The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk patted his pockets. He'd sold most of his "tools" when he'd decided on this career change, but had still kept a couple of lockpicks for just such a situation. They were just too useful to go without. He held one up with a sly grin.

"I can certainly try!"

He knelt in front of the chest, biting his tongue in concentration as he worked. The lockpick rattled against the mechanism as he gingerly felt around for moving parts. Dirk was more accustomed to human-made locks, however, and he couldn't be sure if this operated on the same principles.

"So if not the ogres, who do think made it? Whoever they were, they liked trees and arrows. Some huntsman, maybe?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Hmm, a huntsman or perhaps an elf? Though, neither of our elven friends uses a bow and arrow, so maybe that's just a stereotype." Daisy responds, watching him go to work. She didn't know much about lockpicking, but did know that you needed to listen to hear the little bits and bobs move around inside. "I'm more interested in what's inside than who made it though. Perhaps it's some kind of magical bow, given the engravings and assumptions we've already made?"


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Is that a tumbler I'm prodding, or just a gap in the metal?

"Maybe. Seems a bit small for a weapon, though." Dirk's brow furrowed. "I can tell you this much: whoever built this lock knew their stuff. Which means the original owner of this chest had both the means to get it and a reason to want that kind of security. Which just makes me even more curious as to what's inside. And also how it wound up in an ogre camp. Did they steal it, was it given to them, or did they just happen to find it?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"True, it is a bit small for a weapon. Perhaps some kind of clothing then? It could be folded up to easily fit inside." Daisy thought aloud. "If worst comes to worst, I could always try and smash the chest. Though I'd rather not, since it would almost certainly damage whatever is inside."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As they spoke, Dirk felt the lock give, and with a delicate creak, the box opened. Dirk's eyes widened as he looked at the sparkling contents. Gold, and gems glittered in the light of the sun. Coins filled most of the chest, along with rings, bracelets, necklaces, and a thin platinum circlet, all of which were studded with jewels. A princely sum to be sure. This chest contained more money than Dirk had ever seen in one place.
While Daisy might not have as much use for gold, she could certainly understand the value of the gems, and trinkets; they would make excellent objects for enchantment.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Oh, they definitely stole this." Daisy says, looking at the contents of the chest with eyes as large as dinner plates. "Just look at all of this. There's enough jewelry in here to pay for a mansion. I wonder if I could put some wards on them for protection. I haven't got the proper tools for that all the way out here, but I could definitely etch runes into gold with enough time." She continued, pulling out a gold necklace encrusted with topaz and sapphire. She held it up to her neck to see how she'd look with it on. She momentarily eyed the circlet, but wearing that and her hat would be awkward, so she left it alone. Someone else could have it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk balked at the glittering hoard within, awestruck. Back in the city, a haul like this could have set him up for life. A considerably shorter life, especially once word got around, but for life nonetheless.

"It's almost too much. Doesn't seem real. Even split five ways, it'd be tough to carry it all."

Many questions raced through Dirk's pragmatic mind as he examined a couple of coins in his hand. Where had it all come from? How had the ogres acquired this treasure? And most importantly: how much trouble would they be in if they kept it?

"...If they did steal it, then who would they have taken it from? I can't imagine any traveler in these parts would be holding on to a fortune like this."


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"That's actually a good point. It doesn't make sense to lug this much gold around these parts. And the only civilized place that I'm aware of that's even remotely near here is the village." Daisy responds, taking another look at the chest. "The only place with this much gold would be Garam's horde. But I doubt they could steal from a dragon and get away with it. And I don't think the dragon would be willing to part with a piece of its horde either." She continued, looking in the chest as an idea came to her.

"What if there's something at the bottom? There could be some kind of illusion spell on it, or it even just an indicator of who or what it belonged to." Daisy said, beginning to dig around deeper into the chest.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Daisy had hit the point of Dirk's concern precisely. Dragons were infamous for hoarding treasure, after all.

"Hmm. What if it wasn't stolen, but paid? That cyclops we fought the other day, Zira implied that it was working for them in some manner. Could the ogres have had a similar arrangement?"

It seemed unlikely, but it was fun to speculate. Although if they were in the dragon's employ, they might have shown a bit more hesitation about eating Zira's remains. If Dirk were working for a being like that, he'd do everything he could not to enrage him.

"Worth a look, I suppose." He carefully helped to move things out of the way for her, simultaneously sorting things into piles of coins, rings, and jewelry. The platinum circlet he carefully set aside from the rest - it looked fragile. "What do you reckon the chances are that at least some of this stuff is cursed?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Pretty likely. I think I read a story about a dragon who horded cursed items exclusively. Though nobody was sure if it wanted cursed items, or if it cursed them all itself." Daisy continues digging around, trying to sort with Dirk. "It'd be a good idea for me to look over most of the stuff to see if it is. Or to look over the chest itself to see if it's cursed."

Daisy pauses as the last words leave her mouth, realizing she probably should have tried to check if the box was cursed or not before Dirk opened it. She shrugged and continued digging around. "I doubt the chest itself is though. It would have done something by now, especially after you picked it open. That or you're better with your hands than I gave you credit for, which is saying something. Professional thief material skill."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Eventually, the two would uncover an ivory scrollcase. After checking to make sure that it was, in fact, not cursed, they found that it contained a rolled note. Inscribed upon the fine parchment was, in flowing, elegant script was a letter.

