Spam emails

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
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Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, and it's a shame, too. Like, Bess will probably never get any interaction with any other crew members because she's so damn complex (unless Jim does or for all I know already has written it). You have no idea how many people were *begging* for a Dragon Girl Four-Way when Ember/Kiha/Helia were all at camp, and God knows I'd have loved that, but writing just for Proto-Bess was daunting enough to keep me from doing it.

Oh, trust me, I know.  I was one of those people.  The big reason I discourage heavily complex characters is precisely because they lock out interaction content.  I would much rather have a static Ember with a foursome than a variable Ember without one, because I'm probably only going to build Ember in one or two different ways.  Similarly I'd get more out of a static Bess with Gianna and Hand So interactions than a variable Bess who's standalone.


Aug 26, 2015
Variable gender is not terrible.  Several characters have variable gender.  Body variables are actually much worse because when Ember could have scales or not, could have a muzzle or not, could have a tail or not, then there's essentially nothing to work with when writing a scene.  "Got the D / don't got the D, got the V / don't got the V, got titties / don't got titties" is still a lot of branching, but the descriptions, the meat of the scene, aren't as hard to work with.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Has anyone ever thought of Captain Steele getting a spam email from a character from CoC, of course causing Steele to wonder 'Who the f*** is this?'


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think only Jim could write any interaction scene for Bess x other crew npc (after getting one or other way permission of said npc creator/fen).

On spam mails I thought now about funny mail. Ember write to Bess but it went to PC ^^ Maybe she could have her own mail but irony would be that us get it and then it would be like WTF? I not even the one mail is for or well yell Bess to come here right away.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, Embry emails!


Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Variable gender is not terrible.  Several characters have variable gender.  Body variables are actually much worse because when Ember could have scales or not, could have a muzzle or not, could have a tail or not, then there's essentially nothing to work with when writing a scene.  "Got the D / don't got the D, got the V / don't got the V, got titties / don't got titties" is still a lot of branching, but the descriptions, the meat of the scene, aren't as hard to work with.

Variable gender IS terrible because of the fucking tag soup every single sentence has to become to support it. Not to describe cocks, but shit like he and she. Thanks to English being such a clusterfuck, it's not an easy fix to handle this- you can't just write everything assuming a single-gendered character, and then at the end pull a find&place to switch out all the instances of her and his with tags- he/she yeah, but everything else pretty much has to be done by hand if you want it correct.


Aug 26, 2015
Fair enough.  Better to say that it's easier to handle a girl gaining a dick, while preserving female gender pronouns, which were the instances I was thinking of.  Though I imagine that still has problems and it's better to just have NPCs be happy with their bodies as they are when Steele finds them.
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Aug 26, 2015
Fair enough.  Better to say that it's easier to handle a girl gaining a dick, while preserving female gender pronouns, which were the instances I was thinking of.  Though I imagine that still has problems and it's better to just have NPCs be happy with their bodies as they are when Steele finds them.

imo gaining a dick is a lot easier to account for than the full "can be a dude or a girl". if they had a different set of scenes for each half maybe, but that sounds like too much work to me T.T

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
My native language has different nouns, adjectives and verbs for gender, plural, and politeness level.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Same here.

English isn't perfectly neutral, it does require distinction between "he" and "she". And that's annoying.

But still, in English, when you want to say "small", you just write "small". It never changes.

In my language, you'd have to modify it for plural if it referred to multiple things or beings, *and* add another modifier if it's referring to something that's female (and objects can be female too, of course). And yes, politeness level does change things too; there are two words for "you". Imagine having to work with that.

English also uses fucked up vowel sounds (particularly A, E and I), but thankfully that doesn't come up in a text game.

For Nightmare Mode, imagine if TiTS were voiced. Those poor, poor voice actors having to repeat every scene dozens of times to account for all variables...

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
 imagine if TiTS were voiced.

I try not to think about that... the amount of english voice actors who'd sound terribly bad at voicing characters in a porn game. I cringe when ever I see a dubbed version of H-animes. HELL even a lot of the normal anime that is dubbed makes me want to rip my ears off.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
This problem would be much, much worse if we all spoke a Latin-based language, however.

As a portuguese speaker, one of the closest languages to latin, I can attest to this.

I bet a lot of people wouldn't like giving objects genders or dealing with accentuation.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015

dubbed version of H-anime
Didn't they stop dubbing those a long time ago?


