So, who are you guys irl?


New Member
Dec 30, 2015
I am pretty much just a college student who has been neglecting finishing essays due to finding video games (been binge playing Dragon Age, uuuuu), watching cartoons and animated films, and role playing with a small group of friends (D&D as well as text-based) far more important than a degree; not really, but I have just been procrastinating over the holidays...
People often struggle to take me seriously due to how young I look, not only by the way I act surprisingly, especially since I  am considered short (5'2" which I believe is a pretty reasonable size) and have a rather petite physique. The fact that my hair reaches my shoulders now, instead of being a luscious mane, is probably one of the culprits to why everyone has a hard time believing that I am eighteen. MY ID PROVES OTHERWISE SO PLEASE!!

Not really sure what else to say. I have an interest in art (I like to mostly doodle but sometimes I draw family/friends' OC's and favourite characters), but I really enjoy reading and writing... A year or so ago, while I was just chilling in their bedroom (not the dirty way, I was playing Phoenix Wright), an older friend introduced me to CoC and had me play it. I was practically an innocent little flower back then so they found it amusing to watch my reactions, unfortunately I barely knew anything about so many of the fetishes; who knew there was so much out there?! Even though, it seemed to have awakened something in me because whenever I was bored, and no other method of procrastination interested me, I began to write my first smutty stories... So I guess I have you guys to thank for that??
Unsure what else to say so I'll leave it at that.
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As a transgender college professor, I'm going to tell all of you damn kids to get back to work!

(And yes, I'm aware that transgender professor sounds more like someone's kinky OC than a real person, particularly when you throw in that I'm Asian)
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New Member
Jan 5, 2016
Well, best place for a first post I suppose.

I'm a 23 y/o, 6', 155lbs MtF/"femboy" in the UK. I'm currently unemployed, but I'm a few months away from finishing 5 years of studying Digital Forensics & Security at university. Not sure what I want to do after that.

I love porn/nudity, cars, car modification, racing, music and games.

Hi all! :D


Dec 26, 2015
I am 6' 4" 174lbs and I am currently working on an electrical and computer engineering degree. I spend most of my time studying, playing various games, and at the gym (in that order). Notable things I have done, built an FFR 818s with a friend, put easily over 1,000 hours into Bethesda games, learned to communicate with other people at a slightly higher level than I was able to in high school. I would say I live a pretty average life.
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Feb 25, 2016
Who am I? I'm me of course!

So what is me like? Complicated is what. I honestly don't even know where to begin. Except that there's two types of people in my life. Those that are everything and the rest. So I don't play favorites. Tried it once. Everyone got hurt or left behind. Or worse, dead. Be it through suicide or a drunk ex in a car accident wasting away in hospital which results in realizing others cared about him even if I didn't like him. The word poly didn't even occur to me back then. Looking past the bad of things and knowing people get angry because they're afraid is why things ended well. Everyone was at each others throats (understatement of the year) and somehow (and I have no idea how) those once fighting and hating were getting on and being there for each other instead. Which is pretty epic to say the least. For some reason I'm as understanding as they come and never get angry at others, no matter what flak I'm getting my way because it all circles back to fear. Unless someone goes should/shouldn't or acts like they know better. So if anything I get depressed instead. It's not about what's right/wrong, that shit never ends well, and I know that because I used to do it myself and have seen the damage it does (caused it even). Care enough not to do it for my mental health or be uncaring and get out of my life. Simple as. Same with expectations and the like. Expect something from me and I'm heading right in the opposite direction, even if it's to be a nice guy. I actually am a nice guy, but not when people misunderstand me and act like they're in the right and shove a whole bunch of society down my throat (eg: others approving of you or not. Sod that) which is going "be normal and amuse me". I care about each and every individual and no one is obligated to do anything. And kindness to one is cruelty to others and vice versa. I'm also a free spirit. The following definition of it is accurate enough to apply to me. Note: Other definitions of examples making claims of what a free spirit is are likely to be not accurate when applied to me. This may at first glance conflict with being sub, but the key thing to remember is that I let others control me and in what ways. Actually, I let others do that and make them aware of what will cause me to run off. Preventing me from being with others or deciding how I should be or not be with them being top of the list.…

