of home filled her mind now as well. What would the others think about her? Would they be ashamed, or would they understand that circumstances forced her hand? It troubled her ever so slightly as she thought of it.

These negative thoughts were lost almost immediately as Dirk took off his underwear and revealed his tasty looking dick and Valira's gorgeous body. Daisy's entire demeanor changed upon seeing them, and the only thing that seemed to stop her from jumping on them right that moment was the smell of dead ogres that clung to their bodies. It was sobering enough to bring her back to reality, somewhat. She didn't need to bathe, or at least she thought as much. Though she wasn't going to pass up on a chance such as this. She turned her head to face Akalfa, one of the only people left who hadn't yet entered the water.

"I believe I've changed my mind. I will be bathing with you all now. But first, I need some help. I can't exactly get out of these clothes without tearing them to shreds. Could you help me strip?"

Daisy spread her digits out to emphasize her point. Her clothing was already somewhat torn, the transformation process was never kind to clothing, but the damage could easily be mended. In an attempt to assist the shorter woman with the task, Daisy crouched down to give Akalfa full access to the buttons on her blouse. The look in her eyes was a clear tell that she was excited about what was to come, though she kept her arms behind her back in as nonthreatening of a manner as possible.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa gave a solemn bout of silence out of respect for Zira. She wasn't a good person, not by any means, but it felt like a shame how it all ended. Thoughts of what could have been, if only she had accepted their extended olive branch. But it was either them, or she, and what was done was ultimately finite. With her body now properly out of view those lingering thoughts subsided, the sorceress turning her attention back to more urgent matters. Like ridding herself of the scent that clung around them. Faint as it was on her person she couldn't get in the water fast enough. Only taking so long due to being distracted by Dirk and Valira's equally appealing visages. Strong musculature, exquisite curvature, two bodies creating an absolute sight for sore eyes after all the harshness of the day. Gods, did everyone in the party have to be so attractive? Suppressing arousal while surrounded by several hardened, well sculpted bodies was like torture. Dirk's lithe, athletic frame and boyish looks made for a deathly effective charm, the man could probably steal queen Amelia from right under the king's nose if they ever locked eyes. Not to mention her lover's body, enough to make a fertility goddess blush, fit for worship at any divine temple. Hell, if the High Elf ever made it to the Caverns they'd surely build a temple in honor of her beauty.

It was only the husk in Daisy's voice that could snap the Dark Elf out of her voyeuristic tendency. Even in the real world it seemed she was still shy being the first one to touch. A smile crept to her lips as she moved closer to Daisy, taking in her changed form with pleased, curious eyes. One thing was for certain, she looked very soft, and Akalfa definitely wanted to test that theory. Given her more bold nature, surely she wouldn't mind? Valira's words may have given the Dark Elf a little too much confidence in her next move.

Of course, I'd be very happy to help." Her tone a tad more sultry than expected, framing her intent despite her innocent gaze. Akalfa had to grip onto the witch for a bit of stability given their height difference, slowly running her hands through Daisy's silky soft fur as she slid the ripped article of clothing off button by button. Daring to throw in a bold grope in the process. She couldn't help herself! That pleasant floral scent...

"Ah, apologies, got distracted." Oh how the submissive ones always loved playing with fire.

Standing on the tip of her toes she managed remove the witch's blouse, making way to undo with her skirt next. Taking a few gentle handfuls of fluff in her palms as she began to pull down her skirt. She really was soft! Incredibly so. The Dark Elf taking a suspiciously long amount of time running her hands along Daisy's body with just a single article of clothing in the way. But eventually neatly folding her blouse and skirt and laying it beside their now-makeshift camp.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk let out a quiet giggle at Valira's overtly risqué answer, giving both of her buttocks a tight, affectionate squeeze. "Okay, I'll get those hard to reach spots for you..."

He let go of her ass for the time being and circled behind her, using both of his hands to pour water down her back in preparation before he reached out and took the soap from her. Bereft of her armor, Dirk could really appreciate Valira's build, from the muscles around her shoulders to the generous curves of her waist. When they'd first set out together, he would never have allowed himself to hope that she would allow him to do this... He rubbed the soap all across her back, using his other hand to massage it into her skin as he slowly worked his way down toward her ass.

Maybe it was just Sune's influence, but Dirk had really come to appreciate this part of the body. He pressed himself against Valira's back, alternating between slipping the bar of soap around, under, and in between her plush cheeks, and using his hands to grope and knead at them. His neglected cock pressed against her posterior now and again as he smeared the suds over her body, tantalizing in its closeness...


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy shuddered slightly as Akalfa stroked her fur, enjoying the feeling of her delicate hands gently rubbing against her fluffy coat. It was soft indeed, feeling almost like a cloud. She appreciated the dark elf's bolder approach as well, delighting as the shy girl seemed to come out of her shell when faced with something of a more lewd nature. There wasn't much breast to grope, her chest paled in comparison to Akalfa's and Valira's even in this form, though they still fit within her hand. Daisy's eyes narrowed as the sorceress grabbed her tit, gaining a more hungry look to them. Playing with fire was quite an understatement in this instance.

Continuing to enjoy the feeling of being caressed and stroked by the gentle hands of Akalfa, Daisy allowed Akalfa to have complete control when stripping her. As they finished, the were rabbit stood to her full height and looked down at the dark elf. A flush had spread across her face and her breathing got a bit heavier as she stared with unrestrained desire. Finally, the large woman knelt down and whispered into Akalfa's ear.

"I hope you aren't done putting those fingers to work. I can't exactly relieve myself with these big sharp claws you know. Though, I can assure you, my tongue will make you scream in a way that no man could hope to. Now strip. We don't want to leave them waiting."

