The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
The wide smile on Valira's face was immediately wiped off as she was hit by Zira's tail with all the force of a runaway carriage. As she landed in a broken heap on the ground, she felt panic set in along with searing pain that flared throughout her body. Any attempt to move only exacerbated the agony, as Valira's eyes stared unfocused and blurry ahead. Her head felt like it had been turned to puree and her lungs burned from lack of oxygen. To top it all off, Valira knew that she was going into shock. She needed help, and fast. Try as she might to remain conscious, she felt herself passing out, her body and mind pushed to breaking point. One last hoarse and painful groan was the last thing she uttered before everything went black.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk sat up from where he'd landed after Zira's wings had thrown him on his back. Glancing around to check on his companions, he caught sight of Akalfa, protected by Sune's resilient wings, and the wave of relief that washed over Dirk upon seeing them unharmed was nothing short of invigorating. He leapt to his feet as Valira laid out their plan of attack, and nodded in acknowledgement. This would take all of their strength combined, just like the cyclops.

While Valira charged the monster directly, striking it repeatedly with her enchanted blade, Dirk had seized the moment to circle around to flank it. He smiled, seeing her tear away at the dragon's defenses. Though there was little time to admire it, Valira's capabilities as a warrior were always impressive. With every strike, the dragoness became more vulnerable, more defeatable.

And then one swipe of Zira's tail sent her flying. He watched, horrified, as she hit the ground so far away. The sound of the impact as she landed was sickening. She looked dead...

Dirk went ballistic.

"DAMN YOU!!" He screamed in outrage, running up from behind Zira and leaping onto her back with bloody murder in his eyes. One hand grabbed on to whatever it could for stability while the other stabbed at her flesh again and again. All thoughts of reconciliation were gone. All hopes of subduing her alive were swept away in the fires of righteous fury.

"I won't let you hurt them! Never again! Do you hear me? NEVER AGAIN!"


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As the torrent of blazing flame made it's way towards Akalfa she saw no opportunity to dodge. Like a deer caught in the eye of a hunter's bow, she shut down, too terrified to move. Closing her eyes tight with a blood-curdling scream Akalfa expected the end of her miserable life to burn away in seconds, reduced to ash by a haughty half-dragon.

Instead of blinding agony she felt her feet lift from the ground, heart racing in both confusion and shock. The sorceress was sure death was supposed to be painful, not akin to being cradled in someone's arms...Reluctantly opening her eyes Akalfa was met with Sunelarra's visage. Safe and scorch free, save for a single lock of her hair. Blinking incredulously the Dark Elf began to realize just what had transpired.

"Sunelarra? Y-...You saved me?"

She stared up at the demoness for a few seconds in stunned silence before a goofy grin graced her features, nearly getting teary eyed at the revelation. And here she thought she was Sune's least favorite! Who would have thought that whole demon rehabilitation thing would work out? Without another word she buried her face in the demoness's chest, lavishing hugs and kisses aplenty onto the she-devil, too gleeful and grateful to be alive and see another day. Akalfa very well knew Sune didn't have to do it. She wanted to. And that alone was enough to get the sorceress all chocked up.

"Oh Sune, I can't thank you enough! I'll make it up to you one day, I promise! For everything you've done..."

Now she'd be the one owing the demon favors, who would've thought. Looking back down towards the ground she sighed in relief not only seeing Dirk still in one piece, but the arrival of her valiant lover and the kind witch as well! Valira striking the dragon like a slayer sent from the very heavens, unstoppable and more powerful than Zira could take, her vicious war cry echoing out across the field like a horn of victory. Momentarily catching that gaze in Valira's eye nearly made the Dark Elf melt, swooning at the most inopportune time. Snapping out of her bout of reverence, Akalfa nodded and took aim, invigorated and filled with morale, hurling ice winds and thunder at Zira as fast and steady as she could.

As the Dark Elf threw her hand back to prepare for another mid-air assault she saw Zira's tail come down upon Valira with a heavy crash, sending her beloved flying, in what at a distance, looked fatal.


Akalfa shrieked in absolute panic, loosening herself from Sune's arms as she fell to the ground. Despite the tumble it did nothing to hilt her speed, running with all her strength towards Valira's fallen body, sobbing all the while. Making it to her side she shook the High Elf, gently, yet firm. Valira's unresponsive nature bringing a look of utter despair to Akafa's face. Panicked and at a loss, watching the future she had imagined for the both of them slowly wash away as the seconds ticked by. Her body was still warm but it was clear to see she was out cold. And who knew what internal injuries may lie hidden still. Mortified, she turned to Daisy and yelled for her aid.

"Do you still have any of those red vials? Any healing magic? Anything at all we can do? Please, there has to be something!"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy heard Valira's command, and began chanting to create a ward to stop the fire from hurting her allies too much. But a ward powerful enough to hinder that strong of a flame took time, and that wasn't something any of them had. Luckily, making up for her slowness, was Sune, who shielded Akalfa from the flames. Dirk didn't look to be hurt either, and was running towards the dragon to back up Valira. The sword also looked to be dealing damage to the dragon, something that made the witch smile. She was glad that the curse didn't hadn't worn off quite yet. The change in plans laid out, Daisy immediately changed the changing of her hex to try and curse Zira in some manner.