Dearest Sakara,
Your gift is something to behold. Truly, you spoil me too much. Please accept this small some, as a token of my gratitude. I've even included one of my slave crowns, as I know they struck your fancy the last time you visited. Hopefully, your ogres will bear it to you quickly, as I desperately look forward to our next liaison.
Passionately yours,

The name Sakara was unknown to either of them, but was definitely draconic. It appeared that Garam was courting.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk stared at the message on the scroll for some time. He would never have expected dragons to write correspondence. It seemed the ogres they'd killed hadn't been more of the dragon's minions after all.

"Well, I guess we were technically correct. It's all from Garam's hoard, alright; but it wasn't stolen. Er, not by the ogres, anyway." He scratched his chin thoughtfully, and glanced sidelong at the platinum circlet. Slave-crown? What did that mean, exactly? And what was this gift Sakara had given Garam?

"Hold on a second: if Garam is angling for this Sakara customer, then... why did he kidnap Princess Charlotte? Just to tide himself over until he heard back?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Thinking back on the way Zira had approached him, he remembered that she had viewed him as a plaything; something to be used when she wanted to, and discarded as soon as it stopped being fun. In short, she treated him, like a possession. It seemed likely, that the Princess, a woman of royal heritage, with the power to rule over an entire kingdom, was seen by a dragon as nothing more than a... toy. To these great scaled beasts, the world was their plaything, and everyone else was just there to entertain them.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Well, I'm glad I didn't put that thing on my head. Who knows what could have happened." Daisy said, eyeing the circlet and shivering. "It goes without saying, but let's make sure the other know not to put it on either. I don't know how it works, and I don't think I want to find out either."

"As for why he kidnapped a princess, dragons are known for being pretty vain, right? Maybe he did just want to tide himself over until him and this Sakara met up. Whoever they are. Must be another dragon, if I had to guess." Daisy looked over to Dirk, still thinking this information through. After all, what else would a dragon try and court other than another dragon?

"On the bright side, this is treasure that Garam doesn't expect to be returned. We're already going to deal with him, but if this is just a piece of his horde, then there must be a veritable mountain of gold in his lair. Hopefully some other pricy things as well." Daisy leered at the bounty once more, a small glint of greed sparkling in her eyes.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
It was a rather upsetting thought, especially for Dirk. He'd known folks like that, growing up: men who didn't seem to see others as people. Usually, he'd been stuck doing their horrible bidding. You couldn't bargain or reason with such people. At most you could only beg; and once they had that leverage over you, it was nearly impossible to get rid of it. Perhaps not all dragons were like that - pompous and arrogant - but Garam and his spawn clearly were.

At least Daisy was right: they were already going to deal with him.

"Well, lets not allow our imaginations to run too crazy," he said, as Daisy brought up the dragon's hoard. "Not until there isn't a dragon in the way of it."

Dirk got back to his feet, moving to put the treasure they'd found back into the chest. "Besides, I'm not entirely sure how we should transport this small part of it. Do you want to carry it the whole way up the mountain and back?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy winced as she realized the logistical nightmare of carting an entire dragon's horde out of its lair. "Good call. Seems my eyes got bigger than my brain for a second." She replied, beginning to help Dirk put the treasure back into the chest.

"We could eave it here nd bury it, coming back for it later. Though that seems like too much of a hassle as well. Let's simply take an item or two from it that we want and leave the rest. I think I might be able to put some magic into a few pieces of jewelry. So long as it isn't the circlet, wearing anything in here should be fine. Nothing else in here remotely resembles a crown, or is nearly that fancy." Daisy continues, picking up the circlet and placing it on top of the rest.

Spotting something interesting, Daisy pulled out two matching rings from the pile. Golden bands with small crystal embedded into them. "Perhaps we can give a gift to the two love birds over there as well." She held the two rings up for Dirk to see while motioning over to Akalfa and Valira.

"I'll be keeping this necklace at the very least. I can't exactly wear a ring if I transform, unless I want it to break of course. A bracelet or bangle could also work, though I can at least hide this under my clothes." Daisy says, putting on the necklace that she was looking at earlier.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa woke up with a woozy yawn. A little distance onto the shore and out of the waters. A telltale pleasant ache ran throughout her joints, and her legs felt so weak it took a considerable effort for her simply to rest on her knees. The Dark Elf's cloak neatly wrapped across her body, Valira not too far away staring back with a grin.

Did she...Pass out?

With great awkwardness it wasn't hard for Akalfa to piece together what exactly transpired, memories slowly returning with a darkened flush. Given that she was already so close to the edge, Valira's rather exuberant show of stamina must have tuckered the Dark Elf out. Quite literally. As embarrassing as the thought of being seen or heard in the middle of her particular 'incident' was, there wasn't an ounce of regret to be found. Giving a hoarse chuckle to Valira and an apologetic glance for being unable to keep up with the High Elf's ferocity. Struggling to take her first steps before stabilizing her gait.

"Got a little carried away there, didn't we?" Akalfa spoke shaking her head. Always getting a little
too intense with their bouts of lovemaking.

She could see Daisy and Dirk at a distance and shot a wave and a smile their way, curious as to what they got up to in her 'absence'. She didn't realize it at the time but now even her stomach was growling. Deciding no longer to sit idly, Akalfa walked over to the dim embers alighting the ogre's makeshift spit, focusing her thoughts on heat and warmth and produced a small flame from her fingertips, keeping the campfire hot for her companion's return and the eventual dinnertime.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Yeah, it was quite the show," came Sune's voice, and Akalfa saw her slumped against a tree, her face, and tits covered in her own cum, while her slowly softening cock slid back into her sheath.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk liked the idea of burying the chest - it reminded him of the more interesting stories he'd been told as a kid, about black-hearted corsairs and daring adventurers - but it was probably best to discuss that as a complete group. He didn't take anything for himself just yet, as clinking coins might make too much noise when he needed to be quiet.