Daisy punctuated her command by running her tongue up Akalfa's pointed ear. It was rough and long, a truly bestial appendage that laid hidden within the depths of her maw. And by the gods did Daisy have good control with it. Though she did slightly regret her decision to lick the other woman, only narrowly suppressing the urge to gag as the scent of ogre came dangerously close to her nose. Daisy reminded herself internally. Bath comes first, then she can have some fun.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira let out a moan as Dirk squeezed her ass cheeks, which morphed into a quiet chuckle as she returned her teasing innuendo in kind. She was a little disappointed as he let go of her ass, but she knew that it was all in service of a greater, more pleasurable, good. Valira sighed in satisfaction as she felt the warm water cascade down her back. It felt good on her skin, her tired muscles already beginning to feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Dirk's hands lightly brushing against her back only enhanced the experience, eliciting a delightful shudder from Valira in the process. Valira happily allowed him to take the soap from her and she was rewarded as she felt her human friend put it to work.

The soap felt amazing, Valira could practically feel the stench being washed off of her, along with all of the stress of day that accompanied it. It was amazing how something as simple as a bar of soap could make all the difference. Valira swore inwardly that if she ever went on a quest like this again, she would bring as much of the stuff as possible along with her. Dirk's hands felt equally divine, so rough and calloused yet also nimble and dexterous, a fitting metaphor for the man that they belonged to. Valira purred like a cat who got the cream, feeling so so clean and yet so so dirty. That contrast became even more intense as she felt Dirk inch his way towards her ass.

Valira moaned loudly as she felt Dirk go to town, the combination of the soap and his hands assaulting her rear end filling her with pleasure and driving her wild with excitement. Gods he was good at this! You would think that Dirk had been doing stuff like this for years with how amazing amazing he was making Valira feel. The High Elf wasn't exactly an anal virgin, Sholgra was just one example she could point to to deny that, but it had been quite a while since she had felt someone wash her asshole. It felt warm and wet, the soaps teasing making Valira ache for it to be truly filled by something bigger and harder. The answer to that problem was obvious, as she felt Dirks throbbing cock pressing against her ass. When Valira spoke it was in a voice hoarse and shaky with need.

''F-Fuck Dirk you're doing an amazing job! I-I think you've gotten my ass pretty damn clean, especially my tight little hole. W-Would you care to kill two birds with one stone and give that big, hard cock of yours a good wash inside my needy asshole?''

Valira looked back at Dirk with eyes that spoke of desperation, yet also genuine curiosity. Valira was allowing Dirk to decide where this went for the moment, hoping that he would indeed ravage her ass but willing to let him decide whether it would happen or not. She was enjoying this different, more dominant side of her friend and she wanted to see all that it had to offer. Whatever he decided, Valira knew that she would love it. She trusted Dirk implicitly. Valira also knew that if he did fuck her ass it would only be the first round of their first time together, so much more was still on the horizon. After all, they weren't finished ''washing'' Valira's back yet, let alone her front.


Well-Known Member
Oh, the witch had to have done that on purpose! The combination of her lewd command and the rough treatment of her ears, the most erogenous zone an elf could have no less, was too much. It was only natural the Dark Elf let out a high pitched whine of pleasure. Face darkening with a nod as she hurriedly did away with her coverings. To hell with being embarrassed! Daisy's tall, more dominant nature made Akalfa weak in the knees. Fiddling with the scrap of cloth on her chest like a woman possessed trying to tear the damn thing off. She just couldn't remove it fast enough! Even shocking herself, not realizing how much desperate need she felt until now. With a relived sigh she freed her breasts from their confines, buds stiff, clearly not just from the chill air. Making short work of her skirt it was clear to see she had been more than enjoying Dirk and Valira's current show given the wetness between her thighs, not to mention the painfully rare attention that was paid to her sensitive ears. It was moments like these that made the sorceress glad she hardly dressed. Made things easy to stirp out of.

Akalfa took her time stepping into the water, dipping a toe in first to test it's temperature. Surprisingly warm, mayhaps aided by the activities currently going on in the water. Inching her way inside the lake with a slow submergence. Short as the Dark Elf was she all but sank to her shoulders, taking a refreshing dip under before popping back up for a breath. With all her hair and freckles shimmering like moonlight in the water one could mistake the girl for some sort of siren, lightly brushing it back while she turned towards Daisy with a grin.

"Well? Can't put my hands back to work with you still on land."

Brave words from the shortest member of the party. Outstretching her arms invitingly, with a playful smirk toward the witch.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy leered at Akalfa as she stripped, enjoying the frantic pace the dark elf moved. She very clearly wanted to start, and so did Daisy. She stayed back a moment to enjoy the sway of her hips as she dipped down into the water, licking her lips as her ass jiggled ever so slightly with every step. She was snapped out of her stupor as Akalfa called to her. With a grin, she walked into the water to join the dark elf, clear fluid matting the fur on her inner thighs as she walked.

Stepping into the water, Daisy was pleasantly surprised with how warm it was. She'd expected a lake to be cooler, though she wasn't going to complain about the warm water soaking into her fur and skin. She let out a sigh as it helped to relax her muscles, and continued walking over to where Akalfa's head poked out of the water. Daisy's petit chest was still over the water when the two stood next to each other, a testament to just how large the size difference was. A clawed hand came from the water to cup Akalfa's cheek, tilting her head so she was looking Daisy in the eyes as she looked down at her.

"Let's get some of that soap before we start making each other writhe and scream. As much as I want to simply lift you up and eat you out as you ride my shoulders, we should be clean first. You may continue stroking my fur as we go though."

Daisy's tone was huskier than before, practically dripping with need as she stared into Akalfa's eyes with unbidden lust. Crouching down slightly, Akalfa could feel as the soft fur of Daisy's arms met the back of her legs and her upper back. With little to no effort, Daisy picked the dark elf up and began carrying her over to the other two as Dirk groped and toyed with Valira's ass. She cleared her throat to get their attention.