The Daisy witnessed Valira fly off after being struck by the monster's tail. She'd cut many of the scales away, and even seemed to gouge enough flesh to make Zira bleed, but that wouldn't bee nearly good enough. Breaking into a full sprint, the witch ceased chanting and rushed to the elf's side, grabbing a vial filled with a viscous dark red liquid. It was the nuclear option in the event of someone getting hurt, and not one she wanted to use due to how costly it is to make, but it seemed necessary. That smack looked fatal, and the landing likely didn't help soften the blow.

Daisy knelt by Valira's side, uncorked the vial, and began pouring it into Valira's mouth and down her throat. It tasted awful, like a mixture of blood and ash. But it was doubtlessly strong enough to pull someone on death's door back to the living. Once the liquid was fully drank, Daisy looked over to Akalfa, hearing Dirk's screams of anger and vengeance. "Go and support him. I can handle things here. And make sure that lizard doesn't look this way. I need to prepare something big, and it will take time, and I need to do it alone." The witch stated, with a grim seriousness to her voice, clearly about to do something she very much did not want to. "Also, don't shake someone after they've fallen or been hit! That's how you make the damage worse, especially if they're knocked out cold."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
They would turn to see Zira, and Dirk, gone, and hear a rapidly fading roar.

Dirk felt air rushing through his hair, as he held onto one of the spines that jutted from Zira's back. The dragon had started beating her wings again, but this time the ground began to shrink as she did so. They were flying, and his stomach did loopdeloops as she bucked, and rolled, trying to dislodge him.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira let out a hacking cough as she felt her bones knit back together and breath return to her lungs. Whatever had been poured down her throat tasted terrible, but was not nearly as unpleasant as the agony she had been in mere moments ago. The intensity of the pain subsided until all that was left was a dull, throbbing ache in her side. Clearly it would still take time for her to fully recover, but thanks to that potion she was over the worst of it. Her eyes fluttering open, Valira in her dazed and groggy state thought she saw a bright light and two of the celestials said to bring the souls of the dead to the afterlife in her peoples faith. They seemed to be talking but she couldn't fully make out the words. As she regained her equilibrium and her eyes focused, she realized that it was just the light of the sun illuminating Akalfa and Daisy, sight and sound finally getting through just as they finished their conversation. They were a sight more beautiful and welcome than any divine beings could ever hope to be as far as she was concerned. Valira began to breathe more evenly, getting strength and energy back to her voice as she spoke.

''You saved my life.... thank you my friends, thank you for rescuing me from deaths door and for always standing by my side. I could not have wished for better comrades. I swear that I will repay your kindness and loyalty tenfold for as long as we all draw breath.''

She smiled warmly at them, her eyes filled with gratitude, respect and admiration. She longed to kiss Akalfa, to hold her, to be feel her, after they had both come so close to deaths door. There were so many things she wanted to say and do, but she knew that they would have a lifetime to do so after the battle. Speaking of lifetimes, that had been a wakeup call. Life was too short and could end at any moment, one had to seize happiness before it was too late. Until now, Valira and Akalfa had been together in a wonderful but ill defined way. Valira swore that if they got out of this alive, no when they did that she would properly confess her feelings to the Dark Elf, make their relationship official and ask Akalfa to return to Ashara with her at quests end. Eventually, she would propose to her (once she found proper rings) and they would make a new life together in blissful harmony for the rest of their days. Such a beautiful vision brought a flush to Valira's cheeks and made her want to pepper the other woman with kisses then and there. For the moment, she settled for rubbing Akalfa's cheek lovingly with one hand. Valira saw that she had been crying and her heart both swelled and ached from the outpouring of emotion.

''Dry your tears my love, I am alright. It will take a lot more than Zira to take me away from you.''

Valira smiled at that, attempting to cheer up Akalfa and downplay just how close she had come to death. It was a testament to how out of it she still was and how distracted by her own thoughts that only now did she register what was going on around them. She heard Zira's roar and saw a rapidly receding speck in the distance that she could barely make out with a squint. She thought she saw Dirk, holding on to Zira's back as she flew through the air and he stabbed at her. For a moment, she thought that she was still hallucinating, but it was indeed reality. Valira was shocked, worried and more than a little impressed as she saw Dirk in action. Still, he needed assistance as quickly as possible. She had gotten the gist of Akalfa and Daisy's conversation, but clearly he was too far up for it to work. They needed a new plan. Valira suddenly remembered Sune, and she thought she had it.

''Sune, could you fly one of us up there? If you get us close enough we may be able to help Dirk finish her off. I doubt she'll be expecting an attack like that, distracted and enraged as she is, so it may be our best chance. Then you can catch us before we hit the ground. Despite my injuries I think it should be me who does it. Its risky I know, but I don't see many other options at this time.''

Valira hated to do this to Akalfa, so soon after she been through such heartfelt pain and worry over her safety. But she knew that her sword was the only thing that could break through Zira's hide and it was more likely to bestow a lethal blow than Dirk's daggers. Valira couldn't ask her or Daisy to wield her sword in her stead, confident though she was in their abilities she knew that they wouldn't be able to do this as well as she could. Besides, the thought of risking either of their lives in such a manner was unthinkable. No, it would have to be her. Standing up with a grunt of pain, Valira stood shakily on her feet for a moment before finally gaining her balance. She turned to Daisy, remembering hearing her say she was initially going to prepare something ''big'' in solitude. She was interested in any alternative plans the witch could provide, not to mention curious.