He smiled approvingly at the rings Daisy picked out for Valira and Akalfa. "They'd like that, I reckon. A show of our appreciation, and an acknowledgement of the close bond they have. You have a great eye for this sort of thing, Daisy!"

As Daisy put on the golden necklace, Dirk found himself admiring the way it looked. He never really saw people wearing jewelry, since he hadn't exactly been invited to those social circles, and so he never really understood what people saw in it beyond ostentatious displays of wealth. Even though it was only a necklace, it did seem to add something to Daisy's appearance, though that might also have been because she was still stark naked.

When everything was put away, he got to his feet and shut the lid of the chest. Dirk dusted off his hands and walked to where the goats' legs were being stored. "Right! That's the mystery of the box solved. Let's get cooking! Should be enough here for all of us."


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Indeed." Daisy replied, standing up and walking with him. "Though I'm a bit surprised you didn't grab anything for yourself. If you're not a fan of jewelry, then I could see if I could make something a bit more discrete. Fetishes and charms are a specialty of witches after all." She gave Dirk a wink after that last sentence, the double entendre very intentional.

"Oh, and it looks like you two are back to the world of the living." Daisy chimes as she sees Akalfa lighting a fire with Valira not far behind her lover. "We searched around a bit while you two were busy. The ogres had some food and we'll start cooking it. A shame we couldn't have cave lizard, though I'll settle for goat as well." She chuckled, pulling out one of the legs.

"Oh, and one more thing." Daisy opened her other hand and showed it to Akalfa. "We found a bit of treasure too, in case you didn't see what was on my neck. It'll make for a good gift for Valira, don't you think?" She whispered to the dark elf, holding the matching rings out to her. "They're not magic, though I can help you enchant them if you'd like. I was going to do the same for this little piece on my neck anyways."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira had been taken aback by Akalfa's reaction at first, but given how long her body had been teased as it waited for relief it made sense the more she thought about. Akalfa's orgasm when it came was clearly mind shattering, a scream echoing from the Dark Elf's mouth that sounded more animal than person. Moans, groans, grunts and growls all mingled into one as Akalfa rode out her release, eyes rolled back into her head and tongue lolling out of her mouth as Valira was almost drowned by the torrent of juices assaulting her face. The High Elf had done her best to swallow as much of it as she could, but a small amount dribbled down her chin and fell into the water despite her efforts. As Akalfa's spasming body finally calmed down, Valira had taken a much needed breath of fresh air, face soaking wet with her lover's delicious juices. Akalfa had obviously passed out from the pleasure and Valira moved her body tenderly to dry land, wrapping her beloved in Akalfa's cloak. Then she had simply watched, waiting patiently for her future wife to finally awake from her post orgasmic slumber.

Valira couldn't keep the grin off of her face as Akalfa finally awoke, returning her chuckle in kind as well as an understanding look that told her there was no need for apologies. It was clear that Akalfa was still a bit wobbly on her feet and at first Valira was worried that she would slip and fall. But she soon stabilized, just one of the many instances which made Valira proud of her lover's strength and fortitude. Gods she looked so adorable! Her face was bright red, no doubt filled with thoughts of what had transpired before she passed out and it made Valira want to shower her with kisses so badly. Valira restrained herself however, knowing that there would be plenty of time for that sort of thing later. At that moment, they needed to reunite with the others and sort out the food situation. Besides, they had already been quite romantic as it is, so it wasn't as if they were starved for love.

''Indeed my beloved, I suppose we just bring that side out of one another. Not that that's a bad thing, in fact I think its just one of the many things that show that you and I belong together.''

Valira smiled warmly at Akalfa, eyes sparkling in a mixture of adoration and playfulness. Sune's somewhat tired voice interrupted the moment, drawing the pairs attention to the cum spattered demon. Come to think of it, Valira had heard Sune scream during Akalfa's own release, although that had mostly been covered up by the Dark Elf's noises. Clearly Sune had came just as hard and at the same time Akalfa did, an arousing and flattering thing to do, albeit a rather messy one to boot. Ironically, Sune would have to take a long and intense bath to get rid of all of that cum, something she had neglected earlier when the opportunity had arose. Valira chuckled at the demoness, giving her a playful look and a coy grin as she did so.

''We are glad to hear you enjoyed it, perhaps in the future you can join the performance, rather than just watch.''

Valira's voice was low and husky, following Akalfa as they made their way back to the ogres camp. She couldn't resist shaking her ass a little as she walked, giving the already spent demon one last bout of teasing. At least, she assumed Sune was spent. For all she knew she was playing with fire, and she wasn't talking about the flames that Akalfa produced to keep the groups cooking fire going. She too saw Dirk and Akalfa waving at them and returned the gesture along with Akalfa. She was as relieved to see that their comrades were ok as she was curious about what they had discovered. Valira chuckled as she heard Akalfa's stomach growl, her own making similar sounds in tandem. Clearly they had gone without food long enough, it as time to satisfy their nutritional needs as well as their carnal ones.