"Don't go hogging the soap all to yourself now. I'd like to get wet and slippery as well."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira's ears perked up at the sound of a high pitched whine of pleasure coming from nearby, smirking lewdly as it pierced the air. She knew that beautiful voice anywhere, clearly her beloved Akalfa was having some lewd fun with Daisy just out of earshot. The idea of her shy and blushing paramour being dominated by the rough and animalistic were rabbit turned Valira on to no end, as did the filthy words she heard them speak to each other as they entered the lake and finally came close enough for Valira to make out what they were saying. It was clear that Daisy was dominating the conversation, just like she would soon be dominating Akalfa's body, telling the Dark Elf exactly what was going to happen next and how. Daisy was a natural at this, clearly she had quite a bit of experience. Whether in helping her to dominate Akalfa or being dominated by the were rabbit herself, Valira made a mental note to experience that side of Daisy in a closer manner later. Valira's dirty smile did not fall off of her face even as she turned to respond to Daisy.

Valira was delighted to see the were rabbit carrying Akalfa, the difference in strength and height between them both striking and arousing. Valira knew that her paramour was enjoying that immensely, the flushed look and playful smirk on her face making it obvious. She looked as stunning as Dirk had when he first came out of the water, the light glinting off of her cute little freckles and the droplets of water cascading down her ivory hair and voluptuous body all making her seem like some aquatic goddess who called the lake home. Daisy looked equally lovely, though not as wet as Akalfa her soft fur, sharp claws and powerful musculature struck Valira as looking more like a sexy monster who had decided to have her way with the helpless goddess, who was loving every minute of the beasts attention. She didn't need to see Akalfa's face to tell that that was the case, Valira had been with her long enough to know that the Dark Elf was mostly submissive, loving nothing more than to be treated like the dirty little slut she was by somebody bigger, stronger and more forceful than she was. Valira adored that aspect of her lover, delighting in being the sadist to the other woman's masochist. She and Akalfa had enjoyed themselves immensely using that dynamic and would continue to do so in the future. For now, it was Daisy's turn to experience that side of the sorceress first hand. Valira chuckled inwardly, knowing that they were both in for a wild ride.

''Oh how rude of us, it appears my ass is so huge it required quite a bit time and soap to get clean. Rest assured that there is still plenty left, more than enough for you and Akalfa to cleanse your tight, sexy bodies with. Don't be afraid to get a bit rough with your cleaning either Daisy, Akalfa is a very dirty girl who needs a good scrub from your strong and powerful hands. Besides, she'll absolutely love it, isn't that right beloved?''

Valira smirked as she teased her lover, eyes dancing in a mix of lust and playfulness. She knew full well that the Dark Elf would enjoy both it and the instructions that Valira had given the were rabbit. Taking the soap from Dirk's hands she handed it off gingerly to the witch, doing her best to make sure it didn't slip and fall into the water as she did so. She couldn't wait to see and hear the sounds of them together, her beautiful Akalfa and the equally bewitching Daisy making each other moan and scream like bitches in heat. Later she would join them and get a closer, more hands on look. For now though, she and Dirk were going to continue the equally pleasurable fun that they were having together.

Akalfa and Daisy had momentarily interrupted Dirk's response to her question, so Valira felt it prudent to ask again. Before she voiced it however, Valira realized with an internal chuckle that this would be the first time that Akalfa had seen the High Elf take a more submissive role. True, she had told her about Sholgra, but she hadn't gone into too many details. Not that she had been embarrassed by their brief time together, far from it, they just never seemed to have the time for a more in depth retelling. Valira knew that the Dark Elf would find it a massive turn on, seeing her normally powerful and commanding lover become nothing more than a series of tight, wet holes for Dirk to pump full of load after load of his hot, sticky cum.

Valira was not worried in the slightest that that would change Akalfa's perception of her. Not only did she know that the Dark Elf loved her unconditionally and for who she was, Akalfa was not the judgemental sort to begin with. Besides, in addition to the fact that Akalfa would find it highly arousing, she would be aware that Valira was just as capable of taking either the dominant or submissive role in the bedroom. Valira was sure her lover would love to be ''reminded'' of that regardless, as much as she would love to do the reminding. Perhaps they could make a game of it, the normally polite and well behaved Dark Elf acting like a naughty brat who Valira needed to correct and punish. Now there was a delightful idea for the future. Returning to the matter at hand, Valira raised an eyebrow at Dirk, eyes filled with that curious mix of desperation and acquiescence that they had shown before.

''Where were we? Ah yes I believe you were going to decide whether to fuck my ass or not. Though I would very much enjoy if you did, I leave the decision in your skilled and capable hands. Y-you are in control for the moment Dirk so please, do as you will with me.''

Valira's voice came out husky and hoarse with need, the normally confident and assertive noblewoman temporarily taking a hiatus as she was replaced by a demure and obedient slut. It was obvious that Valira was giving Dirk the greenlight to do as he pleased, longing, aching for him treat her like a piece of fuckmeat. Valira knew that Dirk wouldn't go too far with it, her trust in him was absolute, and she had absolutely no reservations about giving him such carte blanche. Dirk was a kind and gentle man at his core who cared for her deeply, he wouldn't do anything to jeopardise her safety or their friendship, especially after all they had been through to get it to the state that it was at.

As she waited for his answer with baited breath, she suddenly remembered Sune. The demon hadn't answered Valira's question from earlier, so it was still unclear whether or not she would be joining them. Valira felt a bit concerned as she remembered how possessive the demon had been towards Dirk in the dream, which faded away as she realized the possibilities this could bring. She knew that Sune would do nothing to harm them, despite being a demon she wasn't the violent sort and she did care about the group, even if she wouldn't outright say it. Besides, Valira knew that the demon was not interested in a monogamous relationship with Dirk, so she wouldn't view this as a betrayal. On the contrary, she had made it clear that she was more than fine with group sex if that dream was anything to go by. There was a distant worry of hurting the demons feelings, but given all of these considerations it seemed like a remote possibility. Valira assumed that the demon would either watch, angry yet strangely turned on at the sight of them fucking, perhaps even masturbating as she did so. Or maybe she would decide to join in, turning the situation into a threesome by either competing with the High Elf for Dirk's affections as the rogue dominated them both or helping the human to dominate Valira, getting revenge all the while she took Valira down a peg. All of these outcomes were deeply arousing to Valira, it seemed that no matter what happened they would all come out winners in the end.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
A mischievous grin spread across Dirk's face as Valira asked her question the first time. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled their bodies closer, his lightly-muscled chest pressing into her back while his hands explored her front side, lathering it up in the process.