''Unless what you were planning would be better Daisy? You mentioned you were going to do something while Akalfa supported Dirk. May I ask what it is and do you think it would be a viable alternative?''

She had heard the tone Daisy had used when speaking and she had sounded more grim and serious than ever before. Clearly whatever she was planning was significant indeed, something that the witch clearly did not relish doing. Valira hated to ask in so blunt a manner, obviously this was something that made Daisy uncomfortable, but right now she didn't have any choice. If winning this battle and getting out of it alive rested on what Daisy said next, then delicacy and manners could take a backseat for the moment. She would still apologize after the fact of course, once they were all safe and sound.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune looked at her with fear, and worry pained across her face. "No. Even at my fastest, I could not keep pace with, let alone, catch up to a dragon in flight," she admitted.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk tightened his grip on Zira's spine while his other limbs fought for purchase on anything at all. She rolled, and his feet slipped, his legs dangling helplessly behind him. When she bucked, his body slammed into her scaly hide hard enough to knock the wind out of him. And as she flailed about, it felt as if the very blood in his body was being pulled this way and that. He was getting lightheaded. Queasy. It was a struggle not to be thrown off entirely, cold wind whipping at his eyes and numbing his fingers as Zira climbed higher into the air.

Gritting his teeth, straining his arms, Dirk slowly pulled himself up the dragon's back. Most of the exposed skin was on Zira's underside. He just had to get close enough. Maybe he didn't have an enchanted sword, but that wouldn't matter if he could just reach her neck, or her heart... As Zira leveled out from another loop, Dirk leapt for her shoulders, throwing his free arm around her neck. His right hand held the blood-flecked dagger as tightly as his shivering fingers could manage, while the left searched for an unscaled point. He'd get one, maybe two strikes. He had to make them count...


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira deflated at that, her plan falling apart before it had even got off the ground, quite literally in fact. She wasn't surprised by the answer but she was disappointed. She did not begrudge Sune in the slightest, to do so would have been both unfair and irrational, and she gave the demon an understanding look to impart that sentiment. Valira wracked her brains for another plan, but nothing came to mind. Lack of resources, Zira's resistance to magic and the fact that they were limited to a ground assault severely limited their options. Daisy's plan might turn the tables in their favour, although the witch was clearly still mulling over the exact way to phrase it. Valira did not want to rush her, clearly this topic was one the witch found uncomfortable and difficult to broach, giving her friend an encouraging smile and a sympathetic gaze that held no judgements. Whatever it was, she could tell them. Nothing would change the groups opinion of her. While they waited, Valira kept thinking on alternative strategies.

''That is unfortunate but understandable, Sune. If only there was a way to increase your speed to match Zira's. Would such a thing be possible through the use of a spell? It wouldn't have to last that long, just long enough for us to reach her. Once she is dead, Dirk and I will jump from the corpse in free fall. Then you can catch us. Assuming such a thing is possible, the only issue is the fact that catching the two of us would be too much for even you, Sune. That would put us all at risk. A spell to slow the descent of the one Sune isn't holding would therefore be necessary, although it would have to be timed just so to ensure it worked as intended.''

Convoluted yes, but this was the best that Valira could think of on short notice. It relied on a lot of suppositions and was no less risky than her previous plan, but it didn't seem impossible. They had overcome worse odds before after all. Whatever they were going to do they needed to do it fast. Dirk's life hung in the balance, and Valira didn't want to see her friend ripped to shred by Zira's claws, or even worse crushed under the weight of her dead body. Even if he managed to kill the half dragon, which Valira thought him very much capable of, they would need to move at a moments notice to extract him from the rather precarious situation he found himself in. Giving a worried look towards the distance, straining to see her noble friend locked in battle with their hated foe, Valira sighed in frustration.

''Its not a perfect plan, its not even close, but its all that comes to mind. If there are no better suggestions and assuming it is possible, I say we go for it.''

Valira waited for both Daisy to tell the group of what she had been planning, and for any objections or alternatives from Akalfa and Sune. She was eager for any help they could provide, as Valira felt herself truly starved for choices. She was beginning to get a headache to match the dull pain that still wracked her body, but she ignored both as best as she could. The agony that Zira had inflicted on her victims, both physical and emotional, would be returned to the half dragon with extreme prejudice. That gave Valira comfort, her aching body serving as extra fuel for the fire that was her hatred for the scaly beast.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Dirk's dagger plunged down again, and again, hitting hard scales, before, with the last of his strength, the blade dug deep into the dragon's chest, and Zira screamed. Dirk could do little, as Zira went limp underneath him, his dagger having penetrated either a lung, or her heart. Either way, the strength was quickly draining from her, and she was loosing altitude fast. The mountains began to spin all around him, as she went into a nosedive, and the ground rushed up to meet him. Strangely, it looked blue. Then they hit the water, and he couldn't breath.

The rest of the companions could do little but watch as the piercing scream of Zira rang out through the mountains, and she began to plummet towards the ground.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk lost his grip on the blade as he disentangled himself from Zira's body. Some may have considered it a lucky break, but Dirk had never been much of a swimmer - and now, weighed down by his clothing, weakened by his ordeal, he struggled in his frantic efforts to reach the surface.

