The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


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Akalfa rolled her eyes at Sune's offer, though despite that she did have a distinct pigment to her cheeks looking back and forth at the demoness's stiff cock, noting that she wasn't as unreceptive to that pitch as the demon may think. Seeing Valira skewer the lizard caused the Dark Elf to jump, but soon returned to her composure as she realized what her lover was doing.

"Where I come from our cuisine isn't luxurious. Mushrooms, blind fish, the occasional giant centipede. This is more a delicacy to me than you may think, and I thank you for procuring our meal. I'm sure if it's graced by your hands it'll taste delicious."

Akalfa said to Valira with a warm smile, not being a picky eater in the slightest and quite excited to try her paramour's cooking. The thought of being able to do so for the High Elf one day as a proper wife brought a blush to her cheeks and a pang of longing. Wishing to return all the love and respect she was shown in equal measure. Survival wasn't easy in the caverns, and like most Dark Elves Akalfa was accustomed to wolfing down almost anything. The weight in her hips becoming less of a mystery by the second. In all truth, grilled cave lizard didn't sound half bad at all. Hearing Valira's request Akalfa nodded, rising from the cave floor and heading toward the entrance.

"I'll be glad to check up on him. Don't need any of us falling into trouble now." Before leaving, Akalfa turned to both Daisy, Sunelarra, and Valira with a particularly cheeky grin, still in high spirits and newfound confidence after the dream they all shared and not making any attempt to hide her giddiness.

"Keep safe you three."

The sorceress waved as she made her way out of the mouth of the cave, searching for the rogue-gone-rogue. The sunlight burned her eyes, squinting harshly as she adjusted to the hateful gaze of the big angry ball in the sky. Skin sensitive against its blinding rays. Seeing Dirk not too far away, she began to run over, waving her arms at him with a smile. She could tell since earlier something was on his mind, with his mask no longer concealing his expressions, and most certainly wanted to discuss. Both whatever it may be, and the exciting events of the previous night. As she stepped about near-blinded the Dark Elf accidentally tripped on a rock, and fell square on her face, with a rather loud thud.

Lifting from the debris she gave a slightly awkward, pained chuckle.

"Morning...Don't mind that blunder, hard to see out here. I take it you had a good night's sleep as well?"
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk turned his head as Akalfa ran toward him, and he smiled back at her - before she fell forward moments later. The look of concern on his face faded quickly, as he hurried over to help. One of his hands was full with a small bundle of dry sticks - the fruits of his search so far - so he offered her the other.

"Good morning to you, too, Akalfa. And yes, I did, thanks." he said, sweeping the dust off her shoulders. "Not hurt too badly, are you?"


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira smiled warmly at Akalfa's praise, blushing slightly. She was delighted that her lover seemed enthusiastic about the meal, after all compared to the other things she mentioned it did seem to be quite a luxury. That was one area where Akalfa was no doubt braver than Valira, eating things out of necessity that the High Elf would never have dreamed of trying. She was not disgusted or judgemental in the slightest, on the contrary she was very impressed that Akalfa had gotten by for so long on such an eclectic diet, with such an amazing figure as a result. That being said, Valira vowed that from now on her beloved would have only the best, in culinary matters or otherwise. If in this case the ''best'' meant grilled lizard, then so be it. Akalfa's words broke her out of her thoughts, as did the Dark Elf's excited cheer, and Valira was overjoyed to see her lover in such a good mood, and so confident to boot. Gods, the smile on her face and the blush on her cheeks were just too cute! Clearly last night had had a positive effect on her and the mood was very much infectious. Returning Akalfa's grin, Valira's eyes were filled with joy, a playful mirth that dispelled her gloomy thoughts like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. That's who Akalfa was, her sunshine. Ironic that a woman who came from a place so dark could shine so bright.

''Thank you so much for your kind words Akalfa, I will do everything in my power to live up to them. Rest assured this will be the best grilled cave lizard ever cooked or my name isn't Valira Aurum!''

Valira's words could have been taken as a jest, but given they were said with the same determined passion as she brought to any endeavour she set her mind too, combined with the usual fire in her eyes, made it clear that she was totally serious. The thought of disappointing Akalfa was anathema to her, failure to prepare a delicious meal for her beautiful paramour as unacceptable as losing in battle. After all, this was a battle, a battle for everyone's stomach. And she would not be found wanting. As Akalfa said her goodbyes, Valira gave her one last beaming smile, eyes following her lover's beautiful form as she left to find Dirk.

''We very much appreciate it, thank you Akalfa. Please stay safe, if you need us do not hesitate to call. We will be by your side quick as a flash!''

Valira said this with a hint of worry to her voice, confident in both Akalfa and Dirk's abilities but still fully aware of the dangers that lurked around every corner. Concern was only natural, but Valira knew they couldn't be ruled by it. If something happened they would cross that bridge when they came to it, come what may.


Well-Known Member
Taking his hand she smiled warmly as could be, thankful for his assistance, albeit with a twig, and a couple of leaves in her hair.