"Oh, I don't know~," he said, "I believe Daisy called dibs on the first round... you wouldn't want to steal that from under her, would you?"

Despite his coy words, Dirk slipped his cock in between the warm, soapy valley of her buttocks, thoroughly covering it in the same slippery substance that he had massaged into her ass. The sensitive underside of his throbbing member rubbed against her hole, taunting her with the prospect of penetration but not actually following through.

Ah, speaking of our friends...

Dirk waved nonchalantly to Akalfa and Daisy as they approached, as if he weren't just a hair's breadth away from fucking Valira's ass right in front of them. He passed the soap to Valira, who passed it in turn to their companions. He had no doubt that their friends already knew what was going on, but Dirk was having fun with the act. Part of him was a bit self-conscious in their presence, but he was also excited at the idea of having them nearby. He let out another boyish giggle at Valira's needy insistence as she reiterated her question to him again.

"You want for me to decide, huh? As if it's even a choice, at all," he whispered, pulling his hips back to line up his lubricated member with Valira's back entrance. They had put this off for too long already...

Dirk bit his lip, and with a sharp intake of breath finally pushed the tip of his cock past the threshold, driving his length inside Valira's ass with surprising ease. A soft, barely-stifled grunt of pleasure escaped his throat as his thighs pressed against her soft rear. The sensation had nearly tipped him over the edge immediately. He stood there for a moment, embracing Valira tightly from behind, heart racing, until his body had calmed down enough to fuck her the way she deserved.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira moaned as she felt Dirk's body pressing against her own, biting her lip as she began to touch the front of her body. His fingers touching her belly, just barely grazing the underside of her massive tits and the top of her needy pussy made the heat in her core bloom with further intensity. Her nipples and clit ached for attention, both as hard as diamonds, yet Valira knew that it was not their turn. Right now, her ass was the part of her that was getting what it so desperately needed. Valira blushed at Dirk's words, having almost forgotten that Daisy had indeed reserved the first crack at Dirk for herself. She hadn't intended to undercut her like that, with all the excitement it had just slipped her mind. Things were moving rather fast after all. She hoped that the were rabbit would understand that it was an honest mistake and there was no real malice behind the act. Part of Valira hoped that Daisy would indeed be angry and would punish her like the naughty girl she was for this affront. With what Dirk was doing to her and thoughts like that filling her mind, Valira found it difficult to think coherently, She did her best to collect herself before responding to Dirk, her mind a thick fog of lust and arousal.

''T-that she did but I am sure she would understand and forgive me given the circumstances. After all, how could I be expected to wait to feel your fat, throbbing- oh fuck...''

Valira lost her train of thought as she felt Dirk's rock hard cock rubbing between her ass cheeks, mewling in pleasure as it teased her tight wet hole. Gods this was torture, the tantalizing and delicious kind that made the main event so much sweeter when it finally happened. It was while this glorious scene was going on that Daisy and Akalfa had approached, the conversation between the three having transpired while Dirk kept up his relentless hotdogging of her huge backside. The fact that Dirk was acting so nonchalant about the whole thing, not slowing down in the slightest even though their friends were right there only turned her on even more. It was such a far cry from the normally shy and self conscious rogue, showing that Dirk was both strong and confident when he wanted to be. He had come so far in such a short time and Valira was deeply proud to see that progress in action, not to mention turned the fuck on by this particular manifestation of it. She smiled at the sight, one that was a mix of admiration and passion. Valira was very much enjoying this different facet of Dirk's personality and she hoped that she would see a lot more of it going forward it.

Valira shuddered as Dirk whispered to her, that boyish laugh and the finality of what he was saying making her knees turn to gelatin and a shaky groan escape her lips. The High Elf braced herself as she felt Dirk's cock finally enter her asshole, moaning loudly as she felt his girthy prick stretch her out. Rather than pain Valira felt nothing but extreme pleasure, her asshole more than pliable due to prior experience and the fact that it was sopping wet. Fuck she hadn't had a good, hard, dick up her ass since Sholgra and in that moment Valira realized that she had missed the sensation greatly. The fact that he wasn't as big as she had been didn't matter in the slightest, his cock was equally amazing in Valira's estimation. Feeling a throbbing piece of meat pulsating inside her fat fucking ass, ready to fill that dirty hole of hers with a torrent of hot, smelly jizz, was a feeling that she would never grow tired of.

Valira was so turned on and feeling so good it was a wonder that she didn't cum right then and there. As it was, she was only barely holding back, wanting to reach orgasm along with Dirk if at all possible. Even if they couldn't manage that, she still didn't want to cum before him. That would be selfish and Valira's sense of pride wouldn't allow it. She couldn't have Dirk thinking that she was a lightweight after all, especially since this was their first time doing something together like this. That being said, she did have a tiny one, the spasms reverberating through her body as she moaned and whined like an animal in heat, squirting a little from her pussy. It felt almost like a prelude of things to come, an omen who's pleasure would pale in comparison to the one that Dirk would bring her to soon.

''F-Fuck y-you're so fucking big and hard! F-feels so fucking good in my asshole! Please Dirk, don't hold back, do whatever you want to me! Leave my huge ass red and raw as you stretch it out with that fat cock! Don't stop until you've emptied those big round balls inside my tight little hole! I want you to leave it a gaping, dripping mess filled with load after load of your delicious fucking cum!''