Now for the other shit. I'm a straight, poly sub guy that likes to get into the extreme of things (I like it rough I guess? ^_^;). Lifestyle, not a hobby. Unowned. And I have reasons for needing to be put in line. Caring enough to do it, Pushing boundaries, being forced into things and me knowing better for myself (eg: it's not bad even it looks like it) being top of the list. I decide what's right or wrong for me. And hey, maybe sometimes I want something wrong which makes it right when someone cares enough to support me with it as long as it's not harming others. Speaking of which, a lot of things are like sex to me. Everything really. Roleplay is like sex. Playing a game is like sex. It's only really enjoyed when it's with others that are there, and I mean really there for you. Or to be more accurate when you're really there for each other. I pretty much just shut down and get detached from everything when I do things on my own for the most part. And maybe it's just me being paranoid, but not having a girl to interact with is getting to me these days. Kinda scared about being misunderstood I guess. That and somehow a baby appeared out of thin air last time (somehow a 20+day period somehow makes you fertile again). Things were going well (IRL sub plans), which meant said plans got canceled. Any time things go well they end up doing a u-turn so it's like I've given up. >_<

As you can see I have a habit of going into detail about things. Leaving things unsaid eats away at me, so I just spill the beans. Oh, and I'm an open book. Honesty is important and this way people know who they're dealing with and why right off the bat. I'm not ashamed of who I am and it can have a way of bringing people closer together at times. Nor would I ever avoid anyone for being very different from me. And this means that no one has to be like me for me to get on with them. That said I do have difficulty with mono and religion. The former is a case of needing to be as important as others (I honestly wouldn't want to be the most important person myself because it would mean others mattering less. I've seen mono and poly couples together though oddly enough). The later is often a case of "Take my side, I know best for you". I don't believe in deities (or ghost/spirits), but if it turns out any exist then that attitude will only cause me to be a heretic. The moment others stop that shit with no rewards/punishments (heaven/hell) is the moment I have the choice to be there or not without pressure. Again, seen it with my own eyes and been through it first hand.

I'm also going to work on a text based adventure game with smut and story myself. And I'm aiming to improve on everything that the other games have done and expand on things. Mainly corruption of champions, trials in tainted space and Flexible survival. And it's something I'm going to be putting all my time and effort into once the ball's rolling. Web coding isn't my thing, but I am going to be managing all the in game content. As will the players themselves for that matter. Got some people that know web coding and at this point it's all still in the planning stages, but one of them knows the creator of flexible survival and there's a decent chance he might help out. Either way things should progress (even if slowly) and then I'll get it kickstarted. Won't reveal too much because someone might nick the ideas. I'll say this much though, I'm getting all my ideas from Fenoxo's games and Flexible survival, putting in smut and adding a bunch more story. In a bit of a rut atm and busy with shit, but I'm not going to let that stop me. The world needs more good story driven smut. Helia would be a neat example of that. Was quite impressed with her. Reminded me of the character bonding from Baldur's Gate 2, which is what got me thinking "Hey, there needs to be more games that do this." Also I'll be asking the hard questions in the game. Challenging things like right/wrong and ethics/morality and all that. And I'll be putting in something for everyone, even if that means putting in things I don't like myself on a personal level. Not into herms myself, but I'd be an idiot to leave it out because others are.

Edit: And someone got into a car accident. Car's wrecked but she's ok. Not doing my stress levels any favors though. >_<
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm pretty simple

A 24 yo, 6,2 black guy just trying to keep his head above water while trying to find a purpose worth pursuing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Female, average height, fairly plump.

I'm a college student in France (studying English as a foreign language and North American culture), but don't really know what I'm gonna do in the future. Last year I was studying biology, but turns out working in labs is really not my thing. Aside from close family, most of my social interactions happen on the internet (that should probably bother me more than it actually does, but meh). I also happen to be very introverted, so that suits me just fine.

My hobbies include : reading, drawing doodles on my notes, lamenting over TV shows that got cancelled after 3 seasons (Star Trek TOS, Hannibal), pining after TV shows that air 3 episodes every 2 years (Sherlock), reading fanfics, reading meta-analyses on tumblr and youtubing.

Still amazed how open-minded you guys are on this forum. Keep it up please !

WOW this is so much me here. Well not exacly, but pretty close. I'm only detailing the differences here for the sake of the lenght of this.

I'm male, rather thin. German college student, studying Northern American literature and culture. I used to study Japanese language and culture, but japanese language is a hard job and I found myself not having enough motivation to really go through with it, so I chose to quit.