"A little stiff, but just fine. It'll take a bit more for this mountain to scar this sorceress!" Akalfa declared with confidence, however silly she may look after such a tumble. Wiping the dust and dirt from her skirt she thought carefully about how to phrase her next questions. She wasn't sure exactly how he was feeling but started to catch on that when he began distancing himself, something was on his mind. As much as the Dark Elf wanted to chow down on a lovingly prepared hot breakfast, the exciting first taste of Valira's home cooking, the Dark Elf's curiosities couldn't hide themselves, as well as her worries for her companion's wellbeing. Today was the big day after all, and the night prior was eventful. Anxieties and other complex feelings ran high within herself, so checking up on everyone couldn't hurt.

"So..." She smiled up at him and stared. Not a look or judgment or probing, but a nervous one, scanning his eyes for something. The dream brought out a little something different in everyone. And while Akalfa was liberated and regret-free by what she experienced, the sorceress couldn't help but wonder how the others may have viewed it. She did get carried away, slutting about as she did. And had no idea how those affections may have been received in the waking world by someone other than her lover.

"I hope it's okay that I ask but...last night. How do you feel about it? I admit, I did get quite riled up, and I just hope that didn't overstep a real boundary." She asked in a surprisingly timid tone, no sign of her earlier bout of confidence. It may have seemed like an odd question to ask, but she understood he had just started to open up, and wanted to make sure he was just as comfortable in the physical world as he was in the dreamscape with what happened. And...seeking affirmation for the possible potential of reoccurrences wouldn't do any harm.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy chuckled at Sune's suggestion, but didn't say anything about it. A nice meal would do wonders for her right now, though she didn't prepare nearly enough food for the journey to have a feast here and now. The witch looked to the large lizard, tempted by the prospect of it. Until Valira brought her pitch black blade down upon its body. The sword was still cursed, and eating food from a creature killed by a curse was never a good idea. Her lips pursed as her companions seemed to agree to eating the meat. Ah well. In for a penny, in for a pound. Besides, the curse should only affect things cut with the blade, and not the people who eat meat cut by it.

"Sure, why not. I like my lizard meat well done though. Be careful going after Dirk though. That club yesterday did not feel good."

Daisy watched as Akalfa got up to follow after Dirk on their mission to gather firewood. And at how Valira proceeded to butcher the lizard with the sword and make skewers for it. She wasn't particularly adept in regards to courtly graces or martial traditions, but surely a dagger was better suited for these tasks than the sword she brought into battle. Then again, elves worked in strange ways, so perhaps this was the norm for them and she was ignorant of it. Though she couldn't deny the results. The meat was cut and the skin was removed. Even a few of the internals seemed to have made it out unscathed. That sword was sharp, and the elf who owned it knew how to cut.

"Looks pretty good to me. I might also try and clean and cook the organs. Livers and hearts are very good for your body."

Daisy leaned over the chopping block that Valira had used, looking the small organs over to see what was what. There wasn't nearly enough of the parts she'd listed to share with everyone, but she made a point to skewer them as well, if only for herself. She idly thought about the dream they shared last night. It was pleasant, even if she restrained her desires during it. It was also nice to see them all without nearly as much clothing on, even if it hadn't been in the waking world. None of them had spoken about it, so they probably though it was just a dream, and Daisy wasn't about to spoil that illusion. Or worse, talk about a topic they didn't seem to want to bring up.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"I, er..." A flush rose in Dirk's face at Akalfa's question, mostly from embarrassment. He hesitated, unable to meet her eyes with his own as he considered carefully how to answer it. What would be the most inoffensive reply?

No, don't be polite. Be honest.

"It was... well, it was nice," he said, eventually. "I don't think I would mind if it happened again. There are still some things I would have liked to try..." He didn't elaborate, but the way he avoided her gaze was telling.

He sighed. "I'll admit, I was more worried that I had overstepped a real boundary, considering how close you and Valira have gotten." In many ways, he thought of the elves' relationship as being sort of exclusive, and trying or even wanting to interact with either of them was a transgression against both, despite their earlier reassurances. "...I think I'd only be truly okay with it if I knew for sure that everyone else was, too."

"What about you?" he asked, picking up a dry branch and snapping it under his boot. "How do you feel about it, now that we're not in the heat of the moment?"


Well-Known Member
Akalfa looked down at her feet with an anxious smile. It felt good to know she hadn't crossed a line. And that he wasn't averse to the idea of possible future encounters, wondering what 'things' to try might entail with less-than-chaste interest.

It had worried her. The thought of things getting awkward. And with a deep sigh, she was glad to know that the dark cloud brewing was likely all in her head. Thinking
about how to properly respond she paused, walking across the dead leaves while she pondered on it.

Well, if he could be honest, it would only be fair if she did the same.

"I..." Taking a deep breath, she turned back to face him. Her face took on a deep purple hue but she didn't relent in what she said. Daring to be bold and candid instead of mincing her words or shying away.

"I enjoyed it. Greatly. It felt remarkable to be close like that...with everyone. You didn't overstep a boundary in the slightest, and I'm sure Valira would agree with me. To be truthful, I'd be lying to say she and I haven't thought about it for a while now, getting closer to you...Er, not just in that fashion of course! But generally speaking as well. I enjoy how much we've all gotten to know each other, and hope we have many opportunities still."

Akalfa nervously chuckled, not trying to sound predatory or desperate, but sincere. Scratching her head before noticing the stubborn twig attached and removing it, sheepishly adding it to the kindling in his arms. It was a hard thing to admit, confessing an attraction, especially one that was shared with her lover, but honesty was important among friends and she knew since that night in the base that her paramour felt the same way.