Valira said all of this in a voice that was equal parts seductive, pleading and wanton, her eyes turning back to stare into Dirks own with a look of pure submission. It was clear that he was having just as much difficulty in holding back as Valira was, the High Elf finding the expression on the human's face both adorable and sexy. One of the many things she found appealing about Dirk were his boyish good looks, and it was times like that this where it really came to the fore. She was delighted that he had decided to show it off more, the bandana he usually wore was cute but it couldn't hold a candle to the dashing visage that lay underneath. She idly wondered for a moment what she would look like with one of them and what Dirk would say if he saw her wearing one, a briefly amusing thought nestled between all the arousal that she dismissed with an internal giggle.

Valira didn't blame her partner for needing a break in the slightest, the fact that Dirk found her as incredibly attractive as she did filling her with gratified joy and adding fuel to the already raging inferno that was her arousal. By the gods it was like they were of one body and one mind in that moment, united by both physical proximity and by the rock hard shaft that was currently bottomed out inside of her needy asshole, just aching to be massaged and milked dry by her internal walls. In Valira's mind it seemed like a beautiful synchronicity of form and feeling that made the experience all the more pleasurable, a union of the flesh that would bring them to the peak of physical and emotional ecstasy.

A rather poetic way to describe an act as dirty as buttfucking but that was just the sort of person Valira was. Indeed, one could view that as a fitting metaphor for her entire personality, that contrast between the prim and proper noblewoman, that knight who exemplified chivalry and heroism and the filthy depraved whore that lived for nothing else but hedonistic pleasure who lurked just beneath the surface. She gave the human all the time he needed, aching for him but not wanting to rush him despite her pleas. They both needed a moment to compose themselves after all, both wanting to prolong the pleasure they brought each other as long as possible. And that pleasure promised to be immense indeed, Valira vowing that she would rock Dirk's world as hard as he was about to rock her ass.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk held Valira steady as she shook and moaned against him, a blush creeping across his cheeks at her words. Coming from anyone else, such excessive praise would have sounded insincere to Dirk's ears, but by now he recognized that Valira was always direct with expressing her feelings, and those feelings were so intense that she needed all those words to express them. It was endearing - admirable, even - now that he understood it.

Didn't mean he wouldn't tease her about it a little.

"Remember our discussion about laying it on too thick? Because I do."

With a sly grin, he gave her cushiony thigh a hard slap and an appreciative squeeze. Everything about her was thick. Her words, not his. Dirk didn't wait for a response before he gripped down on her sides for support and began to buck his hips - slowly, at first. The splashing of the water around them drowned out the sound of his hips slapping against her round ass as he built up momentum, losing himself to the heat of Valira's insides.

He smiled briefly to Daisy and Akalfa, hoping they were enjoying the show as much as he did, before turning his full attention back to his first companion.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira blushed at Dirk's teasing, recalling a conversation that seemed like it took place an eternity ago. Their days had become so eventful, so filled with excitement and danger, that it was quite easy to forget that they had been travelling together for little more than a week. Valira knew that they were nearing the end of their quest, that their time together as a group would soon end as quickly as it began, yet she knew that the bond they had forged would last forever. They hadn't discussed what would happen when all was said and done, but Valira knew that they would find some way to keep in touch no matter where their paths took them. Whether it was by letter, visits or otherwise they would not allow themselves to drift apart. The road ahead was uncertain, the future as murky as the bottom of the lake they were currently standing in, but Valira was at least sure of that. After all, if they could overcome all that they had so far together, they could handle a little distance. That only required a carrier pigeon or at most a carriage ride, perhaps a bit mundane compared to the challenges they had faced during their journey but certainly far easier than all that. Besides, the fact that their association was finite made moments like the one she and Dirk were sharing now feel all the more precious. She wasn't about to dwell on the bittersweet feelings their parting would engender, not when she was currently awash in a sea of pleasure with Dirk's rock hard cock inside her ass.

''M-My apologies I do tend to become a little ver- eek!''

Valira let out a most undignified sound as Dirk slapped and squeezed her thigh, moaning in a mix of pleasure and pain as she felt the heat spread throughout her body. The look on Dirk's face seemed almost predatory, like he was a hungry wolf and she was just a helpless sheep that he was about to devour. She was certainly plush enough to pass as as one, and the sounds she was making sounded quite a bit like bleating. In that moment she certainly felt as weak as one, helpless to resist as Dirk made claim to her voluptuous body, not that she would have in any circumstance. To deny herself such pleasure would have made her even stupider than the ogres they had so recently defeated, even if her brain had been reduced to a state as primitive and animalistic as those savage beasts, thoughts filled with nothing but pure, bestial lust and the need to be rutted like a bitch in heat. She knew that Akalfa and Daisy were watching them, hearing every word and sound as the pair of them continued their ''bathing.'' She could tell form Dirk's brief smile in their direction that he was enjoying having them as an audience as much as she did and she knew that the pair absolutely adored having a front row seat to their lewd little performance. Valira knew that she and Dirk were just getting started, that they were going to give the sorceress and were rabbit the show of their lives.

All thoughts of metaphors and analogies fled Valira's mind completely as Dirk began to fuck her ass, moaning loudly and harshly as she felt him slowly but surely ravage her asshole. The splashing water may have muffled the sounds of their ass fucking, but Valira still felt every slap of Dirk's hips against her huge rear end. It was as if the size amplified the wonderous feeling that reverberated throughout her body with each thrust, making Valira thank the gods and her own hard work for having such a large derriere. While it occasionally caused her problems, it came with many advantages and she wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Better to have too much of something than too little, that was what her mother had always told her. Given how well endowed she was, Valira also took a moment to mentally thank her for passing on so much of that to her daughter. As he picked up speed, she could feel Dirk's balls hitting against her bare flesh, feeling how round and full of cum they were even in her dazed and lust filled state. The thought that soon those swinging nuts would soon be dumping their load inside of her tight hole, combined with the sheer pleasure that Dirk's ministrations gave her in general nearly pushed Valira over the edge and the High Elf had to bite her lip to prevent herself from cumming too fast, muffled grunts and whines escaping all the while. She still had the energy and wherewithal to voice how she was feeling out loud however.