Which way was up!? Trying to follow the light didn't help; if anything it was even harder to swim towards.

Was this it? After everything he'd been through... the mission yet unfinished... he would simply... drown? His lungs burned in his chest, screaming for air that he couldn't seem to reach as his panicked tears mixed with the cold lake water.

I don't... want... to die...


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Suddenly, all of their discussion was rendered moot as they heard Zira's scream and saw her body rapidly descend in the distance, with Dirk no doubt along for the ride. Valira was proud that Dirk had finally finished the half dragon off, but that and the relief she felt at Zira's death paled in comparison to the concern she felt for Dirk's safety. They could do nothing to slow down or prevent his fall, they just had to hope that he had landed on something soft. Valira hoped more than anything that he was still alive, it was unlikely that Dirk would come out of this unscathed but with their healing potions and Daisy's magic, she was reasonably confident that they could heal his injuries. As long as they weren't too severe that is, but Valira would not allow herself to dwell on such dark and horrifying thoughts. Right now, their friend needed help. Valira set off at a run toward where she thought Zira had landed, knowing that every second could mean the difference between life and death for their comrade. She signalled for her friends to follow, slowing down to make sure they kept up and remained within earshot.

''I think she went down somewhere over that ravine! Get whatever healing potions we have ready and be prepared to cast healing spells! Whatever condition Dirk is in, he's going to need all the assistance we can give him!''

Valira was exhausted, physically and mentally, by everything that had transpired so far. Her bones and muscles ached, but still she pushed herself to the limit, refusing to rest while her friend's life was at risk. It would probably make her recovery from her injuries take even longer, not to mention make the pain worse, but she did not care in the slightest. Dirk was far more important than any discomfort or hardship. He was her friend, her comrade, a man she deeply respected and admired. She wouldn't allow his story to end like this, not if she had anything to say about it.

''Curse Zira! Even in death she causes nothing but pain and misery! I hope wherever she is now burns as hot as the fire that she once breathed!''

Valira spat this out with pure rage and venom. She normally wouldn't relish the death of an enemy in sucha way, but Zira had more than earned such ire through her actions. What little respect she had for Zira as a foe was dwarfed by the disgust and hatred she felt for the half dragon. Zira had been a cruel and callous monster, one who would be missed by few and mourned by even fewer. Valira's only regret was that she hadn't been able to help Dirk administer the killing blow, although she did take comfort in the fact that she had gotten a few good stabs in. As she ran and they got closer and closer to Dirk's location, she idly wondered if her plan would have worked, and what Daisy's idea had been. It was all academic now, but still she considered it to take her mind off of the worry, anger and fear that had bloomed in her gut like a filthy weed. Once they had rescued Dirk and they had room to breathe, she would have to ask the witch just what she had been talking about. Assuming she felt comfortable enough to tell her that is.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy's grim thoughts were broken as she heard the roaring of Zira's wingbeats. She turned to the source of the noise, and felt her blood run cold. Her plan wouldn't work, not if she was that high in the air. If it was only a few feet, then maybe she could jump and get her, but not while she's that far up. Not even Sune could catch up to her at this point. The witch turned back to Valira. "I'd need her to be much closer to the ground than she is now. And you'll know it when you see it. I'd rather not use it if it's not necessary, and especially if it won't do anything." She stated, looking back up to see Dirk grappling with the half-dragon in the air.

Daisy heard Valira's alternative plan, of trying to somehow increase their flying speed to be able to catch up and then using magic to slowly fall to the ground once Zira was dealt with. It wasn't a terrible idea, but the elf was very obviously not in any condition to do something like that. And she doubted that Akalfa or herself could wield a sword as competently as her. It frustrated her, not having any semblance of a plan to counteract such a dire situation, and it frustrated her that even her most desperate of backup plans would also be useless. She couldn't help but clench her fists in anger, desperately trying to come up with some alternative, and now they were getting too far away to do anything.

And then Daisy heard the piercing shriek of Zira, Dirk seemingly having struck a fatal blow or something close to one. And she could guess what that meant for the rogue, as she saw the distant shapes fall out of the sky. "Illuna forgive me." The witch muttered, as her heightened emotional state made her mind throw out all reason, before she said a single word with the authority of a god that could be heard clearly by the other three people around her. "Moonlight."

A faint glow emanated from in front of Daisy, obscuring her form. Though it didn't obscure the sickening sounds of bone cracking and flesh tearing. Mercifully, the other's couldn't see the process through the glow, though it didn't sound pleasant by any measure. At the height of the sickening cacophony was what sounded like the cry of a dying rabbit. And then, a white blur shot forward, much too tall to be Daisy, with the faint glow following closely behind. When the light left, no trace of the witch was left, though a shout carried throughout the mountains that vaguely sounded like her. "I'M BREAKING THAT PELVIS WHEN I GET TO YOU DIRK!" It barked out, followed by wicked laughter as the blur raced to where Dirk and Zira seemed to have fallen.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa was undeniably relieved by Valira's quick recovery, looking to Daisy with pure gratitude in her eyes. When everything was said in done she'd really have to make it up to everyone for saving not only her life, but the life of her most treasured one. There was never a moment where they didn't have each others backs, and that was something Akalfa valued more than anything in the world. A special unbreakable bond that she wanted to see flourish no matter what stood in their way. The sorceress tried to deny her feelings at first. Thought it to be too early, unsure of herself, afraid of rejection, but after watching her lover go pale and almost pass the threshold of was clear what really lie in the Dark Elf's heart. Something she'd need to get off her chest when the time was right. Leaning into the High Elf's touch as she dried her tears.