"I wouldn't mind if it happened again, either. Whether we all just talk, or if...more occurs. As long as everyone was comfortable with it."

Instead of being idle, she decided to make herself useful and pick up a few sticks as well to add to the collection. More hands always makes the work go faster, as they say. Busying herself helped to soothe her nerves, both about the coming battle and communicating her interest. That and the thought of greedily partaking in their imminent meal with gusto was a great motivator too.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira was grateful for both Daisy's appraisal of the food and her assistance. More help meant lighter work, although the suggestion of eating those particular organs ironically seemed to make the meal seem more appetising on Valira's part. Sheep liver cooked in red wine was a delicacy of her homeland, as was cow heart garnished with seasoning and cooked medium rare. Valira had enjoyed both dishes many times, in fact the very thought was something nostalgic and filled her with a longing for home. She shook her head clear of such thoughts, reminding herself that this would all be over soon enough. She would return to Ashara in triumph as a hero, with her beautiful and beloved Akalfa by her side. Smiling fondly at such a wonderful vision of the near future, Valira's eyes wandered over to what Daisy was doing. It appeared that there wasn't enough heart or liver to go around, let alone for a reptilian take on her homelands dishes. She chuckled at that, her stomach and homesickness stymied by a lizard of all things. There was plenty of other meat on offer so it did not matter, indeed she was more than willing to share the savoury offal with her companions. Looking over Daisy's shoulder, she smiled in satisfaction.

''You are very good at this Daisy. Do you have much experience in preparing your own meals? Oh and wonderful idea to make use of the heart and liver. After all, we'll need all the strength and fortitude we can get for the coming battle, especially after all the fun we had last night....''

Valira blushed slightly at that, eyes filled with lewd mirth and a smile on her lips that was equal parts teasing and genuine. She saw no reason not to bring it up, they had all shared such an intimate moment together, even if it was in a dreamworld, and Valira had no reason or desire to sweep it under the rug. She hoped that it would allow them all to get closer, in more ways than one. Valira also hoped that it would happen again in the future, for real this time and that could hardly come about if they acted ashamed or embarrassed about the whole thing. Besides, she knew that Daisy wouldn't object to the topic or find it uncomfortable, if everything she had seen and learned so far of the woman's personality was accurate. Daisy's frankness was one of her best qualities in Valira's view, something she admired deeply about the other woman. Open yet never rude, such plain yet polite honesty was what more people should try to exemplify as far as the High Elf was concerned.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
There was a long, pensive silence, before Dirk chuckled softly to himself. “It’s amazing how much our thoughts line up, isn’t it?”

He tucked another stick into the expanding bundle, which still seemed too sparse to cook anything of substance. Given how sparse the vegetation was in these mountains, they may have to go further afield to get enough. He stood a bit closer to Akalfa as they continued both their search and their conversation.

"Honestly, for all this talk about getting closer, I suspect that you and I already have a bit more common ground than we realize. Think about it: we both came from unsavory backgrounds, we both did things we didn't want to for people we didn't like; we both ran away hoping for something better; we purposefully obscured our respective pasts for fear of judgment; we both have an inexplicable talent for giving oral... There's a lot." He extended each of the fingers of his free hand as he listed them off, smiling in good humor all the while.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy turned to see Valira peeking over her shoulder. She didn't mind it, and moved aside to give the woman a better view of what she was doing. Which wasn't much, admittedly. There wasn't much she could do for this meat without seasonings or proper cookware. Though there was a certain nostalgia for cooking shanks of meat on an open fire. She wasn't exposed to very fancy foods, mostly stews and soups and roasted meats and vegetables. But knowledge in alchemy came with an understanding of how to cook, somewhat. Both required proper management of heat and measurements, and the ability to multitask if you wanted to finish a complicated recipe in a timely manner.

"Indeed I do. I often need to prepare food and cook for myself. I'm not exactly a butcher nor a chef, but a lot of the foundational principles of alchemy come from cooking. It's a shame we don't have the time to make a marinade and soak the meat before cooking it. Or the tools necessary to grind the meat and stuff it into the intestines to make sausages."

Daisy let out a small laugh after saying sausages, remembering the events of last night and how Valira acted once she had one between her legs. It was an interesting time, and very enjoyable. The thought of trying to create something like that for herself flashed across her mind once more. If she could, she could probably relieve some of the pent up energy pinging around her body. Tonight was the last night before the full moon, if she was keeping track of it correctly. With any luck, she could find the time to explain her need to be alone on the night of the full moon, but that would have to be later, once the group came together once more.

"Try and keep it in your pants for now, tiger. We can celebrate all we want once we skewer two more lizards, get that princess and priestess, and get my scales and claws. I don't think we should eat the meat though. Probably far too stringy."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"I think I'm going to be sick, if I have to watch any more of this."

Dirk froze, and looked up, his heat sinking as his eyes ascended. There, perched on a low hill, was the human form of Zira. She sat on a large rock, chin in hand, as if lost in thought, her foot tapping the ground. She was maybe thirty feet away, close enough that he could see she was looking at him.

"Honestly, if you want to fuck someone, just let them know."


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk's smile did not so much fade as drain. He stared up at Zira with fear in his trembling eyes for a moment, before his expression suddenly hardened.