Valira grinned as she heard Daisy's greeting, amused by her teasing and delighted that they had found the perfect food for their afternoon meal/dinner. As curious as she had been regarding the taste of cave lizard, she had to admit that goat seemed like a much more tantalizing prospect. It was certainly one that she was far more used to, although she had always preferred beef when it came right down to it. Not that it would really have mattered, in that moment they were all so hungry they would have eaten a mole cricket if one had been on the menu. Suddenly, she noticed one of the very same creatures scuttling by her feet before it burrowed into the ground. Valira found herself a little unnerved by that coincidence, clearing her throat exaggeratedly.

Well, maybe half a mole cricket at the very least.

Valira was surprised by the loot that Dirk and Daisy had in their possession, raising an eyebrow at the lovely golden necklace draped around her neck. It looked gorgeous on her, like something Valira would have worn on special occasions back in Ashara. The sun glinting off of it it bathed the were rabbit in a cozy and soothing glow, the colour of her fur providing a contrast that was very easy on the eyes. It very much suited Daisy, although that didn't answer the question of just where she had gotten such a stunning accoutrement. There weren't exactly many jewellers in the area, not unless they had come across some talented hermit who called the area home. Stranger things had happened, but it still seemed like quite the unlikely possibility. Valira wasn't about to bombard them with questions however, such things could be explained over the delicious meal that they were about to enjoy.

Valira was curious just what Daisy was showing Akalfa, her hushed voice and furtive movements only adding to her burning desire to know. Before she could look however, Akalfa had hidden whatever it was in the confines of her cloak. Valira was surprised by how secretive her lover was being, although she didn't question her about it. She trusted Akalfa implicitly and if she was hiding something from her she must have had a very good reason. She was not hurt by the knowledge, in fact she was excited to eventually find out. Perhaps it was a present of sorts? Maybe some more of that precious jewellery Daisy had found? The thought of her beloved Akalfa surprising her with a gift of any kind, let alone one so beautiful, filled her with giddy joy and made her heart skip a beat. She would have to return the favour in kind at the earliest opportunity. If she was indeed correct, then she couldn't wait to see what it was. Apparently a somewhat obvious possibility never entered Valira's head, the eventuality that they would have been lucky enough to find suitable engagement rings seeming a remote one at best. Combine that with recovery from multiple orgasms and sheer hunger and Valira wasn't exactly in tip top mental shape. Doing her best to hide her wide smile and blushing face, especially from Akalfa (she didn't want to ruin the surprise after all) Valira sat down with the others by the fire, warming herself up as they prepared their food in earnest.

''It appears that you two will have to catch us up. While we are eating that is, after all its no use delaying what we so desperately need any longer. All of that sex has no doubt put an even sharper edge to our hunger and we will need to eat quite a bit to replenish our bodies. Besides, this will allow us to engage in a tradition that I understand is as old as time, that of the campfire story.''

Valira grinned at that, a look of childlike excitement filling her eyes and making them dance by the firelight. Sometimes, it was hard to forget that Valira had lived quite the sheltered life before embarking on their noble quest. This was not one of those times, the High Elf as enthused at the prospect of a yarn around the fire almost as great as that of engaging in honourable combat for a worthy cause. Valira had come along way in a short time, but at her heart she was still a product of her environment and upbringing. It was just one of the many contrasts who made her who she was, a strong and confident warrior, who shared a body with an insulated and somewhat naïve noblewoman. Valira hardly noticed it herself, but it would be obvious to anyone with eyes and ears. Past friends and lovers had told her it was ''adorable'', although Valira was always confused by what exactly they meant. As self aware as she could be, it seemed that everyone had their blind spots, an equalizer if ever there was one in a world so full of difference and diversity.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Soon the smell of roasting meat filed the air, as the companions sat around the fire. Sune joined them, after a while, clearly having just come out of the water. She took a seat next to Dirk, and used a simple spell to dry herself off, before spotting the necklace around Daisy's neck. "Love the outfit," she said, looking the naked rabbit up and down, as her sheath twitched.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy gave a smile to Valira as Akalfa took the rings and stashed them in her cloak. She didn't know when the dark elf would present them, though she did hope to be present when it happened. Moving over to the fire, she grabbed a few logs for everyone so they didn't need to sit on the dirt. Taking her seat to one side of Dirk, she sat with one leg crossed over the other and her arms folded and resting on her thighs.

"Well, to get you two up to speed then, Dirk and I found a chest, popped it open, and found some gold and jewelry. I took a few items for myself, though there's far too much to carry back without some kind of transportation." Daisy explained, waiting for the meat to cook. She turned to Sune when the demon complimented her. "Well, I suppose I'll need to wear it more often then." She responded, uncrossing her legs to flash both Dirk and Sune, before crossing them once more.

"Now, as far as campfire stories go, I've not got many. I mostly read books as a child rather than camping. Though, I suppose it is a decent chance to get to know each other, now that we're all here together and sharing a meal." Daisy turned back to Valira. Truth be told, the only stories Daisy knew were from books, and they had paled in comparison to the past few days. That, and talking about her past. They might have been fine with her being a were rabbit, though she didn't know they would all react to the other secrets that she kept.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira smiled back at Daisy, grateful to her for finding some makeshift seats for them to sit on. After all, not only would it be rather uncomfortable to sit on the cold hard ground, it would be quite counterproductive given they had all just recently bathed. The logs were clean and dry, quickly warming up by the fire and providing a toasty accoutrement to their comfort. Valira nodded her head at Daisy's explanation, nothing she said coming as the slightest surprise to the High Elf. The items themselves, as well as the quantity, were a nice bonus, a supplement to the already prodigious rewards they would receive, not that Valira really cared about any of that. The only thing she wanted out of this mission was to see it through for its own sake, doing the right thing was its own reward. That, and the groups safety were paramount. Anything else they got out of it would be appreciated but was ultimately only an add on, at least to her.

