Spam emails

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd personally enjoy it, especially if the PC gets tons of spam from genitalia enhancements and supposed lovers/love interests (spam bots). Maybe give us opportunities to be dumb once and accept them, if only for the codex to warn us about virus' and stuff, a-la dad.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Not a ton, no. I don't get much spam, most of it's rooted out by the filter. But a few spam emails in-game could be okay. Frikkin' Facebook spammy stuff...

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Foreshadowing the inevitable outcome. :^) (I totes want this to be an event in-game now)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm all for some enhancement spam, as long as the fancy codex doesn't get virused. Though that would be interesting.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
419-type spam could be funny, especially if there was... say a 1 in 100 chance for it to be legit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
But how this can work? they send you a promo email and what it say? discounts on some item?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Could be a timed event, say a month after "donating" to the right cause. It would probably just be creds, though. Like pay 1000 to possibly get 50k in return. (Odds stacked against the player, it's supposed to be a funny event and not a way to make dough)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So, like betting with Syri, but with more money, less chance of winning and no npc?

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"While walking through the dense jungle, suddenly your codex beeps loudly at you.

'Warning, Vanae detected!' As if on cue, a woman with purple markings all over he body, and a staunch lack of clothes lands next to you.

'Interesting, for an off worlder. How abo-' but before the mystery woman can finish speaking, your codex chimes up again.

'The Vanae are known to have particularly large breasts as they progress in age and pregnancy. If you'd like to become as chestacular as them, you can try some Boobsplosion, for all your breast increasing needs! Gain 4 cup sizes in one hour with these handy little pills! Loading up some customer testimonials now.' as your codex starts prattling off testimonials from 'satisfied' customers.

'No, I don't want that, you stupid machine!' You grunt as you struggle to get your codex to shut up long enough for you to deal with the alien woman in front of you. After roughly 10 minutes of junk ads and both you and the codex getting progressively louder in your struggle to get it to stop its ceaseless rambling, it finally seems to shut up, allowing you to turn your attention to... the empty jungle floor. Damn it. Apparently your yelling match with the dumb machine has scared off the buxom amazon. You let out a deep sigh. 'Fucking spam emails.' Guess that'll teach you to open every email you receive."
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Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Would have put that behind a spoiler button, but that's not all set up yet, is it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Rewrite scene, all or some scene for spam message is a lot of work,  maybe something like, "Hello, Name_Steele, we of EpicCorporationItem have choose you for a discount or a experimental item to try and ect ect visit us on planet Ect, or accepting this message we will ship the product immediately Ect Ect..." that has a chance to arrive in the mail
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Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Naw that was written for an example scenario of if the codex was corrupted with a virus, I can write a legit spam email if you want, in fact I'll do that, later after I get out of the pool.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Savin actually has done work on a lot of different emails which have yet to be implemented, both of the Spam kind and the not Spam kind. He had a document chich all of them were located on.

My favourite are the emails from Celise. They're funny.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Savin actually has done work on a lot of different emails which have yet to be implemented, both of the Spam kind and the not Spam kind. He had a document chich all of them were located on.

My favourite are the emails from Celise. They're funny.

Are those not in-game? Huh, was wondering why I never got any. Laaaaaaame. 

Here's a link to what's written, if anybody's interested. 


Aug 27, 2015
Need more waifu emails. Now these I can probably add on to, if I ever get a break from school.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Thanks for the linkage. Why can I imagine Burt's one with zil images badly cropped straight from TiTS equivalent of a cracked Photoshop?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think just seen like 2 first of those mails so far ingame (not that well Bessening seems to mess up mail system for me a lil bit but that to be expected with such huge addition). Also those that are ingame looks ike are blueish but why only NT mail is such? o_O

Looking over other mails...hahah Naleen Princess....does it mean Naleen Waifu soon? (Jk I know it not gonna happen I think ever anyway).
Yeah Celise mails are funny (hahah half face of her and PC pants on other....ohh my...that all makes me thing we need finaly more ships since with Casstech 14 it hard to think all those events takes place as it suppose to be *small*