His eyes narrowed, and his hand curled into a fist. She had to have recognized him, even without the mask on, so there was no point trying to obfuscate it.

"...I figured you'd come looking sooner or later. You got something to say for yourself?"


Well-Known Member
Akalfa smiled brightly at Dirk's words, finding a kindred spirit in the most unexpected of places.

"You really do have a point. It's nice to meet someone who understands what it's like. Perhaps we should go on little excursions more often, who knows what else we might have in common. I have been told that I have many talents after all."

The Dark Elf beamed, lightly nudging his shoulder, a flirtatious and light-hearted response. It really was nice to feel understood, to be able to let your guard down and not feel scrutinized. Precisely why she liked him so much.

The wind picked up a bit, so Akalfa turned away for a second to cover her eyes from debris. Puzzlement on her face as she heard a voice at a distance that didn't sound anything like Dirk's. Looking up the sorceress was met with a foul surprise. Looking Zira up and down, it wasn't hard to guess who she was, eyes widening in terror before glaring at her with uncharacteristic hostility and backing away slowly, both intimidated yet irate.

So this was the one she heard so much about. The one who had wronged Dirk and Valira with so much barbarity.

Suppressing the myriad of harsh insults floating through her head for both of their sakes and safety, Akalfa settled on a neutral expression.

"This was supposed to be a private moment. Though I'm sure you have a reason for why you've decided to show up early."

Akalfa's tone was more indifferent than indignant, trying not to show fear. Although with each passing second the winged predator staring them down made her stomach turn in uncomfortable knots. She was afraid. Very.
The threat they were preparing to surprise got the jump on them, and she was terrified to face the daughter of the great and horrible black dragon.
But cowardice was something more fitting of her past self.

Akalfa wouldn't go cowering and running with her tail between her legs. Not when she had a comrade to defend.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
To Valira who had spent her life having all of her meals prepared by others, Daisy cooking her own was impressive in and of itself. The fact that she clearly did it well even more so. It may have seemed like a rather mundane thing to admire, but Valira wasn't sure how she would have fared if she had been forced to do so by necessity. Simple meals were one thing, but Valira did not know whether she would have the skills necessary to prepare more complex dishes. Not to mention having to hunt, gather or purchase the ingredients, again Valira's family had people who did all of those things. Valira felt a little spoiled in that moment, she had learned to be more self sufficient during this quest but clearly she had more to pick up. While she did not intend to give up her cushy lifestyle back home, it would be useful to be able to stand on her own two feet in certain situations.

''That is admirable, perhaps when this is all over you can teach me a few things? I would very much like to improve my culinary skills. Yes time and lack of equipment mean that we shall have to settle for a simpler breakfast. I am sure it will be both delicious and nourishing regardless. Still, it is enjoyable to fantasise. A marinade would indeed be lovely, as would sausages although I'm not sure that particular variety will catch on...''

Valira smiled at that, matching Daisy's laugh with one of her own. She was a bit confused by her comrades reaction, until she made the connection between sausages and what had happened to her in Sune's fantasy world. Her face flushed slightly at that, wonderful memories coming unbidden into her mind. Daisy's words broke her out of her reverie and she gave a teasing smile in return.

''Oh that will be no problem, I am nothing if not patient and restrained. Well, for the most part. The revelry upon our foes defeat will be well worth the wait, as will the rewards. I hope you get plenty of use out of those dragon parts, I'm sure you will do wonderous things with them. And yes quality of the meat aside, I have just gotten used to the idea of eating lizard, I'm not sure I'm ready to graduate to their bigger, angrier relative. Besides, I wager that the meat is probably extremely spicy, to the point that it would probably make you breathe fire like its owner! When it comes to setting my mouth ablaze, I'll stick with Asharan curry thank you!''

Valira gave a grin as she poked fun at herself, enjoying both the banter and this moment of simple camaraderie with Daisy. So far Sune had remained silent, apparently either not hearing or ignoring Valira's prior words to her, but the High Elf tried not to be offended by that. She had extended an olive branch, she could not force the demon to take it or decide the pace at which she did. Valira was sure the other woman's thoughts were at least partly occupied by the coming battle, she was going to be involved in some capacity after all, so her silence seemed more pensive than rude if one took that into account. Valira wouldn't get offended or assume the worst without good reason to, she would try to be more empathetic towards the demoness and allow her to come to her on her own terms and in her own time. After all, you could lead a horse to water but you couldn't make it drink. Shooting Sune a glance, Valira thought that she was more canine than equine with a bit of caprine mixed in but the saying was still accurate regardless.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Looking up, Valira would find that Sune was actually missing, apparently having slipped out when she and Daisy were speaking. That was odd, Sune usually made it a point to let people know when she was coming, and going.