''I see, I figured that that was the case. Do we have any idea who the chest belonged to? It sounds like quite the haul, and I doubt that anyone would just bury something like that with no intention of coming back to retrieve it. I would hate to think that we're stealing or bring further enemies down upon our heads.''

As Valira said this, her stomach began to growl and she gave a sheepish smile. The scent of the goat legs cooking wafted through the air, making her mouth water as she swallowed heavily. Gods, she was starving! Lack of food and all of the fun from earlier had really taken its toll on her energy reserves. In that moment, Valira was mostly focused on getting food into her ravenous belly. She almost missed Sune's flirting and the teasing response to both the demoness and Dirk on Daisy's part. Sadly she didn't get a good look at the were rabbits nether regions, but she knew that there would be more opportunities later. Right now, rather than eating pussy, Valira was more excited to eat in general.

''You are indeed correct Daisy, this is a wonderful opportunity to learn about one another, after all while I think we all know quite a bit already, there are still many things that we do not. On my part, please feel free to sate your curiosity, I am an open book and will answer any questions you have. Of course if you would rather hear stories from my homeland, both of my life and that of legends and folklore, I would be glad to impart those as well.''

Valira smiled warmly at the group, eager to tell them anything they wanted to know and to hear what they had to say in kind. With all of the excitement their journey had brought on a day to day basis, quiet, intimate moments like the one they were sharing were rare and cherished. Enjoyable, comfortable and practical in equal measure, Valira planned to get as much out of the experience as possible. After all, not only was this the perfect bonding experience, it would allow her to satisfy her own curiosity about the group. Valira already knew Akalfa quite well, but she planned to learn everything she could about her lover for obvious reasons. Such things would usually have come before everything else in a more traditional relationship, but there's was rather unconventional by nature. Then there were Dirk and Daisy, who's enigmatic personalities and backstories had always stoked the fire of Valira's imagination. What little she had heard so far has only made her crave more information. Finally, there was Sune, the most mysterious one of them all. A demon who seemed to care for them, if only to a certain extent, she seemed to defy logic and served as an exception to the selfish rule that was her race. That being said, she was still greedy and self centred and Valira wondered just what Sune's true feelings were towards the rest of the group, not to mention what her life was like before they had met her. Valira planned on getting the answers to all of these questions and more as the food sizzled on the fire, just begging to be eaten. Valira remained patient, even as she was tempted to just rip the meat off the fire and dig in right then and there. Not only would that be unladylike in the extreme, it would probably be quite painful to boot. Valira instead remained patient, after all she would soon get to satisfy both her hunger, as well as her curiosity, in equal measure. Both would be immensely satisfying, Valira had no doubts about that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"The chest wasn't buried, it was in one of the tents that the ogres occupied. And it belonged to Garam. There was a note stating that he was sending it to someone named Sakara, who sent the ogres to retrieve it from him. We believe that they're a dragon, given that Garam would simply kidnap someone that he fancies rather than trying to court them." Daisy motioned over to the chest nearby. "Also, there's a cursed circlet inside. Don't put it on. It's incredibly evil."

"That being said, I wouldn't mind hearing of your home. I don't go out into the world often, so hearing about a far off land would be very stimulating." Daisy continued, her interest obviously piqued. "And if we want to speak of our pasts, then we can simply take turns saying something while we wait for the meat to finish roasting, and perhaps continue while we eat." She motioned to the group, awaiting for an answer from them.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa's eyes gleamed seeing the two matching rings held up by Daisy. A big grin on her face as she appraised the fine jewelry. They'd make more than a perfect gift! A very meaningful one...that held a lot of possibilities. The Dark Elf had all but given up hope of finding anything suitable out where they were, yet her luck hadn't run out yet! Akalfa was incredibly grateful, the smile on her face impossible to hide as she whispered a quiet 'thank you' under her breath so as not to be heard by Valira, giving a bow and stashing the rings as subtly as she could.

"It looks like I'll be in your debt twice," Akalfa said in a hushed tone to Daisy before making her way and sitting next to Valira and Dirk on her log. She sat closely huddled, watching the fire and listening intently. Talk of cursed jewels did come as a surprise, along with talk of another dragon that quickly brought anxiety to the elf. The last thing they needed were two dragons to defeat...The sorceress herself didn't have too many interesting stories to tell unless it was something concerning home, and at this point in her adventures and getting to know everyone comfortably enough, she was no longer bothered speaking out about the caverns. Though wasn't sure how interesting or, in truth, how well she could spin a yarn. Nodding at Daisy's words she spoke,

"I agree! It would be another good chance to bond for certain. I don't have many stories to tell myself. A few of the swamp and the caverns, though of mild interest I'm sure. I think what we've achieved recently is more exciting than what I've done in my life thus far! Hunting a cyclops, ogre slaying; a lot more interesting than the dim caves. Though I don't mind indulging any possible curiousness." Akalfa smiled warmly at the thought.

She had no qualms about speaking of her past, not anymore. Well, as long as certain pity-ridden moments were audited there was no harm in being questioned. But in honesty, her inquisitive mind much rather do the questioning. How often did one get to speak with a were-witch, a mysterious rogue, a fascinating demon, and an elven noble in one night? The stories they must have had couldn't be anything less than engaging. And she longed to get to know them all the better. What other evening could present such an opportunity?