Haha and Cousin letter (why, why it's not ingame yet?)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think just seen like 2 first of those mails so far ingame (not that well Bessening seems to mess up mail system for me a lil bit but that to be expected with such huge addition). Also those that are ingame looks ike are blueish but why only NT mail is such? o_O

Looking over other mails...hahah Naleen Princess....does it mean Naleen Waifu soon? (Jk I know it not gonna happen I think ever anyway).
Yeah Celise mails are funny (hahah half face of her and PC pants on other....ohh my...that all makes me thing we need finaly more ships since with Casstech 14 it hard to think all those events takes place as it suppose to be *small*

Haha and Cousin letter (why, why it's not ingame yet?)

only if we can reply back depending on cousins sex  with an image of kiro and saendra's  threesome scene or the queen from myrellian's probe mission and her  daughters harem with our own smart ass reply


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Won't us with Syri and Anno won't be as good? And text added to this be something like that: You may have Dane but I have them. I told you two is better than one, right my dear Jill/Jack?

That scene you said about Nyrea somehow brought me thought of those cards that have writte all over them: Wish you was here....

(irony that cousin was there as prisoner and her eit would probably showin our PC as Nyrea King khe khe)


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
The Cousin's mail was pretty hilarious, even with no text. He/She is so proud they got a few level 1 Beegirls with them. it's insanely cute :D

Speaking of the Cousin, besides inevitably being able to screw them, is there going to be more of a personality to them? Because as they are right now, they're pretty much the equivalent to Gary Oak at this point. I can't imagine them ever getting too chummy with the PC, because he is trying to steal their inheritance, but maybe pulling your nuts out of the fire like you did when they got captured by the Nyrean's. It's hard to imagine there would be no change in their interactions with the PC after they saved their ass, either directly or by distracting Taivra while Dane saved his/her ass. I mean, as established on Mhen'Ga, Jack/Jill doesn't want you dead, even though that would be the easiest way to ensure they get the Steele inheritance.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Haha, just saw the Kiha one.

Also thank god, I started reading the cousin one and thought I was about to get slapped with some Nice Time for Roo.


i vote no on the spam


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Haha, just saw the Kiha one.

Also thank god, I started reading the cousin one and thought I was about to get slapped with some Nice Time for Roo.

Wouldn't really be Nice Time for Roo, Most sexable NPCs are pretty open about being in relationships/ having sex with other characters. Which is fair considering you're almost certainly doing the whole "open-relationship" thing. 

But I don't imagine being Eskimo brothers/siblings is something that would happen without there being some choice for it, just like with Incest (Where you have to say that you want your cousin as a fucktoy if you lose to Taivra). 

 As for Nice Time for Roo... remember people's reaction to Lottie's Nice Time for Roo scene? Making that unavoidable would make people's reaction 10 times worse. Nice Time for Roo isn't too popular here for understandable reasons.


Aug 26, 2015
Wouldn't really be Nice Time for Roo, Most sexable NPCs are pretty open about being in relationships/ having sex with other characters. Which is fair considering you're almost certainly doing the whole "open-relationship" thing. 

But I don't imagine being Eskimo brothers/siblings is something that would happen without there being some choice for it, just like with Incest (Where you have to say that you want your cousin as a fucktoy if you lose to Taivra). 

 As for Nice Time for Roo... remember people's reaction to Lottie's Nice Time for Roo scene? Making that unavoidable would make people's reaction 10 times worse. Nice Time for Roo isn't too popular here for understandable reasons.

oh its fine, as long as pc is the one stealing the waifus


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I would love to see some shameless advertising as emails. Have the advertisements based on products you buy most. Estrobloom: Let the woman in you spring forth. ...or something. Even an occasional email from Embry or Syri would be cool..

Perhaps one can code it to be like on ever 15 days or so, or for the spam every 10 buys.