Zira stared down at them, smiling. "I was wondering why the cyclops didn't report in last night. I have to admit, I wasn't expecting to see you again Dirk, Honey. I gave you fifty fifty odds on making it through the swamp, then I figured you'd get yourself killed, or taken by some monster, or another. You are to be admired for your tenacity," she hissed, as she stood, and spread her wings, her human guise ballooning into her true form, a slack scaled dragon the size of an ox. "What do you say, come be a part of my hoard? You can even bring your little elf friend. I'm sure Daddy will love her," she offered, as she crept down the hillside.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira was surprised, and more than a bit concerned at Sune's absence. While it was possible that she had just gone out for some fresh air or to meet up with Dirk and Akalfa, the fact that she hadn't said anything to Valira and Daisy before she left was unusual to say the least. Sune was a powerful entity indeed, but she was neither invincible nor invulnerable and the battle with the cyclops had made it clear that this place was as dangerous for her as it was for the rest of the group. She might have been worrying over nothing, but she would not be able to relax until she was sure of the demons location and safety. She and the demoness may have had their differences, but that did not mean that she wished the woman to come to harm. If she could do anything to prevent that happening, she would with all her strength and skill. Standing up, she sheathed her sword and looked towards Daisy with a grim and serious expression her face. Her eyes betrayed her feelings, concern mixing with uncertainty.

''Sune has left the cave without alerting the two of us. She's probably alright but just to be on the safe side I think we should go looking for her. I don't like the thought of her being alone out there, for obvious reasons. I swear if this is some prank of hers she'll get such a spanking for this...''

Valira almost hoped that was the case, but something told her this situation wasn't as harmless as all that. There food would probably end up the meal of some adventurous cave rat, but that was the least of their concerns right now. Better no food than an injured or worse companion after all. Making her way to the mouth of the cave Valira waited for Daisy to follow her lead. She hoped that wherever Sune had gone that it was close by. Getting lost and separated from the others would make an already tense scenario far worse. Speaking of the others, it was taking them a while to get back with that firewood, although that could have just been due to the scarcity of kindling available in the area. Still, that made her concern for Dirk and Akalfa's safety grow along with that of Sune.

''We should also attempt to regroup with Dirk and Akalfa. We may need their help to find Sunelarra and I am certain that they would want to know she is missing. Besides, I must admit that I am getting a bit worried about them as well, by right they should have returned by now. I won't be able to rest easy until all of us are safe and accounted for.''

Valira's did her best to keep her voice calm and measured, but there was still an undercurrent of tension behind her words. She prayed that her fears were unfounded, that they would all soon be reunited and enjoying a delicious meal together, laughing all the while about the truly mundane reasons that had kept them apart. That was her hope at least, although something in Valira's bones told her that that hope would soon be dashed into a million pieces. Shaking her head clear of such pessimistic thoughts, Valira steeled herself for whatever they would find as she and Daisy left the cave, holding on to the scabbard of her sword until her knuckles turned white. Whatever happened next she would be ready for it, no matter what it was.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk threw down the gathered firewood and stepped in front of Akalfa protectively, motioning her to back away from the half-dragon's approach. In the clear light of dawn, he could get a much better look at Zira's true form - and it was no less intimidating than it had been the dark, cramped tower. She hadn't changed at all since that night.

But he had.

“…Is that all, Zira? Is that all you have to say for yourself!? You don’t even think you did anything wrong, do you?” He shouted his defiance up at her, eyes incandescent with rage. "I hoped that I might be wrong about you. I hoped that what I saw that night was just an overreaction. I hoped that maybe we could find a way to reconcile, but now? Is this who you truly are, Zira? Is this what you are!?”

He hadn't drawn his daggers - not yet - but his hands hovered close to them.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy returned the smile, happy to be sharing a moment with the elf that wasn't centered around magic, fighting, or fucking. The meals she cooked at home weren't anything special, stews and the like most of the time. Though now that Valira was talking about her home and the food there, her mouth began watering slightly. She'd never had curry before, and had no clue what it might entail. It sounded somewhat like slurry, so perhaps it was a soup of some kind as well? It didn't matter all that much, Valira seemed to like it from the way she spoke, so it must be pretty good.

"Well well well. I might just have you treat me to some curry in the future, if it's as spicy as you claim. On the way there, I can even make something better than skewered cave lizard organs. With some help from a lovely elven assistant, of course."

Daisy gave a wink as she returned Valira's smile. Then she saw past her and to where Sune had been standing. The demon was gone, and without a single word. That didn't sit right with the witch, and she returned Valira's grim look. She stood up and slung her bag of goodies over her shoulder, preparing for the worst. Hopefully she was simply playing a prank on them, but even that didn't feel correct. Surely such a perverted demon's idea of a prank would involve something more than leaving without a word.

"Agreed. It's odd for her to go anywhere without a reason, moreso without telling someone. We could attempt to call her with her true name, but we should probably only do that if we absolutely can't find her. I've got a gut feeling something is going to go wrong."

Daisy made her way to the mouth of the cave where Valira stood, visibly anxious. The witch put a hand onto the other woman's shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile before they departed to search for their three missing friends.

"If anything bad has happened, it will be alright. We've faced worse." Daisy said, unaware of how wrong she was.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira smiled back at Daisy, greatly appreciating her comfort and support. It seemed they were both of one mind about the situation at hand, which was gratifying as it meant Valira wasn't being overly cautious or paranoid as a small part of her worried she might be. In her anxious state Valira had nearly forgotten about Sune's true name, although Daisy was right that it should only be used if they had exhausted all other methods of finding her. If everything was alright, Sune would not appreciate being brought to heel like a dog. If Sune was in the middle of something dangerous, then the effect it usually had on her could end up having deadly consequences. No, better they search for her the old fashioned way and hope they find her and the others as quickly and as easily as possible. Along with all of the worry and anxiety, Valira was disappointed that her conversation with Daisy had been interrupted. They had been bonding, enjoying each others words and company, and then this had to happen. It seemed that moments of peace were few and far between for the party, such was the way on a quest like there's. Besides, the area they were in didn't exactly scream safe and secure. Regardless, Valira promised herself that she and Daisy would properly pick up the conversation that was so unfortunately interrupted at a future date. For the moment, as they began their search Valira decided to address what Daisy had said to her before they had formed their little search party.