''Fuuuuuuuuuuck! You're filling me up! Keep fucking going! B-breed my asshole! Make me your bitch!''

As far as Valira dirty talk went, that was quite tame and succinct, the High Elf making a conscious effort to avoid laying it on too thick. She knew that Dirk was just teasing her, that he didn't really dislike when she spoke in such a long winded and effusive manner, but she wanted to subvert his expectations all the same. Besides, she was too focused on enjoying the immense pleasure that was jolting through her body with every thrust of Dirk's cock and doing her best to avoid cumming before he did to use as many words as she normally would. She could barely think straight, let alone act like a walking dictionary as she was wont to do. Additionally, Dirk had given her an indirect order and since he was the dominant one in this instance, it was only right that she obey. Maybe if she did a good enough job, or at least a good enough attempt, he would even reward her for making the effort. The only time Valira planned on rebelling against Dirk's commands would be in the interests of goading him on, teasing him in the hope of further punishment and rough treatment at his hands. Though it may not have seemed like it, the polite and well behaved knight could be just as bratty as anyone else when the situation called for it.

While it didn't really come up in her day to day life, especially considering she was born into a world obsessed with courtly manners and etiquette it could lead to a lot of fun moments in the bedroom. Indeed, the bed chamber was one of the few places Valira could act in such a manner without fear of censure, and when she was punished she could actually enjoy it. As much as she valued her sense of propriety and refinement, it was nice to be able to let loose every once in a while, to be vulgar and crass, in a way that would not be tolerated back home. Perhaps that was one of the reasons for the stark contrast in behaviour between the everyday Valira, and the one who was currently having her guts rearranged by Dirk's throbbing member. Her comrades weren't the only ones who had been surprised by the difference, many of Valira's former lovers back home in Ashara had been shocked by this night and day aspect of the proud and noble knight's personality. Most had been discrete, although nobles did love their gossip and Valira couldn't prevent some details getting out. Therefore as a rule she usually kept her private life a personal matter, only occasionally sharing some things with trusted friends. Valira had been more open with Dirk and the others about her desires than she had been with anyone in ages, a true testament to how deep her sense of both regard and trust towards them was.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy gratefully grabbed the soap as Valira handed it to her, resting Akalfa against her body so as to not drop her into the water. Her grin grew as she watched Dirk move forward, slowly dominating the high elf. While it was true that Daisy wanted the first go at Dirk, she understood if he wanted to sample the high elf first. They were together for a far longer time, so it was natural that they'd want to do this. It also helped that she had the high elf's lover. While Valira was getting dommed by Dirk, Akalfa would be getting dommed by her. A fair trade, if there ever was one. And, with a little luck, Daisy could exhaust the dark elf before she got the chance to go at Dirk. Then, she'd get two turns instead of just the one.

"Oh, I intend to clean her up. Then mess her up real good, and clean her again. And repeat a few times until she forgets how to walk. Don't go hogging Dirk though. I want to get a chance to do that to him as well."

Daisy laughed as she gave the two some space, and looked down at Akalfa. She smelled much better than the other two, though that made sense given how she'd been further from the ogres than them. Her smile became gentler, though no less predatory, as she set her back on her feet. Taking the soap in one hand, Daisy began to lather her fur with it. Once it became a nice soapy consistency, she ran her hands up and down Akalfa's body, coating her in the flowery soap as it was rinsed away by the lake water.

"Tell me if I'm too rough. I'd hate to damage such beautiful skin with my claws, so make sure not to squirm too much."

Daisy gently spoke as she continued rubbing down Akalfa's body, lingering for quite a bit on her generous tits, hips, and ass. A hand reached her inner thighs, the sharp claws gently scratching at the sensitive skin without cutting while her dexterous fingers massaged them. She dared not touch the other woman's nethers, wanting to drag out the teasing for as long as possible before she went near her sensitive folds. She could hear the wet slapping as her two other friends breed like animals so very close to them. It made her body burn with desire, but ending the foreplay and making Akalfa scream would be a shame.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Not long now..."

Dirk's breathing became heavier as he inched toward climax, goaded on by both Valira's (unusually terse) words, and her powerful muscles clenching down on his length. His hands roamed across her body: groping, touching, rubbing and squeezing every inch of soft, yielding flesh that he could reach.

His first companion... his first friend, really; even if had taken a while to open up to it. Was that part of why this felt so good? That bond that he felt? He couldn't deny, a part of him had yearned for this... for longer than he cared to admit.

"Together -hah!- We set out together, we'll finish together."

He held their bodies tightly against each other and sped up his thrusting in his efforts to bring them both to orgasm. It was a pace that he couldn't maintain, and it drove Dirk over the edge first. With one final cry of pleasure, he buried his cock as deep as he could manage into Valira's ass and unleashed a veritable torrent of cum inside her. His manhood twitched as rope after rope sprayed out, and for a time it seemed he might even fill her up, before he ran dry - for the first round, at least.

He sighed in the afterglow and gave Valira a quick kiss on her cheek, with his member still hard and inside her.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Daisy's words left no doubt that she intended to leave Akalfa a mess when she was done with her, ironic given the fact that her ministrations would involve copious amounts of cleaning as well. Valira blushed heavily, looking forward to the expressions and sounds that her lover would make as Daisy explored her body. Akalfa's moans, groans and contented sighs would create appropriately lewd ambience to complement the splashing of the water as Dirk broke Valira's ass, as well as the noises of lewd pleasure that they were both leaving out with total abandon. Daisy's laugh had been icing on the cake, good natured and only slightly teasing. She hadn't heard it much before, but she was glad that she was getting the chance to so in such a lewd and delicious context. Valira wondered just how different the sound would be relative to each of the woman's different forms, she would have to keep an ear out to do a proper comparison in the future. Valira couldn't wait to listen in as Daisy and Akalfa began in earnest, especially as she heard the were rabbit talk to her lover in the suggestive manner that she did, but for the moment she returned to the matter at hand.