That moment of relief was short lived, however, noticing Dirk's absence with a freighted gasp and looking up toward the horrible, dreary sky. He was trapped. Trapped with that horrid wretch. And there was nothing Akalfa could do about it. No way to aid in the plan. No support she could provide. Nothing. Nothing but watching a cloudy sky and waiting with wide eyes, terrified for her companion's safety and the fact Valira would risk her life yet again. Watching and waiting and waiting and watching. Never had she felt so helpless. Her fists tightened in frustration. Both angry at herself for her own lack of action, and the fact she was too slow to stop Zira from taking flight. Now Dirk was up there and goodness knows what was transpiring...

She thought, before the piercing shriek of Zira echoed out. Snapping the Dark Elf out of her thoughts and back into the fray. Dirk had done it! A rogue turned dragon-slayer, she would cheer if not for the realization he must be crashing down along with the she-dragon's body. They needed to get there fast. Now. She couldn't bare to lose someone she was close to twice.

Running along as fast as she could she heard Daisy speak under her breath, her brow raising, especially after hearing of her earlier, grave tone. Just what did she mean?

The answer came soon enough as the brightest flash Akalfa had ever seen overtook her vision, nearly blinding the poor elf. It sounded like...twisting. Snapping. Too heavy to be tree branches. Like bones and sinew reforming. She couldn't see what was happening but knew a transformation of some kind was taking hold of the witch, worried beyond measure, frazzled by the myriad of going-ons all happening at once. With a whirl she watched in awe as the tall figure moved off in the distance, far too fast for her eyes to catch.

Akalfa was rendered speechless. Blinking slowly as she attempted to take in everything that had just transpired. Looking towards Valira she nervously gulped, pointing towards where...Daisy? Or whomever just arrived, had sprinted god speed. She had an endless amount of questions, but those were secondary at the moment. They had one goal that took up her entire focus.

"We'll really need to push it to catch up, here." Extending her hand to Valira, Akalfa pushed herself with all her might breaking into a sprint. She wasn't the most athletic Dark Elf for certain, but those little muscles worked themselves into overtime. Desperate to save Dirk. Desperate to make sure he was alive. He just had to be...


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Daisy would be the first to reach the small lake nestled in a little valley, almost an hour later. The place was a veritable oasis in the mountain range, fresh water, surrounded by trees, and probably sporting fish, and other resources. She was pretty sure that this was were Zira had gone down, but now that she was here, she realized that searching for her friend would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Then she noticed the smoke. On the other side of the lake, a thin stream of smoke rose from the trees.

Dirk would be awoke by the smell of something roasting on an open fire. He groggily opened his eyes to see that he was in a small camp composed of a few tents, and a roaring firepit. Thoughts of his friends having found him, and gotten dinner ready filled his head, until he tried to move. That was when he quickly realized that he was tied to a tree, and the people around the fire where not his friends. The four figures were huge individuals, dressed in simple fur clothing. They looked human, but with rough, blocky features, and most sported horns sprouting from their foreheads, as well as short tusks emerging from their lower jaws. They were also built like brick walls, with muscles on top of muscles. He remembered what Sune had said when they first arrived at the foothills of these mountains, and his heart sank. Ogres.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira's confusion turned into pure shock and bewilderment as she saw and heard Daisy's transformation, grimacing slightly at the sickening noises and bright light that emanated from the human Or at least what they had thought was a human, it was clear now that Daisy was a shifter of some kind, a being with an animalistic alter ego. Valira had heard tales of such creatures, although she had never seen one in person before. Valira could understand why Daisy had kept this secret from them, being a shifter was a difficult thing for a being to live with, to say nothing of the discrimination they faced from more mundane person. Valira felt sympathy for Daisy, no doubt she had struggled to keep this aspect of herself under wraps, that and keeping it secret must have been very stressful for her. She also felt just a bit of fear and concern, hoping that her friend's altered state was one she could control, after all they wouldn't want to add that onto their list of current problems.

As Valira heard the scream that Daisy let out, confusion once again subsumed any other thought. She had heard that type of scream before, it almost sounded like a.... Valira's suspicions were confirmed as a blur of floppy ears, big feet and a fuzzy cotton tail flew past her at a speed far beyond anything Valira had seen so far. Daisy was a were rabbit! Valira had been expecting a werewolf, a werebear, hell maybe even a wererat, but a were rabbit!? It was so out there that Valira would have had a hard time swallowing it if she had not seen and heard it. It was no less powerful in its own way than the other possibilities, that speed was something to be admired for example, but it was no less bemusing for that. The lewd and crazed words that Daisy let out made Valira's eyes widen, realizing very quickly that the rabbit side of her friend was a lot more blunt and exuberant than the human side. Manic and filled with energy, Valira thought that very appropriate for a rabbit, even if it did come across as slightly.... unhinged. Still, even in this new and strange form, it was still Daisy they were talking about. She knew that her friend would do everything in her power to save Dirk, he was in good hands, or rather paws. Still, they would have to rein her in before she went too far. It would be the height of irony if Dirk survived both fighting Zira and the fall only to die from the rough ministrations of a friend turned sex obsessed bunny.