"Please, enthrall us Valira! I'm exceptionally interested in your anecdote myself."
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira's eyes widened as Daisy explained the situation in more detail, surprised and worried in equal measure by the news. Not only was there another dragon to deal with, but they had both massacred its servants and stole the gift that was intended for it. Valira cursed inwardly as she remembered the ogre they had let escape, no doubt he had informed his mistress of what had transpired and she was currently planning some form of retaliation. The groups bout of mercy had unironically caused them even more problems. As cruel as it sounded, it would probably have been better if they had just killed the last ogre outright. Then they could have avoided this awkward situation, a situation that could spell their doom if they didn't handle it properly. The cursed circlet wasn't exactly a problem, as long as they didn't touch it that is. Getting the curse removed was something worth considering for the future, but a low priority given the circumstances. Killing a single dragon was one thing, killing two would be a far more difficult affair, especially if they worked in tandem. Garam clearly had feelings for the she dragon, which complicated the matter even further. Even if they killed Sakara before facing him in battle, that would only enrage him and put his hostages in further risk. Rather than killing Sakara then, perhaps there was an alternate solution?

''Well that is troubling news indeed, this presents quite the problem, but also an opportunity. This may sound insane, but perhaps we can try to turn them against one another? Dragons are nothing if not greedy and gold hungry, if we promise to give Garam's loot to Sakara upon his defeat, perhaps she would be willing to aid us in battle. After all, its quite possible that she doesn't feel the same way about her suitor as he does about her, or at the very least cares more about material things than any emotional connection with the male. If worst comes to worst we may have to kill her as well, she might take offence to the suggestion and attack, and even if she's amenable a dragons word is not exactly trustworthy at the best of times. She may betray us later on and have to be dealt with accordingly. But with a bit of caution and vigilance I believe it would be worth a shot at the very least.''

Valira wasn't exactly confident in this plan, it was highly dangerous and a multitude of things could go wrong after all. But she would have been remiss not to bring it up, it was always a smart idea to consider every option available before making a final decision. While they mulled that over, Valira smiled at the enthusiasm that both Daisy and Akalfa showed towards the topic of storytelling. She chuckled at Akalfa's unintentional modesty, knowing full well that the Dark Elf probably had more exciting experiences to mine from than she realized. Indeed, the group were all a veritable cornucopia of knowledge and entertainment, one that Valira couldn't wait to dig into. She thought for a moment, searching her memories for a tale to tell, finally settling on one from her past that she hadn't thought about in years. Nostalgia filled her heart as it all came back to her, smiling fondly at the others as she began to speak.

''Very well, in that case I shall regale you with a tale from when I was younger, five years younger to be precise. This was back when I was still a squire, I did not become a full fledged knight until my dubbing ceremony at twenty one years old, a mere two years ago. At the time I was rather eager to prove myself, itching to show that I had what it took to be a true warrior. I ached for battle even more than I do now, as unbelievable as that sounds. I had heard tale of a cave bear that lived just past the Kelding woods, a small stretch of forest a few miles to the east of my families castle. A large and savage beast, it had been responsible for quite a few disappearances in its time, mostly unlucky travellers and the occasional hunting party who dared to get too close to its territory. My father, as the lord of the area, was planning to take care of the problem personally, along with the help of heavily armoured and armed backup. It may sound cruel given that it was just defending its territory but the beast was a man eater and the Kelding woods was both a popular hunting spot and the source of many medicinal plants and herbs. My father could not allow the creature to continue killing, it had to be stopped. I would have loved nothing more than to join them, but I knew my father would have refused, citing the danger and my own inexperience. So too would Sir Revin Bort, the knight who I was in service too, a truly remarkable fellow who I admire greatly and will have to speak about in more detail later. For now, all you need to know is that he would have never sanctioned my involvement. I came up with a brilliant solution to the problem- I simply wouldn't tell either of them. I would go and slay the beast myself, after all not only was it the perfect opportunity to bring honour and glory to myself, it would spare my father and his men the danger. Simple right? After all, what could possibly have gone wrong?''

Valira took a long gulp of water at that, having said quite the mouthful and needing to take a moment to quench her dry throat before continuing. While doing so she allowed what she had said so far to sink in, deciding to wait for any interjections or questions the others may have had before going on with the tale. There was quite a lot to unpack there after all, and any good storyteller knew to take breaks after an information dump like that, just to make sure that everyone was following along. Valira wasn't exactly in the habit of doing stuff like this, but she was quickly finding out that she was a natural at it. It made sense, after all a born chatterbox like Valira was made for something like this. Besides, she had plenty to draw from, this was only the beginning. If the others wanted she could spend hours telling them more. Of course she didn't plan on speaking for that long, not only would it be rude to hog the spotlight she wanted to hear her what her friends had to say as much as she wanted them to listen to her. Besides, dry throat and mouthfuls of food did not exactly lend itself to speaking for such a long and intense period of time.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
I’m hoping this Sakara lady turns out to be far enough away as to be irrelevant,” said Dirk flatly. He’d zoned out for a bit once he’d sat down – a wave of exhaustion hitting him at the same time as his hunger pangs, but the smell of cooking meat and the sound of his friends’ voices brought him around again. “If she were close enough to reasonably interfere, then I doubt she’d be sending lackeys around instead of just flying here herself. If anything, I’m more curious about what this gift she had sent here is, especially if a dragon thinks it’s impressive.”