''S-same here...''

Valira's own breathing became heavier and harsher in time with Dirk's, clearly her words had had the desired effect on her handsome friend. His hands groping her body felt amazing, like he was claiming every part of her for his own. Every grope, touch, rub and squeeze made her leave out whines and groans of sheer bliss. He was being rough, but not too rough, the balance between hard and soft being just the way Valira liked it. Gods, she could have let those hands touch her all day! Dirk may have missed out in his true calling, the man would have made an excellent masseur if the way he made her body sing with those babies was any indication. If nothing else the man should have considered taking up the piano, perhaps when their quest was finished Valira could convince him to give it a try during a visit to Ashara? That would certainly endear him to her peers back home, classics obsessed audiophiles that they all were. Valira could tell that Dirk was getting close to orgasm, indeed she was just as close to the edge and it wouldn't take long to set her off.

Valira looked back towards Dirk and what she saw there took her breath away. Behind all the grunts of exertion and moans of pleasure, there was a look of pure warmth and tenderness. That told Valira that this meant something deeper to Dirk, perhaps because it was her he was doing it with? The thought made her heart skip a beat, hoping that she wasn't just misinterpreting or engaging in wishful thinking. If he indeed felt that way, then Valira was delighted because she felt the same. The connection she felt with the human was strong indeed, a bond that she cherished greatly. Their friendship was a special one, one that she was glad she had made the effort to cultivate. They had had their ups and downs but Valira knew that that had just made them even closer in the long run. Their relationship was like steel tempered by the heat of a smithy, forged into an unbreakable sword who's blade shimmered with light. No matter what form the darkness that tried to smother it took, that light would always shine through. That touching fact no doubt partly contributed to the extreme pleasure of the experience, more than a pure physical act it was an emotional one as well, although that did raise some very important questions, questions that would need to be answered before their noble quest was over, or at the very least before they separated at journeys end.

Valira didn't know whether what they had extended into something more, or indeed could do so in the future. She hadn't known Dirk that long, while she had been fine with whirlwind romances she wasn't sure he was, and Akalfa would need to be ok with it too. The more she thought about it she knew that the Dark Elf probably would be, she came from a culture that practiced polygamy, loved Dirk and the others as much as Valira did and no doubt she trusted the High Elf to adore them all equally. But then there was Sune to consider, Dirk and she had a bond that seemed quite strong indeed and Valira didn't know if she would be alright with this. Truth be told, Valira wouldn't be averse to her joining them either, although there was also her family to consider. A Dark Elf would be difficult enough to explain to her parents, let alone a human and a demon. Not a problem for Valira of course, just a bit of a hard sell for her usually traditional family. She knew that they would come around eventually though, no matter what her parents loved her deeply and only wanted her to be happy. Besides, more lovers meant more heirs which was always a good thing in the world of nobility. Then there was Daisy who she also cared for just as deeply and found just as attractive, oh gods there was so much to think about! Besides, she was putting the cart before the horse, jumping to conclusions. There was no way Dirk felt that way about her, right?

As she heard Dirk's passionate words, Valira's face blushed like she was a virginal maiden. How could she not after such a beautiful statement? Dirk's declaration had multiple meanings both lewd and emotional, a statement of intent for both the present and the future. Part of her almost saw it as a confession of sorts! It could have just been a silly flight of fancy on her part, but she dared to hope that it was not. Practically swooning at the thought, Valira couldn't take it anymore, as she felt her body tense up, a truly massive orgasm imminent. As Dirk held her close and sped up, she let out moans so loud and guttural that it was a wonder that they didn't attract passing wildlife, or indeed perhaps they were repelling them. To Dirk and Valira's ears the sounds they were making sounded wonderful, to some small, fuzzy prey animal, they might sound like the cries of a snarling predator looking for a tasty meal. Lucky for them the only thing that was being devoured was Valira's enormous backside and the only predator the snake between her powerful lovers legs. Not even the prospect of bringing enemies down upon their heads was enough to stymie the lewd and filthy sounds that she was making.

There was more than likely no one else around for miles, and even if there was they would be treated to quite the sight no matter their intentions. If they were indeed hostile than at least they would get to vicariously experience one last bit of pure pleasure before the deadly agony Valira and her friends would rain down upon them. Not the worst way to go out all things considered, even if it wasn't exactly the type of death that great stories and songs were made of. At best, such a thing would appear in a raunchy joke or bawdy Limerick, one told by a bard sitting by the fire in a tavern on a cold winters evening. Not that Valira had ever been to such an establishment or heard that type of thing before, but she assumed that it would be like that at the very least. Regardless, Valira didn't care if people beyond the party heard her, she wanted the world to know that her ass was getting jack hammered by her strong, handsome friend and perhaps eventually more. She would scream that glorious fact to the heavens, and that is exactly what she did as Dirk finally came inside of her. The fact that he had cum before she did nothing to lessen the meaning or impact of his words, nor the pleasure that rocketed her body like a tidal wave.

''F-fuck Dirk! Y-your cum is so hot and thick and there's so fucking much of it! I can feel your cock t-throbbing in my asshole! I can't take it anymore! I'm gonna cum gonna cum gonna... FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK I'M CUMMMIIIIIIIING OHHHHHH DIIIIIIIIRRRRRK!''