Valira could tell that Akalfa was just as confused as she was, returning her paramours bewildered gaze with equal intensity. When this was all said and done many questions would need to be answered, but right now they couldn't let confusion distract them from the task at hand. Dirk needed them, and they were not about to leave him in the lurch.

''Indeed, let us make haste!''

Taking Akalfa's hand in her own, the pair of them raced as fast as they could, muscles pushed to breaking point, tendons feeling like they would snap from the strain of their exertion. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity but was probably a little under an hour, they caught up to Daisy, with Sune in tow. The demon didn't seem all that tired, which Valira chalked up to supernatural stamina. As she and Akalfa took a moment to rest and catch their breath, breathing heavily all the while, Valira finally got a closer look at the were rabbit. In addition to the features she had noticed before, Daisy was clearly taller and more muscular in this state than she was in her human form. The fur covering parts of her body seemed almost like clothing, and Valira idly wondered how soft it would be to touch. The claws that extended from her hands and feet were sharp and fearsome looking indeed. Clearly, this bunny wasn't as defenceless as its wild kin. Valira was going to say something to Daisy, but she became distracted momentarily by the beauty of their surroundings. The place was beautiful, a bastion of green, brown and blue that contrasted perfectly with the dull colours of the mountains surrounding it. Calm and peaceful, in other circumstances it would have made a wonderful fishing spot. Leisure was the last thing on Valira's mind however, as she noticed the plume of smoke rising from the other side of the lake. Valira knew that it had to be Dirk. Relief mingled with concern and fear. No matter how well he stuck the landing, Dirk wouldn't have had the strength to make a fire, let alone a reason to. Something else was going on here, something sinister.

''We have to find a way across this lake! I fear that Dirk is in grave danger and I am not just talking about his injuries from the fall! We could swim across, although given how exhausted Akalfa and I am that I don't think we would have the energy to stay afloat, let alone make it across. We could cut down some of these trees to make a raft, although we don't have any tools and it would take far too long! We don't have any spells of levitation or flight, and no magic potions or scrolls to that effect either.''

Valira looked at Daisy, an idea forming in her head. It seemed ludicrous, but given the were rabbits tremendous speed it might just work.

''Daisy, do you think you could run us across the surface of the lake? Its a relatively short distance, and its clear that unlike us you have near boundless energy. You wouldn't have to carry both of us, you can take me and Sune can fly Akalfa across. That way, we won't have to waste time taking turns. Can and will you do it?''

Valira knew that it was a hare (more like rabbit) brained scheme, but it seemed like the best shot they had at getting across the lake. Valira was more than willing to court the absurd if it meant saving Dirk, after all sometimes the best solution to a problem was one that seemed most unlikely. Or in this instance, downright crazy.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Any relief Dirk felt at his survival was lost in the full recognition of his predicament: the ogres must have fished him out of the water, then tied him up here to dry. It was a little surprising that they hadn't eaten him already, but Dirk didn't want to give that thought too much attention. What was it that Sune had told them to do if they saw an ogre? "Don't look weak?" ...Probably too late for that.

He glanced around the camp, in case his friends had also been captured, but could see no sign of them. That was comforting, in a strange way; it meant that they might still be in a position to help, wherever they were. They would come for him. He knew they would, though that was no excuse not to try and meet them halfway. If Valira and Akalfa could break free of their captors on their own, then why shouldn't he be able to do the same?

Dirk tried to wriggle free from his bindings, but it seemed the giants didn't cheap out on their ropes. He could cut his way out if he could reach one of his knives, except his primary dagger had been stuck in the dragon's underbelly and was likely at the bottom of the lake by now. The other one had been tucked into his boot, but the way he was now tied to the tree meant that he couldn't bend his leg enough to get to it, or even make sure it was still there.

This may be more difficult than I thought...


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy skidded to a stop as she came to the lake, her heart sinking and the crazed lust fading away to make room for dread as she looked out over the waters. There was no way she would be able to find Dirk if he was in there, and even if she could, he wouldn't be alive. Was it for nothing then? Revealing herself to be what she was didn't help kill Zira, and it didn't make her fast enough to catch Dirk as he fell through the air. Did she honestly blow her cover all for nothing? Then she spotted the rising smoke in the distance. Maybe, just maybe, Dirk escaped the lake unharmed and made a fire to dry off. It was probably too hopeful to think that was the case, but it was the only real shot she had at figuring it out.

Daisy's ears twitched at the sound of footsteps behind her, and she quickly turned to see who it was, only to be greeted by Akalfa, Sune, and Valira. They got their first good look at the creature that took Daisy's place. It stood almost a foot taller and far more muscular than the witch. Her arms and legs were covered with white fur, with the legs bending back unnaturally, looking far more bestial, with her fingers and toes tipped with claws. Long ears topped her head that turned in response to the quiet noises of nature around them. Her hair had turned white like the fur that adorned her body, and her eyes shone red as she looked the trio over. And while they didn't get a good look at it, she very much had a small, fluffy tail resting just above her butt.