HELL even a lot of the normal anime that is dubbed makes me want to rip my ears off.
I think if you actually understood Japanese you'd realize that there's plenty of bad Japanese voice acting, just like with regular acting.

Not that there aren't bad English dubs, of course.
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Didn't they stop dubbing those a long time ago?

Probably... I haven't seen one in a long time.

I think if you actually understood Japanese you'd realize that there's plenty of bad Japanese voice acting, just like with regular acting.

Not that there aren't bad English dubs, of course.

True... I've been meaning to go and learn that language... eventually so I can stop relying on subs so much, as well as having to wait for translations of mangas and doujins.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
True... I've been meaning to go and learn that language... eventually so I can stop relying on subs so much, as well as having to wait for translations of mangas and doujins.

It won't help much. Everything but the particles are in freaking kanji in most written material. Doesn't help that the language(any language I'm sure) you learn in books is never the same what people speak. It helps tons for that one proper, stuck-up character though.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
You can learn all the standard use kanji in a year if you no-life'd it, and I'm pretty sure people in his anime don't speak in kanji.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
as well as having to wait for translations of mangas and doujins.

Everything but the particles are in freaking kanji in most written material.

Noobsaleh, obviously people in anime don't speak written formats, but your point is very valid and funny.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Are those not in-game? Huh, was wondering why I never got any. Laaaaaaame. 

Here's a link to what's written, if anybody's interested. 

I've tried really hard, but couldn't get the joke in the first spam mail sketch. 

Why Russian, exactly? It sticks out like a sore thumb considering 'all-'Murican all-English nature we've observed in the TiTS-verse so far.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
  Huh. I missed this thread entirely because I thought it was about literal spam e-mails. Peeps were talking about my waifus and I wasn't present? =O This cannot stand!

I *like* Ember, but s/he's such a variable-heavy nightmare (like some unholy proto-Bess) that I'd never even mention him/her in passing, simply because the variable soup would necessitate a half dozen different descriptors. 

Bess confirmed for being able to say anything about Sav's characters and never have them respond, fufufufu. Cracks about Anno's daddy complex, here we come. :3

Yeah, and it's a shame, too. Like, Bess will probably never get any interaction with any other crew members because she's so damn complex (unless Jim does or for all I know already has written it).
I'm happy to write it and try and keep it as simple as humanly possible, but y'know, someone would need to code it. That seems... a tricky sell. Her core personality isn't as variable as her body, and her body can avoid being mentioned. It's just the gender divide that can't be avoided. That's scenes that don't involve sex, though. >_> I'd quite happily take mental damage and write Bess/Ben x Embry sex if someone'd code it. 

Yeah, Embry emails!

I should probably make myself a doc for writing e-mails from different characters, since this is something I'd like to do. The letters you get from Willow in Fallout:NV in your broken down mailbox were ultra cute, and I'd love to replicate something a little bit like this.

That said, I haven't looked at Bess yet.  For all I know Jim pulled that shit with her, though I should hope he knows better since Embry handled it well.
Wow, making me sound guilty before evidence has been presented! Don't worry, Bess is a sex bot. She's 100% fine with you having random, meaningless sex. If you're looking for multiple romances, though, you've got to agree to the provision that she, too, is allowed to be polyamorous, or that the both of you are romantically exclusive. Not that she currently has anyone she's interested in besides the PC. And, uh, by the looks of things, I'd have to write that someone anyway.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Bess confirmed for being able to say anything about Sav's characters and never have them respond, fufufufu. Cracks about Anno's daddy complex, here we come. :3
That sounds somehow almost like weird mutation of Electra complex here ^^

Anyway about mails - many that was linked here aren't that much heavy dependent on some npc appearance, so when it would be mail with just stating which npc it's from and not try in mail itself describe in all details said npc, it wouldn't be as hard to deal even with cuteness like Bess or Embry. Feel free to correct me if it invalid thought pattern.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Anno's daddy complex

Surprised there isn't at least silly scene where she accidentally calls you daddy.

I should probably make myself a doc for writing e-mails from different characters, since this is something I'd like to do. The letters you get from Willow in Fallout:NV in your broken down mailbox were ultra cute, and I'd love to replicate something a little bit like this.

As long as you don't Nice Time for Roo Embry through the form of email.

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