''When we get out of this Daisy, I will treat you to all the curry you can eat. I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I will enjoy your non reptilian based cuisine. I would rather like to try making the former from scratch, I have never done so before but it would be an enjoyable challenge and from what I have been told, food made by ones own hands often tastes the best. Since you will have a lovely Elven assistant, perhaps I can enlist the same of a lovely human?''

Valira chuckled at that, sounding more nervous than amused. She had meant every word she said to Daisy, but it was clear that her bringing it up then was an attempt to diffuse tension and distract them from the dark thoughts that were worrying them. Valira was still utterly focused on the task at hand however, her eyes constantly scanning their surroundings as they continued to search for their companions. A cold wind blew past them, bracing Valira and seeming to sharpen her focus, even as it did little to improve her dark mood.

''Where are you all....''

Valira said this aloud, not expecting an answer. Valira took a deep breath to steady her nerves. They couldn't have gone far, they just had to keep moving and they would find them. She just hoped that when they did they would all be alive and in one piece. Valira shook her head violently. Her friends were strong and capable, they could handle themselves in battle, she had seen it first-hand. She couldn't allow worst case scenarios and fear to sap her will or cloud her judgement. Right now, she needed to have hope and faith, both in herself and Daisy and in her comrades. Even separated, they were with each other in spirit, with a bond forged by mutual experience and hardship, one that would never be broken. So let whatever happened next come. They would face it side by side, together.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Yes!" Zira snarled. "I am dragon! This world exists for our pleasure. I take that which pleases me, and burn that which does not. Now, tell me, little, soft, human. Which are you?" Her voice was booming, and sent a chill down Dirk's spine with its implications. His choices seemed set, a plaything, or a meal.
The creature before her was not the largest Akalfa had ever seen, but easily the most frightening given its combination of size, intelligence, and complete disregard for the well being of others. As much as it shook her, she couldn't imagine how Dirk was feeling, with all of its malicious attention focused on him.
A rumbling female voice came down the gully, and made Daisy's ears twitch. Whatever that was, it sounded very big, and very full of itself, and made her skin crawl.
It hit Valira's ears shortly thereafter, and made her stomach twist, because she recognized who it belonged to.... Zira. The dragon was here.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Hearing Zira's voice made Valira's blood run cold and a shiver run down her spine. It was like nails scraping on metal to the High Elf, an unpleasant and unwelcome sound that she wished more than anything she hadn't heard. Yet heard it she had, there was no denying that simple yet horrifying reality. True, this was technically why they were here, to defeat Zira and her father and to free their captives. It wasn't so much Zira's presence that was the issue, it was the fact that she had gotten the jump on them and had appeared before them when they were separated and therefore vulnerable. Their plan had relied on the final battle taking place in an area of their choosing, to give themselves the utmost advantage. Now it was Zira who had the initiative, and Valira knew that wresting it from her would be difficult indeed. Regardless, Zira though powerful was not invincible and Valira knew that they would defeat her no matter how much she stacked the deck in her favour. Running as fast as she could, Valira decided there was no time to lose. She did not even stand still to offer an explanation to Daisy, opting instead to do so along the way. Not that she thought it was particularly necessary, she knew that her friend was smart enough to put two and two together. But she did so anyway, just to be absolutely clear.

''I'd know that awful voice anywhere, it is Zira! That foul creature has clearly made the first move at our expense, she is smarter than we gave her credit for! It goes without saying that our comrades are in grave danger, we must make haste and pray that we are not too late in coming to their aid!''

The worry that Valira felt was mingled with rage and sheer determination. If Zira thought that she could threaten her friends, her beloved no less, she had another thing coming! They may not have started this particular battle, but they would finish it, putting an end to Zira's reign of terror once and for all. The fire in her eyes, the set to her jaw and the speed at which she was moving all spoke to Valira's resolute desire and enthusiasm for the coming battle. She resisted the urge to leave out a war cry, in order to hopefully surprise the half dragon. Two could play at that game after all. Turning to Daisy, she nodded solemnly at her friend and comrade.

''This goes without saying, but be careful. Zira is a formidable foe indeed, even outnumbered as she is we will have to employ all of the strength, skill and cunning at our disposal in order to defeat her. I do not exaggerate when I say this will probably make all of our previous battles seem like child's play in comparison. Steel yourself Daisy, this will not be easy but by all that is good and honourable we will prevail!''