But that was a conversation for another time. Dirk prodded the goats’ legs impatiently as they cooked, but otherwise settled in for a relaxing afternoon with his friends. It seemed like a unanimous decision to put Valira on the spot for the first story, but since it was her idea to begin with, Dirk figured she wouldn’t mind.

He listened as Valira set the stage – describing her home, her family, her mentor, and herself as an impetuous squire seeking to prove her worth. A single bear didn't really seem like a threat worthy of several heavily-armed high elven knights, but then Dirk didn't know enough about hunting to disprove it. Maybe bears were just bigger in Ashara.

"So, you decided to face this creature - which your dad wanted a whole band of warriors to bring down - by yourself?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"I'm in agreeance with Dirk here. It's best to let sleeping dogs lie, and while we've most certainly woken this one up, there's hope that this Sakara is far enough away that she can't be bothered with assisting her courtier. And with luck, she has several, far more appealing ones lined up that will make her forget about Garam." Daisy chimed in, eyes fixed on the fire and the mean. "But we can discuss that once we've eaten and made merry."

Daisy turned her attention back to Valira as she spoke, very clearly interested in the story. It was enchanting, learning of her home, her family, the weight put upon her, and the bravado that she demonstrated even back then. She seems to have gotten more sense in her though, changing foolishness into courage and dependability. And a fight with a bear as well, that was impressive. Especially all on her own. Daisy knew of very few bears, though they were all incredibly strong in their own right. She doubted if she could handle on on her own in her current form.

"A wild and dangerous beast in a cave that attacks passersby and hunters. Sounds like my mother to be honest. Though she was in Caerbannog rather than Kelding, so it's a good thing you didn't meet her." Daisy looks at Valira with deathly seriousness, before smiling. "So, how did your meeting with the bear go? You're still alive, so I doubt the story will end with out brave heroine dying."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Dirk and Daisy had a point, although Valira doubted that a proud and haughty dragon would even make the effort to take care of something personally, no matter how close by it was. Whether he was right on that score or not, Valira hoped that she would indeed be irrelevant to the upcoming confrontation with Garam. Potential alliances notwithstanding, Valira would rather avoid dealing with another fire breathing dragon if at all possible. After all, Sakara was a new and dangerous element added to an already volatile mixture. Valira seriously hoped things wouldn't blow up in their faces, or burn them off, given the nature of their enemy. As for the gift she was given her potential paramour, that was indeed quite troubling indeed. Whatever it was, something told Valira they would have to do their best to keep it out of Garam's greedy claws. Anything that could give him an edge would have potentially disastrous consequences for the group, and Valira did not want to take the risk. That was something to worry about for the future though, Valira still had a story to finish.

Valira smiled at Dirk's curiosity, not surprised that he had picked that particular detail to zero in on. It was a rather impetuous decision on her part, incredibly brave or incredibly stupid depending on one's perspective. Valira thought it was a healthy mix of both, not exactly proud but not exactly ashamed of her behaviour either. To be fair, that was mostly due to how relatively well things turned out in the end. If things had completely gone to pot Valira assumed that she would be singing a very different tune indeed. But she was getting ahead of herself, the story was just getting started after all. She would leave it up to her friends to decide what they thought of it when it was finally over. Whether it was an endearing story of heroism or a cautionary tale about thinking things through and obeying ones elders, would be up to them to decide.

''Indeed I did, in fact I didn't even hesitate for a second when I made the decision. I didn't want to upset or aggravate my father and mentor, but it was something that I was convinced I had to do. I needed to prove myself and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so. I knew they wouldn't understand, but I justified it to myself by imagining that any anger they felt towards me would be outweighed by the sheer pride in what I had accomplished. In my mind there was no way I could fail, despite the fact that Asharan cave bears are more than twice the size of a brown bear and have a hide quite a bit thicker to boot. It usually took multiple warriors working in tandem to take one down, hence my fathers plan to bring a decently sized hunting party along with him. Looking back it seems insane that I could be so confident in victory, but I was younger then and considerably less experienced than I am now. I was brash and arrogant, I have been humbled quite a bit since then. At any rate, one fateful morning at dawn I set out, in my best armour and wielding my best sword, not the one I have now mind you but still quite a fine weapon indeed. I left early in order to avoid any awkward conversations with my parents, choosing a day that was entirely free of the training that usually occupied most of my time. After all, I may have been absconding on a potentially suicidal mission against my families express wishes but I drew the line at shirking my lessons.''

Valira chuckled at that, once again taking a big gulp of water and allowing for more questions/interjections should the others have them. Storytelling would normally not be such murder on her throat, but given all the screaming she had done earlier she needed all the help she could get in order not to lose her voice. Valira needed to be able to speak, a chatterbox like her lived and died by her voice after all. Valira could see that Daisy was equally invested, thinking that she was joking for a moment about her mother before the look on her face told her otherwise. She knew that Daisy wasn't trying to threaten her, more making a statement of fact given how dangerous her mother no doubt was. Valira returned the were rabbits smile as she continued her tale.