Daisy blinked as Valira calmly spoke in her presence, evidently not scared of the were creature before her. The witch rabbit was perplexed as to how they figured out it was her, as she looked herself over. Her clothing had been torn in just enough places to not remove her modesty, and her form was not that of a human's anymore. Was it her face? She knew that didn't change much whenever she transformed. But that wasn't enough to recognize her from behind. The twitching of her ear revealed the answer to that mystery. "I suppose you would recognize the hat." She said, a smile on her face. Her voice was more husky than before, practically dripping with need. Her mind clearly passed over the possibility that she had come from the same direction as the witch after light shone from her and the sounds of a gruesome transformation emanated from within.

Daisy paused as she thought over the elf's plan. She was fast, but not fast enough to run across water. And, in all honesty, most of the speed from her run over here came from powerful jumps rather than sprinting. "Probably not. I'm made to bounce, not run." Daisy said, giving a small bounce to punctuate the point. Despite turning into a rabbit, her tits and ass didn't get much bigger. An idea came to her as she landed back on the ground. "Oh, why don't I just jump it?" She thought aloud, looking at the lake to gauge whether or not she could clear the distance. "Alright, which one of you can swim in case I botch this?" She asked, looking at the two elves.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Jumping the lake was definitely out, but it wouldn't take long to circle it. Somebody had to have made that fire on the other side.

As dirk watched the three ogres around the fire, he noticed two more handling a long thick rope that went into the water. Giving it a heave, they soon pulled the lifeless body of Zira out, and onto shore. Seeing this, the ogres near the fire stood, and approached eagerly, all were licking their lips. Dirk had to wonder if he was going to be desert, or the appetizer?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira raised an eyebrow at the were rabbit, a bit confused by her statement. They hadn't needed the hat to identify her, although in another situation it would definitely help. It wasn't exactly hard to figure out, given they had seen and heard her transformation as well as caught a glimpse of her as she sprinted towards Dirk's location. Hell, they had practically ate her dust she was so fast. Valira chalked up the confusion to the effects of the transformation, yet another psychological effect that the transformation had on her friend. Judging by her voice, it may have been as simple as lust addling her mind. Valira swallowed at how low and husky it sounded, aching for satisfaction. In another context she and Akalfa would have been willing to give her exactly what she wanted, to explore their friends new form together, to surrender themselves to the animalistic lust that the rabbit stayed embodied so well. Right then, sex was the last thing on their minds, rescuing Dirk being the only thing that mattered. Besides, if they were going to have group sex she wanted him to be there too. After all, without him it wouldn't be a true party activity.

Valira sighed at Daisy's words as yet another of her plans went up in smoke. It had been another longshot but that didn't lessen the disappointment. Valira had been clutching at straws with this and her previous schemes, but she thought that at least one might bear fruit. Shoot enough arrows at a target and one of them was bound to hit. Not in this case it seemed. Valira considered Daisy's alternative suggestion. While she didn't doubt the were rabbits jumping abilities, it was definitely too far for her to make it. At best, she might make it to the middle but even that seemed doubtful. Valira was about to respond in the negative when she thought of something so obvious it was a wonder she had missed it. They could just circle around the lake to get to the other side! Valira smiled sheepishly. Her brain had been so distracted and exhausted, so focused on discovering solutions to impossible challenges, that she had missed a simple solution that was hiding in plain sight.

''I do not believe that would work Daisy, it is too far for you to make it. Not even your jumping abilities would be able to get you across without ending in you taking an involuntary dip. There is no need to worry about swimming, or even approaching the water in the first place, as all we need to do is circle the lake to get to the other side. Not as flashy of some of our other ideas but practical and far more likely to work.''

Valira chuckled at that, both out of embarrassment at her own obliviousness and in an attempt to lighten the mood. It wouldn't take them long, maybe 5 minutes or so, to get where they needed to go. Still, that was 5 minutes Dirk may not have had so they would still need to move fast.

''Come my friends, it is time to rescue our friend and comrade! No man gets left behind as long as we have anything to say about it!''

Valira began to move at a brisk pace, bidding the others to follow her. As much as she was tempted to run she paced herself instead, for she had the feeling that they would need to fight when they reached Dirk. Further exhausting themselves would not only be counterproductive, it could be downright fatal. Despite the pain, Valira already felt her strength and energy mostly returning. They had needed that little discussion break, in more ways than one.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
The sight of Zira’s dredged-up corpse was intensely sobering for Dirk, as the reality of what transpired properly sunk in. He’d killed her. Perhaps he should have felt satisfied, triumphant, or joyful in victory; but there was only pity. A part of him still remembered Zira as the friendly, hazel-eyed girl who’d invited them to stay in her tower, whose one damning mistake was coming on too hard to a boy who just wasn’t ready for it yet. A victim of her own pride and temperament who chose to keep escalating the problem, no matter how many people she harmed in the process. She'd tried to kill his friends, repeatedly. Zira had given them no choice but to end it, one way or another.

He’d tried to make peace with her, at least. If nothing else, he could tell himself that he’d tried…

But to watch her body be ripped apart and devoured by these brutes; to see all that remained of the young draconic woman he’d spurned be defiled by such opportunistic scavengers… that was too much, even for him. Even Zira deserved better.