Hobbies? I'm married. Apart from that, doodling all sorts of stuff, but not nearly good enough to meet my own expectations, lots of reading, some writing (also far from any expectation I have), playing Pokemon and being on the internet mainly for fun.


Active Member
Feb 25, 2016
Male, Average height, Average weight, Ginger, 20, currently seeking employment, next to no close friends by way of a recent move to a different state and my penchant for cavetrolling. My interests are mostly animation, games, fiction, and music.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Who am I?

Well I'm a 4'10, 93 pound girl in university going for an english major, also doing some anthropology. I currently live with my girlfriend and work most nights (and by work I mean sit at a desk in a 24 hour gym and sign in like 1 maybe 2 people a night, despite the fact I have never done exercise beyond yoga and agressive schlicking). So I end up either reading some RA salvatore or if no one shows up some tits and coc. I unfortunatly no longer have much time for hobbies.

My GF also wants to share who she is so I'm gonna give her the keyboard.

Hi, im a 6'2 black lady who has a minor abssesion with fantasy porn and smut, I'm a animal control officer but otherwise I dont do much. For hobbies i play games, stuff like gta, fallout, coc/tits, and any fantasy game i can get my hands on. I also larp and paintball. i also spend alot of time at the gym (best time is at night so i can make out with the cute chick at the check in).

(Back to me. My GF included some stuff I would rather not share, mostly because if anyone I know saw it I would imediatly lose my job due to some of our "activities" on slow nights at the gym.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If you ever break up with your GF that would be a sin against all of life itself.

We already disussed getting engaged after I graduate and find steady work. And even if we don't make it official I don't see a day where we seperate. We fit so perfectly together.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooope! all the nope! that is not going on the internet!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Wow, you guys are all a whole lot more interesting than me! ;-;

I'm Compassion, a hopeful postal worker in the N.I. I'm a nonbinary lesbian (i'm a femme) with the most darling girlfriend (she's futch) in the world. She's Australian and a mechanic. We're looking in to getting a civil partnership when I immigrate, as we're not really monogamous people. I'm 'burdened' with a whole cocktail of mental glitches, including autism, which has lead me to have a rather strange history of interests, which ranges from kiddy shows to the physics of black holes to Victorian Halloween costumes. Fun times. I'm a spitting image of Cole from Dragon Age, just with long hair and nerd glasses. I'm a low empathy autistic and a trauma enduced hypersexual. I'm around 6ft 4 (but really want to be small) and love to wear high heeled boots, to annoy my smaller friends. I dress like Snufkin from Moomins and I try to mimic him in personality, to be the chill and laid back friend, but tbh, I'm the dictionary definition of 'salty bitter ass'.

I'm a pretty basic soul. I like things simple and routinely.

On a better note, I rate how good my day was by how many dogs I saw. It's a good method. Y'all should do it too.

Just a quick question, what does "futch" mean?

And don't sell yourself short, that was quite out-of-the-ordinary compared to most I've seen.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
Umm nevermind... lol thought I knew, but my guess was wrong.

Imma American, 6 foot even. I have a normal dead end job working at a gas station. I was a very sheltered person untill someone showed me the Internet game Ronin: Spirit of The Sword, from there thing snowballed out of control to the point where I met one of my best friends and mentor of kinky things whom is helping me to be the best trap I can be. I am a guy, though I guess you could say I have pussy envy, meaning I wish that I was a girl. Im very talkitive unless I've just met someone and then I tend to be a bit shy. I stumbled upon COC by accident and from there became a backer of TITS, gotta thank Fen for starting all of this, cause if it wasn't for TITS I would have never met my "dom." Guess you could say Im a transgender whos not nowhere near done with things.
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Apr 9, 2016
Just a quick question, what does "futch" mean?

Futch means a butch who's occasionally feminine. Think standard butch, but with an appreciation for flower crowns and the occasional skirt! My girlfriend is futch in the sense that she likes cute accessories. (She's so cute??)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Futch means a butch who's occasionally feminine. Think standard butch, but with an appreciation for flower crowns and the occasional skirt! My girlfriend is futch in the sense that she likes cute accessories. (She's so cute??)

Everyone likes cute things every now and then. Like puppies.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
But don't let them fool you, I suck at cooking. Real bad.

What else? I like rainy Spring days, the Irish countryside, and--

Wait, this isn't Shoot.