''It went rather well all things considered, although it wasn't nearly as easy as I had hoped it would be. I made my way to the Kelding woods on horseback, aiming to conserve as much energy as possible for the battle ahead. It was a short and rather uneventful journey, which combined with the rather placid weather I chose to view as a good omen. Arriving at the mouth of the woods, I dismounted my steed and tied her to a nearby tree, before making my way into the Kelding woods with my sword raised. I was on edge, ready for anything as I my feet crushed through the forest floor. I worked myself into quite the frenzy looking back on it, a mixture of nerves and anticipation. I kept assuming that I would be ambushed, either by the cave bear or something else, and I swore that I would not be caught with my pants down. This wasn't mere paranoia for as I got closer to its territory, I had the distinct feeling that I was being watched. Breathing heavily, my heart pounding in my chest, I just barely managed to get out of the way as the beast came barrelling towards me out of nowhere! Skidding to a stop, I held my sword aloft as I stared down the animal down. It was huge, densely packed with fat and muscle, with razor sharp claws, a muzzle full of teeth the size of daggers, shaggy brown fur and last but not least eyes that seemed to be full of pure malice. It let out a loud and sonorous roar, the pair of us sizing each other up before starting the fray in earnest. Finally it moved, bounding towards me like a runaway carriage. It was as fast as a horse, and this time I could not dodge its assault. The beast crushed me under its weight, jaws gnashing and claws swiping as it desperately tried to gut me like salmon. I used my sword to plug up the beasts mouth, angling my body so it couldn't get a good slash in. There weren't many options available to me without my weapon and a headbutt wouldn't do much to dissuade the creature, so with all the force I could muster I kicked the thing straight in the nether regions. As you know, that is agony for males of any species and the howl of pain that emanated from the beasts throat was unlike any I have heard before or since. Distracted by its agony, I was able to remove my sword and extricate myself, but not before the beasts claws slashed at my side. I grit my teeth, doing my best to hold back as a scream as the searing pain filled every inch of my body. It had gotten quite deep you see, the wound dripping blood at an alarming rate. Weakening moment by moment, I knew I needed to finish the battle fast. Adrenaline is an amazing thing, I think that and my own stubborn pride was what prevented me from going into shock. It still hurt like hell though and I aimed to return that to the bear tenfold. Finally recovered from my previous attack the beast stood on its hind legs and slashed at me, but I still managed to dodge everything it dished out with only a few cuts and nicks to my face for my trouble. I knew I couldn't keep up that pace for ever, my vision was getting blurry and I was mere moments from unconsciousness. With a single shout of rage, I used all of my remaining energy and focus to cut the beast right down the middle, digging my sword into its flesh like you might skewer a fine piece of breakfast meat. The creature bellowed in rage and pain, its spittle hitting me in the face and still doing its best to kill me. The smell of its viscera hit my nose and I nearly wretched, its guts hitting the ground with a wet plop as the beast's growls turned into a pained whine and it nearly collapsed on top of me. Luckily, I was able to get out of the way before I was crushed by its giant corpse. Breathing heavily, I seem to recall a delirious smile gracing my lips before I let out a war cry that pierced the heavens, a monumentally stupid decision as it made the agony wracking my body return in full force. I'm not quite sure how I prevented myself from collapsing right then and there, but somehow I made my way back to my horse. Pulling myself onto my faithful steed, I smacked its flank as a command to move, only then did I allow the sweet embrace of unconsciousness to take me. The next thing I remember I was in my own bed back home, the relieved faces of my parents and mentor standing above my bed. Apparently my wonderous mount had walked all the way there with me on its back, whereupon they had brought me to the healer who had used several high quality potions to completely heal my wounds. It was touch and go but I had pulled through, in fact I didn't even have a scar from the ordeal. As you can imagine, I got quite the scolding from my rescuers, I have never seen my father and mother use such language! I was fortunate my older brother Eldas wasn't there or it would have been even worse. Sir Revin was less harsh, opting for dry sarcasm which though it did not cut as deep, was still quite annoying. I knew that they said these things out of love, I had worried them sick and I felt utter shame at that fact. I apologized profusely and swore that I would never do something to foolhardy and reckless ever again. I could tell beneath it all though that there was a measure of pride and respect for what I had done, I did kill the bear after all even if I almost killed myself in the process. Still, I needed to be punished and the restrictions I was placed under, as well as the extra harsh and intense training I was forced to undergo, were more than fitting accoutrements to my guilt. My father's men had retrieved the corpse and it had been mounted and stuffed in the interim, after a very thorough cleaning of course. It still stands in my family home, an eternal reminder of one of the bravest yet simultaneously stupidest moments of my life. I may not have physical scars from that day, but that bear and the memories it evokes are spiritual marks that will never leave me as long as I live. Looking back on it, it was one of the experiences that made me the woman I am today. It humbled me, turning me from a brash and arrogant youth, into a circumspect yet confident adult. That is my story, I hope you enjoyed it and that it has given you a deeper understanding of yours truly.''

Valira smiled warmly at the others, a slight blush to her cheeks as she finished her tale. It had been a long time since she told that story, and reactions had been mixed at best. Still, she knew that her friends would not judge her youthful indiscretion too harshly, happy to have been so honest with them about one of the more controversial moments in her life. Valira felt closer to everyone of them as a result, eager to hear what they thought and to listen to any anecdotes they had to bring to the table. The light of the fire danced around her face, seeming to illuminate her flashing eyes and large grin as the smell of the meat cooking wafted through the breeze and the wood on the pyre crackled harshly. It would soon be time to dig in and Valira couldn't wait to do so. All that talking had made her even more hungry, if such a thing was possible, and her mouth watered at the prospect of devouring the goat legs that were so tantalisingly close and yet were not quite yet finished. The anticipation was killing her, but the delightful company was definitely taking the edge off of the gnawing agony that filled her stomach and made it growl louder than the cave bear she had fought so long ago.