Valira said this in a voice that was equal parts serious and hopeful, the High Elf fully aware of the odds stacked against them yet no less confident of victory for that. Zira was strong, but they had a weapon that was far more powerful. And Valira wasn't thinking of her cursed sword (although that was a definite edge). No, what they wielded was righteousness, and that burned hotter and brighter than the breath of any dragon, full blood or no.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa backed away in shuddering fear, covering her ears as Zira's booming voice shook the trees like thunder in the sky, powerful and demanding. The sleek blackness of her scales looking like shining ebony armor. A terrifying predator on the prowl, with one particular piece of prey on her mind. Akalfa was shaken to her core, yet stood her ground. After everything Zira had put Dirk through, she had the gall to screech at him and make demands? After kidnapping their comrade, filling them with guilt, and throwing a child-like tantrum she still had not changed one bit, even daring to offer the Dark Elf over to her father as a treat? It digusted Akalfa. Selfish and self-serving just like all the people she had worked under for all her life. Clenching her fists in rage, she stood beside Dirk, thankful for his protection and now willing to return the favor. Putting her hand on his shoulder to comfort him and show her support. Even if this adventure may be their last they would not surrender, and would fight with all the dignity and furiosity they had!

She could feel the arcane magic flow in her veins, red hot and angry, ready to strike as soon as the moment presented itself.

"Well Dirk...which are we?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Well that'd be just perfect. I can't wait to steal the recipe." Daisy said with a wink, attempting to ease the tension as well. Her smirk faded and her face twisted into a grimace as she heard the booming voice off in the distance. Her skin crawled at the noise, and she could feel a mixture of dread and annoyance at hearing it. Something powerful was ahead, and it sounded awfully full of itself. Perfect type of thing to take down a peg or two, in all honesty. Thankfully, her good hearing didn't blow her cover either. It seemed like Valira noticed it too, though she seemed even more perturbed by it. And based on how quickly the elf ran off without her, Daisy had an idea of who that voice might belong to.

Daisy ran after Valira, chasing after both the elf and the voice. She was slower than her companion though, and didn't have an easy way to catch up quickly. "Knew I should have enchanted that broom back home." She muttered to herself between panting breaths as she sprinted forward, trying her best to not slip or trip on any rocks. She listened to the explanation along the way, glad to be filled in on the details. "Good! This will mean there's fewer problems when we kill the other lizard!" She shouts back, already slightly exhausted from running so fast and so far.

Daisy paused a bit at the warning of how powerful Zira was. Even if she wasn't a full dragon, it sounded like the last fight with her didn't go over well, and that they only barely escaped. "I've yet to show my full hand as of yet Valira." The witch said in a far more measured tone. If worst came to worst, she could always trigger her transformation. It would take time to fully change, and it wasn't exactly a pretty process, but it would absolutely catch anyone off guard. "We'll take her down here." She said with a voice far more serious than usual.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Plaything or meal: you're prey either way...

The blood boiling in Dirk's veins told him to draw steel; to take vengeance for all the stress she had caused him. But the more sensible (if craven) part of his mind knew that Zira would be too much for the two of them alone. It would be different if the whole group was there, or if it had been him alone, but the half-dragon had explicitly threatened Akalfa. The dark elf needed time to get away, either to bring the others or just to save herself.

...Perhaps there was a way to give her that time? Dirk closed his eyes and took a deep breath to cool his temper. He hadn't heard the conversation very well from outside the tower, but he'd caught enough of it to remember the gist.

"Zira, I'm sorry. Please. Let this grudge go..." he said, softly, "I have never denied that I was wrong to spurn you like I did, but that doesn't mean you were right to attack my friends over it. You should have been more patient, could have asked about my... reasons. Or at least left the rest of them out of it."

Dirk turned his head and gave Akalfa a subtle nod as he cautiously stepped away from her, raising his hands placatingly as he approached Zira's draconic form. It was a dangerous gamble, and if it didn't work out then the next few seconds were going to be very painful, but he had to try... for his own conscience as much as anything else.

"Please, give yourself one more chance to do this peacefully. We don't need this violence."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"I think not," Zira replied, and a wall of fire rushed from her mouth, straight towards them.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira smiled slightly, both at Daisy's optimism and her confidence. It was important that they didn't lose their heads, figuratively speaking. After all, panic could very easily cause the pair to lose them in a more literal way in the coming battle. Valira swore then and there that the only one who would be decapitated this day was Zira. She knew that killing the half dragon was the only way, Zira had proven herself impossible to negotiate with and a danger to everyone. If a less deadly alternative presented itself, Valira would be willing to take it. But if they did have to kill Zira, she would not lose any sleep over it. After all, if anyone deserved death, it was her. As they approached the source of the voices, they became louder and Valira could make out the voices of her friends along with Zira's. Valira frowned as she heard Dirk attempt to reason with the woman, a noble yet ultimately fruitless gesture. What happened next was expected and inevitable, yet as Valira rounded the corner and finally came upon the scene, it was no less horrifying. Seeing Zira's fiery breath racing towards her friends, it was like the entire world went into slow motion. There wasn't enough time to get them out of the way, if they didn't act fast Dirk and Akalfa would be burned alive. Quick as a flash, Valira turned towards Daisy with an expression in her eyes that burned as hot as the fire threatening her comrades lives.

''You need to cast a spell to quench that fire or at the very least one to protect them from its effects! There isn't a moment to lose!''

Valira didn't wait for an answer as she took off at a run towards Zira, unsheathing her sword as she ran and jumping at the last minute over the wall of flame. Bringing her sword down in an arc, she aimed straight for the half dragon with all the force and rage she could muster. This was risky to say the least, an all or nothing attack, but she hoped that Zira would be both distracted and her movements cumbersome enough that she wouldn't be able to dodge.

''Taste. My. Blade!''