Haha dont feel bad, I've cooked a few good meals and had friends tell me "yeah you'd make a good housewife hur hur hur." I like to think that its a welcome playfulness when its close friends picking on you (depending on the topic.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
On a better note, I rate how good my day was by how many dogs I saw. It's a good method. Y'all should do it too.

If I was rating my day based on how many dogs I saw, I'd be rating how bad my day in and the number would always be high.  Animals get a lot less cute when you're wrist deep in their shit on a regular basis.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
As a 4'10 person I don't recommend being short.

The grass is always greener blah blah blah. I think there are alot of people who wish for a different things that are beyond they're control. Personally I feel 6 feet (my height) is too much but a certain 7'11 cthulu would probably tell me to stop bitching cause he has to duck under door frames (presumably.)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The grass is always greener blah blah blah. I think there are alot of people who wish for a different things that are beyond they're control. Personally I feel 6 feet (my height) is too much but a certain 7'4 cthulu would probably tell me to stop bitching cause he has to duck under door frames (presumably.)

Fair enough, I guess i get jealuos when I see my girlfriend and how easy she makes some things look when you're tall, still Being short does have it's perks


New Member
Apr 11, 2016
So I'm mostly a lurker here, and I haven't posted since before the new forums were made. I've kinda been wanting to actually start doing that whole posting thing though, and I figure this is probably a good place to start.

My name is Robin, but I usually go by the name Bayta online. I'm a 5'4'', white, trans, 21-year-old college student who lives on the dick of New York, better known as Long Island.

In general, I would argue that I am not that interesting an individual. I'm in my fourth year of university, as a history major specializing in American history. I also happen to have no clue what I'm doing after I graduate, so that's fun. Everyone kinda expected and pushed me to go into teaching, but by the time I got around to taking my first teaching classes a couple semesters ago I noped right the fuck outta that. No interest in children, and having nine million sets of standards shoved down my throat really turned me off from the whole thing. Thought about museum work, but it's tough as balls to get into, and academic research-type work doesn't really appeal to me anyway. Some days I just think "fuck it, Imma drop out of school and become a Pro Domme," but that would unfortunately be unrealistic for many reasons.

I spend a bunch of my free time writing. I've been trying to write porn for some time, but I have a long way to go before I can consider any of it any good. I mean hell, my first actual piece of written smut was basically just glorified TiTS fanfiction. Dem Zil though, lemme tell yeh what. Oh yeah, and I play CoC and TiTS a lot. Go figure.

Other bunches of my free time are occasionally spent among the local furry community, which is really one of the most important things in my life, to me. Met my first boyfriend/Owner through them, who's now my best friend. They also really helped me come out of my proverbial shell, which I needed desperately as a socially-removed, self-loathing, pre-transition teen. I owe a lot to them, and I really enjoy being around most of them.

In yet other bunches of my free time, I geek out over retro computers. My current go-to gaming computer for 90's games is a Dell desktop running on a Pentium II processor, and Windows 95. I named it Adele. Favorite computer though, hands-down, has to be my Commodore Amiga 500. It is bae.

So yeah I think that sufficiently describes who I am in real life. :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2015
I'm a 5'4" female, who reads Trials,Champions, and Eden for the... characters! I actually just like to draw a lot, so my source of inspiration just sometimes happens to be the characters of smutty games. I also enjoy making music, but not nearly as much as I like drawing. Anyway, I'm 18, and I don't really know what I want to do with my life just yet, so there's not much going on for me besides doing commissions or freebies for friends.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
If I was rating my day based on how many dogs I saw, I'd be rating how bad my day in and the number would always be high.  Animals get a lot less cute when you're wrist deep in their shit on a regular basis.

It depends. Cat owners constantly have to deal with shit, but those furry fuckers are still irresistible.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm a 5'4" female, who reads Trials,Champions, and Eden for the... characters! I actually just like to draw a lot, so my source of inspiration just sometimes happens to be the characters of smutty games. I also enjoy making music, but not nearly as much as I like drawing. Anyway, I'm 18, and I don't really know what I want to do with my life just yet, so there's not much going on for me besides doing commissions or freebies for friends.

There's an art thread if you ever want to showcase your stuff.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
It depends. Cat owners constantly have to deal with shit, but those furry fuckers are still irresistible.

There's a big difference between scooping litter, and mopping up liquid dog shit from 18 puppies at 5 AM.  They were here a week and it took 6 months for the smell to fade no matter how much bleach I used on the floor.