“Back off!” Dirk snarled at the ogres, straining against his bindings. “That’s my kill, not yours!”
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy tilted her head as she looked across the waters as Valira voiced her disapproval of the plan. Looking at the distance again, it was a bit too unlikely for her to clear the distance in a single leap. Her arms crossed, she turned back to listen to the rest of what Valira was saying. She made a good point, they could probably run around the lake in no time at all, rather than trying to run or jump over the water like some kind of mythical beast.

"Good point. Let's get going then!"

Daisy seemed a bit too excited given the circumstances, given the danger their friend might be in. Though, it was fairly difficult for her to think straight in that moment. Her head felt a bit fuzzy as a dull throbbing spread through her body, as it always did whenever she transformed. She bounded off, ready to look at the source of the fire in hopes that it was simply Dirk, or some friends that managed to find him. She stopped however, a few feet in front of Valira, and turned back. It dawned on her just how slowly they were going to jog around the lake. That wouldn't do at all. She briefly assessed the situation, and decided that Valira was likely a bit heavier than Akalfa, given the armor she wore. Without a work, she grabbed the elf and slung her over her shoulder.

"You're way too slow on your own. I'll carry you! If Sune is able to, she could probably grab Akalfa and fly her over the lake to meet up with us when we get there!"

Without another word after explaining her revised plan, Daisy bounded off in the direction that they had intended on running. The trip was a bit bumpy, given that the were rabbit moved by using short but quick and powerful jumps in rapid succession. After the first few hops, she stopped once more, now a significant distance away from Akalfa and Sune. She craned her neck back to try and face Valira as best as she could, before voicing her question.

"Actually, would you prefer I carry you some other way? It's probably a bit uncomfortable for you like that."


Well-Known Member
Akalfa took in Daisy's form with a measure of curiosity, the hat indeed tipping her off. So this is what she meant, what she was hiding. It seemed everyone had a secret of their own, and Akalfa had no judgement in her heart for the witch's decision to hide. Whether she was a shifter or cursed, the Dark Elf knew exactly what it felt like to be judged based off appearances. She had no idea what scrutiny Daisy may have faced in her life but couldn't help but feel somewhat kindred in that regard. In fact, the more Akalfa looked at the witch's more bestial visage, the more she got used to it. Despite the added muscle and claws she honestly looked quite cute to the sorceress. The husk of her voice only further adding a sultry air to her words. But now was not the time to linger on any new fascinations and possibilities. Especially when Dirk needed their aid! Someone had to have lit that fire, and Akalfa would stop at nothing to find out who, desperately hoping he was just keeping himself warm, safe and sound.

"Absolutely, let's get our rogue back home!"

Akalfa was amused watching Daisy lift Valira up and jog away with her, impressed by her strength and enjoying the view of her lover's jiggling backside far more than she was proud of in that moment, seeing Daisy sprint off with gusto. At this rate Akalfa would have no hope of catching up to them, until she thought back to the witch's words. Turning to Sune she sheepishly smiled. Beyond a little exhausted. Pointing ahead she tilted her head, motioning towards the cloud of dust left in Daisy's wake.

"Would it be alright if I request another ride, Sune? I admit, I don't think I'll be catching up to those two on my own." The Dark Elf curiously did not choose to command Sunelarra, easy as it would be, instead opting to show a sign of respect for both saving her life, and a growing fondness for the demoness.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune smiled, and wrapped one arm around Akalfa's waist, pulling her close, their lips mear inches apart. "Hold onto me," she said, and they were in the air, flying after the eager rabbit.

Most of the ogres ignored Dirk, but one looked up, and smirked. "Heh, that's a mighty bold claim," he said, as he stalked towards Dirk, licking his lips.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Don’t look weak.

Dirk glared unflinchingly at the ogre, recalling Sune's advice once again. I am a great warrior, he thought, trying to put himself into the right frame of mind. A pitiless slayer of beasts and men; a bloodthirsty egomaniac who has hunted his way across half a continent.

“Doubt me if you will, vulture, but I speak the truth. Look for yourself: 'twas my blade that pierced the creature's black heart.”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The ogre pulled his blade from Zira's chest, and threw it at him, cutting the rope that bound him. "Then, I should enjoy this," the lumbering brute growled, as he hefted a large wooden club.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“Famous last words,” taunted Dirk, as he picked up the dagger and – to his mild relief – drew the other from his boot. He shifted into a combat stance, watching the ogre’s movements carefully. Underneath the bravado, he was deeply worried. He’d almost drowned only a few minutes prior, and his arms still ached from being dragged across the sky. Still, he was loose, and he was armed. All he really had to do now was stay alive and look for an opening to escape.

Five ogres, but luckily you’re only fighting one. For now, anyway. That’s doable. You’ve had scraps with big ol' brutes like this before: the trick is simply to not be where the club is swinging…


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Right now, that club was swinging directly at his head. He barely had time to side step as the ogre's weapon put a small crater in the soft dirt, where he was standing.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
And that was the other advantage Dirk had over his opponent: his weapons were quicker on the recovery. He darted forwards as the ogre lifted the club again, briefly plunging both blades into its leg before strafing away.

He could only hope it would be enough of an edge...


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The ogre roared before giving chase, and Dirk once more found himself bolting through the woods with a big, burly demi-human hot on his heels.