As far as Valira war cries went it was short and sweet, but no less emotionally charged for that. She just hoped that the damage of her attack would match the intensity of her effort and the emotions fuelling it. Landing on her feet at the same time in front of Zira, Valira's blade finally came down in a whooshing arc, slicing the half dragon from head to stomach. Valira waited for the brief delay as Zira's body registered the attack, praying that the cursed sword would be enough to pierce the beasts tough hide. If it wasn't, she had left herself vulnerable, winded and at point blank range for Zira's fire.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk’s eyes flew open in shock as the flames surged forward. He dove to the side, throwing himself to the ground in a desperate attempt to get out of the way as the heat licked at his ankles. His ears were ringing and his heart thundered in his chest as he looked back over his shoulder at the place Akalfa had been standing, now consumed by fire. He couldn’t see the dark elf through all of the flames, and in that chaotic, panicked moment, his mind jumped to a horrible conclusion:

He’d done it again. His stupidity had cost them another close companion.

Gritting his teeth, Dirk rose to his feet and drew both of his daggers, his entire body shivering in rage and anguish. Even if he was wrong, that awful feeling was worse than any wound the monster could inflict on him. He whirled around just in time to see Valira's opening strike - when did she get there!? No, it didn't matter - and rushed to back her up, watching the beast's reaction for an opening...


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Zira looked at the two of them, and laughed, a deep mocking sound, before it turned into a gasp. The thin line down her front that Valira's sword had made, barely more than a scratch, began to turn pale, then spread as the scaled around it began to crack, crumble, and finally slough off, leaving a thin stripe of bare skin down the dragon's front. "What have you done to me?!" she roared in rade, and beat her wings, blowing the group back, and off their feet.
The sudden wind also blew away the smouldering fire that lingered where Akalfa had been standing, and the group saw her... wrapped up in Sune's wings, and mostly unharmed, the demon apparently none too bothered by fire.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira was delighted to turn Zira's scornful laughter into incredulous rage, although she didn't have any time to revel in the feeling as the had dragons wingbeats knocked them over with the force of a small storm. Though a little shaken up, neither she, Dirk or Daisy looked none the worse for wear. The former hadn't had the time to cast a spell, everything had happened so fast. Worry and fear suffused every fibre of her being as she remembered that Akalfa was still caught in the path of the flames, only for it to morph into glorious relief and surprise as she saw her cradled in the embrace of Sune's wings. Valira let out a shaky breath she hadn't realised she was holding, as she stood back up, helping the others do the same. She shot a misty eyed look at Akalfa, her gaze and the smile that graced her lips expressing the boundless love she felt for her paramour, coupled with relieved jubilation at her safety. She then turned to Sune and gave a her a look of pure gratitude, as well as a solemn nod of respect for what she had done. She hadn't been required to save Akalfa, true name or no, instead she had done it because she chose to. Whether it was altruism, pragmatism or some mix of the two, regardless she had saved her beautiful lovers life and Valira would be forever indebted to her. There would be time to discuss their feelings later however. Right then, they still had a half dragon to defeat and they could not afford to get distracted.

''We can't let her escape! Daisy and Akalfa, since we can't harm her with magic, use your spells to distract and disorient her! Dirk, you and I are going to have to take her down! I'll use my sword to reveal as much of her vulnerable flesh as possible, then we'll go in for the kill! Lets show this pathetic excuse for a monster what true heroes are made of!''

Valira ran forward at that, leaving out a war cry that was both a genuine exultation, a morale booster and an effort to intimidate their foe. Valira kept her focus on Zira, ready to move in a moments notice if she tried to leave off her fiery breath. Even with her cursed sword and everyone working together, this fight would not be easy but Valira had complete faith in her friends and their inevitable victory. Valira slashed her sword once again at Zira, this time aiming for the patch of bare skin, aiming to both injure the beast and unveil more weak spots for her and Dirk to slash at. While she did so, she laughed triumphantly. Antagonising their foe was risky, but it also increased the likelihood of her making reckless mistakes that they could take advantage of.

''What's the matter Zira? Not as invincible as you thought? Getting a little scared? Surprised that we've picked up a few new tricks since last we met? It appears that the draconic reputation for arrogance is well deserved indeed. You underestimated us and now look where you are, about to be slain by the very beings you thought of as mere insects. The fact that we even have the temerity to do so must eat you up inside. I pity you, truly I do. I dare say you and your father will end up with more than a bruised ego when we're done with you!''

Valira said this as she continued to slash at Zira, making each strike in rapid succession as she did so, not slowing down for a moment. Valira's aim was to attack hard and fast, doing as much damage to the half dragon as possible. Fatigue and muscle ache were taxing even her prodigious stamina, but she did not relent. She had to soften Zira up as much as possible if she and Dirk hoped to administer the coup de grace.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Valira's sword sang through the air as it cut away great swaths of the dragons scales, and even drew first blood. Her cheers of triumph lifted the hearts and minds of all around her. Then Zira swung back.
The dragon's massive tail whipped around like some huge snake, and slammed into Valira's side. Her armor might as well have been made of paper for all the good it did against such a powerful strike. It crumpled like tin, and Valira felt something break inside her, before she flew through the air. When she hit the ground, she couldn't breath.
The others saw Valira fly a good fourty feet, before she landed in a heap. "Miserable knights," Zira muttered.