The scream of pure orgasmic pleasure that Valira let out was almost ear piercing, her toes curling, eyes rolling into the back of her head and tongue lolling out as she rode that seemingly endless wave. Her pussy squirted with all the strength and intensity of a spouting whale, some of it getting on her thighs but the rest streaming into the lake water. Her entire body shuddered and spasmed, mind turning to pure white as she saw stars. Time seemed to slow down, the entire world receding into nothingness until it was just her, Dirk and the pleasure of their mutual orgasms, complementing and feeding into one another. Valira's ass felt full to bursting, like Dirk had completely unloaded every last drop of cum inside of her dirty fucking hole. Fuck it was a wonder after a load like that that he was still standing! She didn't know if she would be able to say the same if she had let out a torrent as large and intense as all that. Valira was impressed by Dirk's endurance, not the mention the volume of the cum he was able to produce. She could tell that he was a bit tired after that but she knew that after a little bit of rest he would be good to go again. This was only the first round after all and Dirk obviously had plenty of stamina to spare. Finally, she felt her orgasm subsiding as with a couple of tiny spasms, she finally came back to reality. She felt tired, her legs having turned to pure jelly from the experience, but she knew that after a little break she would be raring to continue, just like Dirk would be.

Valira was breathing heavily, sighing in pure contentment as they both enjoyed their post orgasmic bliss. Her breaths were becoming more even, even if her voice was a bit hoarse due to all of that screaming. She loved the feeling of Dirk's body so close to her own, his strong arms wrapped around her, his hard back against her own and his wonderful cock still hard inside of her asshole. Valira knew that they couldn't stay like that forever, sooner or later he would have to pull out and they would move have to rest a little before moving on to the next phase of their ''bathing''. But Valira was in no hurry to separate, savouring every moment that they were one. She smiled warmly as Dirk kissed her on the cheek, a tender and loving gesture that she greatly appreciated and returned with one of her own. Without thinking, she decided to give him one on the lips too, soft and delicate, at least at first. Valira tried to hold back her ardour but she couldn't resist, tongue dancing with Dirk's own as she gave him a powerful and passionate French kiss. Moaning slightly into it, Valira finally let go with one small nibble on his lips, giving their lungs some much needed air at last. She stared into Dirk's eyes in a mix of lust, teasing and a hint of adoration.

''It appears pant that you pant are as great a pant kisser as you are a pant lover. Not that I'm pant surprised.''

Valira blushed at that, both from what she had just said and the manner in which she had said it. She cursed the fact that she practically sounded like a dog, or more appropriately a puppy, giving a look that was equal parts sheepish and flirtatious. Well, she had asked, no begged Dirk to make her his bitch so she supposed it was appropriate given the circumstances. That elicited a chuckle from her, a throaty little laugh that seemed even more sultry due to the harshness of her sore throat. It hurt slightly when she did it, but it was a satisfying kind of pain, a testament to her feelings for Dirk and the pleasure that he had so roughly brought out of her. Valira smiled warmly at Dirk, taking a hand and stroking his cheek lovingly. She didn't know what the future would bring for them, but she sure as hell couldn't wait to find out. For the moment, they would just keep enjoying each other and see where that took them. And they would definitely be doing plenty of enjoying before the day was out, this was only the first round after all.

Part of Valira wanted to address what Dirk had said to her, to tell her how much it meant to her and to clarify just what he had meant by that. But she held off, not wanting to make things too heavy or to ruin the moment. There would be plenty of time to discuss feelings later, right now they were still in the middle of a glorious fuck session/bath and Valira wanted to focus all of her thoughts on it and the incredible pleasures that it brought. Valira idly realized that after all of that they had become dirtier than when they started and the thought amused her. Still, the smell of the ogres was quickly dissipating, being replaced by an intoxicating blend of the smell of their sweat, Dirk's musk and the scent of their cum. It drove Valira wild, hell she would have bottled it and used it as perfume if she could have. Eau de Dirk et Valira, it certainly had a nice ring to it. Regardless, they would ensure that they were fully clean by the end of their time together. They were killing two birds with one stone, satisfying their carnal needs as well as their hygienic ones. If every bath had been as wonderful as that Valira's love for them would be even greater than it already was.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
[Jesus, I turn my back for two days, and you guys wright a novel:)]

Slowly, a dark shape rose out of the water, looming behind Dirk, it wrapped it's arms around him, soft hands clasping his chest, and a chin coming to rest on his shoulder, as Sune purred into his ear. "Alright, Lover Boy, that's enough with the mushy stuff, now I'm curious. Who has the better ass?" Though she spoke to Dirk, Sune's eyes were locked with Valira's, and a playful smile spread across her face.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
A moment later, Valira felt something poke against her ass, and looked down just in time to see a multitude of writhing tentacles spring up around her, wrapping her arms, and legs, and holding her tight. The same happed to Daisy, and Akalfa a few seconds later. Writhing, pink tentacles slithered up and over them, binding their limbs, and slithering over breasts, and between thighs, and ass cheeks, rubbing in all the right places, but no more. Only she, and Dirk were spared the treatment.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Valira's kiss had taken Dirk by surprise, but he had eagerly returned it, welcoming her tongue into her mouth to play with his own. She had to be the one to break it, because otherwise he might never have pulled away, content to keep making out with her for as long as time allowed. He'd smiled under her praise, staring into her lustful eyes with amorous adoration. He opened his mouth to respond, when the demoness suddenly embraced him from behind.

About time she showed up.

Dirk rather theatrically considered Sune's question about who's posterior was preferable, humming thoughtfully to himself as he placed one hand on Valira's cushiony backside while the other reached behind him to grope Sune's. He squeezed each one in turn, feeling their weight and texture as if he were comparing fresh fruit at a market stall. Finally he shrugged, his expression turning mischievous.

"I'm sorry, Sune, but I suspect Valira might just have you beat on this." He slapped his hand across the elf's buttocks, making them jiggle around the base of his cock, still warmly buried within her ass. "Although, I may need to test it a bit more..."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Let's get on that," Sune replied, as she slowly pulled him off of Valira, letting him enjoy the slow sucking of her ass, as it tried to hold onto him. Once he was free, she turned him around, and pressed her lips against his, her tongue twirling around his own.